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Taboo: Night At The Erotic Museum (Step Dinosaur Foursome)

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by Daisy N. Chains

  Copyright © Daisy N. Chains

  All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted as engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years old, and not blood related. This story contains explicit material.


  Daisy N. Chains

  “Rach, If we keep silent they won’t discover we’re here.” Larissa giggled, placing her finger over her lips. I rolled my eyes at my stepsister and relaxed back against the bathroom stall.

  “You honestly reckon they’re not going to look in here?” I asked.

  Larissa gave me a spirited glance. “As long as you keep your voice down, then no.”

  “Dad used to work security at a museum,” I said. I didn’t especially like Larissa's plan, but figured there was a chance it could turn out alright, so I went along with it. Larissa was slim and pretty, and while I definitely wasn’t unattractive, having her as a stepsister was sometimes slightly unbearable.

  “You mean, your dad,” Larissa corrected me, resting back against the wall and raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow. She knew I disliked being stuck in a public restroom—of all locations—but she’d made the decision that we pressingly needed to investigate the museum at nighttime instead of during the day. And I guess I was curious enough to go along with it.

  I closed my eyes, understanding as well as Larissa did that it would be a little while longer before they’d complete their last checks and lock up for the night. She appeared completely content to just hang out in the bathroom, whereas I was starting to have second thoughts.

  “C'mon Rachel. Cheer up,” Larissa said in her nicest voice, trying to get me more into this. “I know you're a little concerned, but there's nothing to worry about. It'll be fun.”

  “Fun until we get caught.”

  “See—stop being such a negative Nancy. The security guards here as dumb as fuck. That's why they're security guards. Just relax and wait and see.”

  My darling sister glared down at me. Her nice act had now ceased. She started pacing. I twiddled my thumbs. Larissa carried on talking. “I know what happened with your auntie, Christine, but that's no reason to be a mess for the rest of your existence. And there's no evidence that it really happened either—you even stated personally that you couldn't believe it. Yes, she disappeared, but she might've skipped town.”

  My aunt had been a jungle explorer, and she had claimed to have seen—or rather, been attacked by—some prehistoric creatures on her last expedition. I sighed again. My sister continued. “Well, she either skipped town. Or the men in white coats came to take her away. Who knows.”

  I plucked out my cell, calculating that it would be a good idea to divert my attention until we were sure the coast was clear. It was either that or sock Larissa in the face.

  Another hour went by. Larissa kept trying to soothe me while I did my best to ignore her as I messed about with my phone. We got up and put our ears to the door. The museum was eerily quiet.

  “It's time. Let's go!” Larissa whispered, looking very excited. Simple pleasures. She grabbed me by the arm and opened the door. “C'mon—we’ve got the entire natural history museum to explore. Y'know, most young ladies would be thrilled to be locked up inside a museum.”

  I smiled. “I think you're excited enough for the both of us.”

  Thankfully I managed to free my hand from Larissa's grip and we began scurrying through to the biggest displays. “Let’s go see the Dino showcase first.”

  “Seriously? Wow,” was all I could manage, given the conversation we had had just a little while earlier. As we headed for Larissa's exhibit of choice, I asked, “But what about security system cameras?”

  “If we see any, we'll duck. It's not rocket surgery,” Larissa chortled, leading the way as if she owned and operated the property.

  “Rocket surgery... really?” I mumbled under my breath.

  I may not have been totally relaxed with Larissa the majority of the time, but I must admit I found her amusing on occasion. Particularly when she got so thrilled about the Earth’s historical past—it revealed she was more than just an annoying floozy. I could tell she enjoyed these scenarios, when it was just me and her—she could quit thinking about what people thought of her, and just enjoy herself.

  She slowed down her pace and touched my arm. “Everything's going to be fine, ok? I don't just mean tonight. I'm sure that stuff with your aunt will sort itself out. And as for right now, we're not going to get found, and if we do, my dad can get us out of it. He's got bank. And I know he won't let his little girl get into trouble.” She sounded genuinely nice right now, and I was starting to warm to her for the first time this evening.

