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All it Took Was You

Page 25

by Ali Vali

  "No, I’m ok."

  "You certainly will be, I promise you."

  Harry’s cell phone buzzed in her pocket as she stood at the nurse’s station writing orders. "Basantes."

  "I’m not bothering you, am I?" Desi adjusted Jack to a more comfortable position as he ate breakfast, wishing she could drive to the hospital and see what was wrong with Harry. She could tell that there was something wrong just by the way Harry had answered the phone.


  "What’s wrong, honey?" Desi looked down at her miniature version of Harry as he paused a moment as if taking a break.

  "Nothing a long vacation couldn’t cure, or a loaded shotgun if someone would be so kind as to draw targets on my residents for me." The nurse on the other side of the counter smiled at Harry’s comment. The one thing Harry’s students did leave her rotation knowing, was how to treat the nursing staff.

  "If you want, come home and I’ll kiss it and make it better."

  "Tempting as that offer is, I can’t. We have to finish rounds and then head into some afternoon surgeries. What do you have on tap for today?" The nurse took the few charts Harry handed over, sighing as the tall woman moved toward the elevators. I wonder what it would be like to spend the night with a woman like that? The nurse mulled over the question and turned her attention back to what she had been doing. I’m sure my husband wouldn’t mind.

  "Stephen and crew should be at the house finishing up with the roof repairs, so I’ll check on that while Tony helps me with the movers who are due late this morning. Stephen said whenever we have time, he’d like to sit and discuss the changes to the house since he wants to start that before we tackle the studio." Jack looked annoyed when the soft finger running along his brow woke him up. "You can’t go to sleep in that position, son, trust me your mother has tried it on more than one occasion." The ‘pop’ breaking the suction let Harry know what Desi was talking about.

  "You have to give him points for trying, baby. All I get, is my hair pulled."

  "You’ll get your hair pulled for a whole lot more than that if you don’t behave. Your son on the other hand will get to go and take his morning siesta. As much of a hassle as moving for only a couple of months is going to be, I’m looking forward to it going back to just being us. I’m sure Rachel is getting tired of having us around all the time. Though we might have to take Butch home with us."

  "If you want, we can stay in the house, sweetheart. You don’t need any more hassles than we’ve had lately. I can live with sawdust." The seven of them rode to the ground floor together, and the residents couldn’t help but listen in as Harry spoke in a soft compassionate voice. Dr. Butcher looked at the idly spinning fan in the ceiling of the elevator, slowed from years of dust accumulation, and wondered if he had blonde hair and green eyes if Harry would like him better. Ms. Clairol and colored contacts are sounding better and better.

  "No, I’m just whining. I just feel bad this is costing so much, but I don’t want Jack around that all day. I miss you, so get back to work. The sooner you finish, the sooner I get you back." Desi was already thinking of getting reacquainted with Harry in the new master bedroom.

  "Bye, love you." Slipping the phone back in her pocket, Harry led her ducklings toward the back of the hospital. Their next stop was in the prison building where Mike was being kept after his surgery.

  The burly male nurse handed over Mike’s chart and gave the group a run down on the man’s vitals. "He’s been resting comfortably and started a semi-solid diet this morning. So far, no nausea and his fluid consumption and expulsion are good."

  "Dr. Butcher, go check on our good work and let me know what you think." The younger doctor had assisted her and seemed to perk up at the opportunity to take over rounds for Harry. She watched them go, laughing at the fact Mike was about to get the most extensive examination of his life.

  "Do you have any idea, how much I hate you?" The wound in his abdomen kept the volume of his voice low, but Harry still recognized it. She turned around and looked at him, this being the first time Harry could study him without there being an physical altercation involved. The cuff encircling his wrist would guarantee that.

  "You’re wrong, I can imagine how much that would be. I have everything you think you want, and it’s just eating away at you isn’t it?" Harry walked over and sat in the chair near the bed. The others in the room were so focused on Mike; they were oblivious to the low conversation.

