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My Baby Is a West Coast King

Page 3

by Shvonne Latrice

  I woke up to my iPhone alarm going off, and quickly stopped it. I’d bathed last night so I didn’t have to this morning, so all I needed to do was wash my face and brush my teeth. I hurried to the bathroom to do so, and then rushed back to my bedroom to throw on some tights, a t-shirt, crew neck, and some all black Nikes. As I was wrapping my real hair up into a bun, since I had to remove my extensions, I heard someone jiggling my handle.

  “Laine!” my uncle slurred, banging on the door and fumbling with the knob again. I guess my alarm woke him up too.

  “Go away!” I shouted, hoping he listened. I had to leave, and I wouldn’t be able to unless he moved from the door. “Fuck,” I mumbled. “Of all nights, he chose this one to act up again.”

  “Open this fucking door before I break it down!”

  “Please go away!” I cried, not in the mood.

  Fuck! I wasn’t even close to being a punk, but my uncle was a big nigga. I’m talking Deebo from Friday big. And unless I planned to jump out my window, which was three stories up, I would have to fight his ass.

  There was silence, so I assumed he left. I grabbed my duffle bag since it was 5:25am, and my ride was here already. I snatched some scissors from my drawer, and then opened my bedroom door to see nothing but darkness. Creeping out, I made it to the living room before I felt my uncle grab me from behind. He was so strong, almost like he was made of steel.

  “Let me go! Grandma!” I screamed as he pulled at my clothes.

  “Shut the fuck up unless you want me to kill her!” he gritted in my ear before throwing me up against the wall.

  “Stop! Move!” I bawled, before remembering I had those scissors.

  As soon as he tried to press himself against me, I jammed the scissors into his leg, prompting him to holler loudly and stumble backwards. I jumped over him as if he were a hurdle on a track, and booked it out of the door, leaving him to yowl miserably. I didn’t care if he bled to death, I was making it a mission to never come back here.

  Rushing down the steps, I spotted my ride, and climbed into the car.

  “Hey, ma,” my ex boyfriend Tarik tried to kiss me, but I moved my face away. “Oh, I can give you a ride but you can’t give me a kiss?”

  Trust me I’d asked Erynne for a ride, but she had to be up early tomorrow, and I kind of felt like she didn’t want me to go. Not because she didn’t support me, but because she didn’t really trust the shit. I didn’t blame her, but I was still going. I had to take a chance.

  Anyway, I didn’t know anyone outside of Erynne except Tarik, so I had to use his ass one last time.

  “Don’t you think you’ve given me enough?” I sucked my teeth as Tarik pulled off.

  “You act like I gave yo’ ass HIV! At least it was something curable, damn!”

  “You shouldn’t have given me anything, nigga! Hell is wrong with you? If you weren’t sticking your dick in so many nasty ass bitches, we’d still be together.”

  “I told you it was just head and I ain’t doing that shit no more.”

  “Fuck you, Tarik.”

  “I want you to.”

  “Well you better jack off to the damn memories because you will never get this pussy again. I don’t care if fucking you would save your life, that sick ass dick will never get inside of me.”

  “Yeah, aight,” he smacked his lips as he headed towards the Chicago O’Hare airport.

  When we got there, I was about to get out but he hit the locks on the door. I hit them to unlock it, but he did it again.

  “Would you stop fucking around?”

  “Give me a kiss and I will let you go?”

  “No, nigga, you probably have herpes—”


  Before I could get that shit out, he’d smacked my ass, busting my nose. Not being with Tarik for the past week and a half made me forget how crazy his ass was. So not only was he off, but he’d given me an STD. I was getting out of Chicago for more reasons than one.

  “Watch yo’ fucking mouth, Laine! I don’ let you talk that hot shit for too long!” he gripped my neck, banging my head against the window. “You don’ busted my nose, my lip, and blacked my eye! We even!”

  He leaned over to try and kiss me still just like a crazy muthafucker would do, but I grabbed the lighter he had sitting in the door and flamed his wrist.

  “Ah!” he yelped, pulling back and examining it. “Crazy bitch!”

