Sexy Holiday Delights

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Sexy Holiday Delights Page 32

by Shara Azod

  The sincerity in his eyes tore at her heart. She believed every word he said, but all she could think to do in response was to reach her arms up and wrap them around his shoulders. Pulling his face down to hers, she captured his lips in a deep kiss. Her soft lips pressed against his harder ones. The soft strands of his hair flowed through her fingertips as she clasped her fingers around the short strands. His tongue pressed against her lips, forcing her mouth to open for him. His deep moan caused a similar reaction from her as well. Something about kissing Todd made her weak in the knees.

  Feeling his hands grab hold of her waist, she let loose a tiny squeak as he lifted her and settled her on top of his lap. His hands came up to grip her face as he pulled away from her, breaking their kiss. “Never doubt my love for you. I may be a stupid, stupid man sometimes. I admit that. But the smartest thing I ever did in my life was talking to you that day. You and Miles have changed me. If we have another baby, great. If we don’t, that’s fine, too. All I care about is being with you. Making you happy. Loving you,” his deep blue eyes stared into her brown ones, the emotion clearly reflected.

  Words failed her. Nodding her head in agreement, she could only stare at him with a similar look of love as he poured his heart out to her. “Ditto,” she said with a smile. At his stunned look, she started laughing and he followed suit.

  “What am I going to do with you, Erica? You drive me so crazy sometimes,” he whispered while planting quick kisses on her lips, cheeks, and nose.

  “All you can do is love me,” and she prayed he continued to do just that for the rest of their lives.

  “You’re damned right I do,” he responded.

  “Now, before this goes too far, there is one thing we need to discuss.” Erica’s voice held a note of seriousness.

  Looking somewhat confused, he released her face, placing his hands on her wrists as her hands rested on his chest, “Anything. I’m all ears.”

  “Christmas is less than two weeks away. We have to get the tree tomorrow. No more putting it off,” she’d been asking him to go with her and Miles to get the tree for two weeks now. She’d been sorely tempted to just go buy a fake tree and put it up herself. But, she knew neither Todd, nor Miles, would ever forgive her for such a travesty. Well, now it was less than two weeks before Christmas and they had nothing. Nada. Zilch. This man was going to get her a tree tomorrow, come hell or high water.

  “Oh, is that all? Don’t you worry about that at all, sweetheart. Miles and I have plans for tomorrow. He and I already worked it out earlier tonight over dinner. All we need you to do is be ready to decorate” the proud tone of his voice made her roll her eyes.

  “Oh, really?” she questioned.

  “Yup, really,” Todd said with a smile as his hands crept around, grabbing her plump ass. “Damn, baby, you feel so fucking good sitting on top of me.” Biting his bottom lip, he squeezed her flesh within his hands, pulling her closer as he lifted his hips. “I need you tonight, Erica.”

  Running her hands down his chest, she whispered back to him, “I always need you, Todd.”

  “Fuck, woman, you’re gonna make me take you right here in the living room. Hold on to me,” he said while adjusting his grip on her body.

  “What?” she began, but then couldn’t help but stop in mid-sentence, her mouth opening in surprise. As he hitched her legs around his waist and lifted up from the couch, she was caught off-guard for the second time that night. He was just full of surprises lately. Not that she was complaining, but still. However, on second thought, this new Todd was playing right into her plans for next weekend, so she would just enjoy it. “Todd, you’re gonna quit carrying me around the house. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “I’ve told you before, I will carry you wherever I please. Now, just hush and enjoy the ride,” his strong hands gripped her ass tightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Inhaling his unique scent, a combination of his favorite soap and her favorite cologne, she couldn’t help but get turned on. Then again, everything about him turned her on. One of the sexiest things in the world was watching him sit on the couch in his bare feet, pajama bottoms, without a shirt, while watching football and hanging out next to Miles as they talked sports. Hair tousled and his entire demeanor relaxed. It was the total opposite of Todd Atkins, the wonder kid who owned part of a multimillion dollar marketing firm. No, when he was at home with them, simply hanging out, he was just her husband and the father of her son.

