All it Took Was You

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All it Took Was You Page 2

by Ali Vali

  "You are kidding right? The woman is over eight months pregnant. She has a stick she whacks me with if I try to touch her. Says I make her hot," said Harry as she followed up after her friend.

  "Well honey, you could make anyone hot in that outfit." Serena teased Harry by tugging on the bottom hem of her shorts.

  "Serena baby, you are sleeping with my sister-in-law, stop looking at me like that." They walked into the bedroom together, finding Desi propped up by a mountain of pillows.

  "Looking at you like what?" Desi looked at them like if the answer displeased her there would be hell to pay.

  "Like I’m too sexy for my shorts," said Harry. The food in her hands was quickly snatched up by Desi who had been kept waiting long enough.

  "Gosh, I remember a time when you went after me with such intent," teased Harry with a dramatic sigh. Waving Serena to a chair next to the bed, Harry sat next to a happily eating Desi.

  "Harry let me explain something to you," started Desi, before pausing to take a bite of the chicken salad sandwich in her hand. It was Mona’s family recipe, and a favorite of Desi’s for weeks. Harry was convinced there was a wanted poster of Desi in chicken coops around the area, since so many of them had lost their lives to satisfy Desi’s chicken salad cravings.

  "Over eight months ago, you wanted to have a baby and got me pregnant. Are you with me so far sexy?" Desi waited for Harry to nod her head before continuing. "Since then my back is killing me because all you Basantes people are so friggin’ big, and my feet are now three times their normal size. From the stories I hear, I will be in excruciating pain in about two weeks, and it will be all your fault."

  "I thought it was our idea to have a baby, and your feet look fine," said Harry as she raised the blanket up to look at Desi’s feet.

  "Harry would you like to have sex again in this lifetime?" The tone Desi was using sounded like she was speaking to someone extremely dull-witted.

  "Yes honey." Harry answered looking to the woman next to her for signs that she was joking.

  "Then just nod your head and be quiet. What can we do for you Serena?" Desi turned to their guest as Harry scooted closer to her. She was glad for the contact knowing that by the hour of Serena’s visit whatever she had to say couldn’t be good.

  "I just wanted you guys to know that our old friend in the police department Roger Landry called me earlier to tell me that Byron, Mike and their father escaped earlier today along with seven other inmates. The authorities are looking for them, but haven’t found them as of thirty minutes ago. Desi I don’t want you to worry, I think they’ll be found before they ever get close to New Orleans, but I didn’t want you to hear this from someone else and freak out. You have to take care of yourself, especially now that you are so close to delivering Harry Jr."

  "How could this have happened?" asked a stunned Desi. The news had come as such a shock that she had dropped the uneaten portion of her sandwich onto her lap. One of the reasons she had enjoyed the past year so much was the fact that Byron had been locked up. He was supposed to spend the rest of his life locked up, away from she and Harry. This cannot be happening again.

  "They were heading toward the showers when they were left unattended. The ten of them hid in a closet while the guards took the rest of the inmates back to the cellblock then took off at a run to the back entrance that leads to the swamp. Angola didn’t think anyone would be stupid enough to head into that voluntarily, so it isn’t very well guarded. I’m sorry Desi, but you know that we aren’t going to let anything happen to you, especially with that pit bull sitting next you. I just thought you needed to know." The shock on the faces before her was the same as the look on her own when the detective had called and told Serena the news. With any luck, the ten of them were gator food by now.

  "Thanks Serena, we appreciate you coming over here and telling us. The thought of them out makes me a little uneasy, but I know that I’m safe here." Desi tried putting on a good front since she could feel the waves of anger rolling off the big body sitting next to her. Desi had no doubt that if Byron, or anyone in his family stepped foot in their house, Harry would kill them where they stood.

  "Harry, are you ok?" asked Serena. The pulse on the surgeon’s neck was visible even from the distance she sat. Harry was pissed, and rightfully so. The people trusted with the public’s safety by keeping these animals behind locked doors had failed miserably.