  "What you stole from me, don’t you mean? Desi and that baby belong to me." Bryon’s eyes looked dull from the pain and their color reminded Harry of muddy water.

  "Mr. Simoneaux, let me explain something to you so ever your simple little pea brain will understand. Desi isn’t a pack of pork chops you can buy. She is a smart woman with a life and a mind of her own that doesn’t belong to anyone, especially you. On top of that, our son has nothing to do with you. He is a Basantes, just like his mother." Harry folded her hands across her chest to quash the urge to hit this man more than she had the night she had found him in their bedroom.

  "The little bitch can change her name and her looks, but she will always carry my scent on her. There ain’t nothing you can do about that, dyke. This is only a temporary set back." Byron lifted his hand and jingled the cuff to let Harry see what he meant. "I will be back to get what’s mine, and nothing will make me happier than to gut you like a fish."

  "That’s rich, Simoneaux. The way I see it, you and the two missing links you call family would still be wandering around in the muck if it hadn’t been for Tyrell, so get used to those prison whites. If by some miracle you do get out, your fingers, broken arm, nutria itch and abdomen will be some of your fondest memories of this whole experience.

  I didn’t kill you because you were standing in the room I share with my wife. You were in her house and I wasn’t going to make her move away from a place she loves because of your scent, as you so fondly call it. To me it’s more of a stench that Desi gladly washed off her the first chance she got. It’s time you wake up to your reality, Mr. Simoneaux. Maybe you will find it as amusing as the rest of us do." The residents and the nurse standing with them wanted to applaud what Harry had said. They all loved Desi and didn’t care for anyone talking about her that way.

  "You don’t scare me, bitch." Byron leaned toward her as much as his confinement would allow. His time would come, he was sure of it, and the next time he would hurt this woman that Desi loved. He would take Harry away from his ex-wife just like she had taken his life away from him.

  "I don’t mean to scare you, what I want to tell you is that if you ever speak of my wife in a disrespectful way again in my presence, I will forget my oath to take care of the sick and do no harm. What I will do is break you in half and deal with the consequences later. No one is going to miss your sorry carcass sir, just like no one but your brother is crying over the fact your father is dead."

  What bothered him the most about Harry was the tone she spoke to him in. Byron had been trying to get a rise out of her since she had walked into the ward, but the cool façade stayed in place no matter what pictures of him and Desi he painted for her. What did she just say about daddy?

  "He gets the last laugh because he still out there, nothing happened to him." He wanted to sound as sure as he could, but there was no doubt in her eyes. Harry wasn’t kidding with him telling him something just to hurt him. It was just the truth.

  "No, Mr. Simoneaux, he attacked some police officers and they, unlike your mother, hit back. Only a 9mm weapon carries a bit more of a punch than your father did. I’m sorry for your loss, and I’m sorry you let him loose on innocent people. The best ending to this whole thing, will be for that couple to get back to as close to normal as they can." Harry got up and left, suddenly feeling the urge to go out and get some fresh air.

  When Harry left her students filled the space she had occupied. They finished with Mike and walked over and surrounded his older brother’s bed. The guard on duty went back to the magazine h
e was reading figuring it was just time for Byron’s checkup. Trying to sound as intimidating as his boss, Bruce took the splintered fingers in his hand and introduced himself. "Good morning, Mr. Simoneaux, my name is Dr. Butcher. Why don’t you let me take a look at these for you." The slight squeeze got him the desired response. "Still sore, are they?"

  "Oww, watch it stupid."


  "You hurt me and you will have Dr. Basantes to deal with."

  "Sorry, ma’am, we didn’t notice the small bump on the walkway." The service Harry had hired to bring Mona home had been entertained by the older woman all the way to the new house. Harry had given her the choice of recovering in her new room or at Mercy hospital.

  "What do you think, bonehead? I have had enough of this lying around here. If it ain’t going to kill me, I want to go home and help Desi get the house set up."