  “Fuck you!” I barked as I hit the unlock button and got out of the car. As I grabbed my suitcase from the back seat, he was still crying over that little ass burn I gave him.

  “I’m gonna fly over there and kill yo’ ass,” he hissed, slowly turning to look at me like he was in The Exorcist.

  “Fuck you, dirty dick ass nigga,” I said before slamming his door and rushing inside.

  I held my nose as much as I could to stop the bleeding, but the few times I had to drop my hand, people stared. My face made my money, and Tarik knew that. I couldn’t fucking stand him, and I was so happy to get away from that shit.

  An hour and fifteen minutes later, I was sitting in my first-class seat, eyes closed, and hoping when I woke up my life would be anew.

  Los Angeles, CA…The Model mansion…

  “Relax, I will get your bags,” the limo driver Jude sent, smiled, as he opened the door for me. I stepped out and admired the mansion.

  “Thank you.” I touched my nose, making sure no blood was dripping. I’d gotten it under control before even getting on the plane, but you could never be too sure.

  Taking my bag and rolling it up the very large and wide driveway, I finally made it to the double wide wooden doors of The Model house. It was just as beautiful in person as it was on the Internet. Ringing the doorbell, I waited, and then a pretty girl answered with big red curly hair. I knew her name was Rita, because everyone knew the girls from The Models… well, some of them if they were popular. Rita was wearing lace panties and the matching bra, eating a bowl of cereal.

  “You must be the new girl,” she cocked her head, munching.

  “I am, excuse me,” I said so she could back the fuck up and let me in the house. It was around 9:30am, and cold as hell outside.

  “You are bomb, I’m glad too. Jude tried to bring a bucket head ass bitch up in here once, but we weren’t having that shit. We get paid to be pretty, one hundred percent.” She closed the door behind me and I just basked in the warmth of the beautiful home.

  “Oh, I know.”

  “Well, Jude is asleep right now, but he’ll welcome you and all that shit when he awakens. Plus, you may wanna clean your nose up before he sees you anyway.”

  “Right.” I rolled my eyes when she walked past me.

  Don’t start a fight, Laine, you just got here.

  I followed Rita up the stairs to a room that had the door closed. On it was my name, and another one: Cassie. Rita opened the door and led me inside the beautiful spacious bedroom. I guess I would have to get used to sharing a room with someone. I was ready to work though, so my living conditions were the least of my worries, especially since this situation was temporary. And I was just happy I was here.

  “Oh, hey. Laine, right?” the pretty girl who I assumed was Cassie hopped off her huge bed and greeted me.

  She was bomb with long ass black hair, and a slim, shapely frame like me. We appeared to be the same height too. She was wearing a white cami, some panties, and fuzzy socks. A huge smile graced her pretty face, and when she talked I could see she had two tongue rings. I had never seen her really, so she must have been new to the The Models like me.

  “Yes, Cassie?” I finally responded.

  “That’s me,” she smiled.

  “Well, I will leave you two to bond. If you need me, Laine, I will be next door, aight?” Rita walked away, letting her ass jiggle wildly.

  “We won’t need you!” Cassie chuckled, and Rita flicked her off. “Oooh, you’re bomb as fuck. We’re gonna have fun together.”

  “You eat pussy?” I joked, placing my l
uggage down.

  “If it’s pretty,” she replied, and we both laughed. So far she seemed okay.

  “Cool,” I nodded.

  I’d fucked with like one or two girls, but it was for fun and nothing else. I didn’t get along with bitches enough for it to be more. And it only happened because I didn’t want to lose my virginity to the niggas around Chicago at the time, so getting my pussy ate was the next best option. Cassie was pretty as hell though, so I wouldn’t even mind having a little fun. However, that wasn’t what I was here for.

  “Nipple piercings?” she asked once I removed my crew neck. I had a bandeau top on, but my nipples and piercings were showing through.

  “Yeah, it hurt like fuck to get, but I love them.”


  “So you new, Cassie? No offense, but I haven’t seen you before.”

  “Yeah, I just got here a week ago.”

  “Damn, you seem so comfortable.”

