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Sexy Holiday Delights

Page 25

by Shara Azod

  Some of what she was thinking must have shown on her face; she noticed Mr. Fine’s eyes bulge, and it appeared he was getting ready to make a move. Sinclair’s instincts clicked in, and before she knew it, she had picked up the first thing in her vicinity, a candlestick holder, and thrown it across the room at his head. Next went her half empty glass of red wine.

  Did he just say, “Honey, I’m home?”

  He ducked just in time to miss the candlestick holder that she flung at him, and then hit the floor to keep from being clobbered by the glass of wine.

  “Who the hell are you?” Sinclair shrieked, looking around for something else to throw at him. All traces of fear were gone, survival took over. She was not going out without a fight.

  “Who the hell am I? Just who are you, lady?” he yelled back. “Do you always break into homes, dance naked, then try to kill a person because he has the audacity to look at you?”

  “Break into homes? I didn’t break into anyone’s home! You’re the intruder,” she yelled.

  “The hell I am!” he shouted. “This is my house, and you have some explaining to do.”

  “I have a brand new deed to show for this home, and I’m warning you, you won’t take me alive. And if you kill me—trust me, my family will hunt you down like a dog and put you out of your misery.”


  A deep frown furrowed Jonas’s brow. “What the hell are you talking about? Your home? New deed? Kill you?” Jonas’s insides tightened. He couldn’t think properly with her breasts jiggling and her long legs parted, giving him a full view of her sex. Not that he didn’t appreciate the view, but his gut told him something about this whole scene wasn’t right. He needed to start thinking with the head on his shoulders, not the one between his legs.

  First, he needed to calm her down before she brained him. Jonas noticed her eyes scanning the room for another weapon. “Listen, will you cool down for a minute and let’s figure out what’s going on here? I assure you, I’m not trying to kill you.”

  “Sure you’re not,” she tossed back. “I’m not letting you assault me, either. You’d better be prepared for the fight of your life, buddy.”

  “Assault? Woman! I’ve never attacked a female in my life. In any way, shape or form. Seriously—do I look like a rapist?” He risked another look up at her from his embarrassing position on the floor.

  “I have no idea. Did Ted Bundy look like a serial killer? I don’t think there’s a particular look that a serial killer or a pervert has.”

  Jonas’s lips twitched in a smile. She did have a point. Bundy was a classic case of looks-can-be-deceiving.

  But, hell, if he were a rapist he would have pounced on her the moment he opened his front door and saw her swaying her delectable, almost-bare body to the music. Jonas was pleased she was using some common sense, but, damn, he wasn’t up to getting his head bashed in. Nor did he want to hurt her while trying to defend himself. It appeared as if she sincerely believed he was trespassing.

  Jonas had felt the pain in his head before he saw what had caused it. He shook his head to clear it as her stiletto fell to the floor beside him. She was out for blood; he thought, as he quickly scurried behind the nearest sofa.

  “Damn it, woman! Will you stop throwing things at me? I am not going to hurt you. I just want to get to the bottom of what’s going on.”

  “No. If I take you out now, it’ll save the taxpayers money on a trial,” she yelled. Picking up a Tiffany lamp, she hurled that at him as well. The glass shattered next to his feet.

  “Listen,” he shouted, “My name is Jonas Thorn, and I own this house. I’ve been living out of the country for the last two years, but--”

  “Impossible. I bought this house from Jonas Thorn, and I’ve known him for two years. He is not out of the country, and you are not Jonas,” she interrupted.

  “What the hell! Lady, I’m Jonas Thorn, and this is my house!” he yelled. “If you stop for a moment, I will show you my ID.”

  Go figure; the goddess in his house was crazy, a con artist, or both. It was just his luck—and maybe his death—if she didn’t stop trying to take his head off.

  “Tell me anything. I’ll believe you,” she replied sarcastically, still scanning the room for more things to throw.

  Okay, that did it. Jonas sprang off the floor and charged at Sinclair, scooping her up off her feet and over his shoulders before she knew what had hit her. He heard her shriek of surprise, but she kept fighting like a wildcat.

