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Just One Moment: A Black Alcove Novel

Page 12

by Jami Wagner

  “Why are you trying to destroy something so important to me?” My steps are quick as I approach her. “Tell me, Skylar, why do you feel this need to do this shit?”

  “I didn’t do it.”

  “Sticking with that same story, are you? Total bullshit, and you know it. I saw you with the rock. You won’t get out of it this time.”

  “What? No. I was upstairs, Luke. I heard the noise and came down here.”

  “Stop lying to me!”

  “I’m not!”

  I start to pace. Fucking shit fuck. This is fucking ridiculous. How many times can a person say fuck till it calms them down? Maybe a few more times. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Luke, I swear to you it wasn’t me. Look, I’ve already changed into my pajamas,” she says, holding her arms out, as if this is going to help me see her clothes.

  I look her up and down. She couldn’t have changed that fast and come back down here. Or she could have planned this: stashed the clothes in a corner and changed once I left, then went outside and threw the rock through the window.

  I groan, rubbing my hands over my face. I’m losing my mind.

  “Then who is it?” I ask her, defeated.

  “I wish I knew. All I know from the first time around was there were two people, identical in every way I could see: height, clothing, the way they ran. They came out of the store and ran off to the east. That was it.”

  My head snaps up.

  “Identical? Like how tall, do you think?”

  She shrugs.

  “I was a good distance away; I couldn’t give you a for sure answer on that,” she says, taking a step toward me. “Luke, I swear, it was not me. This time or the last.”

  I nod, knowing she’s right. But twins—I know only one set of twins. One set who have access to the store and who know it is struggling. One set of twins who think I need to get my life back. It couldn’t be them.

  Could it?

  Chapter Fourteen


  I love animals, but the smell of cat urine every day isn’t something I enjoy. It’s also why I’ve decided that when I do get my own pet, it’s definitely going to be a dog.

  “It’s about time you got here,” a voice I’m not familiar with says. I turn to find my kiss-a- stranger guy, Tyler I believe his name was, smiling with greeting.

  “Can I help you?” I ask him.

  “No.” He chuckles. “I work here. My brother had been filling in for me,” he says.

  I swap out my coat for one of the long, blue ones I’ve grown used to wearing while I’m here. It covers every piece of my own clothing so I don’t have to worry about ruining my brand-new jeans, that I bought with my own hard-earned cash. He watches me with a satisfied grin the entire time. From this point on, I’ll pretend like that bar night never happened.

  “I’m a whole thirty minutes early, in fact,” I tell him, grabbing the clipboard off the wall and leaving him in the front room as I head to the back. Once I’ve fed each animal, I check its feed box; once I wash them, I check their wash box. There’s a new sheet every day so I can keep track. Today I’m starting with a Louie, a six-month-old German Shepard, but by the looks of him, you’d think he was at least a year. This one grows fast and whines like crazy.

  “He only makes that noise when you’re around him, so my brother has told me.”

  I scratch behind Louie’s ears.

  “How long have you known I work here?”

  “Probably since the first day you came in. My brother called to tell me about you.”

  Tyler is a good-looking guy; he’s not as built as Luke, but still when he grins at me, it sends a flutter through my stomach.

  “I do give some pretty rad ear scratches,” I say, keeping our conversation on the dogs. I clip the leash on Louie’s collar and lead him out of his cell. I probably shouldn’t call his kennel a cell out loud.

  “So hey,” Tyler says, following behind me. “I know we don’t know each other, but I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner.” His hands disappear in the front pockets of his jeans as he shrugs. “With me, tonight.”

  He’s asking me out on a date? I could cross off another goal on my to-do list. I mean, I’d go to dinner with him either way, I’m sure, but this lets me multitask. I like to multitask, it turns out. A month ago I didn’t have even one thing I had to do each day—now I plan things to fill the whole day.

  “Skylar?” Oh, yeah, he’s waiting for an answer.


  “Hey, sorry to just …” Luke’s words trail off as he notices Tyler. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were in here, too.”

  No one speaks. So this is what that awkward moment feels like.

  “It’s cool, I was just heading back inside,” Tyler finally says.

  “Oh, but—”

  “We can finish this topic later, Skylar. It’s not important.”

  I feel my mouth open into an O as he walks away. Did he just un-ask me out?

  “Everything okay?” Luke asks, handing me a plastic bag. His lips are pressed together.


  Why does he look like he wants to smile but won’t?

  “What, what?”

  “Stop looking at me like that,” I say, feeling my cheeks warm under his gaze.

  “What were you two talking about?”


  “Okay, well, in that case, I thought I would—”

  “He asked me out, and I was just about to tell him yes when you walked in here like you own this place. How did you get in here anyway?”

  “Oh, Mrs. Mulligan and I go way back.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “What do you mean, you were going to tell him yes?” His face wrinkles up like the thought alone will make him sick. “We just made out last night.”

  “Well, I didn’t hear you asking me out,” I say, and his head jerks back. I nod—like, yeah, I told him—and then lead Louie, who has been waiting patiently by my side, around Luke. I tap the stand where I need the dog to jump so I can wash him.

