All it Took Was You

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by Ali Vali

  All It Took Was You


  Ali Vali

  Disclaimers: I’ve spent so much time with these guys that I’m thinking their mine.

  If you find that a relationship between two women distasteful, try salted pecans. They are easy to make and are one of my all time favorites. Write me and I’ll give you the recipe. But seriously if you are underage and live someplace where that is not allowed move on, literally.

  Sit back and enjoy the story and if you have something wonderful to say about it write to me at [email protected].

  I want to thank my betas for correcting this for me. Jaden, Deanie, Sue and Becky you are all godsends.

  This one is dedicated to C. You are the inspiration for all the words I write and all the wonderful thoughts I have. Thank you for being the best present I get on a daily basis.

  Thanks to all of you that read the stories and write me. I appreciate you taking these journeys with me and for letting me know how much you like them. Happy holidays to you all and please stay safe.

  This is the sequel to "How Do You Mend A Broken Heart." Just a suggestion in that you might want to read that one first before you start this one since it starts right where Mend left off.


  She is laughing at something the person she is speaking with has said. It is like a gift now to see her so happy and proud at the life we have built. Love and time have made all the difference I know. She came to me broken and battered, and in the months that she has been with me, we have fixed each other, just like I fixed her broken leg. Circumstances kept us apart for years, enough time for me to become a surgeon and for her to become a battered wife. In a strange way, the bastard that brutalized her for years is who brought her back into my life. Now she has become my life, and the man responsible for her injuries is locked away for good.

  All that is in our past now, memories we remember but chose not to relive too often. There are too many wonderful memories to think of now, and too many yet to be made. For the years that we were apart, I pondered the question, how do you mend a broken heart? I look at her now and the answer is simple.

  All It Took Was You


  Ali Vali

  Part 1

  "What do you call this one?" asked the orthopedic surgery resident standing next to her. He had picked up the subject of his question and was intently studying it under the soft lights in the room.

  "A bowl," answered Harry dryly. She had been surprised to find most of her students milling around the gallery looking at Desi’s pieces when they had arrived that night. Her partner had become a common sight at both Charity and Mercy when she came to meet Harry for lunch. The outgoing blonde had become a favorite with Harry’s residents, so she was pleased to see them amassed there that night in a show of their support for Desi’s first gallery showing.

  "It’s called ‘Blue Heaven’." Harry felt the small hand slip into hers, and saw the blush rise up the young man’s face at having been addressed by the artist, making her own right brow rise with the young man’s color. The fact that most of the young doctors turned into babbling idiots whenever Desi addressed them hadn’t escaped Harry’s notice either. "Harry are you misbehaving again?" asked Desi squeezing the large hand in hers.

  "Never love, I just didn’t know the bowls had names. Do the one’s at home that I eat cereal out of have names?" asked Harry with a twinkle in her eye. Desi looked up at her and smiled. She knew Harry was teasing since the tall doctor had taken an avid interest in Desi’s new career, and did everything she could to make Desi a success.

  It had been Harry who had put the studio together for her and on weekends could be found building shelves and other things to make it a better working space for Desi. And as her pregnancy progressed, Harry made it a point to go out every morning and arrange all her supplies so that Desi didn’t have to pick up much. Between Harry and Tony, Desi had been more than ready for her first show. The debut show would be the first and last for her, for a while. In a few more weeks they would have a new addition to the Basantes family, and there was no one more anxious for the baby’s arrival than Desi. For the past two months her back had been hurting so much from the extra weight she was carrying, she hadn’t been able to sit at her potter’s wheel for very long.

  Harry felt the other small hand pulling on her jacket trying to get her to bend down to Desi’s level, which she gladly did. The resident looked on as Desi bit down on Harry’s bottom lip before letting it go and kissing her. When they broke it off, they looked up to see that they were relatively alone in a crowded room. "And here I thought I was your only true love." Harry could feel their child moving against her as Desi pressed closer to her.

  "What do you mean, baby?" asked Desi as she ran her hands under Harry’s jacket along her back.

  "That boy’s got a crush on you Desiree." Harry cocked her head in the direction the young man had walked off in.

  "And here I thought they only got crushes on you Dr. Harry. Do you love me?" asked Desi from her safe cocoon. She was leaning heavily on Harry trying to get some of the pressure off her feet.

  "With all my heart. Why do you ask?"

  "Because I am in serious need of a back rub, and you seem to be the only person I find in my bedroom every night. Just checking to see if it’s because you want to be there or you can’t find any place else to sleep," teased Desi. It was nice to finally just relax and be the same girl she had been at one time. She could tease Harry endlessly, never fearing that she would ever reach a breaking point where the big surgeon would hurt her. There were still nightmares that lingered because of her life with Byron, but he was in jail and Harry was there to hold her through the bad times.

  "Well now, if I’m in your way you just tell me ma’am. I’m sure you can find me some pallet or something I can lay my head on. But seriously honey, if you’re tired then we can head home. We’re in the final stretch now and I don’t want you to take any unnecessary chances." From over Desi’s head, Harry could see her mother closing in on them with a glass of champagne in her hand. Maria looked like she was having a good time catching up with her old friends from New Orleans, but she could always spare the time to give her only daughter a hard time.

