Second Chance Girl--A Modern Fairy Tale Romance
Page 17
“That’s not right. Ceallach tried to destroy that part of him. He has to find his way back to who he was or he’s never going to be whole.”
She couldn’t believe what he was saying. Or that he was saying it to her. “I don’t understand. If you’re worried, you should talk to him.”
“I can’t. Not anymore. But you can. You should.”
“Why me?” She had no idea how to define her relationship with Mathias, but talking about him being broken by his father was so far out of her purview. She would have no idea where to start. “I’m not family. I’m just a friend.” And not the least bit special.
“You need to let him know you’ve got his back. He’ll want to know that, so he can get through the visit.”
“Why me?”
“Because he gave you Millie.”
“The glass piece or the herd?”
The smile returned. “Both.”
He opened her car door, as if they were done talking. As Carol couldn’t think of a single thing to say or ask, she thanked him again for the contribution and left. When she reached her office at the animal preserve, she still had no idea what on earth Ronan had been talking about...or what she was supposed to do to help.
* * *
CAROL TOLD HERSELF that her frustration and concern were about the complex zoning regulations in the state of California, but she had a bad feeling she was lying to herself. While there were unexpected roadblocks, so to speak, they weren’t the reason she couldn’t stay focused on her work. Instead she had something else...or someone else...on her mind.
She wasted an entire morning trying to get the right people on the phone, then went out to hang with Millie. Walking with the beautifully gangly giraffe often put things in perspective. But this time, Millie didn’t seem to be working her magic. Or maybe the problem was Ronan’s words had been too powerful.
She couldn’t forget what he’d said about Ceallach and Mathias and their troubled relationship. Was Mathias’s father the real reason he created dishes instead of art? She knew that Mathias and his father didn’t get along, but now she wondered if the rift went much deeper than she’d ever realized.
Mathias was always so upbeat and charming. Of course he had issues—everyone did. But she sensed what Ronan had been talking about went deeper and did a lot more damage than the usual “My parents never understood me” of most people’s youth.
She decided she needed a distraction and drove into town. Maybe a quick visit with her sister would help. But instead of driving to Violet’s store, or the hotel where she was spending most of her days while Ulrich recovered, Carol found herself at the art studio where Mathias worked.
Theirs were the only two cars, which meant he was probably alone—if she didn’t count Sophie. And for all her quirks, the little beagle seemed to be trustworthy. Carol told herself she was a fool, then got out of her Jeep and walked into the studio.
Sophie jumped up from her dog bed and raced over for a greeting. Mathias sat at his desk, several large pieces of paper in front of him. Carol moved closer, hoping to see a sketch of some other Millie-inspired art but he seemed to be working on a design for a vase.
He glanced up and smiled at her. “Hi. You’re a surprise.”
Good or bad? Not that she would ask. When it came to Mathias, she was chronically lacking in courage. Why was that? Yes, he was good-looking and funny and successful and a bit of a man whore, but so what? She was...
When nothing came to mind, Carol decided to deal with that problem later.
“I’m having zoning issues,” she said, picking the first topic that came to mind. “I don’t suppose you know anyone in government who could help me?”
He leaned back in his chair and chuckled. “As a matter of fact, I do.” He waved her into the visitor’s seat. “Mayor Marsha, California’s longest serving mayor. In Fool’s Gold,” he added.
“I knew she wasn’t the mayor of Happily Inc and while I appreciate the offer, I’m not sure a small-town mayor is the answer.”
“Have a little faith.” His tone was teasing. “Mayor Marsha knows all and is friends with everyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if she could get the president on the phone. Let me know what you need and I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you,” she said, trying not to sound doubtful.
“You’ll see and you’ll be impressed.”
She already was, but that had nothing to do with his governmental connections.
“I went to see Ronan,” she said. “He helped me pick out a piece.”
“Which one did you get?”
She described the crane.
“That’s a good one,” Mathias told her. “He hasn’t done many birds and it will appeal to a lot of international buyers.”
“That’s what he said. Why?”
“Cranes are considered good luck in many cultures, which means corporate and hotel buyers will be interested, along with individual collectors.”
“A whole world I knew nothing about.”
“What I know about cows wouldn’t fill a Post-it.”
“You’re doing all this work for Millie, yet you continue to insult her. We’re all confused.”
“Teasing is a sign of affection. I thought you knew that.” One corner of his mouth turned up. “I’ve always had a thing for leggy, brown-eyed girls. I thought you knew that, too.”
In her head, Carol knew he was referring to the giraffe. But in her swooning heart, she had other hopes and dreams. She was a brown-eyed girl, too, and while no one would call her leggy...
Such foolishness, she told herself, then squashed the cringe-worthy feelings by remembering what Ronan had told her.
She picked up a pencil, then put it down. “I need to ask you something.”
“Sure. What?”
She hesitated. “I guess it’s not a question so much as a...” She looked at him. “Ronan said your dad would be at the wedding.”