  “We’re going to be okay, Todd,” she whispered.

  “Never doubted it. Not even for one minute. I know what I have at home and I will never let you go. Even when you get annoyed with me, want nothing more than to smack me upside the head with a skillet, I will still love you until my last breath. Nothing, and no one, will ever change that,” he vowed. Making it to the top of the stairs, he turned toward their bedroom, walking on silent feet past Miles’ bedroom. Erica couldn’t stop kissing him. His neck, shoulders, and lips that gave her so much pleasure. There was not one inch of him that did not feel the soft press of her lips.

  “I love you,” she whispered as he walked them into their bedroom. One of his hands reached over and flipped on the light switch, flooding the room with soft glow from the lamp.

  “I love you more,” he responded, pulling back so that he could look at her. One eyebrow cocked, a cheeky smile on his face, she felt her panties melting on the spot. “Now I want you to strip. It’s been too long since I’ve had my wife the way I want her. We have a lot of making up to do,” his voice was rough and husky with desire. Allowing her to slide down his body, he simply stood there in place, his gaze not leaving hers as her feet touched the ground. Her hair was in an afro ponytail and Todd reached up to pull the thick tresses free from the band holding it in place on top of her head. “Your hair is so beautiful.”

  “Thanks,” she said shyly.

  Running his fingers through her soft curls, when his hands reached her neck, he trailed the tips from her ears to her shoulders, “Your neck is so long. It’s begging for me to lick the skin and taste you,” he said in a deep voice.

  “Why don’t you?” Erica couldn’t help but respond.

  “I’m taking my time. I need to enjoy my beautiful wife again. Standing with you here in front of me, I’m still so amazed that you fell in love with me. I never thought I would be able to convince you to give me a chance,” he said with a smile. Shaking his head as if clearing his thoughts, “I think I’ve been much too busy at work trying to be all things to everyone. When my first priority should always be taking care of home. Taking care of you. Making sure Miles knows that my family comes first.”

  “You’ve been busy, Todd,” reaching her own hand up to rub along his jaw, “I’ve tried to understand.”

  “I hurt you,” he said on a sigh.

  “Yes,” there was no use denying the truth.

  “I’m sorry. I will never do that again,” he promised.

  “I know you’ll try,” she said without anger.

  “Yes, I will. Very much so. I’m not perfect, baby…” she heard him begin to explain, but didn’t want to go down that road. He wasn’t the only one to blame for how they’d gotten here.

  “I know, but then again, neither am I,” she was quick to interject.

  Smiling down at her, he bent his head to give her a deep kiss on her lips before speaking again, “You’re perfect to me. And I will do everything in my power to be the same for you.”

  “I don’t need you to be perfect, Todd. Perfection is a myth. All I need, all I’ve ever needed, is for you to be here with me. To not forget that your home, your heart, is here with us,” she said as she stepped back slightly.

  “I’ll never forget. Where are you going?” he questioned as she stepped further away.

  “If I recall, someone told me that he wanted me naked,” turning slightly away from him, she gave a quick shimmy as he watched her.

  “Oh yes. Yes, I sure do.” Sitting down on the edge
of the bed, he leaned back and rested his elbows on the mattress. “Entertain me, sweetheart.”

  Suddenly becoming shy, she paused, “I’m not sure what I should do. Um, can we put on some music?”

  “Whatever you want. This is your moment,” he said with a smile.

  Nervousness coursed through her body as she walked over to the music system that was built into the wall. Turning it on, she flipped to a satellite station that played all of the good slow songs. Just her luck, one of her favorite songs had just begun. Perfect!

  Turning back to Todd, she slowly walked closer to the bed, directly in front of him. Stomach in knots, she wasn’t nervous about the stripping in front of him, but this playful, sensual side of Todd was how he used to be. Before work had begun to take over. That look of desire in his eyes is what she’d been drawn to all those years ago. The thick tent in his pants, even before she had removed one stitch of clothing, let her know that she was in for a treat. Music played softly throughout their bedroom as she started to move slowly from side to side, her hips swaying with the slow beat of the music.