  “I’m sorry, I was too busy reacting to the break-in to remember I was supposed to ask you out.”

  He has a point there.

  “You can ask me now.”

  Where is this bravery coming from, and where in heck was it when I was growing up? I turn the hose on and set it to the shampoo setting. Then I act as cool as I can, when inside I’m freaking out. I just asked him to ask me out. Does this count as making the first move? I could cross that off my list, but then again, kissing him at the bar last night could also count for that one. Either way, it’s safe to assume I have accomplished that one.

  “I’m still not fully convinced that you aren’t the person who is sabotaging my store.”

  I spray him with the hose. On accident of course, but really, this is a solid response to what he just said.

  “How is that possible?” I snap. I’m so sick and tired of him—

  Large arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me in. He’s all wet now. His shirt is sticking to his chest, and when he presses our bodies together, the water seeps through my coat and into my clothes. Luke shuts off the water, and then he kisses me.

  It’s nothing like last night. Today his kiss is harder, like he can’t resist me. He backs me up against the wall, nudging my legs apart to make room for one of his. If he presses any closer, he’s going to be able to feel my heart beating against his own chest.

  “I would ask you out, but I specifically remember a line on your list that reads, “ask a guy out.”

  “And you think I should ask you out.”


  Honestly, he’d be the best person to ask out because, as of right now, I have a good hunch he wouldn’t say no.

  “Luke, will you go out with me?”


  “What? You just said to—”

  “No, because a lady should never have to ask a guy out.”

  I laugh, like I seem to do with him a lot, a
nd give my attention back to Louie.

  “If you’re not busy tonight, I’d love to spend the evening with you, Sky, on a date.”

  The use of my nickname and the sincerity in his voice sets my heart into full speed.

  “Okay,” I say, because we both know I’m going to say yes no matter how long I wait to answer.

  “Okay,” he says, kisses me quickly, and is gone.

  Holy crap. I have a date. Tonight. With Luke. Looks like Tyler un-inviting me was a good thing.

  * * *

  I can’t remember the last time I got ready for a date that I actually wanted to go on. In fact, scratch that, this is the first date I’ve ever actually wanted to go on. I take one more look in the mirror, smoothing my hands over my dress, and fluff my hair one more time. This is also the most dressed up I’ve been since I left home.

  My reflection catches my attention. I look like the exact same girl who has always looked back at me, yet on the inside I feel like a whole new person, and I’ve never felt so light and happy in I can’t remember how long.

  Knock, knock.

  A smile beams back at me.

  I grab my purse and open the door, but Luke isn’t standing on the other side. There is a rose and note taped to the door, however.


  Meet me downstairs. You’ll know where to find me.


  I smell the rose, inhaling as I descend the stairs. I push the door open slowly. The entire store is glowing by candlelight.

  I take in the room, knowing my smile is wide. In the corner I suggested for a reading nook, Luke is standing in a green polo tucked into a pair of dark blue jeans with the remainder of the rose bouquet. Behind him sits a burgundy loveseat with two small, white tables on each side of it. Exactly as I described it.

  “I know I should take you out, spoil you, show you off because I’ve never seen anyone look as radiant as you do right now, but I also know I’m one lucky guy that you are giving me this chance. I’m selfish and that’s why I want to keep you to myself tonight, if that’s okay with you.”

  He takes a step toward me, handing me the flowers. I try to hide my smile behind them as I breathe in their scent. If I can find another facial expression besides a smile tonight, I’ll be shocked.

  “This is more than okay,” I answer him.

  His eyes meet mine, and his lips break into the grin I’m growing to love more each day. “What are we having?” I ask, taking in the sight of a plush blanket spread across the floor in front of the sofa.

  “Well, I was thinking we could test our new reading corner. See if it’s comfortable and a space people would enjoy using.” A rosy color takes over his cheeks as he gestures for me to join him on the floor.

  “So far so good.”

  And then an awkward silence falls over us. Without thinking too hard, I grab his face and kiss him. I’m pretty certain this is not the way to go about a first date. But again, nothing about me or us is normal.


  Her fingers slide between mine, and I flip our hands over, pulling up until my lips kiss the back of her hand. I feel her breath as she turns her head at the touch. I don’t waste another minute. Removing my hand from hers and placing one on each side of her head, I hold her lips against mine. I feel her moan against my tongue as she sinks into my embrace.

  She lifts herself to knees, pushing me back, and I let her. I’ve never been with a woman who knows exactly what she wants, and I’ve been learning the last few days that Sky is someone I misjudged in every way possible.

  I remove my hands from hers and run them up the sides of her thighs as she straddles me. Warmth radiates from her and the thin layer between us. My jeans feel tight immediately and, as much as I don’t want to stop this, I should. This isn’t proper first-date etiquette, and Sky deserves to be treated better.

  With my hands on her hips, I hold her still and pull my lips back.

  “This is one hell of a way to start a date,” I say.