  "No, I’m not fucking ok. That asshole tried to kidnap my wife and tried to kill me in the process, and now you tell me he’s escaped with that asshole clan he calls a family. If he comes within twenty yards of this house, I will shoot them on sight. I won’t have my family harassed again, do you understand me?" The small hand running along her arm and the fact that Desi needed her now was keeping Harry from bolting from the bed.

  "Harry, don’t curse in front of the baby. It’s not Serena’s fault that they got out, so calm down love. We can’t do anything about it tonight, so let’s try and get some sleep," said Desi. She looked at Serena and gave her a warm smile. While Desi had been jealous of the attorney at first, she had come to regard her as a friend when Rachel had moved in with her. Butch had blossomed with the new relationship, enough so that he considered both Serena and Rachel as a parent.

  "Harry, are you pestering that girl again? I swear you don’t have the sense God gave a pig. She is pregnant, you bonehead. That means that Desiree needs her sleep," bellowed Mona from down the hall. All three of them could hear the maid shuffling down the hall towards the bedroom, and despite the tenseness of the moment, they all had to laugh. "I thought I heard the doorbell. How is my little boy?" asked Mona.

  "He’s fine Mona, and he had better be sleeping when I get home. That little sucker has learned to play your sister for all she’s worth Desi. I’ll let myself out and I’ll call you in the morning. Have a good night." Serena got up to leave and was followed out by Mona leaving Harry and Desi alone.

  Desi sat quietly next to Harry waiting for her partner to say something. She wondered if Harry ever regretted making a life with her because of all the emotional baggage she came with.

  "How are you doing baby?" asked Harry. Leaning back into the pillows, Harry substituted herself as Desi’s backrest. Harry’s only wish through their pregnancy was that it would go smoothly without undue stress. It had been that up to now, but she refused to let the Simoneauxs mar their happiness.

  "I’m ok honey, I was just thinking that maybe you should have picked someone besides me to share your life with. It’s like we’ll never be rid of Byron and his family," said Desi in a small voice. She had gotten so accustomed to her new life, that the thought of losing it made her ill. Desi clutched onto Harry’s shirt trying to pull herself closer to the woman that owned her heart. What had started out as friendship so long ago had matured into a solid relationship since they were brought back together. Harry had given her a lifetime of good memories in sixteen short months.

  Desi hung up the phone with a smile on her face after talking with Sam, Harry’s surgical nurse at Charity Hospital. The woman had answered the call since Harry was in the middle of a complicated back surgery with twenty residents looking on. Sam shouted over the song ‘Love Shack’ her promise to have Harry call as soon as she started suturing. Charity, Desi knew, was always a grueling day for Harry but in some ways was the most rewarding for her tall surgeon. When a patient, that in no way could afford her lover’s services, saw the goddess of the bones walk into their room, trailing a pack of awe struck medical students behind her, it was special.

  An hour later Desi still hadn’t heard back from Harry, so she had gone out to her studio to get some work done. No sooner than she put her hands on the wet clay, the phone rang. Pressing the now muddy button of the speakerphone Harry had gotten her, Desi answered the call.

  Before she said a word, Desi’s favorite voice came over the line, "Hello beautiful, how’s your day so far?"

  "Good honey, but I miss you. You left so doggone early this mornin
g, I don’t remember if I even got a goodbye kiss. All finished with Mr. Massengeli?" It amazed Desi how thrilling it was to get a compliment from Harry. The thought that Harry still found her beautiful, made Desi tingle.

  "Baby you know I would never leave without kissing you first, and Vito made out just fine. He should be tending his garden again soon. Before we put him under he made me promise to tell you that his first batch of Creole tomatoes are reserved for you. What are you doing for lunch?" The phone was cradled between her ear and Harry’s shoulder as she wrote orders into Mr. Massengeli’s chart. The surgery to repair extensive damage to the vertebrae of the old Italian bricklayer’s back had been tedious, but Harry was happy with the result. The pain reduction from the procedure, Harry guessed, would make Vito a happy man once he was back on his feet.

  "Harry it’s three in the afternoon love," chided Desi. The fact Harry had such poor eating habits when she was working, was an ongoing argument between them.