  “That’s how I am. It doesn’t take much for me to adjust and get cozy with shit. I hope you’re like that too, it’s part of the ‘job’.”

  “Oh, I know and I am.” I climbed onto the bed wearing just my bandeau top and red thong. The mattress was like heaven compared to my twin bed back home.

  “Well, this Saturday we’re going out somewhere. It’s not a paid job, but Rita knows this rapper and he wants her to come with some friends.”

  “Damn, and she already chose you?”

  “Yeah, and you after Jude showed us your picture. Trust me, you, me and Rita are the best looking ones and you know it. Oh, and this girl named Kady.”

  Cassie was right. There were about seven bitches living here, not including us, but I must say Cassie, Rita, Kady, and I were top four.

  “You’re right. So if it’s not paid, why are we going?” I asked after she cut the lamp off. I picked up my iPhone to see Tarik had been texting me saying he was sorry and loved me. “Fuck nigga,” I mumbled.

  “Just to chill and have fun. This producer named Mischief and his brothers the Hunnit Boyz are gonna be there. I don’t know about you, but being around fine niggas is fun for me.”

  “Mischief and the Hunnit Boyz? Never heard of them.”

  “They’re big in L.A. Mischief is crazy as fuck though. I ain’t gonna talk to his ass, just look. I heard he shot some nigga in the face for stepping on his all white shoes once. He’s fine as hell though.” She said the last part as if that rectified him killing a man over stepping on his shoes. “But his brother, Kordell? Damn. I’m a sucker for dreads.”

  “Well I guess we have plans for Saturday.”

  Cassie and I stayed up talking until about 11am, before we knocked out. I had never been in a bed this comfortable, but I could damn sure get used to it. For the first time in a long time, I slept peacefully, not jumping out of my sleep, in fear of my uncle.


  Friday night…or early Saturday morning…

  I’d just pulled up to my apartment, and all I could think about was showering and hopping my ass in the bed. I’d been in the studio all day today, getting tracks together for Cardio, my brothers, and this girl group Irish that I was meeting with tomorrow afternoon. If things went my way, I’d be making a lot of bread in the next couple of months.

  Just as I got out of my car and hit the alarm to lock it, I saw that same blue Toyota Corolla that loved coming to my crib at all times of the day as if they had it like that. Sucking my teeth, and pulling my sagging jeans up, I waited for Sammi to get out of the car and make it to me.

  “Hey,” she gave me that shy smile she always did, making her deep dimples appear.

  Sammi was beautiful, caramel, thick in all the right places, and had a pretty dope personality. She used to fuck with my cousin Ishmael about eight months ago, but after he’d done her dirty too many times, she left him.

  We started messing around because in her time of need, a nigga was nice to her, too nice, and broke her off with some dick. We’d been fucking around ever since, and I knew deep down that she thought eventually I would make her my girl. I honestly just felt sorry for her, and since the pussy was hella good, I hadn’t told her to kick rocks yet.

  As for Ishmael, he knew I was smashing her and even though he said he didn’t care, I knew he did, which is why I’d lied and told him I’d stopped. I only did so because he was my cousin and I had love for the nigga, because otherwise I wouldn’t give a fuck how he felt. Niggas these days acted too much like bitches when it came to these females, so I’ll be damned if I’m out here preserving these bitch nigga’s feelings. But since Ishmael was family, I did the ‘right’ thing by lying. Hilarious.

  And to be perfectly honest, Sammi was on me from jump, but since I wasn’t in the mood to entertain that day, Ishmael lucked up and locked her down. She tried to make me believe that she was into me because I was ‘there for her’, but deep down I felt like she’d been waiting for that nigga Ishmael to mess up so she could finally fuck with me. Plus, that night she came crying to me about what he’d done, I ain’t do shit but tell her how good she looked, and not but a minute later, she was on her knees, topping me off. But I guess that’s being there for somebody these days.

  Was it fucked up for me to mess with my cousin’s old bitch? Maybe, but in my opinion, if he loved her, he wouldn’t have been fucking around on her. If a nigga really loves you he’ll do right, and you won’t have to beg or ask him to. I ain’t know much about love and relationships, but I did know that much. I could never see myself meeting a female that would have me ready to just be with her, but shit, stranger things have happened.