Nothing about Mathias’s expression changed. “That would be my guess, too, what with Del getting married. Mom mentioned they were going to be here to reclaim Sophie and they’re staying with me.”
The beagle raised her head and wagged her tail when she heard her name.
“He thought that might be a problem for you.”
Emotions flashed through his eyes, but they were gone before Carol could figure out what they were. She knew he had to be feeling something, but what? Annoyance? Anger? Concern?
“My dad’s a difficult guy,” he admitted. “Everywhere he goes, it’s always about him.” He flashed her a smile. “Don’t worry, I’m immune to his drama.”
“Were you always?”
“No. There was a time he could destroy me with a word. He ruled all of us through fear and intimidation.” He shook his head. “I take that back. He ruled Nick, Ronan and me that way, but he pretty much ignored Del and Aidan.”
“The non-artists?”
“Yeah. If you couldn’t create, you didn’t have value.”
She understood not feeling special, but her parents had always worked so hard to make her and Violet feel as if they were the most important parts of their lives.
“Why would he do that?”
“Pride, maybe. Sometimes I tell myself he’s the one who was scared. Of us. Of what we could be.”
He ran his fingers across the paper, outlining the shape of the bowl. “I used to do pieces like Ronan, back when I was a kid. I’d learn a new technique and stay up all night to put it into action. I wanted to be the best, to be like my dad.” He glanced at her. “We all did. To hear him praise a piece was food for a month.”
“Because praise was hard to come by?”
“Nearly impossible. He was a big believer in finding fault. For a while I thought it was because he wanted to make sure we were the b
est—like he was. But after a while I began to realize that there was some fear there, too.”
“He didn’t want his sons to be better than him.”
His gaze settled on her face. “You’re insightful today.”
“I’m insightful every day.”
He chuckled. “Yes, you are.” The humor faded. “Dad can be difficult. In the end it was easier not to fight with him.”
She thought about what Ronan had told her but didn’t want to admit all that she knew. It was too much like violating Mathias’s privacy or something.
“I saw what you did with the Millie piece. You should do more of that.”
“Giving me career advice?” he asked, his voice teasing.
“I wouldn’t do that, it’s just so extraordinary. You have a gift. But what do I know—maybe working like that doesn’t make you happy.”
He was quiet for a second before saying, “It’s complicated.”
She was sure that was true. All families were complex, but his more than most. There was the fact that his father was a world-famous artist, his relationships with his brothers, especially Ronan not being his twin anymore. She didn’t know the whole story, but she’d gotten bits and pieces of it when Natalie and Pallas discussed the Mitchells at their girlfriend get-togethers.
“Hey,” he said as he grabbed her hand. “Quit worrying about me. I’m fine.”
His fingertips grazed her palm. She felt the light touch all the way down to her toes, which wasn’t nearly as interesting as the tingling that started low in her belly. A kind of swirling, moving heat eased through her until she would have sworn the room temperature had just climbed about fifty degrees. Her throat went dry, her heart started to pound and all she could think was how much she—
“Well, damn,” he muttered before standing, then pulling her to her feet. Before she could figure out what he was doing, he’d drawn her close and settled his mouth on hers.
He tasted faintly of coffee and mint. His lips were firm, but not demanding, as if he had all the time in the world. As if he liked this part a lot.
She rested her hands on his broad shoulders and felt the warmth of his skin through his shirt. He was strong and steady, she thought. Funny, kind. Look how he’d accepted Sophie into his life, even though he hadn’t wanted to. He was a good guy who kissed like a dream.
Then he moved his mouth against hers and she couldn’t think anymore. She could only react, tilting her head slightly and parting her lips.
His tongue slipped inside and stroked hers. Fire shot through her at the first touch, then burned hotter and brighter with every second of contact. She moved closer, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his. He put his hands on her hips, as if encouraging her to stay. Silly man—didn’t he know she had no plans to ever leave? He was—
She drew back and covered her mouth with her hand. Desire battled with worry. How much was because he wanted to and how much was because he was embarrassed about what had happened before?
“I don’t want to be a makeup test.”
“Is that what you think?”
“I’m not sure.”
“No. I don’t accept that. You felt it just now, when I touched your hand. That’s why I kissed you. There isn’t another reason.”
He reached for her hand again and pressed it against his groin. She felt the hard ridge of his erection and her doubts faded. She looked at him and smiled.
“Yes, oh,” he teased, as he drew her close. “Now where were we?”
Sophie raised her head and barked. She scrambled to her feet and ran toward the door. A second too late, Carol saw she hadn’t closed it completely, allowing Sophie to nose it open and disappear into the parking lot.
“Dammit,” Mathias growled as he raced after her. “Sophie, get back here!”
Carol followed, terrified the little beagle would be hurt if she got onto the street. “Sophie, come back! Sophie, I’ll give you a cookie.”
She burst outside and then stumbled to a stop when she saw the beagle being hugged and petted by two people she’d never met before, yet were oddly familiar.
