Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale

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Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale Page 10

by Ambear Shellea

  “You know, Vhadrah, perhaps this a conversation you should have with Vhaneal?”

  “Noooo, that will turn into an argument, or she will play it off. I'm asking you because you have no choice but to tell the whole truth.”

  I waited for him, as I watched him work through how he would handle this. I realized I had just put him in an awkward situation. He he bound to secrecy of those who confide in him, yet I also carried the authority of Dark Valkyrie, though I was only asking in the capacity of a sister, not Valkyrie. Finally, he had come to his conclusion.

  “I will only agree that I know he loves her, deeply. In what fashion, you will need to speak with Humberland himself. I can tell you, he has proven, many times now, that he can keep her safe. In that, you should have no fear, Vhadrah. She is in safe hands with Humberland at her side.”

  I sighed, “Fine. I'll take that. I guess the rest is really none of my business. We have a job to do, and as long as he can keep her from harm, that's what is important now.”

  “True.” he agreed. “Speaking of which, shouldn't you be getting to the Great Library to find Lalynn? I hear she has found some interesting discoveries.”

  “Really?” I asked, “Like what?”

  “I think I have taken enough of your time, how about you head over there and find out.”

  I knew that would be his answer before I asked, yet I was hoping to have a bit of knowledge when I arrived. Lalynn had been at the library all day. Maester Mylow was right, I had been gone long enough.

  “Thank you, again, Maester. I appreciate the advice.”

  We stood, and I did what I hadn't done since I was a child. I hugged him. There were very few of the students who hugged the Maester, as most fear him, but for the few like me, who saw him as person, not just a stern teacher, we hugged. Over the years he had become a friend to me, and Vhaneal.

  “I will stop by before we leave the Holy City, to say our goodbyes.”

  “That would be wonderful. I will gather anything that may be of some use to you on your journey.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You're most welcome.”

  With that, I turned and made my way to the Great Library.

  Tales of Valor

  In any other setting, I would be on guard since it was well after dark. This is the time of night most ruffians are out on the prowl. Not that any of them ever approach me, especially in full armor, but it is good to be cautious anyway.

  Here in the Holy City, vagrants and crime, are extremely low. The watchers see to that. The fact that what they do, and what they can see, in public and private, helps to curb unsavory behavior for the fear of being caught.

  I stayed to the shadows so that I could get to the Great Library without distraction. I loved all the people here, and loved how much they wanted to chat, but I had wasted enough time, and was fearful Lalynn would feel abandoned. I hadn't seen her since this morning when I snuck out of the physician’s hut to meet with the Maester.

  I was sure she was updated as to my whereabouts, but this was her first time here, and it can be overwhelming until you get used it. It was a big place, lots of winding paths to get from one to another, accompanied with other small paths folks use as short cuts. It can be insane, and frustrating when you're new.

  I could see the Great Library in the distance. Large, blazing torches blanketing the steps to the door, in a soft welcoming glow. Soft pulsing light flickered in each window of the four-story structure. Occasionally, a small shadow would eclipse the light, as people moved from one room to another.

  I laughed as I passed the Feathers and Horn tavern, where it sounded like people were really enjoying themselves. Blustering laughter, and slight squeals, floated out into the night through the open windows of the place. The sign swung lightly in the breeze, adding a soft screeching sound, as it swayed.

  It was quite a lively place. I smiled as I remebered my times in there, telling tales of bravery, and the cost of mistakes in battle. It was fun, and people loved it. This time, I had urgent business to attend, and my Tales of Valor, as they called them, would have to wait.

  I quickened my steps, only to be stopped a few moments later.

  “I have been waiting for you, Valkyrie.” a man voiced as he made his way out of the shadows.

  This sounded like some kind of pick up line. I had heard many times in my travels.

  “Oh?” I asked

  “Yes.” he answered and gestured to the tavern, “Care to join me for a drink? We have much to discuss.”

  His eyes, and a flashy sword were all that could be seen in the darkness. The rest of him was cloaked in the softness of black. I could tell he was wearing clothes, and boots, but the colors were fused together, and darkened, due to the lack of light.

  I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't stay.

  “I'm sorry, but the hour is late, and I have an urgent matter that needs my attention. Can I catch up with you after sunrise?”

  He stepped into the light and offered me his hand.

  “I am Captain Wexx, and I believe our business is the same. I have been summoned here to help you.”

  That stopped me.

  Only those of upper council are aware of what I am doing. I looked him over. He didn't look like a vagrant, or ruffian after my coin. This man was flashy, sturdy, and looked as though he needed no assistant in the way of coin. I was curious what he knew.

  “What business is that Captain Wexx?” I asked, thought I didn't expect much.

  He was quick with response, though he was careful to keep his distance, and not advance too suddenly.

  “I hear you need a warship. Just so happens, I have commandeered one.”

  He didn't look drunk, but his words made me think maybe he might have been. I pointed out the obvious.

  “Captain, in case you have been waterlogged, or out of sorts with spirits, the Holy City is land locked.”

