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Flawless: A Street Love Tale

Page 7

by Jade Jones

  “Dat don’t look like ‘nothin’ serious’,” Romeo said. “And it wasn’t there earlier…which means ya’ll got up after me and you.” He couldn’t hide the envy in his tone as he put two and two together.

  Shayla giggled before shaking her head at Romeo. “I’ll take you bein’ jealous as a good sign.”

  That instantly eased the tension and brought a smile to his face. “Maybe. Anyway what buddy do for a livin’?” Romeo asked, somewhat interested in her ex now. Truth be told, he just wanted to see what the competition was looking like—if there was any at all.

  “He’s a trainer at the Planet Fitness in Chamblee Tucker,” Shayla told him. “But enough about him. Just talking about my ex gives me a headache,” she admitted.

  “Fa’sho,” Romeo agreed. “I can dig dat.” Out of respect, he decided to drop the subject for now. But the issue at hand definitely wouldn’t go unaddressed.


  “So how you like it?” Romeo asked Shayla on their way out the restaurant.

  “Other than the waitress flirting with you every so often, it was a pleasant experience,” she retorted.

  They were just about to walk outside when Romeo gently grabbed her forearm. Stopping Shayla in her tracks, he slowly backed her against a nearby wall. A few people passed them by but at that moment they only saw each other.

  Romeo softly pinned his body against Shayla’s before lifting her chin up towards him. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably in her tummy since he had caught her off guard. Even though it was too early for a kiss she didn’t want to stop him from possibly taking one.

  Damn. What is it about this dude, Shayla asked herself.

  He’s trouble, she thought. But some enjoyment is worth the trouble…

  Romeo’s HERMÈS cologne surrounded Shayla, leaving her intoxicated. It’d been quite some time since a man made her knees buckle…and Romeo was breaking her down by day.

  Leaning downward, he moved in as if he were preparing to kiss Shayla. His warm breath smelled of the mint he’d just popped after dinner.

  Shayla’s common sense urged her to stop him before things moved too fast, but her body begged otherwise. Shayla didn’t budge an inch when his strong arms went to her tiny waist. He had so much sex appeal that it was hard to turn him away. From his looks, to his swag, Romeo was dangerously undeniable.

  “Don’t worry about her…She where she need to be and you where you need to be. Feel me?”

  Shayla’s heart beat in anticipation as she waited for their lips to connect—but sadly it never happened. Pulling back, Romeo took her by the hand and led her out the four star restaurant. Talk about crushing a girl’s dreams. This nigga knows exactly what he’s doing, she thought to herself as he guided her to his Porsche.

  Once inside, Shayla fastened her seatbelt and turned to face Romeo. “Why all that back there?” she asked curiously.

  “Why what?” Romeo asked, purposely fucking with her.

  “Back in the restaurant…You acted as if you wanted to kiss me.”

  Romeo smirked, revealing a sexy deep dimple. “You say the shit like you want a kiss,” he teased.

  Biting her bottom lip, Shayla carefully considered whether or not to utter her next choice of words. “Maybe I did,” she said, finally giving in.

  Romeo hit the push to start button and turned to look at Shayla. She was so damn sexy that night it should’ve been a sin. The bashful young woman who’d cursed him out a day ago was rapidly letting her guards down. That realization left him excited and apprehensive; excited because of the possibilities…and nervous because of the possibilities.

  “How ‘bout this,” Romeo began. “If you wanna kiss, you gimme one…”

  Shayla laughed and shook her head at his pettiness. Truth be told, she actually found it cute and amusing. “That’s how you wanna play it?” she asked, giggling.

  “Why not?” Romeo smiled.

  PartyNextDoor’s “Recognize” poured through the speakers as Shayla unfastened her seatbelt. Romeo didn’t expect her to lean over and press her lips against the corner of his mouth. And while the peck was innocent, Romeo was impressed by her assertiveness nonetheless. From day one Shayla had played the shy role to perfection. It was refreshing to know she didn’t have a problem going after something she wanted. It let Romeo know exactly where her head was at.


  Kimberlyn was giving her a son, Jordan a bath that night when her cellphone rang. A part of her didn’t want to answer for fear that it was Cool. Once in a while he got a hold of a C.O.’s phone after call hours. At the moment, she didn’t feel like being bothered with him.