  "Let’s get something straight before we leave this room, young lady. Either you relax at Mercy, or you do it at home. There will be no getting anything ready, so don’t even think to argue with me. You get a nurse and a nice view of the yard, and you have to do everything the nurse tells you. Promise me you’ll listen?" Harry stood by the bed with her arms crossed looking very much like the person the residents were used to dealing with.

  "I’ve been alive.." Mona started before Desi slipped her hand over the woman’s mouth.

  "She promises," Desi answered for Mona. The fact Mona was recovering rapidly was comforting to Desi, but she still had some weeks of rest to get back on her feet after the attack by Bryon and the surgery to fix it.

  "One wrong move, Mona, and back to the hospital you go." Harry still hadn’t changed her posture, and still wasn’t smiling.

  "I said, I promise."

  "No, Desi said it, not you."

  "The things we do for love."

  "I’m sorry, ma’am, did you say something?" The paramedic followed Desi through the house to a bright room that had all Mona’s things in it. Mona’s daughter was busy putting things in drawers and out of boxes when they arrived.

  "No I didn’t say anything, I’m just glad to be home." Mona looked around the neat room appreciating the fact that her daughter and Desi had taken the time to set it up first. "Where are my grand babies?"

  "Momma, you better get in that bed and not say another word. The first move you make to pick up anybody smaller than you, Harry will have you back in the hospital so fast, you won’t know what hit you." Sherry, Mona’s daughter, said with her hands on her hips. She and her siblings weren’t thrilled that Mona was home so soon, but it was easier than listening to the older woman complain about her confinement.

  "Uh huh, where’s Jack?" Mona asked looking at Desi.

  "You are one stubborn old goat, woman. Get into bed and I’ll go see if he’s awake yet. Oh, and Harry has a surprise for you," said Desi. The laughter coming from both Desi and Sherry worried Mona, especially if Harry was involved.

  Mona was expecting Desi and the baby, so a completely pink attired Tony was a definite surprise. He was carrying a tray with a light lunch on it for his patient, and Moan was trying to figure out what the tune he was whistling was. She noticed that even the rose bud in the small crystal vase on the tray matched his outfit.

  "Fabulous news, honey. Harry said I could be your private nurse during the day while you are recovering, and I’m over here helping Desi. If there is anything you need, you just ask me."

  "Oh my God, I know the day would come when Harry would take revenge on a poor old woman for all the things I’ve called her over the years. Desi, you have to call her and take up for me." Mona kidded with the returning young mother. Joking because she knew Tony really was a registered nurse more than capable of taking care of her.

  "Nope, you get a private nurse, and two doctors who make house calls so sit back and get better. Now quit complaining and say hi to the most handsome boy in New Orleans." Desi had Jack dressed in his new set of scrubs his grandfather had bought him, since he had outgrown his first set.

  Tony put his hands on his hips, and in the most indignant voice he could muster asked her, "I thought I was the most handsome boy in New Orleans?" They all laughed at Tony’s statement getting Jack to smile as well.

  "No way, look at that smile," said Desi holding the baby up.

  "She’s right, Tony, so suck it up." Bobbie walked in carrying Harry’s medical bag. The only way Harry had agreed to let Mona out so quickly after her surgery was because Bobbie had volunteered to do regular checkups during the day. Mona was a little out of her specialty, but Bobbie didn’t mind helping while Harry was at work. June and Maria spent the day baby-sitting while Desi worked on the various projects they had going on. Both sets of grandparents were staying on for a few more weeks spending their nights at the house next door in the bedrooms that weren’t undergoing renovations.

  It was almost nine by the time Harry pulled up to their new temporary home, exhausted from the day at Charity. The conversation she had had earlier with Byron kept playing itself over in her mind, making her dark mood that much worse. It just irked her that she had been without Desi all those years because Clyde had found that asshole at the hospital more acceptable. "Clyde, I hope there is a seventh level of hell you bastard, and you are up to your tonsils in pig shit as you enjoy it."

