Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale

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Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale Page 11

by Ambear Shellea

  His reply was low, and quick. It was also surprising.

  “No need, your sister has that well in hand.”

  I turned to look, “What...” but to my surprise, none of them were standing where I left them. I glanced to Humberland, “Where did they go?”

  He laughed, “When this is over, I will let your sister tell you that answer. They are safe, we have done this before.”

  I had a tirade of questions, but now was not the time to get distracted. We were being hunted. I did not see anyone, or anything, but I could feel it.

  “HiSkale? Or Army of Darkness?” Humberland asked.

  “Neither.” I replied, “I don't know what is out there, or in here, but it is not either of them. This feels different. This is an enemy I haven't encountered before.”

  The air thickened, making it hard to breath. It was heavy and compressed the lungs. The light slowly faded in and out, threatening to extinguish altogether.

  The next instance the glass from the windows blew out, raining shards upon us. Some scraping skin, some impaling books and candles. The wind was deafening, accompanied by a succession of arrows. We coward underneath upturned tables, and bookshelves. We were scrambling, rushing from one shattered shelter to another, trying to make our way to safety.

  It happened so fast, I only had time to react. I pulled Humberland close.

  “Where did everyone go? Are they safe? Did she use some spell?”

  “I don't know exactly what she did, but yes, it was magic. I'm sure they are fine. Vahneal is incredibly good at what she does.” he answered.

  I sighed. This was exactly why I didn't want my sister to come along. Having her here splits my attention. Of course, I also thought no one would ever attack the Holy City. That has only happened once in history, and the opposition was crushed quickly.

  The wind died down, as did the flying debris of splintered glass. It was quiet a moment. It made my skin crawl. Whatever this was. It wasn't over. I could feel it. Humberland went to move, but I stopped him.

  “No! This is just beginning. Whatever it is. Stay put for a minute.”

  “I agree”, he said, “but we need to know what is going on. We can't just sit and wait to be found.”

  I just glared at him a moment. I didn't really know this guy, or if I could even trust him, but he had a point.

  “Humberland, can you reach one of those arrows?”

  I watched as he glanced around for the enemy, or other flying things. When it was clear he snatched up the arrow and handed it to me. At first, it looked like any other hand made arrow. Once I looked closer, I noticed a sticky liquid on the tip of the arrow, and a weird looking emblem burned into the feathers, like a cattle brand.

  I rolled it between my fingers, getting a better look at the branding. Snake eyes and wings. It was new to me, but I had a sickening feeling I knew what it meant. I worked through my train of thought out loud, hoping for answers, as I stared at the blasphemy in my hands.

  “I'm relatively sure that substance on the tip is poison, or concoction of hindrance, meant to subdue anyone it hits...However, this...the eyes and wings. I don't know who is behind it exactly, but I'm certain it has to do with that snake and the dead Valkyrie we found in that cave.”

  Humberland chimed in.

  “I don't know what it means, but I've seen that in Drakkin Reach, but I cannot remember where. I was pretty determined to get here, so I paid little attention.”

  I groaned, “Drakkin Reach. I keep hearing that name today.”

  “Vhadrah, I know what you were told. I found some books about Drakkin Reach, it's way more than what you found in that journal. There is an evil there, and we need to go. Whatever this is, that we have been facing, it started a long time ago. I found some other journals that foretell of a reptile king, with the power of Gods. It was written many years ago, but some of the things it talks about fit right in with what we are dealing with.” Humberland informed me.

  “Was this person in Drakkin Reach?” I asked.

  “No, he, Treddin Kilvar, the man who wrote in the journal, spoke of Pahrious.”

  My stomach tightened at the thought. I knew there was no other, but I needed him to confirm it.

  “Pahrious? The village of outcasts and rogue mages?”

  Humberland shook his head, “The very one.”

  “That is a place of pure darkness, even Odin's light does not shine there.” I added.

  “Maybe if it did...” Humberland went on to say, but I cut him off.

  “It is not Odin who refuses to shine his light there. Long ago, a group of dark mages, angry with Odin, created a council. It took them fifty long years, but they birthed a spell that blocks the blessing and light of Odin. In the Upper Realm it is known as the Void of Impurity. It is a hub of evil and insanity. We cannot go there. We carry the light of Odin's blessings.”

  “Actually, Vhadrah...” Humberland chimed in, “We can't, as in everyone else, but you can.”

  I was shocked.” How do you work that out?”

  “Vahneal and I have been reading a bit about you, the Dark Valkyrie. Though you are a new species created by Odin, there is some lore about you already. For instance, Dark Valkyrie must pass the Test of the Void...”

  I nodded, “I am familiar with that test. I did have to pass it before I could be granted an assignment. That only happens after years of training.”

  “What does the test do?” he asked.

  I was beginning to get annoyed, as if we had time for him to speak teach to me. However, I answered anyway.

  “It is designed to test the darkest things that might corrupt my soul. I had to be able to resist all that the darkness can offer, all the torment it can inflict, and all the nightmarish promises it threatens to inflict. I was plunged into darkness and had to survive without compromising my soul.”

