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Jaxon: Heroes at Heart

Page 4

by Maryann Jordan

  But that was not to be. At least not now. At least not fully.

  Moving to her closet, she dug through a few old photo albums and found the pictures she was looking for. Her roommate, and oldest friend, was getting married to her high school boyfriend and she wanted to give her copies of an old photograph of their first date that she had taken. She had never told Cindy that, for the homecoming dance, she had snuck out of the house and walked to the school to watch the couples going in.

  She had been asked, but her father had refused to allow her to go since there was a swim meet that weekend. They had argued, but her father insisted she follow his rules, as father and as coach.

  She had watched the girls, dressed in their long dresses with corsages pinned to their bodices or adorning their wrists, hanging on the arm of their dates, dressed in suits. Everyone looked so different, so grownup. She had snapped a picture of Cindy and Chuck as they walked through the flowered pergola, keeping the photograph to remind herself of what she could have had. Now, it was just an old picture and should be given to the couple getting married.

  With a last look around the room, she hurried and closed the door.

  Jaxon threw open the door to Zander’s business, Grimm’s Bar and Grille. Zander had been convinced that all he wanted was a bar and nothing else. Not a nightclub. Not a restaurant. But, over time, a jukebox had made its way toward the back where a few tables had been moved to the side so that patrons could dance if they wanted. And Zeke now worked with Zander, working in the expanded kitchen that they had opened up when the store next to Grimm’s went out of business. They bought it together and Zeke now ran the grille, providing a basic menu of wings, burgers, fries, and nachos. Simple, but good, food that Zander found kept the drinks flowing.

  Walking toward the bar, he nodded toward Joe, one of the bartenders, as he slid onto a stool. Thanking him as a beer was placed in front of him, he turned to check out the action.

  The bar ran along the left side of the long room, ending at the hall leading to the bathrooms, office, and stockroom toward the back. Mismatched bar stools lined the old, wooden counter. Zander never polished it, allowing the rustic look to show through.

  Round, wooden tables filled most of the space, sturdy wooden chairs circling each one. The walls held little adornment. People came to Grimm’s to drink and socialize, not look at decorations. The sound of clinking bottles against glass rang out as the two bartenders worked efficiently, filling orders while the waitresses hustled to keep up with the demand. The servers dressed in jeans and t-shirts, nothing too revealing. Zander had said himself he was not desperate enough for money to use sex to sell drinks and was determined to keep the assholes who wanted to hit on waitresses out of his bar.

  Most of the tables were filled, groups laughing and talking amongst themselves. What appeared to be a bachelorette party near the back was in full swing, with a few of the women dancing. The one wearing a tiara looked happy, although he was sure the smile was somewhat alcohol-induced if the number of shot glasses on the table in front of her was any indication. As his gaze roved through the others at the table, they landed on the deep russet hair hanging down the back of one of the women. Unable to see her face, he leaned back slightly to see if he could gain a better view.

  A hand clapped him on his shoulder and he jerked, looking at Zander. “Hey man, looks like you have a good crowd here tonight.”

  “Yeah, perfect for profits if I can keep the assholes out. But, we haven’t had any fights lately, so my bouncers are getting soft.”

  He looked over at Roscoe and Demetrius, laughing at their size and intimidating expressions. “I can see where that’s a problem.”

  The door opened and Jayden walked in, heading over and hauling up onto the stool next to him. With a chin lift, Zander headed down the hall toward his office. Someone called out Jayden’s name and they turned to see some of the mechanics that worked in his auto shop sitting at a table. Accepting the wave over, they weaved through the crowd and settled into two empty chairs.

  Glancing to the side, he noted they were right next to the bachelorette party…and his chair backed to the woman with the long, red hair.

  “What’ll it be, fellas?”

  He looked up at Lynn, one of Grimm’s longtime waitresses, and smiled. A young mother, she worked evenings while her husband watched their daughter. She was a hard worker and her smile gained her extra tips.