  He recoiled a bit and regained his composure. “My apologies, I was trying to be discreet. Yes, I am aware there is no port here. May we speak and allow me to explain...Privately.”

  I glanced around, other than the carfully placed watchers, hidden in the dark, we were alone.

  “Captain, you can speak freely, we are as alone as we will get.”

  I watched as he glanced around, checking for prying ears, and watching eyes. When he too concluded that we were alone, he continued.

  “Alright, I will jump right in. I have been sent here, as I said, because I have heard you need a ship. A big vessel. I do not know why you need this ship, or where it is to take you, only that I am to provide said ship.”

  Did this man hit his head on something? I've had riffraff offer more information than this guy has. He seemed sincere in his story, but until there was legitimacy, it was just that. A story.

  “Have been injured? What you say makes little sense to me. You need to explain more.”

  I followed his lead and sat next to him on a bench nearby. I prompted him to continue. Odin knows, I was completely confused.

  “Let me back up and start from there. A while back I sto- comendeered the White Whale...”

  I just about fainted. “The White Whale? As in the Holy City's warship, White Whale?”

  The small amount of light from the moon seemed to highlight the blush crossing his face. He seemed embarrassed by this. But why?

  “Yes, that very one...”

  “Brave man, to come back here after that. Come to think of it, I remember hearing a shady pirate and his crew stole that ship. I'm not sure I even need a ship, but I'm sure I don't want to add problems by taking that one.”

  He put his hands up, as if to stop my protest, and listen.

  “That ship is at the bottom of the sea. Just let me finish explaining, then ask more questions.”

  I nodded and motioned for him to continue.

  “So, my crew and I comendeered...”

  “Stole...” I pointed out.

  “Alright, stole the White Whale. After we m
ade our getaway, we were caught in a nasty storm, and marooned on Skale Island. There I met a witch woman, Luna, who had created these beaings. Scary creatures they were too. Anyway, they are incredibly unique, and deadly. Luna had been searching for someone to help her kill the beings she created, she couldn't do it. However, she ended up doing it, later, but...Anyway, some people came and captured one of her Mirher people. She thinks they will be used to create something that will harm people.

  When she died, Odin came to me, and told me I was to come to you, and aid you. He told me to come back here, wait for you to arrive, and when you did, I was to assist you with passage over the sea. I don't know where...”

  This nonsense was making my head hurt. I'm sure he knew what he was talking about, but I didn't.

  I held up my hand, “Alright. Wait. I am so far passed confused, I'm not sure I can make it back around to sanity. However, we need to take this bit by bit, all of that jumbled together is just a blurry mass of confusion."

  “I'm sorry, there is a lot to tell, and I was trying to hit the highlights before you walked away.” He asnswered qucikly.

  “Fair enough. I need to get to the Great Library, why don't explain while we head there, I will send for Maester Mylow, he may be able to provide some other answers.”

  “As you wish.” he said.

  I motioned to one of the watchers, and signaled him to summon the Maester. I knew by the time we arrived he would already be there.

  “Let's start with what happened to the White Whale. A storm took your ship?”

  He asnwered as we began to walk toward the Great Library.

  “Yes, it was my fault. I was arrogant.”

  I laughed a bit, “My apolgies, Captain, but last I checked storms happened across those who are arrogant, and not. Nature does not check your attitude before it unleashes.”

  “That's true unless you challenge the Gods. Which is what I did. When you challenge them, they will come...and kick your butt. Or sink your ship, as they did in my case.”

  He had a point.

  “Oh, you left out that part of the story. Challenging the Gods is never a good idea. After that you were marooned on Skale Isalnd. That is far off the track, and most people don't even know about it. Are you sure it was Skale Island?”

  He nodded, “That I am, Lass. As I mentioned I befrended a witch woman who lived there. She told me it was Skale Island. She had been forced there by Odin for her sin against the realm. She created the Mirher...”

  I stopped and turned him to face me.

  “The Mirher! Are you absolutey sure? Odin help me... You were on Skale Island, that is for sure. I know of who you speak of...”

  “Then you know I am telling the truth.”

  I started pacing. More of this picture was coloring in and making sense.

  “If the Mirher had been captured...That would mean...It's possible that...but how did...Where would they take...” I gasped, “Mhores Isle!”

  I felt faint and needed to sit back down.

  “Vhadrah, now you are the one making little sense. Can you please fill me in?” Wexx said, worried.

  I shook my head, “No, finish telling me all that you know, but we need to get to the Library first. Maester Mylow will need to hear this.

  Snake Eyes and Wings

  I introduced Captian Wexx to everyone, and gave a breif overview to Maester Mylow after we walked in. I knew he would want to know, but I would also need help putting it all together. After the intial, intriduction, and brief, I turnd to Captain Wexx.

  “Captain, after you met the witch woman, what happened?”

  We were all gathered around a round table, listening to the Captain. The flicker of the candle in the center of the table, gave the room an ominous feel. It was hard for me to keep up, with all that he told mixed with the picture, and possibilities all fusing together.