  "How’s my grandbaby?" Maria put her hand to Desi’s side and felt a strong kick against it. In the past two weeks, Maria had gotten to know her daughter’s partner after she and her husband Raul had moved in with the two. A year prior, when Harry had called to tell them Desi was back in her life, Maria had not welcomed the news with the most level of heads. Relying on Tony as her source of information as to what was happening in, the sometimes reclusive, Harry’s life Maria had gotten little information out of the usually talkative Tony about what had happened when they were in college. Maria guessed Tony’s reluctance came from direct orders from Harry to clam up about Desi’s disappearance. But she had seen the love in Harry’s eyes for this small blonde American, and had had to admit that Desi brought Harry infinite happiness.

  "We’re doing great Mami, thank you for asking," said Harry sarcastically. She hugged Desi closer to her and kissed the top of her head.

  "I was getting to that Harry, but first I would like to see the ring finger of Desi’s left hand." The matriarch of the Basantes family calmly stood before them and took a sip out of the flute in her hand. Maria would be damned if her fourth grandchild would come into the world with everyone having different names.

  "I was going to show it to you, but you and Raul had already left for the evening when Harry gave it to me," said Desi. She was still trying to get use to the weight of the ring Harry had given her two hours prior. Desi wiggled her fingers in Maria’s direction, half expec
ting the woman to pull out a jeweler’s loop to see if Harry had done a good enough job.

  "I’m just glad you remembered that commitment comes as part of having a baby Harry. Desi how do you feel about the name Basantes?" Desi could see who Harry had learned to arch her eyebrow from as Maria asked the question.

  "Considering it’s the name on my driver’s license, I guess I’m ok with it. Jerry took care of all that at the end of last year, didn’t Harry tell you?" Desi cocking her head up to look at an innocent acting Harry, who at the moment wasn’t saying anything to help her with Maria.

  "No, I didn’t tell her just to see how long she could hold out before asking," answered Harry. In her heart Desi was her wife; it was just a matter of waiting for the right ring to come along. Harry knew that it was only a symbol of what they really felt, but Desi had enriched her life so much in so little time, Harry wanted nothing but the right symbol for all that represented. The one Harry had found was simple in design, but in a way represented the changes Desi had brought into her life.

  She still lived in the same house, worked in the same places doing the same things, but there was a newness to everything now, and Harry attributed it all to the love that had come back to her. A baby would only add to that, and Harry was anxious to meet the little person whom had sent her out into the city at strange hours to satisfy Desi’s cravings. Desi hadn’t wanted to know the sex of the baby ahead of time, wanting a surprise for both of them in the delivery room.

  "Harry Basantes, you are not too old for me to smack you one - so behave." Maria put her hand up as a threat, before she turned her palm up as a gesture that she wanted Desi to join her. "Come on Desi, it’s not to late for you to learn social graces to make up for those that obviously didn’t sink into that thick skull above you."

  "But I’m so attached to that thick skull Maria." Before Desi could continue her defense of Harry, Tony walked up and interrupted their bantering. He had appointed himself Desi’s manager and best friend, and the two had been inseparable for weeks as they readied the room next to Harry and Desi’s for the new baby.

  "You are a success honey. It won’t matter now how long you take for a maternity leave; people are hot for your stuff. I knew we should have charged more," lamented Tony.

  "Are you kidding, I’ve made more in one night than in my whole working career up to now. But enough about that kiddies; the potter has to sit down a minute." Desi’s back was killing her and her feet felt swollen. Not that she had seen them in weeks, but every shoe in her closet felt tight lately.

  The sparkle of the ring caught Tony’s eye as they started past him and he held up his own hand to get them to stop. Making sure they were under one of the soft spot lights Tony did produce a jeweler’s loop out of his jacket pocket and checked out the merchandise.

  "My God, you are good," he told Desi. Desi snatched her hand back and slapped him in the arm as they both broke into giggles.

  "I’m not even going to ask," said Desi pointing to the eyepiece in Tony’s hand.

  "A girl’s always got to be prepared for the possibility of large jewelry being gifted. Knowing the quality helps in deciding just how far the thank you has to go. That honey, should take you a while," said Tony pointing to the stone resting on Desi’s finger.

  "All right poofer in a pink suit, back up and let me get my girl to a chair," teased Harry. Desi gave her a swift pinch on her butt for the insult as they walked to a set of chairs close to the table that had been set up as a bar. Mona intercepted them when she saw the fatigued look on Desi’s face. Most of Mona’s family had been coming to the house lately to see her, since the old family friend had refused to leave Desi’s side after six months of pregnancy. Mona took Desi on as her personal responsibility and was not shy about issuing orders when she thought the young woman wasn’t taking care of herself.

  "It’s time to go home Harry, go get the car. I know that everyone wants to see our girl and tell her how good she’s done, but that will have to wait for the next show. You deaf Harry? Car! Now!" ordered Mona. Not even Maria, who had hired the maid years before, tried to argue with her when it came to Desi’s welfare.