  Lifting her lashes to look at Todd, she watched him lick his lips as he stared at her. Becoming more brazen by the moment, she twirled around, her arms sliding up her stomach and over her breasts, lifting her shirt partially above the nipples of her breasts. Just as the music hit a certain note, she dipped down low, swaying her body in time with the music. Removing the shirt completely from her body, she covered her breasts with her hands. Using her bare foot, she flung the material to the side of the room. Walking over to Todd, she could see his chest rising with each breath. His eyes had darkened and his teeth were biting into his bottom lip. “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  “Always,” he said with a wicked smile. “Now give me more. I want it all off.”

  Turning away again, but not moving away from him, she dropped her hands from her chest. Grabbing hold of her pants, she began to shimmy them down her hips as she sang the words to the song, “But you’re not really here…it’s just the radio…” she sang to her husband as he laid back and watched her with hooded eyes.

  To her surprise, Todd’s deep voice joined in and began singing along with her, causing goosebumps to appear on her skin. That man knew how she reacted to his voice. “Don’t you remember you told me you loved me, baby?” his deep voice sang out into the darkness of the room.

  Moving to get her pants off that much quicker, once she was finally naked, she turned and leapt on the bed, “Yeah, I love you...I really do,” she crooned. Grabbing his face with her palms, she leaned down and kissed him fiercely, deeply, pouring all of the passion that had been missing lately from their marital bed into that one kiss. Nothing else mattered at the moment, but reconnecting with her husband. Their hands were everywhere. Touching, caressing, rubbing. Just the simple act of them being here, in this moment, was confirming what she already knew. Their love was the real deal. Had she really questioned that?

  Shifting her weight, she moved her naked body down his, placing kisses over his chest and stomach. His happy trail called her name and she couldn’t help but to answer the call. Rubbing her hands along his flat, defined stomach, she was amazed that the man had managed to stay in such good shape while working in an office every day. Reaching her destination, she kissed his thick length through his pants.

  His hiss above her made her smile, “Oh, Erica, you know I love that,” he said with a deep inhale.

  “That’s exactly the point,” she teased while removing his pants. Watching his thick cock sprang free, her mouth watered in anticipation. She always loved pleasuring Todd because he made sure she knew exactly how much he loved the attention. Moans reached her ears before she even placed her mouth on him. Smiling to herself, she teased him a little, her tongue tasting the hard smoothness as it jumped in her hands. “Whoa, baby, hold on,” she said with a tiny giggle.

  “Woman, stop playing with me. Erica…” he moaned again, “seriously, sweetheart. I don’t think I can take it tonight. I need to be inside you,” he groaned out.

  “But I want to make you feel good,” she responded, placing a wet kiss on the tip, tasting the essence that had leaked out, “Mmmmm, so tasty.”

  “Fuck it. That’s it. Come up here,” he growled out as he moved quickly. Grabbing her under her arms, he turned and flipped her onto the bed, his body coming down to rest on top of hers. “We can worry about that another time. Right now. I need my wife.”

  Laughing at him for losing his composure, she said, “You usually last much longer. I’m not complaining though,” reaching up, she rubbed her hands through his thick hair. God, he was just so sexy.

  “Because you know it means I still can’t get enough of you. You turn me on more today than ever before. Now let me kiss you,” leaning down, the first touch of his lips on her skin caused her to whimper. Grabbing one leg and bringing it up over his shoulder, he began kissing her soft skin, beginning at the arch of her foot. He knew that was her spot, guaranteed to make her squirm. He continued kissing up down the length of her leg, even as the tip of his cock brushed up against her wet core. Moaning deeply, she reached her arms up to him. “You want this baby? You want daddy inside of you?” he growled. Pausing as he positioned his thickness at her opening, he looked up at her again, “Don’t hide from me, Erica. Don’t run from me. From us. Whatever mistakes I’ve made, I will always love you. You are the other half of my soul, baby. Believe that,” he begged.