  “What you doing here, Sammi?” I asked, leading her into my apartment complex. I knew why she was here, and that little voice in my head was telling me to break this shit off before she got hurt. Her vibe was different tonight; I could feel it.

  “I called you earlier and you didn’t answer. I was worried about you.”

  “Wasn’t worried about me.” I laughed at her lie, more so to myself, as I led her into my apartment.

  “Okay, I missed you.”

  “I know.” I pulled my hoodie off over my head, tossed it onto my couch, and then sat down. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, but I was hella horny so I didn’t wanna send her home.

  “Ish called me today,” she said, straddling my lap. My hands immediately began caressing her sexy frame, admiring the way it filled out the little ass dress she wore.

  “Oh yeah,” I shortly replied. Why the fuck would I care about that nigga hitting her line? I didn’t care who called as long as it didn’t interrupt me banging that pussy.

  “Yeah, he’s still begging me to get back together and it’s been almost a year.”

  Ignoring her, I tugged her dress down since it had no straps, and took her nipple into my mouth. As I sucked and bit down gently, my hand moved between her legs and started caressing her pussy through her panties. In no time, she was soaking through them, but when I tried to push them to the side, she stopped me.

  “The fuck?” I frowned, looking up into her face. It was late, I was hard as a brick, and she was on some bullshit. Me not being in the mood for all this extra shit was an understatement.

  “You didn’t even flinch when I told you Ish wanted me back.” She pecked my forehead quickly since she knew not to touch my lips, and then stared down into my face all sadly. “Shai!” she whined as I groaned, running my hand down my face.

  “What, Sammi? Fuck do you want me to say about him calling to get back with you? The nigga wants you so I’m not surprised! Did you seriously show up at my crib after midnight to talk? Because if so, you can go, baby girl, on some real shit. A nigga is tired and I wanna bust one, not converse about you and my cousin, or anything for that matter.”

  She scanned my face with her jaw on the floor, as if she were perplexed by my response.

  “So what have we been doing for almost a year, Shai? You told me you cared about me, and I feel like we’re not progressing,” she started to tear up.
  Are you fucking serious? I knew her energy was off tonight.

  “Sammi, I can’t. On my life, I can’t do this shit with you right now. I do care about you but I also let you know that I wasn’t interested in a damn relationship, especially with someone who used to fuck with my cousin. I will never wife a bitch somebody I know has smashed, especially not family.”

  Climbing out of my lap, she dropped her face into her hands and began sobbing violently. Not having shit else to say, I got up and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

  As the water ran over me to rinse off the soap, I heard Sammi come into the bathroom, and only a few minutes later, she was getting inside with me. We said nothing to one another, as she cleaned herself and I watched. My dick was already responding at the sight of the water covering her sexy frame, and I just hoped that the conversation part of tonight was over. When she was done, I pushed the door back so she could get out and I followed.

  “I’m sorry, I know you need time,” she whispered as we dried off. I wasn’t gonna even reply to that shit because it was obvious at this point that she didn’t want to accept that she and I would never be in a relationship, or anything that would make her think she could clock a nigga’s moves.

  Turning to face her, I picked her up to carry her to my bedroom. Once inside, I placed her to her feet and nodded down towards my dick to let her know what I wanted. She happily got down on her knees and took my head into her mouth. Playing in her soft hair, I bit down on my lip as I humped her face slowly, enjoying the sight of my dick in between her full lips. Sammi’s head game was aight, but she could never make me nut off of it. Mendi and this one chick Sekoyah were the only women who could do so. I only had Sammi suck me up because I liked to watch her do it.

  “Go put that pussy in the air,” I spoke lowly, pulling my dick from her mouth.

  She got onto the bed and put her ass in the air, keeping her legs wide so I could see her fat pussy glistening. She was looking over her shoulder at me, waiting, as I teased her clit with the head of my dick after strapping up. Gripping her smooth round ass, I plunged inside of her, watching her ball my comforter up in her small hands, and whine.


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