  “Put me down!”

  “No. Not until you calm down.” Jonas winced, and cried out as her nails slashed above his shirt and caught the bare skin of his neck. “Will you cut that out?” He headed for the chair nearest him. At the rate she was wiggling around in his arms, if he didn’t sit soon, they’d both be on the floor.

  He gripped her buttocks and slid her down the front of his body. Damn, her breasts felt good against his already heated body. His lightweight jacket didn’t prevent him from feeling her against him. Her blazing center came into contact with his abdomen, and he thought he’d have a coronary.

  Oh, man, he needed to sit now. Jonas made his way over to the closest armchair with Sinclair still wiggling in his arms. He placed her firmly in a sitting position on his lap as he took his seat in the chair. The soft globes of her ass were now nestled against his growing cock.

  If she didn’t stop moving, she really would have a reason to be scared.

  Too late; she must have felt his arousal because she began fighting even harder.

  “No!” she shrieked. “Let go of me!”

  “I will as soon as you calm down.”

  He had no idea how he was managing to speak to her so calmly. The sweet smell of her perfume and her delectable backside was sending his senses into overdrive. Not to mention all of that wiggling she was doing up against him.

  “Keep still. I promise I am not going to hurt you.” He pinned her legs between his own and used his arms to restrain hers.

  “Yeah, right. Your lips are saying one thing, but a particular part of your body is saying something different.”

  “Yes, well, it’s only going to get bigger if you don’t stop wiggling on it. It’s sensitive, you know.

  Sinclair suddenly stopped moving. “Really?” she questioned. “What am I saying? I don’t know you.”

  “Trust me, it can and it will,” he said. Then he groaned low in his throat when she scooted her bottom against him again, evidently in an attempt to right herself on his lap. “Please don’t do that again.”

  “Do what again?”

  “Push your ass back against me.”

  “I didn’t push my ass back against you. I was trying to get off of your…never mind. Just let go of me.”

  “If I let you go, will you promise not to hit me? By the way, what is your name?”

  “None of your business,” she hissed.

  They both started at the sound of someone jostling the door handle. Whoever it was used a key to open the entrance. The man that walked in never bothered to look up before he started speaking.

  “Hey, sorry I’m late,” he said, then stopped in his tracks as he took in the scene before him. “Whoa!”

  “Oh, goodness,” Sinclair gasped.

  “Damn it,” Jonas murmured, releasing her legs and shifting her on his lap.

  Jonas watched as their visitor briefly glanced at the mess on the floor before looking at him, the woman on his lap, and back at him again.

  “I can explain,” Jonas said quickly.

  “You can explain why you have a naked woman between your legs and the house is practically tossed? Oh, I can’t wait to hear this one,” their visitor smiled, dropped his bag and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh my god, there are two of you, and you both have keys to my house!” she screeched.

  “What’s she talking about, Jonas?” their visitor asked with a frown.

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out, Joshua.” He scowled. “And sto
p staring.”

  “Seriously?” Joshua asked.

  “No. Of course, seriously,” he said, adjusting the feisty woman on his lap.

  Oh, big mistake, he thought, and groaned deep in his throat. He whispered, for her ears only, “I told you to stop doing that.”

  “You didn’t steal her, did you?” Joshua asked.

  “How the hell do you steal a woman, Joshua?” Jonas asked.

  “Easy. You kidnap her,” Joshua shot back.

  “Where in the world would I have kidnapped her from, idiot? I didn’t abduct this woman, damn it!”

  “Whew, that’s good to know. I don’t think Mom and Pop could take their beloved being jailed for taking a woman against her wishes,” Joshua teased.

  “You have jokes. Not in the mood,” Jonas shot back. His annoyance was evident in his voice and demeanor.

  “Well, somebody needs to do something. You’re about to have a house full of men in about, oh, ten minutes or less,” Joshua said, looking down at his wristwatch.