The man swept Sophie up in his arms. “How’s my best girl? Come on, kisses please.”
Sophie obliged with tongue swipes. The man’s obvious resemblance to Mathias and Nick had her guessing this was Del Mitchell. She turned to the woman and recognized the pretty, green-eyed blonde from the teleconferences.
“Carol!” Maya practically squealed her name as she held out her arms. “In person at last. Yay!”
They hugged, then Maya introduced her to Del.
“This is the friend I was telling you about,” Maya said. “She models my veils and keeps Mathias in line. Thank you so much for helping me. You don’t know me from a rock and you just stepped in and started doing things.”
“It was fun,” Carol assured her. “A lot of my friends are in the wedding business. I enjoyed being on the inside this once.”
Del put down Sophie and shook hands with Carol before pulling Mathias into a bear hug. Sophie danced around, barking her excitement.
“When did you get back?” Mathias asked as he led everyone into the studio.
“We arrived in LA yesterday,” Del told him. “Spent the night by the airport before driving out here. I thought we’d head to Fool’s Gold first, but Maya wants to check on the wedding details.”
Maya laughed. “Yes, how terribly shocking that the bride is concerned about such an event. However do you stand me?”
“I manage.” Del pulled her close and kissed her. “Still want to do it? Be shackled to me for the rest of your life?”
“As if I’d let you go now. I finally have you trained the way I like you.”
The teasing was sweet but what impressed Carol was the intensity in the way they looked at each other. Their connection was tangible, as if she could reach out and touch it. They belonged together.
Maya turned to Carol. “We saw Millie on the drive in. She’s so beautiful. We’re really looking forward to getting some footage for you. The way she walks and those big eyes. What a sweetie.”
“You’re going to really like her,” Carol said.
“Just stay away from the zebras.” Mathias winked. “They have attitude.”
Del put his arm around Maya. “You can’t scare us, bro. We’re experienced world travelers.”
Mathias slapped him on the back. “You say that now. Let’s talk when it’s two hours before you walk down the aisle. Your knees will be shaking.”
“Only with anticipation.”
Maya rolled her eyes. “They’re always like this. You haven’t really lived until you’ve been in a room with all five Mitchell brothers.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Carol admitted.
Del glanced at Mathias. “You still okay with us staying with you?”
Carol blinked in surprise. Despite the big house and friendly personality, Mathias had always been a little on the solitary side. When he spent time with his bridesmaids, he went to their hotel room. When he hung out with his brothers, it was always somewhere that wasn’t his place. To the best of her knowledge, she was the only person who regularly visited him. Until now.
She looked at him and raised her eyebrows. “You’re going to be busy.”
“It’s no big deal. I asked the housekeeping service I use to spruce the guest rooms and make sure there were towels.” He turned to Maya. “Do you need more than that?”
“Not at all.” She laughed. “We’ll be fine. Thank you for letting us stay with you until the wedding.” She touched Carol’s arm. “I was terrified to leave my dress in a hotel room for several days. What if Del saw it or stepped on the train?”
“I’d never do that,” her
fiancé protested.
“Not on purpose.” Maya smiled at Mathias. “You saved me, little brother-to-be, and I’m very grateful.”
“You’ve been traveling for a couple of days,” Carol said. “You must be exhausted. Let’s get you settled.”
Mathias sighed. “She’s prodding me. Did you see that? It was subtle, but I saw it.”
“Give it up, bro,” Del told him. “You’ll never win.” He whistled for Sophie. The dog raced toward him and jumped. Del caught her in his arms. “Come on. I’ll let you drive if you promise to be careful.”
Sophie barked in agreement.
Maya fell into step with Carol. “I didn’t know you two were dating. Not that Mathias talks about his personal life much, but still.”
“We’re not,” Carol said, careful to keep her voice low. “We live kind of next to each other and we’re friends. He’s the one who convinced Ronan to donate a piece of artwork to raise money for Millie’s herd. I know all three Mitchell brothers who live here. It’s a small-town thing.”
She pressed her lips together when she realized she might just be talking a bit too quickly. Maya’s expression was knowing but all she said was, “I’m glad you’re on the team.”
Carol had no idea what that meant, but decided to simply go with it. Protesting too much would only add to the confusion. If Maya said anything to Mathias, Carol was sure he would set her straight. They were friends. Neighbors. Absolutely nothing more.
THE BOARDROOM HAD a warm and friendly feel, or maybe that was more about how Violet hovered at his side. Ulrich knew he would forever link the two in his mind. After nearly a week in his hotel room, he’d insisted on going out for the evening and Violet had suggested a few hours at The Boardroom.
There was a long bar against the far wall and lots of tables and chairs but what truly dominated the space were the floor-to-ceiling bookcases filled with boxes of board games. Some were new and some were obscure. Ulrich saw several that he’d played as a child. On the days that his father’s old injuries had made it impossible for him to work, he and Ulrich had spent afternoons playing board games. Summers had meant a table in a shady part of the garden while winters had meant sitting near a warm fire.