  “Hey darlin’,” he greeted. “How's the little one?”

  She blew out a breath, the puff lifting her bangs. “Who knew toddlers could wreak such havoc? They make working this place on a busy Saturday night seem like a walk in the park!”

  Laughing, he ordered another beer before joining the conversation at the table once more. As the evening wore on, the shots continued to be delivered to the table next to them while the beers flowed for his group.

  “Can’t believe you’re still here and not on the dance floor picking out tonight’s flavor,” Bill, one of their tablemates, said.

  “Hell, I’m not that bad,” he grumbled, strangely unhappy with the analogy. “Maybe I’ve played the field for the past couple of years, but that’s gotten kinda old.”

  “Played the field?” Bill laughed and the others, except for Jayden, joined in. “Jax, man, you’ve played with anything you could get your hands on.”

  Wanting to argue, but deciding it was a debate he would not win, he settled quietly, feeling Jayden’s gaze on him.

  As the others talked and watched a game on the mounted TV, Jayden leaned over. “You okay?”

  Sighing heavily before letting it out, he nodded. “Guess I deserved that.” Holding his brother’s gaze, he added, “But I’ve never left any broken hearts behind. Everyone always knew what the deal was.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to convince me. I think you’re doing more than just having a good time. I think you’re searching.”


  Nodding while taking another gulp of beer, he stated, “Yep. And when you find it, you’ll know it and won’t have to search anymore. Nor fill your time with empty one-nighters.”

  “And you, bro? You searchin’?”

  Chuckling, Jayden deflected, “This ain’t about me, Jax. I figure I’ll know it when it hits me.”

  “Well for it to hit you, you gotta be out there looking!” His eyes drifted to the side, where the red hair caught his attention once more.

  While Jayden chuckled and joined the others watching the game, he kept an eye on the woman near him.

  She scooted her chair back to stand and, in the process, bumped his chair. Looking up, he got a front view of her heart-shaped face with a sprinkling of freckles across her nose. She looked down at him and her blue eyes landed right on his face. Her pink lips curved into a smile and her eyes widened as though in recognition.

  He grinned in return before realizing it was not one of his practiced panty-dropping smiles, but one that simply came from within.

  “Sorry,” she said, her soft voice melodious. “I didn’t mean to bump into your chair.”

  Before he had a chance to speak, she scooted her ass around the table and walked toward the bathrooms with one of the other ladies she was with.

  “Damn,” Sean said. “What a fine piece.”

  Nodding his agreement, he kept drinking but watched for her return. He was not disappointed at the front view of her walking back toward the tables a few minutes later. Her tall, long-limbed, extremely toned body was showcased in tight jeans, boots, and a blue knit top that had little flounces over the shoulders. It was obvious she worked out and an image of them working out horizontally together ran through his mind. Her hair, unadorned, falling in what appeared to be natural waves, flowed over her shoulders.

  Several of the women at the table next to them intercepted her and they all moved to the dance floor. With music pouring from the jukebox, they laughed and danced with each other, capturing the attention of most of the men around.

join ‘em?” Jayden asked, his chin lifting toward the women as he his attention returned from the game to his brother.

  He sat for a moment, spellbound by her as she threw her head back in laughter with her friends, but was uncertain if he wanted to interrupt her joy. Just then, he watched as another man approached, placing his hands on her waist from behind.

  She whirled around and moved quickly from his grasp. Jaxon was on his feet in a second, moving between people to get to her. The man had taken his hands away, but the desire to make sure he stayed away filled him.

  “Sweetheart, sorry I’m late,” he said, moving straight to the red-head. Getting close, without touching her, he locked eyes with her and smiled widely.

  She stared for only a second before her smile matched his. “Um…Honey…you’re here,” she cooed, throwing her arms around his neck and moving in for a hug.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he was struck by how her body lined up perfectly with his. Leaning back, she planted her lips on his and his eyes popped open in shock, until instinct kicked in, and he angled her head for maximum contact.