  "Yes ma’am," answered Harry snapping to attention and saluting. She laughed as she walked toward the door. Mona had taken a seat next to Desi and was holding her hand to make sure the young woman didn’t get the notion to leave the chair.


  "Gentlemen, one of the reasons Angola Penitentiary is so successful in the incarceration of society’s less desirable citizens is our location. I need not remind you that we are surrounded by some of the most snake and alligator infested swamps God ever sought to grace the great state of Louisiana with. Our objective this evening is the finding and bringing back of ten of our lost lambs. Seems they didn’t like the food nor the accommodations. Any questions before we let the hounds do their jobs?" asked Warden Miller. He had been with the prison for thirty years, and in that time there had been those who thought they could beat the land that surrounded the barbed wire fences. Just like all those others, the ten that had escaped would find new horrors to keep them awake in their cells at night once they were caught. Only a fool wouldn’t fear the swamp at night.

  South Louisiana, for most who are born there, is a paradise that is hard to leave. No allure of the big city or fortune seeking is likely to make you want to wander off very far. As a child, Garrett Miller had driven with his father as the small town sheriff made his rounds in the late afternoons. There wasn’t much crime back then, maybe a farmer with a missing chicken or a snake in the cistern that needed removing. But it was those drives listening to his father’s stories that had made up Garrett’s mind on a career in law enforcement.

  In his first year’s as a deputy working for his father, Garrett had spent that time watching the sugar cane stalks dance gracefully in the wind as he waited for speeders to come around the bend of the road in his small sleepy town. But then he did something no one in his family had ever done, and that was go off to college. With a new degree four years later, he set off to a new job at the Angola State Penitentiary.

  The swamp that surrounded the prison grounds for miles reminded him of home. With the clusters of ancient cypress trees draped with moss, and the cypress knees coming out of the water it was a perfect hiding place for everything that would make your skin crawl. Garrett knew what was out there, and it made him stop for a moment to wax nostalgic about his childhood when he trapped with his grandfather on his mother’s side. He had to laugh when he thought of the Simoneaux family and the seven crack heads with them when they saw their first set of what Cajuns called glowers. The black water of the swamp would be broken up every so often by the glow of two small orbs. If you didn’t know better you would think that the spirits of old trappers were there to pay you a visit, but if you did know better you would know that below the little glowing balls was the snout and teeth of a gator. If they didn’t get you, then there were always the water moccasins and cottonmouths waiting in the trees with a mouthful of venom.

  "We going out there tonight boss?" asked one of the deputies. There was a group of them surrounding the warden, all chewing tobacco, and all carrying loaded shotguns.

  "You waiting for a cruise to take you out there maybe? Hell yes Jimmy, we are heading out tonight, but don’t worry. Unlike the ten morons wading out there in their underwear, we are going to give you boys some flat bottoms. Now pick a partner and let’s move out; my wife’s waiting at home for me with some chicken stew that I’ve been thinking about all day," said Garrett. He jumped in his Ford Bronco and headed out to the water’s edge to claim a boat.

  Stepping as carefully as he could two miles away, Byron put one foot forward and tried to ignore the fact that the water was now up to his chest, and with more regularity, things were swimming up against his legs. Three of the guys that had run with them had turned around and headed back when they saw the first snake swimming past them. At
the moment it didn’t seem like such a stupid idea to him. When Byron took his next step something long and scaly slithered past him and coiled around his leg. For a brief moment he stopped all movement and felt the blood drain from his body leaving him cold from the fear pumping through him. "Oh my God daddy, what’s that?" Byron shouted back to his father in a panic.


  "What in the hell! Who in the hell is at the door at midnight?" asked Harry out loud in the empty kitchen. The doorbell had rung just as she was cutting the sandwich she had made Desi in half. Whoever it was would just have to bear the fact she was in a t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. The shorts had been a gift from Desi on her last shopping trip with Tony. The black cotton material was covered in small white skeletons that glowed in the dark.

  "Serena? Are Rachel and Butch ok?" The disheveled looking blonde at Harry’s door looked like the world was coming to an end. "Somebody better have broken something, or Desi may never forgive y’all for missing her first show," said Harry waving her old friend into the house.

  "I’m sorry Harry, but I left Albert at home with Rachel tonight. I take it you haven’t watched the news?" Serena ran a delicate hand through her long blonde hair and hesitated at the front door. Might as well enjoy the playful bantering while it lasts, cause Harry my friend, I’m going to have to peel you off the walls in a minute.

  "No, we just got home about thirty minutes ago and baby Basantes got hungry. What’s going on?" Harry pulled Serena into the house and closed the front door. Harry’s gut was telling her she wasn’t going to like what the attorney had to say. After what Desi’s sister and she had been through together, it would have taken drastic measures for Rachel not to have come and shared in Desi’s big moment. Desi hadn’t said anything but Harry could tell she had been hurt by Rachel’s absence every time the green eyes swept the room looking for her.

  "Harry I need to talk to both you and Desi. I prefer you heard this news from me rather than the channel six news. Is she decent?" asked Serena as she mounted the stairs.


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