  Maybe it’s Shayla or Nina, Kim thought. However, the moment she saw the caller ID, she instantly frowned at the name displayed.

  “What do you want, Desmond?” Kimberlyn answered, unenthused.



  After placing her phone down, Kim continued with her task at hand. Jordan seemingly didn’t have a care in the world as he allowed her to wash his hair. Like his mother, he too had a headful. He also had her green eyes, and ironically the same beauty mark. Jordan was Kimberlyn’s entire world; the one thing that made life worth living for. And she was willing to do whatever to ensure he didn’t end up being like Cool.

  No sooner than three seconds of hanging up did her cell ring again. “What?!” she yelled into the receiver.

  “Ugh, bitch. Somebody snappy,” Nina laughed.

  Kimberlyn sighed deeply after realizing it was her girl. She was so upset that she didn’t even look at the caller ID before answering.

  “Girl, you don’t even know the half of it,” Kim said. Before she could fill her friend in on her life’s latest drama, the line began clicking. “Hold up, girl, don’t hang up.” Before Nina could protest, Kimberlyn clicked over. “What do you want, Dez? Your girl already made it clear she ain’t sharing—”

  “Aye, check this out. My baby moms don’t run shit,” Desmond told her. “She don’t control my life and she definitely don’t control who I fuck.”

  When Desmond came back in town Kimberlyn assumed they could pick things up where they left off, but apparently his BM had her own agenda.

  “Look, I really ain’t tryin’ to have some bullshit wedge us apart, K,” Desmond told her. In his voice was sincerity, but Kim was unsure if she could trust him. “The first time it was da distance and da circumstances,” he continued. “We ain’t got no obstacles other than a bitch dat miss da D. That’s all that is.”

  “Is that all you have to say about the situation?” Kimberlyn asked. She’d totally forgotten about Nina being on the other end.

  There was a short silence on Desmond’s end as he pondered her question. “What else you want me to say, babe?”

  “Um…I don’t know. An apology should’ve definitely been in order.” Had it not been for him explaining himself Kim would’ve hung up on him a second time.

  Desmond didn’t miss the sarcasm in her tone; but he was willing to let her have it if that meant squashing their differences. “My bad about all dat shit earlier. I guarantee you won’t have to deal with that again.”

  “What makes you think I wanna deal with you again?” Kimberlyn countered.

  Desmond didn’t miss a beat. “’Cuz you still on da phone with a nigga…”

  His response was simple and straightforward. Even Kimberlyn couldn’t deny that she was still somewhat captivated by Desmond—especially after their rendezvous last night.

  “What’chu gettin’ into tonight?” he asked. Desmond figured Kim’s silence was an open invite to get back in her good graces.

  “Nothing much. I’ma be holdin’ the house down since my aunt’s out. In other words, I don’t have a babysitter.”

  “Shit, dat’s cool. You should let me slide through and chill. I could grab us somethin’ to eat on da way,” he said. “Maybe twist up after you put your son to sleep. Hell, I’m happy just to see you and be able to spend time wit’chu.”

/>   Kimberlyn’s cheeks became warm as Desmond played on her emotions. He’d always known what to say. It was the same game that had dazzled her some five years ago. Pausing, Kimberlyn deliberated his enticing offer. Although she was really feeling Desmond, she had never brought another man inside of Cool’s home.

  Fuck Cool. That nigga ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. Why not live a little?

  “Give me an hour to put the baby to sleep. I’ll text you my address.” Disconnecting the call, Kimberlyn looked over at Jordan who was splashing in the water while playing with his toys.

  Apprehension washed over her, but she quickly shook it off.


  “Wow. I can’t believe you live here.”

  Shayla tried her best not to appear awestruck as she walked through Romeo’s luxurious palace. Expensive décor and breathtaking furniture offered a regal feel to his home, and secretly Shayla felt privileged for the invite. Dexter came from wealth but not even him or his family was living this good.

  Shayla had to keep her jaw from hitting the polished marble floors. To say she was impressed was an understatement. Romeo was living like a king, and it instantly made her curious about him and his mysterious career. Maybe he’s a rapper. Nah. He doesn’t look like the type.