  Harry looked over the fence and saw that there was now scaffolding set up around their house that was going to be used by Stephan’s crew for repairs and the painting crew afterward. She smiled thinking of all the times she had kidded Desi about making her paint the house. The new white paint with black trim Desi and Tony had picked out was going to give the old place a new look, or so they promised. So far it was the only thing the two had agreed on. Harry was just glad she was brought in only when it seemed like the two were going to start singing rumble songs from "Westside Story" and the switch blades came out.

  "Don’t tell me you hate it already?"

  "Just as long as it’s not pink. What are you doing out here, it’s cold?" Harry opened her coat and pulled Desi close to her to keep her warm.

  "I could ask the same thing, lover, what are you doing out here in the cold when there’s a warm, mostly unpacked house, waiting for you?"

  "God you smell good."

  "Don’t change the subject, what’s wrong?" Desi looked up at the tired face and the rumpled scrubs and didn’t push. "Never mind, don’t answer that. Come with me, Dr. Basantes."

  Desi had a warm bath waiting for her along with a cold diet Coke, one of Harry’s favorite beverages. During the week the surgeon seldom drank because of those late night calls that took her out of bed and to the hospital. Harry sat back in the water as her partner fed her dinner. After she was finished her dinner and bath, Harry went to check on Mona.

  "You are the first doctor that makes house calls in a nice robe."

  "Don’t tell Desi, but I strip naked once I leave the house and do my rounds in just my lab coat." Harry teased Mona as she checked her incision and vitals. "You look better than I do, sweetheart."

  "It’s a wonder more people don’t throw themselves in front of cars just to get a look at you like that," said Desi. Jack had his eyes open when she looked in his bassinet, so they had both gone in search of Harry.

  "You weren’t supposed to hear that." Harry tapped Desi on the nose before taking Jack from her. "You, old woman, get some sleep and I’ll be in later to see if you need anything."

  "Don’t wake me up to take my temperature, or any other silly nonsense," Mona warned. Harry waved Jack’s small hand at her and stepped out of the room.

  "Can you take care of Jack while I get ready for bed?" Desi wrapped an arm around Harry’s waist and dropped her head on her chest. Despite all that had happened, it was nice to get a taste of what life was going to be like when it was just the four of them.

  "Sure, did they bring the rocker over?" They had found it on one of their weekends in the French Quarter. The
chair was big enough to accommodate Harry’s long legs and with a foot stool Desi loved it just as much. Before Jack’s arrival, Harry spent some afternoons rocking Desi to sleep for her nap.

  "I wouldn’t do that to you, honey, it’s in the den."

  Harry sat and looked at their son. His hair had started to curl at the ends, and his eyes had gotten a paler green than his mother’s. Jack was also starting to coo more, and discover more of the world around him. They both took turns reading to him, enjoying the way he seemed to be concentrating on the sound of their voices. Harry laughed as she studied the footed pajamas Desi had dressed him in. The light blue fleece had hula girls all over it and Harry wondered where her partner had found it. "We won’t get to torment you in front of your dates if you continue to wear cool stuff like this."

  Jack looked at Harry and waved his hand in the air in front of her nose. "Ca."

  "Yeah, buddy, cool. How about a story?" Harry pulled him closer so he could touch her face, enjoying their time together.


  "I’ll take that as a yes. Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl." Harry took his hand and kissed the small fingers. "You know, buddy, I don’t really care who you fall in love with, as long as they are good to you, but let me tell you, watch out for those pretty girls with blonde hair and green eyes. I wasn’t much older than you are when I met mine and my life was forever changed."


  "Tell me about it. I did all the things I thought were old fashioned, you know what I mean?"


  "Yeah, you got it. Stuff like, I carried her books home from school and got all tongue-tied when she batted those pretty eyes at me. Know what? All these years later, she still can do that to me. Don’t tell her, but there isn’t anything in this world, short of leaving the two of you, that I wouldn’t do for her. You’ll see, buddy, your mommy will make you so happy. She’ll do things and get you things to let you know how special you are. She gave me you, and you have been the best present I ever got. How’d you like that story?" The baby was sleeping and Harry almost dropped him because of the unexpected answer.


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