  “My crew and I agreed to help Luna. She had made a pretty convinicng arguement, after she demonstrated what the Mirher could actually do.”

  “Captain...” I interjected, “...perhaps you can explain what they can do. The others, aside from us and the Maester, don't know of them. Or, what they are capable of. “

  Nodding he went on, “The Mirher are like a mirrors, only worse. Not only can take the shape, or form of someone, they can become that person. Not just in looks, and appearance. Actually, become that person. The looks, the mannerism, what they like, what they don't like, their memories, and they can even get the voice right.”

  Maester Mylow jumped in, “Explain that further. What you have described so far sounds like a shifter, or some high level magickstry.”

  “I tell you how she convinced me. My crew had gone to sleep, and she was explaining to me about how and why she created the Mirher people, and why they were so dangerous.

  Next thing I know, my brother is standing there. Not just someone impersonating him, or some spell. It was him." Though he tried to hide it, his voice broke a bit, but he kept going. "I was crippled by my grief. He not only had my brother's face, and build, but his voice. The exact sound, including how his pitch raised and fell according to his mood when he spoke.

  My brother had his windpipe damaged back in our youth, and when he spoke, it was different than anyone else, mainly due to the pitch of his voice. Some words were harder for him to say, so he always talked louder, or breathed heavier, just to get the words out.

  That thing, the Mirher, nailed it. That is not something you can fake or magic up. Especially, since my brother has been dead for ten years.

  This thing, talked about memories we shared, things we had done that only the two of us knew. This Mirher also knew how devestating seeing my brother would be. I haven't spoken of my brother since I left my home, of Tanaloka, twelve years ago.

  There is no way, this was magicked up. Only one crew member knew of him, and he died with my ship.

  These things are the actual reflections of who they become. They reach inside you, find the darkest things, the most intimate things, and disable you with it.

  Then when it is done with you, it steps into your life, altering things. No one will ever know it is not you. It will look like you, talk like you, remember your past like you, even know your secrets. It will be you!

  There is no way to stop them, that I am aware of. Luna killed them but I don't know how she did it. Other than she used her magic to do it and died in the process. Albeit, she was also fighting the men who came to collect her Mirher.”

  Everyone was quiet for a long moment, letting his story sink in. I had never come across one, but I knew of Luna's story. Though I knew her by a different name. Lalynn broke the silence with her question.

  “Why would she create such things?”

  I chimed in and answered that one.

  “She was young and drunk on power. Her pride had gotten the better of her, and she wanted to prove to her teachers that she was powerful, and worthy of legend status.”

  I was surprised when the Captain jumped to her defense.

  “They kept her down and dismissed her. Adorned others that were less powerful than she.”

  I glared at him, “They were doing as Odin instructed. She was powerful yes, enormously powerful. Odin watched as her heart changed, and become corrupt with perverse thoughts, fueled by pride and arrogance. He foresaw what she would do and aimed to stop her. He wanted to give the teachers time to help her really harness her power, without it killing her.”

  Captain Wexx was getting irritated and raised his voice. “A lot of good that did. You see where it all ended up.”

  “Yes, that was human error. Odin never meant for the teachers to restrict her, but to invest more wisely in their teaching. She was put on that Island as punishment, but also for her safety.

  What she may have never known, is that when she did unleash her Mirher on her teachers, she opened the door for something more. Something that was already brewing, and that power now knew her name. Odin banished her to save her.”

  We both
had to take a breath. Fighting amongst ourselves was going to serve no one. I took a deep, breath, reached for his hand, to offer an apology. He returned it with a smile, and deep breath of his own. I motioned for him to continue.

  “She did say she knew, but not until later. She said that she had come across an agent, and when she heard of his plans with her Mirher, she couldn't go through with it. Luna said that is when she went for help. They returned, while we were there, but no one knew until it was too late.

  At least one of her Mirher are in the hands of this unknown threat. She never told me what they planned to do with her creations. Only that she needed to kill them to prevent it.”

  I gasped once more. It had finally sunk in, “She made more than the one who killed her teacher?”

  “Yes, she had many. Luna, said she did it to save off her loneliness, and boredom but it only worked for a little while. In the end, they were nothing like real human interaction.”

  Once again, the room was quiet. It was too quiet. The hair was standing up, flagging down the danger signal. I stood and stared at Maester Mylow, who wore a look of concern. Humberland, had maneuvered himself in front of my sister. I stepped around the table, shielding Lalynn.

  Looking around, nothing was there. Just an empty library except us. The candles swayed more rapidly from a breeze no one could feel. Ghostly almost. It was there, but not there. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what. I listened, but the town guard hadn't sounded the alarm. That was weird given, any sign of a threat, the alarms are set.

  “Stay here.” I said, pulling my sword, and inching my way to the door. Careful to check between the many rows of bookshelves, as I went. Maybe the threat was just in here, and not in town. How did they get passed the Watchers? They see everything. I heard something creep up behind me. It was Humberland, I turned to him.

  “Go back over there, you and I are the only ones armed. Should whatever this is turn violent, they will need someone to protect them."


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