  “Alright, I'll take your word for it,” I said, and I could feel a lot of my resentment and anxiousness lift from my body. We didn’t speak the rest of the way, I just let Larissa lead me. She knew where she was going, and it didn’t take us long to get there.

  “Dino City!” Larissa beamed, checking around for a few moments. I began to float over to some of the smaller glass cases, but Larissa prevented me.

  “Hey, never mind about all that jazz, I've got something I want to see,” she said, going straight for the Brontosaurus case. “I’ve wanted to see one of these up close and personal for a while.”

  “How close?” I asked, furrowing my brow.

  “As close as possible,” Larissa answered. I shook my head. “Don't start getting stressed again.” She grinned, and pulled a table over to the front of the huge glass case and perched on it, stretching up to evaluate whether this was actually possible. “I'll go first.”

  I was about to complain again, but knew it was pointless, so I just crossed my arms and watched.

  “Give me a leg up.” She instructed.

  I went along with it. I stood on the table and made a little stool for her with the palms of my hands. She stepped on my palms with one foot and not-so-gracefully held onto the top of the glass case. She pulled herself up and swung her legs over the top and dropped down into the exhibit, next to the skeleton of the Brontosaurus. “Ok. Your turn. Come on!”

  “There's no one here to give me a leg up, you moron.” I sighed.

  “Oh yeah. Well, you'll just have to observe from where you are then.”

  “And... how exactly are you going to get back out?” I couldn't help but smirk as I asked that.

  “Well, my buddy bronty here will give me a bunk up,” she answered, apparently proud of herself. She stepped towards the skeleton.

  Suddenly, I heard a weird flapping noise. “What was that?” I looked around, my eyes scanning the shadowy, high ceilings.

  Larissa looked pissed. “Hey. Don't scare me. That's mean.”

  “Seriously. It sounded like—”

  “Like a security guard?” Larissa offered.

  “I only wish it did. It was more like—” And then I saw them. "Jesus fucking Christ!"

  Two Pterodactyls flew from up above, squawking loudly and frantically flapping their wings.

  Larissa looked like she was about to pass out, and amazingly she didn't scream. They circled above us, their wings formed by a skin and muscle membrane stretching from their elongated fourth finger to their hind limbs.

  Larissa opened her mouth and silently mouthed the words: ‘Flying. Fucking. Dactyls.’

  My knees went weak, and we both touched the glass of the Brontosaurus' display cabinet, the thin glass now cruelly separating us. It felt like Larissa was more than trapped—it was like she was in some sort of dangerous prison.

  I tried to think rationally for a moment. “Umm. They coul
d just be pigeons.”

  Larissa looked worried. “Umm. I doubt it.”

  Suddenly, the two Pterodactyls took a big swoop downwards, headed for Larissa's glass display cabinet, and that was all it took to strike her into motion. She scrambled and screamed, and started running circles around the Brontosaurus skeleton. But she had nowhere to hide. She was like a hamster in a cage.

  “Rachel! Help!” She shrieked. But really, how the fuck was I supposed to help?

  They flew into the cabinet, seemingly in a vicious rage. Larissa screamed, and I had no choice but to just look on in horror as the winged critters screeched at her. Their beady eyes stared at her ravenously for a few brief seconds before they went in for the kill, their large pointy beaks going straight for her breasts.

  Larissa cried out again, this time sounding very distraught, as she simultaneously tried to swipe them away and protect her tits. But it was no use, and before she knew it Pterodactyls had pecked her top to shreds, and there she stood, trembling in her bra and jeans, her big fleshy jugs almost spilling out from beneath their cotton harness.

  Her bra didn't last much longer, as one of the Pterodactyls flew round to the back of her and expertly unhooked it, setting her mammaries free. “No! Stop that! What the fuck!” She yelled. I watched on from the other side of the glass, and I'm slightly ashamed to admit that as I stared at my sister's jiggling titties, I felt my pussy pulse.