  Just as she was about to respond with her own declarations, he plunged inside of her. So thick, he made her cry out. So long, he filled her to the very brim. No man had ever filled her like this. Looking into his intense blue eyes, she felt the pull again. That feeling of need. Of desire. For only one man. This man. Her man. “I love you, Todd.”

  Stroking in and out of her body, he kissed her neck. Biting her skin lightly, just enough for her to feel the nip of pain, he continued to claim her body all over again. Moaning deeply, she brought her other leg up to wrap around his waist, when he pulled that one over his shoulder. Yes...this is what she needed. Her mind was taken over by the feelings coursing through her body. Lifting his head, he caught her gaze, but never stopped pumping into her, “I’ll never let you go, Erica. Don’t ever ask me to. I love you too much.”

  “No. Don’t ever let me go,” she said as tears entered her eyes. “Please…” she whimpered. Not sure if she was begging him to never leave or for something else, at this moment, it didn’t matter. It felt too damn good to care.

  Kissing her deeply, he took the choice out of her hands. His motions sped up and he plunged into her, deeper and deeper, causing her to cry out in ecstasy. Her hands sought to grip him, but she couldn’t seem to force her limbs to do what she wanted. Flailing around like a rag doll, she was at the mercy of her husband. She loved every fucking minute. Managing to wrap her hands about his lower waist, she could feel the flex of his muscles as he continued to wring every ounce of pleasure from her body. Deeper. Harder. Grunting noises could be heard coming from his throat. Wanting to give as good as she got, she managed to squeeze her Kegel muscles.

  “Oh fuck, baby, do that again! Squeeze me. Claim your man’s dick,” he groaned out as if in pain. His neck muscles tight, he looked at her with a look in his eyes that she’d never seen before. “Don’t you ever fucking leave me, Erica!”

  “No...never,” she whispered back to him. Trying her best to focus on answering his demand, she tightened her muscles.

  Moaning deeply, his actions become jerky, “Yes…” he hissed.

  Her own body responded to the sensations. Stars lined her vision. Animalistic sounds were coming from her own mouth as she began to topple from the cliff. She met him stroke for stroke, grinding her hips into his as the pressure began to build inside of her. Tightening around him, she managed to speak, “Oh, Todd, yes, I’m cum…” she began, but he interrupted her.

  “Yes, baby, cum on daddy’s dick. I want to feel you all over me. Give it to me, Erica,” h
e yelled, his heavy breathing gave away just how affected he was by their lovemaking.

  His words pushed her over the cliff. Mouth opening in a silent scream as he leaned down and kissed her, his mouth crashing down on hers. Her body stiffened as her orgasm careened through her. At that same moment, Todd slammed into her, his hips making small stroking movements as his grip on her body became stronger. The warmth of his own release could be felt throughout her channel. Both of them moaning in release and post-coital bliss, she rubbed her hand down his strong jaw and neck. God, she loved this man.


  Damn, he loved this woman. Lying in bed, holding Erica in his arms, Todd felt his world slide back into position. Things had been tilted on its side for a while now. His heart hurt from hearing the things Erica had said earlier tonight, but his hurt didn’t negate the truth of what she had said to him. They’d both lost something when she had the miscarriage. A full year later, he could finally admit that he’d been more scared of losing Erica that anything else. If he could protect her from feeling that kind of pain again, he would do it in a heartbeat. Even if that meant never again running the risk of her getting pregnant. He would not survive it if something happened to his wife due to his own selfish desire to have a child of his own. Once that thought was formulated, he felt even guiltier. Miles was his son. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t created by Todd, he was his. Would always be his. No other child would give him something he was missing. He already had it.

  That realization had almost come too late. And he’d almost lost his wife as a result. Erica needed him here with her, dealing with their loss together. What he’d done instead was bury his head in the sand and ignore the elephant in the room. Fear was a dangerous thing. People made life-altering decisions based on fear, and ran the risk of losing the people they needed the most as a result. Never again. Hearing Erica ask him if he wanted a divorce, questioning their love, their life together had torn him up inside.


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