  “Shit!” Jonas murmured, swiftly taking off his lightweight jacket. “Here put this on,” he said, wrapping the coat around her.

  Jonas hadn’t noticed before, but she’d gone silent through the entire exchange between him and Joshua.

  He wondered what was going on in that lovely head of hers. He prayed she wasn’t thinking up ways to hurt him again. He wouldn’t bet his last dollar on it, though. Her body remained tensed and ready for action, he was sure; just not the kind of encounter he wanted. He had no doubt they’d be good together. She was all fire, and by that performance she put on earlier, very naughty.

  “You can let go of me. I’m going to put on some clothes now,” she fumed.

  “I don’t think so. Not until you promise not to throw anything else at my person,” he smiled.

  “No,” she said.

  “No what?”

  “No, I will not promise that.”

  “Then I guess you will sit right where you are until you agree not to attack me. That is, if you don’t mind sitting in the buff in front of a bunch of men,” he said calmly.

  “I am going to go and get dressed, and then I want an explanation as to why you two have keys to my home,” she raged, getting up from his lap and rushing off towards the bedroom.

  Chapter Three

  Jonas watched in awe as she exited the room.

  “Now do you want to tell me what’s going on?” he heard Joshua ask.

  “Yes, I would, too, but unfortunately, I don’t have a clue. I came home to find her dancing naked in front of the fireplace. The next thing I knew, I was having things thrown at me. She seems to think that this is her house.” Jonas frowned.

  “You don’t think she’s escaped from some mental institution, do you?” Joshua asked, concern furrowing his brow. “Maybe we should call Cody.”

  “Does she look crazy to you, Joshua?” Jonas asked impatiently.

  “Hey, don’t bite my head off. No, she doesn’t look insane. She looked sexy as hell, but that doesn’t mean she’s not some lunatic.” Joshua shrugged.

  “I don’t believe she’s crazy. However, I do smell a rat. Something’s not right with this picture. She claims to have a deed to the house,” Jonas said.

  “A deed to your house? She’s a con artist, then,” Joshua said.

  “I doubt it. There’s just something about her…”

  “Yeah, beautiful breasts and ass that was all up on you,” Joshua snorted. “For a savvy businessman, you’re thinking with the wrong head, brother.”

  “That’s just it, I can smell bullshit a mile away, and she seems sincere. A little headstrong, but genuine,” he said, standing up and pacing the floor.

  “Whatever her deal is, we need to find out exactly what it is,” Joshua said.

  “Yes, I do, and without an audience. Call the boys off. Tell them not to come,” Jonas demanded.

  “Nope. No way. I’m staying just in case you need backup, and from the looks of this place, you’re going to need all the help you can get,” Joshua whispered.

  “You may be right. However, call off the others. I don’t need a house full of males with only one woman here. That’s a disaster waiting to happen,” he said.

  “You forget; they’re all married except for you and me,” Joshua smiled.

  “Justice is not married, he’s engaged,” Jonas said.

  “He’s just as good as married, Jonas,” Joshua said.

  “I don’t think so. He’s been engaged for four years. If he were marrying the woman, they’d be married already,” Jonas snorted. “What do you think is taking her so long?”

  “I haven’t any idea, and four years isn’t a long time for an engagement. Maybe he’s making sure that she’s the right one,” Joshua said.

  “If she weren't the right one, he shouldn’t have put a ring on her finger. It’s as simple as that. When I left, he was engaged. Two years later, I come back, and he’s still engaged. Not to mention the last time I spoke with him, he was entertaining someone else,” Jonas said. “Listen, I’m going to check and see what’s holding her up.”

  Jonas got up and walked towards the bedroom. He was halfway there when he heard the blaring sounds of sirens and tires squealing up in front of his house.

  “Oh hell,” he groaned, and quickly walked back to the living room where he’d left Joshua, who was standing there laughing like a loon.

  “I guess we know what she was doing in that room for so long.” Joshua laughed harder.

  “This is not funny, Josh,” he snapped.