  "I tried eating during surgery baby, but all the crumbs I dropped tended to cause infections in my patients. I’m sorry, I know I promised to do better, but we’ve been in there since nine. Besides I won’t be home until around eight so the math on my lunch hour works out." Harry could hear Desi laughing on her end, which told her the small blonde wasn’t too angry with her. Harry handed the chart to the OR nurse and started jogging toward her car.

  "What did you have in mind?" Desi wiped her hands on a towel ready to forget work for now. She wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to meet Harry for any reason.

  "How about a picnic in a secret location?" offered Harry. A quick right onto St. Charles Avenue put her on the route home. Now all she had to do was keep Desi on the phone for a few more minutes.

  "A secret picnic locations Dr. Harry? I am intrigued as to where that might be, no hints?" Desi leaned on the desk Harry had put by the window so the doctor could catch up on her paperwork close to Desi on the weekends, and looked out at the garden under the large windows. The yellow irises that had been there for years were in bloom, attracting bees to the beautiful flowers. The shelves behind her were starting to fill up with the pieces she had completed.

  "No hints, just get in your car and get on the phone, I’ll guide you to the right place," grunted Harry as she sat and stretched out on the quilt spread on the ground.

  "Ok honey, I’m out back so give me a few minutes to grab my keys. Bye."

  Harry watched the big white clouds through the thick leaf canopy overhead as they floated by. It was relatively quiet as she relaxed and took in her surroundings. The thought that she needed more days like this one occurred to her as she stretched out on her back. She smiled as she heard the door slam on the new BMW she and Desi had picked out. The stubborn blonde had been reluctant to the idea of driving such an expensive car, until Harry sat her behind the wheel and dropped the top. It was really too small for Harry, but the surgeon sure thought Desi looked good driving it.

  "Ok where to?" asked Desi as soon as she heard the connection go through on her cell phone.

  "Back up and tell me when you get to the end of the drive." Harry sat up and waited for the silver metallic car to come into view. "Ok stop," cried Harry into the phone. "Look to your right baby."

  Desi swiveled her head in that direction, and in the distance by the large wall that surrounded their property sat Harry. The location the doctor had picked would only make them visible from the driveway, and since it was Monday, they wouldn’t have any interruptions. Harry still had on her white lab coat and a stethoscope draped around her neck, but had taken off the running shoes she wore for comfort on surgery days. Harry smiled as she watched Desi cross the lawn towards her wearing shorts and a small tank top, that Desi had informed her was called a wife beater. Harry figured Desi had everyone beat looking as good as she did. The blonde could certainly turn heads without any effort on her part.

  Desi took in the reclining figure and put more sway into her hips. Getting Harry all hot and bothered had become her hobby. "Wanna play doctor with me little girl?" asked Harry. The sandals Desi was wearing came flying off as she stepped onto the blanket. With deliberate slowness, Desi peeled off the cotton top revealing two perfect breasts to Harry.

  Placing the earpieces of the stethoscope into Harry’s ears she said, "Yes, I think you should listen to my labored breathing." Harry blew on it to warm it before placing it on Desi’s chest. As she listened to the strong heartbeat, Harry’s eyes were glued to the pink nipples in front of her. Desi had straddled her at the waist and was pushing the white coat off her shoulders, and her soft lips were attached to Harry’s neck. "What’s your diagnosis doc?"

  "From the state of your breathing, increased heart rate and nipple reaction, I would have to say you’re horny baby. I need you to take off your pants though to complete the examination." Desi stood up right in front of her so that her crotch was inches from Harry’s face. With quick twits, the buttons of the shorts popped open and fell to her feet. A soft chuckle escaped her lips when she heard Harry moan when the navy blue thong panties came into view.

  When the big hands moved up to remove the last article of clothing Desi had on, she stepped back out of Harry’s reach. "Ah ah ah honey, not yet," said Desi dropping back to her knees. Peppering Harry’s face with small kisses, Desi removed the scrubs and sports bra Harry had on, leaving her in only the tight Jockey boxer shorts the doctor liked to wear. The white form fitting material that came to mid thigh, only enhanced the large muscles in Harry’s legs. Looking at the elastic band along the washboard stomach, Desi asked, "Does the jockey give rides?"