  She drops her chin and covers her face with her hands. “I know, I know, this is so bad. I don’t do this. But, I … I couldn’t take not talking, and then, well, I mean, I wanted to kiss you, and I figured I may as well just do it now instead of—”

  I pull one hand from her face and I kiss her. This time though, it’s slow and gentle. She makes the choice to end it this time, crawling off of me and rising to sit on the couch.

  “I probably should have started with something more like that than just jumping on top of you,” she says.

  “I’m not complaining,” I say, taking the spot next to her.

  “But you stopped me.”

  “Yeah, I don’t want you to think I planned this type of date because I assumed you and I would be … physical.”

  “All right.” She smiles at me. “Let’s eat.”

  The blush I saw earlier is back. She takes a deep breath, her chest rising. Dinner can wait. That’s what microwaves are for, right?

  I place my hands at her waist and lift her in a swift move until she is on top of me again. Her legs slide against my sides as she sits on my lap. Her eyes are wide but not with fear. With excitement and approval. She crashes her mouth to mine.

  My hands lose control, roaming over her ass and up her back. Her dress bunches under my fingertips as I move them to the swell of her breasts. Her knees slide from their spot against my side, causing my hands to drop to her waist. Has she changed her mind? But it’s the opposite. By moving her knee, she’s spread her legs wider, allowing her to sink closer to the spot where our bodies meet. Her hips begin to move back and forth. Her hands have a firm grip, holding my face as she kisses me harder. Then she moans, and it’s the sign I need to know she’s all in.

  With a hold around her waist, I flip her to her back. Her dress falls to her waist at the same time she lifts her hips for me to glide her panties off. She makes quick work with my belt, pulling it out of the loops effortlessly and tossing it to the floor. Pushing against the sofa to raise myself, Sky tugs my pants down with her foot, all while clawing at my shirt until it comes off.

  I’ve never been undressed so quickly before. There’s only one problem. She’s still wearing her dress.

  I lower my hips to rest between her legs and then kiss her, pulling her back with me as she lifts the dress. Our lips never break except when she pulls the soft fabric over her head. I find the condom that is always in my wallet and slide it on. Her kisses are faster now and more desperate than ever. I’ve never felt so wanted in my entire life. I place myself at her entrance and then take a moment to look at her. So much desire and happiness is radiating off her. She rolls her eyes when I smile, and I fail at hiding my laugh; she pulls me back down for more kissing. I chose that moment to enter her.

  The kissing stops as her head falls back. Her hands grip my ass, and when she squeezes I take that as a sign to speed up.

  The sounds of our breathing and the repeated groans and moans as I rock my hips fill the room. It doesn’t take much time for us to reach the breaking point together. She never cries out harder, or says my name, or anything else, but when her eyes look in mine, she doesn’t have to say anything. I know exactly what she needs. I know this because not once tonight have I thought about the store, not once have I cared about when it will open. All that matters right now is Sky. She needs me, and I’m pretty sure I need her, too.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’ve never been so excited for a holiday, and I don’t care that it’s only Halloween to everyone else. It’s Halloween to me.

  “If you could pick any costume, what would you be?” Alex asks.

  “Like with everything else in your life, I can’t believe you have never dressed up for Halloween. I would imagine rich people still have some sort of party,” Beth says.

  “The closest we ever got was a masquerade ball, and trust me when I say they aren’t as fun as you think. The masks are awesome, but keeping them on, being able to see and smile without the mask movi
ng, is such a pain. And in my family, you were always taking pictures no matter what the event, so my mother, Eloisa Atwood, would lose her mind if you smiled and your mask moved and someone decided to use that picture.”

  “So, basically, the rich and famous life is not as glamorous as the movies make it out to be.”

  I shrug. “I mean, it had its moments.” Some of which I know, after living in Wind Valley, I took for granted. Now I’d give anything to go back just to get my trust fund to help Luke with the store.

  “What about this nurse costume?” Alex holds up an outfit that, by the looks of the picture on the front of the bag, doesn’t cover very much.

  I flip it to the back, looking at the price tag. “Fifty dollars for this. I may as well wear my bra and panties to the bar and save myself some cash.”

  “Luke would die if you did that. Both from wanting to tear your clothes off and to shield you from the view of any other man,” Beth jokes as she pulls out a slutty fireman’s dress as we make our way down another aisle with costumes for women.

  I want my costume to be somewhat realistic. Just because I’m dressing up doesn’t mean I have to go full on into the clichéd world of girls wearing the smallest piece of clothing they can find.

  “Well, what are you two planning to be?” I ask.

  “Conner wants to dress up as a couple,” Alex answers, and she doesn’t sound too excited.

  “And I’m not dressing up,” Beth says.

  “I can totally see Conner being that sort of guy, and, Beth, why not?”

  She shrugs and pulls out the next costume. A pink poodle skirt appears from the rack.

  “What if you and Luke did a couples costume, too? You could be Sandy and he could be Danny.”

  “Who and who?” I ask.

  Both of their eyes widen, and Alex’s mouth opens into a large oval shape.

  “You’ve never seen Grease, the movie?” Beth asks, the skirt dropping with her arm at her side. “Please tell me you watched movies before you came here.”


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