  Her nipples were rock hard, and as she tried to cover herself up with her hands, one of the Pterodactyls snapped nastily at her bare arms. As she tried to hit the little bugger away, the other one seized its opportunity, and clamped its beak around her left nipple. Larissa shivered in dread as the dastardly prehistoric bird sucked at her tit, running its talons over her melon, pinching it firmly.

  I was rooted in shock as I viewed my sister getting groped. The other Pterodactyl attached itself to her right nipple, and they both began to suck. Larissa squirmed and moaned. “Ferk no! They’re way too sensitive!”

  No doubt her nipples ached. But so did my pussy.

  She cried out again and toppled backwards, landing on her back on the fake moss that made up the display cabinet's floor. Her tits jiggled back and forth as the Pterodactyls stuck to her like glue. After a few more moments of them sucking at her nipples, she wailed, “I'm not lactating, you fucking idiots!”

  Somehow, I got the impression she was starting to enjoy herself. Her breasts were swollen and growing red as she writhed beneath the dangerous ancient birds. I could see that she was losing herself in the thrill. She exhaled and placed her hands against the back of the Pterodactyls' heads, pressing them further into her quivering jugs.

  I heard quick footsteps behind me, and I spun around to see a female security guard with a caramel colored complexion sprint up to the cabinet. Her name badge read: ‘Shaznay’.

  “Oh sweet Mary...” Shaznay whispered, and then, before I got a chance to say anything, instructed to me, “give me a bunk up, little miss.”

  I made a palm-stool for her, similarly to how I had for my sister, and before I knew it Shaznay had scaled the glass case. She pulled out her Taser and stunned one of the Pterodactyls. It started to have strong involuntary muscle contractions, lay on its back and gave a pathetic high pitched squawk. The other one saw this and flew off, disappearing into the dark, high ceiling.

  “What in the blue hell are you two gals doin' up in here so late?” Shaznay asked. But I just shrugged and Larissa was too busy rubbing her sore nipples to respond. “Well, let's get you outta here.”

  She moved the Brontosaurus skeleton along by a couple of inches, and her and my sister used its long tail as a step-ladder, climbing back out of the case. Larissa looked relieved, now finally out of her glass prison. But, the ordeals of the evening were not quite over yet.

  All three us exchanged a look as we heard a loud, thudding, plodding noise coming from just around the corner. It was so heavy I swear I could feel the floor shake with every step.

  An enormous ominous shadow was cast along the floor, and then I saw him. The T-Rex. He stopped. We looked up at him, and he in turn gazed down at each of us.

  He was huge, very tall, but not as tall as some of the T-Rexs I had heard stories about, the ones that used to walk the Earth. I guess he was younger, probably about nineteen or twenty in T-Rex years, so definitely over the legal age. He was an uncomfortable combination of scales and muscle mass. There was plainly brainpower behind that prehistoric expression, thoughts and awareness. But I wasn't sure what he wanted.

  It was as if he was looking for something, examining us like tiny specimens, as if we were bizarre and he was totally common.

  He stepped towards us.

  “Shaznay, quick! Use your Taser!” I said, panicking.

  “That thing won't have any effect on him,” she answered knowingly. Me and Larissa exchanged a glance, as if to say ‘how the hell does she know?’

  I guess we could've tried to run, could've panicked, screamed and shouted, but I was shocked and also curious to see what would happen. He didn't seem aggressive. And the security guard's relaxed demeanor put me at ease, so the three of us just stood, and waited.

  Here was a real T-Rex, a devastatingly huge, hazardously crazy species that could quite possibly split our three defenseless torsos to fragments with little more effort than a child unwrapping a Christmas present. He had come from the past into the present.

  He grasped me and my sister, hauling us near to him in a crushing embrace, so we were pressed against him and each other. We were compressed in his arms, both feeling miniature next to his extensive dimensions. And yet there was something about feeling so tiny that was almost enchanting rather than alarming. As the sides of our faces pressed against his leathery chest, we were smitten by the smoothness of his skin and the fragrance of his beastly presence. Hugging him was like eating olives or drinking dark beer—something that's disagreeable at first but soon grows on you. He was a wide screen presentation of manliness whereas every other male now seemed like fuzzy VHS.