  “I’m surprised the place empty,” Romeo said, leading the way. “Usually, I can never get a second to myself to think in dis mufucka.”

  Taking her by the hand, he led her through the spacious living room. Approaching a wall of floor-to-ceiling glass windows, Romeo hit a button that automatically made them slide open. Beyond that was a vast Olympic pool with built in lighting.

  The back of the house was decorated with tasteful outdoor furniture, a fire pit, and a sleek gourmet grille. Romeo’s house had every essential entertainment item. This boy lives in a freaking mansion. Shayla’s curiosity was now gnawing at her patience. She had to know what he did.

  Before Shayla could question him, Romeo cut her off. “Take a dip with me?” he asked, pulling his shirt over his head.

  Shayla’s heart stopped beating at the sight of his rock hard torso. Every muscle was perfectly defined, and tattoos painted his body like a canvas. The pool lights reflected beautifully off his brown skin. Shayla was so turned Romeo’s thug appeal and the mystery behind him.

  “I…I don’t have a swimsuit,” she stammered, rubbing the goose bumps on her arm. It was relatively warm outside, but her nipples were erect. It was no secret Romeo had her hot and bothered.

  “Neither do I,” he told her, unbuttoning his jeans.

  Shayla watched as he stepped out his pants. His athletic legs were a sight to behold, and she wouldn’t have been surprised if he hit the gym every day.

  Wearing nothing but a pair of navy briefs, Romeo climbed into the sparkling pool. Once he was halfway submerged, he grabbed his cellphone and scrolled through a few settings. Seconds later, The Weeknd’s “King of the Fall” began playing on the wireless speakers outside.

  He plays too much, Shayla thought smiling to herself. Coincidentally, she loved The Weeknd.

  After setting the mood just right, Romeo reached in his jeans and pulled out rolling papers and a sack. “You smoke?” he asked, spreading the contents out. Breaking it down, he strategically placed it inside a folded paper.

  Shayla eyed the pink frosted hemp and frowned. “Back in college I tried it a few times. But even then it wasn’t really my thing.”

  When Romeo expertly licked the joint close, Shayla’s clit jumped with excitement.

  “That’s ‘cuz you ain’t smoke dis,” he bragged. Firing up the spliff, he took a strong inhale and passed it to her.

  For several seconds, Shayla simply stared at his outstretched hand unsure if she should take it or not. Normally, she wasn’t one to live on the wild side, being the prude she was. As a matter of fact, Kimberlyn was the only exciting element in her life.

  What the hell? Walking over to Romeo, Shayla knelt down and took it.

  “You so cute,” he told her. Romeo was amused by Shayla’s irrepressible innocence. A nigga like him would taint her good girl rep. “Aye, that shit fye, so pull it light.”

  Heeding his warning, Shayla took a small inhale before releasing it through slightly parted lips. The scent was both pungent and pleasant; and it instantly left her lightheaded.

  Coughing faintly, Shayla handed the joint back to Romeo.

  “So what’s up?” he asked. “You gon’ play timid still…or you gon’ come up out dem clothes?”

  Normally, Shayla didn’t move so fast when it came to guys—but Romeo wasn’t just any guy. There was something about him that was irresistible…something that made it hard for her to say no.

  Live a little, her conscience whispered.

  Finally making her mind up, Shayla slowly slid out her heels and clothes. Romeo’s eyes never left hers as he watched her undress seductively. Wearing nothing but a black lace bra set, Shayla tiptoed to the pool and gradually submerged herself.

  And she gon give it up ‘cuz she know I might like it…

  And she gon give it up ‘cuz she know I might like it…

  The Toronto singer crooned in the distance as Shayla slowly swam over towards Romeo. His pole was already stiff by the time she reached him. Pulling her close, he leaned down and covered her mouth with his.

  Shayla wrapped her arms around Romeo’s neck and melted into his strong body. Chills ran down her spine as he cupped her round ass while kissing her passionately. Somewhat buzzed off the herb, Shayla’s sexual senses were on high alert. Romeo was both aggressive and gentle with his touches as he gripped and held her firmly.

  “I never move this fast,” Shayla said breathlessly.