  “Sorry, man,” he heard a male voice say, but continued to focus only on her lips. She tasted of lemon drops, sweet and tart.

  Hearing a cross between a sigh and a moan, he took over, plundering her mouth as all other thoughts fled his mind. His fingers pressed against her back, pulling her tighter to his chest, and barely aware of her fingers trailing through his hair.

  Her tongue tangled with his and he felt the electricity straight to his cock. The bar noise fell away, leaving only the two of them in the universe. Nothing existed but the feel of her soft lips against his, her body in his arms, and the taste of sweet lemons on her tongue.

  After a long, wet kiss, she finally mumbled against his lips, “Ih heh gah?”

  Brow lowering, he tried to clear the lust-fog before looking into her eyes. “Huh?”

  Giggling, she sucked in her kiss-swollen lips as an adorable blush covered her face. “Is he gone?” she enunciated, her voice as soft as a whisper.

  Shifting his gaze from side to side, he nodded, but kept his arms wrapped tightly. “Yeah.”

  “Um…you want to let me go now?” she asked, her arms still clutching his shoulders.

  “Not particularly,” he replied, a grin curving his lips.

  “Good. Let’s dance,” she laughed, stepping back slightly as she began to sway back and forth.

  Never willing to turn down a dance partner, he placed his hands on her hips, checking her face to see if it was wanted and with another smile from her, moved her body along with his.

  The beat of the music blared around them, but he felt cocooned with her, as though no one else was around. Now that he was close, he could see the shades of blue in her eyes, indigo near the pupil and sky blue toward the outer rim. Her light freckles did indeed cross her cheeks and over her nose. Her cheekbones were high and her mouth full. And as he focused on her mouth once more, he leaned back down, unable to keep from tasting her again. Definitely lemon drops.


  The lights in Grimm’s were low and Jaxon led Morgan slightly to the side of the dance floor to add to the illusion of privacy amongst the packed room. The song changed to a slow tempo and their bodies moved as one, still swaying, her front plastered to his. The crowd around them fell away as he focused on the warm body in his arms.

  “What’s your name?” he whispered, his lips close to her ear.

  “Morgan. Morgan McAlister.” Laughing, she said, “I know, I know. How Scottish can I be, right?” Biting her bottom lip, she stared up into his eyes and asked, “And you?”

  “Jaxon. Jaxon Chapman.”

  “Jaxon…I like that—”

  Her words were cut off as he kissed her again. “You taste like lemon drops,” he mumbled. “Is that your favorite drink?”

  “I normally don’t drink. This was a special occasion. Bachelorette party.”

  “Your friend?”

  She nodded and added, “They suggested lemon drops and guess what? I discovered they’re awesome!”

  Laughing, he held her close once more, his hand caressing her back through the thin material of her shirt.

  She jerked in his arms and he separated slightly, looking down at her. “Are you okay?”

  “Um…yeah. What…what do you do for a living?”

  “Checking me out?” he asked with another grin. “If you’re looking for a rich man, I’ll have to disappoint. I’m a rescue worker for the city—EMT.”

  She seemed to relax in his arms again and she asked, “And that handsome man that’s sitting at your table? The one who looks just like you?”

  Chuckling, he looked over his shoulder at Jayden and asked, “Is that your way of telling me I’m handsome?”

  “Oh, I don’t think you need me to stroke your ego!” She shifted her gaze to the side and then back. “Well?”

  “That’s my twin, Jayden, and before you begin thinking that you’d like to dance with him, I’ll tell you that I’m the much better twin.”

  Laughing, she said, “Better at what?”

  “Uh, let’s see. In third grade, I won a spelling bee. And, in fifth grade, I ran the hundred-yard dash faster than he did.”

  “Oh, my, the competition grows,” she grinned.

  “And, in eleventh grade, I dated the homecoming queen. Well, for a couple of weeks.”