  He let go of us and me and my sister stood before him. He squatted down a bit and we were rudely introduced to something very big and very hard. For reasons neither of us could ever probably explain, we felt the urge to lick and suck at the Dinosaur's colossal shaft. Larissa looked apprehensive, but as her mouth licked under the tip, I was certain she was taking pleasure in it. The T-Rex reached out to Shaznay, who had been watching with enraptured abandon, and the security guard gave an excited groan as he brought her forward by tugging on her hair. He gripped her by the back of the head, and pulled her face towards him. She didn’t resist, and pressed her face against his cock head while me and Larissa continued to lap at his shaft on either side.

  My sister moaned, looking at me over the massive girth with fearful green eyes and crimson cheeks as she tracked her tongue along the pulsating vein on the side of the colossus cock. I took a deep breath as I watched my brave sister, before I made the decision to allow my tongue to brazenly lick over the Dinosaur's balls and the root of his dick. Obviously his nuts were enormous, easily as big as basketballs, and I sucked hard on his left testicle, only managing to get a fraction of it in my mouth as the creature emitted booming sounds of bliss. Shaznay worked him with her mouth as best she could, but even with her jaw stretched to breaking point she wasn't able to fit the head in her mouth, so she settled to lapping at the slit and gargling with the pre-cum as it flowed down her gullet. Me and my sister saw this as our cue to help the security guard out with the throbbing head, all three of us fitting our mouths on it at the same time as we stood on tippy-toes and sucked away. This was an act the T-Rex seemed to enjoy, and he patted us atop our heads to offer his appreciation.

  I assumed he wanted to blast his wad there and then, but just as we saw his wide head expanding before us and felt it twitching under our tongues, he shoved us away. We sat on our asses, perplexed, unsure as to what this brash bugger had in mind.

  Shaznay turned around and
offered her ass to him, and the Dinosaur dominantly placed a palm on the small of her back. With both hands, he grabbed the sides of her work trousers and yanked. They tore right down the middle, revealing her caramel colored bubble butt, very thinly concealed under her thong. One well-placed talon between her cheeks was all it took, and the woman that was apparently supposed to be protecting us was completely exposed, her bald pussy bare and vulnerable.

  “What are you going to do with me?” Shaznay asked, not even attempting to scurry away. The T-Rex began to knead the smooth flesh of her ass like he was making cookies, before he slapped one hand down hard on her cheeks.

  Shaznay couldn’t help but moan with pleasure, on all fours, her back arching as she raised her ass higher, almost inviting another smack. She whimpered as one of her hands reached up and began to play with her nipples thru her work shirt. Her juices streamed down her inner thighs as she endeavored to suppress how much she so wanted to be Dino-spanked. She got what she desired.

  The T-Rex began to unrelentingly slap her ample butt. She squeaked and wriggled with every blow, her cheeks covered in huge reptile hand-prints as me and Larissa watched with bated breath. It was a brutally passionate spanking, and she took it well. He leaned forward and stuck out his tongue.

  His tongue landed on her swollen clit from behind, and her panting intensified. She spread her legs wide as she arched her back more, her security guard hat toppling off her head. The Dinosaur's tongue poked, lapping at her hardened bud like a dart to a dartboard.

  He held Shaznay tight, huge fingers wrapped around her waist, like a grown-up holding a young child's toy. He opened his jaws and let a large drop of spit drop in a lengthy blob down into her ass crack. With firm fingers he massaged it up and down over her pussy and asshole, and with one crude motion he slid a giant digit inside her butt. The woman trembled, the pain must have been intense, and she scraped her fingernails along the concrete floor. The T-Rex held her securely, and shoved in further, up to his first knuckle and then the second. He twisted and corkscrewed his finger inside her quivering ass, deaf to her yowls and yells. He slid it in and out, making her squirm and wiggle like an earthworm.


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