  “Wait.” Humberland asked, “What happens to those who walk in that haven't been through the test?”

  “They are struck down without notice. Those who inhabit that place can recognize Odin's blessing, and are killed instantly.”

  “Exactly! Which is why you can walk in there.” he pointed out.

  “No, the only way anyone gets through the Gates of The Void, is by invitation only. I...”, I turned to Humberland, “Do not want an invitation.”

  He went to say something else, and I cut him off.

  “First, we need to survive whatever this is. It has been quiet too long.”

  “Maybe they left?” Humberland questioned, halfheartedly.

  I motioned for him to get behind me, but he side-stepped in front of me, checking around the corner of our makeshift safe haven. I checked the other side.

  The Great Library lay in shambles. Rows and rows of tall bookshelves lay atop one another, blocking our way out, without climbing in the open. Tables stacked and pushed against walls, and shelves. Candles and wax, coating wood and paper, spilled about like colorless blood. Arrows, and glass, covered everything else. Each shard glistening in the rays of the moon. It added an eerie glow to the low level of the library, as if to emphasize a nightmare upon knowledge.

  I saw no bodies. That was both a highlight and a disappointment. My companions were not laid upon the ground, but neither were any of the opposing force. Which meant, I still had no idea who was behind this attack. However, whoever they were, they were gone or hiding. Personally, I figured it was the latter.

  I turned back to Humberland, “See anything?”

  “No.” he shook his head, “Same as what we see here. It's too quiet for it to be over.”

  I nodded, “I agree. Let's stay beneath these laid over bookshelves. There is just enough room for us to crawl through. We can make it to the far wall. Once to that point, we should be able to sneak through the emergency passage, and out to the Tower of Wings and Steel.”

  I went to take the lead, his voice stopped me. “I cannot enter the Tower. I am not in training or chosen by Odin.”

  I thought about that for a mo
ment. I didn't have solid proof it would work, but it was the only option I had, currently.

  “Well, given the situation, I am extending you an invitation under my authority. They will grant you entry, as long as you are with me.”

  “Good enough for me.” Said Humberland

  I led us through the maze of debris. We had made it to the shelf of books, that was a secret door into the Tower of Wings and Steel. I held my hand out, keeping Humberland from advancing until I checked to be sure the passage would open.

  I stayed close to the ground, as I made my way the few feet to the passage wall. Once there, I glanced up until I saw the book marked, Metal Feathers, and pulled it from the shelf. Behind it was a small switch plate, just big enough for your hand. The sensation was warm, though it sizzled a bit, when I placed my hand over it.

  A few clicks, and the bottom of the shelf swung open. Just big enough to crawl through.

  I motioned for Humberland follow, and once we were in, I sealed the door.

  Passages and Propaganda

  The space was dark, and even with my expanded vision, I couldn't see. I had never taken this route before. It was a fail safe for this kind of situation, but as far as I knew, it hadn't been used until now.

  They had informed me of all the secret passages within the city walls, during my training. All those with authority were told. It was designed so we could get people safely away from the city should it ever be overtaken.

  Though, I had to admit, I never thought it would ever happen.

  “Stay still. Don't move. There is a plate on the floor, it should ignite the torches along the wall.”

  I shuffled slowly across the floor, trying to judge where said plate might be, in the dark. It had been many years since my training. Within a few minutes the line of torches ignited, filling the long hallway with light. To my surprise, the flames were blue, not their usual red, orange combo I saw with lit candles.

  “Magic...” Humberland exclaimed.

  When I looked back to him, he continued.

  “I don't know how they did it, whoever they are, but blue flame is a product of magic. You could reach out and touch those flames, and they will not burn you...Well, unless the protection spell wasn't cast. I assume it was, given that these are such close corridors.”

  I rasied my eyebrows in amazement. “How did you know that?”

  He shrugged, “Your sister reads a lot, therefore, so do I.” he explained,” I have read many books on the Holy City, and how amazing this place is.”

  I nodded, “Yes, but these passages are not common knowledge. Or at least, shouldn't be.”

  “True, but this is not the only place those blue flames can be found. I was just referring to that, not the passage.”

  I was raised here, and I didn't know that until my training. Now, I was curious.

  “Really? Where else can they be found?” I asked, as I motioned for him to follow me.

  “They can also be found in the Maester's private chambers, The Scribe's dungeon, and within the Halls of the Valkyrie. Although that last one, the torches are only lit blue when a Valkyrie has fallen.”

  I stopped. Very few knew about that, I turned to him

  “What book did you read that in? There's only a small circle of people who know about the fallen Valkyrie, or the halls.”

  “Oh, that I didn't read. Mylow told me that when your sister showed us the blue flame she made appear. It started a discussion about such magical abilities, and their uniqueness. I asked if the Holy City had any such magic in the buildings.

  I was eager to see it for myself, when your sister told us about the protection spell, fused with it, would make it harmless to humans. After that, Mylow talked about the places, within the city, they had such flames.”

  We were about halfway down the tunnel, it was deadly quiet, except for Humberland's chatter about blue flames. I didn't like it. Although, if I didn't hear the screams of townsfolk on the other side, perhaps that was a good sign.