  “Yes, but who got the prom queen? Him?”

  “No, some prick named Gerald.”

  Her giggles rang out and her eyes widened. “You’re joking.”

  “Okay, you got me. Maybe it was Jayden.”

  “Is he an EMT also?”

  “Nah, he’s a mechanic. Owns his own business. If you’re looking for the richer of the two, then it’s him.” Holding her gaze, he said, “But I’ll fight him for the right to dance with you.”

  She stared into his eyes, her hands moving up and down his shoulders and back, saying, “No, I’m dancing with the one I want.” Shaking her head, she added, “That must be so cool to have a twin.”

  Shrugging, he replied, “Never knew anything else. But, yeah, I guess you could say it was cool.”

  “I’m an only child, so not only do I not have something as cool as a twin, I’ve got no siblings at all.”

  They danced for another moment until a loud peal of laughter rang out from the bachelorette table. He sighed. “I don’t want to lose you, so I can’t believe I’m asking this question, but do you need to rejoin your party?”

  She glanced over and grinned. “Nah, the party has just about broken up and the bride’s got to get home soon. Her fiancé just showed up to be her designated driver. Looks like he’s ready to haul her out.”

  Looking over at his table, he noticed Zander and Rosalie had joined Jayden. Staring back down at Morgan, he said, “Would you like to meet a couple of my friends?”

  Her smile beamed as she said, “Sure!”

  He took her hand and they weaved back through the tables. She tossed a wave at her friends, some who were still drinking. Stopping to hug the bachelorette, she turned back to him.


  He turned and grimaced at the shrill voice, seeing Susie standing nearby, her gaze jumping between him and Morgan.

  “I thought you were getting married?” Susie bit out, her hip cocked, tapping her foot, her eyes now shooting daggers.

  Morgan quickly looked at Jaxon’s face and without hesitation, slid her arm around his waist and smiled. “He did. I’m his wife.”

  Susie’s eyes narrowed as she pinched her lips in a tight line. She glared at Morgan before looking back to him. Without saying a word, she flounced away and he let out a sigh of relief.

  “Was that okay?” Morgan asked, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

  Dropping his chin to his chest, he nodded, before lifting his gaze to the worried look on her face. Giving her waist a squeeze, he nodded. “So sorry about that. And yes, you were perfect.”

  “You go
nna introduce us to your wife?”

  He and Morgan turned in unison to look down at the table filled with his group of friends, all battling laughter. Chuckling, he made the introductions before they slid into chairs.

  Rosalie’s eyes were as huge as her smile as she stared at him. “Well, I had no idea you were so serious,” she quipped, her mirth evident.

  He could not remember the last time he had blushed and found the heat on his face disconcerting. “Well, that’s what I get for making shit up,” he mumbled.

  Laughing, Jayden clapped him on the back and said, “God, the look on your face was priceless.” Turning to Morgan, he said, “And it’s nice to meet someone who’s got my brother’s back.”

  “So, Jayden,” she said, her grin matching the others. “Jaxon was just telling me that he’s the better twin. I hear there was a fierce third-grade spelling bee that he crushed you in.”

  Jayden pursed his lips in mock outrage, shaking his head. “Yeah, well, did he tell you that in fourth grade, I won the Most Library Books Read award?”

  Placing her hand on her chest, she exclaimed, “No! He left out that tidbit.”

  His arm had been on the back of her chair but at her declaration, he slid his hand to her shoulder and gently pulled her back to his side. “Don’t believe all awards are equal, Morgan. He checked out a lot more books than he actually read, just to get the award.”

  “Dream on,” Zander said, leaning back in his chair. “No one read as many books as I did.”

  “That’s true,” he admitted, looking down at Morgan. “Zander was our resident storyteller for years.”

  The group was laughing when Zeke walked over and placed a large platter of wings on the table. “Kitchen’s ready to close, so I thought I’d get these out here.”


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