  With a gentle push, Desi had Harry on her back so that she could sit on her face. She hovered inches above Harry to tease her, knowing it wouldn’t take much effort for the long column of muscle below her to reach the breaking point. Maybe we should buy stock in Victoria’s Secret, thought Desi as the thin straps of her underwear popped. The feel of the thin strap in between her cheeks being pulled away got Desi to go down the last two inches to heaven. Harry’s tongue was waiting for its first taste of the only thing she craved, even in her sleep. Desi.

  When Harry ran her tongue along the length of her sex, Desi tilted her hips forward and leaned her body back. Keeping herself anchored with a hand on Harry’s upturned knee, Desi shoved the other one into Harry’s underwear. Her hand followed the rhythm Harry had set for them, and Desi could feel the nub under her fingers grow harder and slicker. Desi was about to protest when the tongue receded, but just as quickly Harry sucked in and bit down gently on her clitoris.

  "Yeah honey, like that. Don’t stop. That feels so good Harry," whispered Desi. All she wanted to do was scream, but controlled herself in case someone was strolling down the sidewalk on the other side of the wall. Not content with just using her hand, Desi pulled up and turned around. Peeling Harry’s underwear down, Desi buried her face between the strong legs. Her mind went blank momentarily from the pleasure of having two fingers slide though the wetness between her own legs, adding to the sensations Harry was providing with her mouth.

  Their climaxes came hard and fast leaving them panting against each other. Harry could feel Desi’s body shaking above her as the smaller woman started laughing.


  Desi rested her head on Harry’s thigh as she enjoyed the after glow of her unexpected visit from the good doctor. "I’m glad you picked here to eat. We would have definitely drawn a crowd at the park." Desi turned around again and sat astride Harry leaning her back on Harry’s bent knees. The small blonde knew that it was one of Harry’s favorite positions. Harry always told Desi that she loved looking up at her and having every thing within an arm’s reach. Doing just that, Harry reached up and pulled the beautiful woman down to cover her upper body.

  "Nobody gets to look at you, but me. It started as a child really, I never learned to share well with others," said Harry in a serious voice. She rolled them over so she could reach the basket behind them. Mona had done Harry the favor of cooking for
them on one of her days off. Desi pulled her down to kiss her one more time, enjoying their closeness, and the warm sun bleeding through the large oaks overhead.

  "I don’t know Basantes, you shared pretty well with me when we were growing up. But I have to agree with you in that you won my heart and my love. Hopefully you won’t want to share that with anyone else, except maybe a smaller version of yourself." The blue eyes looking down on her with so much love, crinkled at the corners when Harry smiled at her comment. It was the same look that always came over her face when Desi talked about their future family. "Now, what cha got to eat, I’m starved here."

  Harry pulled out the containers Mona had packed finding a fried chicken feast with all the sides they both liked. They spent the rest of Harry’s lunch hour feeding each other until that hunger was sated as well. "Desi, you know something?" Desi finished chewing then rested her head on Harry’s shoulder. Life was so fulfilling now in this fairy tale life they had built for each other.

  "What love?"

  "I love you with all my heart. You bring me such joy that there isn’t anything I feel I can repay you with for that."

  "You can just love me Harry, and you can invite me out to lunch whenever you like. I love you too honey, with all that I am. You have always believed in me Harry; it should be me thanking you for that. Can I ask you something?"

  "Sure you can baby, my life’s an open book to you." The lunch combined with the pattern Desi was tracing on Harry’s naked chest was making her sleepy.

  "Next week when my divorce becomes final, I want to change my name to Basantes. That is, if you don’t mind. I could understand after all I put us through if you don’t want me to. I could just use…," the rest of her rambling was stopped by a pair of soft lips. When she opened her eyes Harry was looking down on her as she ran a long finger along Desi’s jaw.


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