  Romeo placed delicate kisses along her neck and collarbone as he held her close. He couldn’t believe what he was about to say next, but he really was digging Shayla. “We can stop if you ain’t feelin’ it…”

  Wrapping her chocolate legs around his waist, Shayla kissed him with the passion of a wife. She was too far gone to turn back now, and too bashful to admit the weed had her uncontrollably aroused. “I want to,” Shayla whispered.

  Keeping a firm hold on her, Romeo climbed out the pool and carried her inside the house. Laughing the entire time, it felt good to have fun with a guy. It had been so long that she’d forgotten the experience.

  Romeo didn’t bother closing the glass doors behind him as he carried her to the master bathroom. Four marble pillars surrounded a spacious jet tub overlooking the pool they were just in. Beside that was a huge, stone walk-in shower with a rainfall sprout and built in speakers.

  Shayla didn’t protest when he stepped inside the shower and turned on the water. Easing out of his hold, she slowly pulled off her last two articles of clothing.

  Romeo kept his intense stare locked on Shayla as he slid out his soaking wet briefs.

  Her eyes instantly shot open at the impressive length of his pipe. Stroking it gently in his hand, Romeo grabbed a handful of her breast and squeezed lightly. “You flex like you sweet and shit, but I know it’s a naughty side to yo’ ass.”

  Shayla closed her eyes and savored his warm touches. “Maybe…,” she teased.

  Romeo’s large hand glided down her flat tummy before settling on the spot between her thighs.


  Dipping his finger inside her drenches, Romeo tickled her love spot. After getting her good and primed, he wiped her juices across her swollen clit. Ever so gently, he kneaded the sensitive piece of flesh between his fingers. Romeo knew just how to touch and tease a woman. He had long mastered the art of sexual reflexology.

  Shayla had to grab the shower walls just to keep her balance. “That feels so good,” she whispered. Her conscience screamed for her to slow down, but her body begged for Romeo to keep going.

  Trapped in a state of ecstasy, she hungrily crushed her lips against his. In all her twenty-four years, Shayla had never wanted someone so badly in her life.

  “Turn dat ass around,�
�� Romeo demanded. He mannishly maneuvered her to his liking. With her plump ass tooted out just the way he wanted, Romeo positioned himself behind Shayla. “You gon’ be my bitch when it’s all said and done.” Grabbing a fistful of her long hair, he spread her legs apart and rested his shaft against her base.

  “Romeo, hold up—Unnnhhh!”

  Shayla’s demand went unheard after he eased into her from the back. Romeo’s sudden entrance was a combination of pleasure and pain due to his massive size. At that moment, protection was the last thing on their minds. “Oh, shit. Don’t stop!” Shayla bellowed. Her hand on his leg pleaded for him to not go any deeper.

  “Move dat hand,” Romeo demanded, gripping her hair tighter.

  Shayla wasn’t used to being dominated so aggressively; yet it only made her pussy wetter. Deliberately disobeying him, she tried her best to catch his deep strokes. But he was a Taurus who thrived off control.

  “You hardheaded I see.”

  Turning her around to face him, Romeo effortlessly lifted her up and carried her out the shower. He needed to lay her down if he planned on taming her stubborn ass. Once inside the master bedroom, Romeo gently tossed Shayla onto the bed—the same one she had ironically sold him.

  Moonlight poured into the room and reflected off his decorative tattoos. Shayla wasn’t sure what most of them meant but she was positive some were gang-related.

  Slowly, Romeo lowered himself onto the bed. The plush mattress creaked underneath his weight. Like a predator stalking its prey, he crawled over in between Shayla’s thighs.

  Romeo then pinned one of her legs so far back her toes touched the button-tufted headboard. Before Shayla could brace herself, he plunged deep inside her wetness. Cream glistened on his pole as he grinded rhythmically.

  “I don’t want you to give dis pussy to no other nigga,” Romeo told her. “Can you do that for me, baby?”

  “Oh, shit, yes!” Shayla cried out. Tears formed in her eyes from the pleasure. His sex game was amazing.

  Romeo was an expert when it came to locating that special spot. As soon as he found Shayla’s he pounded it ferociously until she screamed out his name. The nearest neighbor was half a mile away, but he was sure by now they knew his government.


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