  “You said this will take us to the Tower of Wings and Steel, but where in the tower will this lead?” Humberland asked.

  “Well, oddly enough, the Halls of the Valkyrie. The main gathering room, anyway. Only a select few can actually enter the Halls of the Valkyrie.”

  He went to comment, but I held my hand up to stop him. I heard murmured voices as we approached the door to entry room. Quietly, I stepped closer, listening, making sure not to touch the door.

  “You might hear better if you put your ear to it.” Humberland whispered.

  I turned to him, whispering back, “No, the door will open at my touch. It will recognize me as a vessel of Odin.”

  “What if I touch it?” he asked.

  I thought about that for a moment, trying to recall all that I learned about this passage. There wasn't anything, that I could recall about a reaction if civil humans touching the door, other than it wouldn't open.

  “Alright, try it. However, touch it with your hand first. Just in case something happens, you will already be balanced. As opposed to your head against that door, and it suddenly opens.”

  He nodded and crept forward. I held my breath as he pressed his hand to the door.

  Nothing happened.

  Humberland inched forward, I could tell he was still holding his breath, as he gingerly placed his ear to the wooden surface. We kept eye contcat the entire time, as if we could communicate through vision. We couldn't, but it would have been helpful at the moment.

  “Do you recognize any of the voices?” I asked quickly, trying not to overshadow anything he was listening to.

  He shook his head, no.

  I waited a few more moments, still listening from where I could. Although, even with my hearing better than most humans, at 50 feet, I could hear them but couldn't make out the whispered words. I wanted to be closer, needed to be closer, but getting any closer and the magic would recognize me. Humberland closed his eyes, and sighed, before stepping back to me.

  “We need to leave. Now!”

  “Why? What did you hear?” I asked, not moving until I got the answer.

  “It's not what I heard, it's what I didn't hear.” he answered.


  “Can you explain that, please?” I asked.

  “We just witnessed the Great Library get attacked, and destroyed...” he pointed to the door, his worry lines deepened on his face, “Those people behind that door aren't real. That is a trap.”

  “How do you know?”

  “They kept repeating the same conversation. Who do you know who continues to have the same conversation, with the exact same wording? It was the same four lines.

  There must be something we can do.

  But what can we do?

  We must find the Dark Valkyrie.

  We must find the Darkness of Light.

  That is all they said. It was almost like a chant, but it doesn't make sense. I'm telling you, Vhadrah, something is off.”

  I stood there for moment, my gaze traveling from the door to Humberland, and back. I agreed what he heard was off.

  “I agree. When you first started talking about the same four lines, repeated, I thought maybe it was Monks, but none I have ever met chant questions.”

  “Exactly. I think whatever is beyond that door, is there to lure someone in... You, perhaps. You are a Dark Valkyrie. Everyone in town knows you're here.”

  “That's true enough. It's still odd. What is the Darkness of Light? What does it have to do with me? I've never heard of such a thing.”

  “Neither have I.” Humberland mumbled.

  I motioned for him to follow, “We need to find the others.”

  He nodded, and followed me back to the passage doorway, leading into the library.

  Cloaked and Hidden

  Back in the library, things were still quiet. No sound, no movement, and surprisingly, no sense of magic. Whatever had been attacking had moved on. I didn't like the attack, but this made my skin scrawl. Humberland was right behi
nd, both of us creeping through the debris, looking for any sign of friends and foes.

  “Humberland” I asked, “Have you and Vahneal ever discussed a place you might go, if you were to ever separated?”

  “Yes and no. We discussed it, but we agreed to meet here, at the Holy City but not what would happen should we get separated here.”

  I nodded. It was understandable. No one ever expected an attack on the Holy City, it was too well guarded. There were rings of security from the large files of guards outside the city, to the watchers and spies within the walls. This was never supposed to happen.

  “I hate to say this Vhadrah, it being your home and training place, but I think there is a rat among the mice.”

  It was an odd way to put it, but I understood what he meant. I also agreed. There was no other explanation. This was done by a trusted council member of the Holy city. No outsider could have pulled this off without help.

  Something still didn't make sense. Even with inside help, how could they overcome the large number of Watchers and Spies? That is what they are here for. They are not employed or governed by the Holy City Council. They are...it hit me, and my knees buckled at the thought.

  “Are you alright?” came Humberland's concerned voice.

  “I should have seen it...The voices...it was...”

  Stunned, all I could do was mumble, as I worked it out. I vaguly noticed Humberland's words, but they were but a buzz in my ear. I was too wrapped up in confusion to noticed much else. How could this happen? Who could have pulled this off? Why would they want to?

  I felt something pulling me. Dragging me back form this abyss. A voice more urgent than before.


  My arm was on fire, warm blood oozing from a wound that brought me back to the here and now. I blinked and shook my head clear. When my eyes focused on the world around me, it was pure chaos.

  A small battalion from the Army of Darkness joined by a smaller force of HiSkale, stood about fifty yards away, just outside the shattered windows. They were ready for battle, but not moving. A tall figure, cloaked in smoke, stood in front.


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