  “Oh yes, it is. Boy, wait until Mom and Pop hear about this.” He continued to laugh.

  “Listen, deal with them before they break my door down. I’ll handle little whatever-her-name-is.” He groaned angrily. To think he spent all of his time away from home without incident, come back on his soil, get assaulted by a woman in his home and now have to deal with the cops.

  Damn it, I need a drink…

  Jonas didn’t know whether to strangle her or be impressed with her for using good judgment, He was so jetlagged, strangling her seemed fitting just for having to deal with the entire ordeal.


  Sinclair was ecstatic at hearing the police sirens. She’d called them just as soon as she’d reached the bedroom where her cell phone was. Dressed in a pair of jeans, ripped at the knees, a tank top, and a pair of running shoes, she was ready to return to the living area.

  There were two strange men in her house and only one of her. The most logical thing for her to do was to call the authorities, so that’s what she did. The sneakers were for if she needed to kick butt before the officers got there.

  There was a sharp knock on the door that caused Sinclair to jump.

  Oh goodness, that was probably Jonas the fake. She didn’t know who he was, but he sure wasn’t Jonas Thorn.

  Sinclair began to wring her hands together. She’d told him that she’d known Jonas Thorn for two years. That wasn’t exactly correct. Sinclair had met him two years ago at a function in New York, and he’d told her if she ever thought about moving to the Atlanta area to look him up. So that’s what she’d done.

  “Well, you can’t hide out in here all day, Sinclair,” she murmured. “Here goes nothing.”

  She rushed over to the door to unlock and open it. What could they do to her now? Nothing; the police were here.

  Sinclair opened the door and came face-to-face with the blue-eyed stranger. She went to push past him to run to the living room; he caught her up in his arms before she could make her escape.

  “Let go of me!” she screeched.

  “We seem to find ourselves in this predicament a lot. Calm down. You know I’m not going to hurt you. If I were, I’d have done it already. Why’d you call the police?”

  “Why? Because and your lookalike broke into my house,” she cried.

  “No, we didn’t. We both had keys. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why we both have access to your ‘supposed’ house?” he questio

  “No, because I already know. You’ve somehow had duplicate keys made. I knew I should’ve changed the locks to the house immediately. This is a very decent block, and I had no idea that this sort of activity goes on around here. Ugh. Let go of me before I scream,” she squealed.

  Sinclair was pleasantly surprised when he suddenly released her without hesitation.

  The loud voices of the police officers and the beam of flashlights through the bedroom window caused her to shelter her eyes against the sharp rays of the light.

  “Oh, hell, they probably think you’re being held against your will,” he groaned. “My first day back and already the neighbors have something to gossip about. I better get out there. I don’t relish being shot down before I’ve had the chance to see my folks.”

  With that, Jonas turned on his heels and walked back towards the living room—leaving Sinclair standing in his wake.

  Momentarily mystified, Sinclair watched as he disappeared into the other room. The man was like some mighty storm. One minute he was calm and collected, and the next he was thunderous.

  Shaking herself she rushed after him. Not really paying attention, she bumped into his back as he stopped suddenly in front of the barrage of officers standing in the foyer. Oh, my, she thought. She hadn’t expected so many officers to show up. “Oh goodness, what now, Sinclair,” she murmured.

  “Maybe you should have thought of that before you called the authorities on me, lady,” he snapped.

  “Jonas you want to tell me what’s going on here?” Sinclair heard one of the officers ask.

  “Cody, can you please get your officers from around my house? The folks around here are going to have a field day with this,” Jonas grumbled.

  Sinclair watched in fascination as the officer named Cody spoke into his walkie-talkie. “All clear,” he spoke.

  She looked from one officer to the other, at the man Jonas had called Joshua, and then back at Officer Cody. They all seemed to have a sly sort of smirk on their lips. Apparently they knew each other.

  “Jonas, you care to explain what’s going on here?” Cody asked again. “Don’t tell me you’ve brought a woman back from wherever it is you’ve been against her will?”


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