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The Soul Game

Page 32

by McQueen, K. T.

  The party goers came to the windows, peering out in wonder. And Mike saw Stan. Stan nudged T.G. Master beside him and the pair grinned as if they had won. Look at the army the Prince of Hell had brought them.

  When Mike grinned back their faces dropped.

  ‘Are you ready?’ Dommiel asked him.

  ‘My name is Legion because we are many,’ Mike said softly.

  ‘We are Legion!’ Dommiel roared.

  The Demons and souls roared back and Hell shook.


  The following pages contain the rules and the challenges of the Soul Game, as they appear in the book Mike was selling. If you do not intend to play the game, if you are not willing to gamble your soul, if you have already committed a mortal sin, please read no further.

  If you do not believe that there is such a thing as a soul, or that there are places such as Heaven or Hell – otherworldly domains ruled by beings more powerful than us, do not read further.

  If you think a book can’t possibly have any kind of real, physical effect on the reader – please understand that they do, that they can, and that they have. Every book affects the reader almost as much as it affects the writer. And some books, some books have the power to change your way of life, guide the way you live your life, and define your destiny. So I ask you one last time, if you do not fully intend to gamble your soul for the chance at one of ten possible life gifts do not read any further.

  By choosing to read further you agree you are doing so of your own free will and by your own free choice, and that the consequences of that choice – either good or bad – is not the responsibility of the author or the publisher.


  Welcome, gamer!

  Now you may choose a colour and it’s yours for the entire game, you may not change it because you don’t like your task. You must wear something of that colour each day, a tie, a hair bobble, underwear, socks. Something on your person must be the colour you have chosen so those watching know which tasks you’ll be completing.

  The viewers can tune in at any time to catch up. They can re-watch things that have happened and place bets on whether you’ll complete your task.

  The colours represent the gift you will receive at the end of the game should you be successful, which I’m sure you will be.

  The colours you must choose from are as follows: -

  · Pink

  · Yellow

  · Orange

  · Green

  · Blue

  · White

  · Purple

  · Black

  · Red

  · Grey

  Choose using your instinct, which colour jumps out at you and shouts choose me? It’s a good way to choose. However, you may choose in any way you see fit provided you do not share your choice or choosing with anyone else.

  You must do everything you’re told to do. You must stick to the rules and if you fail, you must put the book down, your soul is forfeit.

  You’ll know when you’ve failed by the temporary loss of one of your senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, or – for those aware of it – the sixth sense. It will return to you but this signals you are out of the game, thank you for playing.


  · You must do everything you are instructed to

  · You must wear your colour every day

  · You must not show anyone the book

  · If you’re told not to do something you must not do it

  · Do not be afraid or show fear

  · Never apologise

  · You must not break the human law

  · You must not harm anyone, yourself or others

  · You must not fail

  You must never talk about the game until you’re instructed otherwise

  This game will teach you things about yourself you never imagined possible, things you’ll hate and things you’ll be grateful for. It will show you magic and power, darkness and light, sorrow, misery, passion, desire, fear, pain and anger and you will embrace it all for the love of the game.

  For every five others, you lead into the game you can play again, their souls will be the price for your next gift, it doesn’t matter whether they fail or win, it only matters whether you do.

  It’s not a difficult game to play if you’re willing to put your heart’s desire and your needs before everything else. It would be better if you didn’t get addicted. There’s always guilt in the back of your mind about the number of souls you’ve played for.


  By T.G. Master

  Day 1

  Make sure you’ve remembered to wear something in your colour before you begin.

  Today you will indulge yourself. Yes, you already have a thought in your head about what that might be, that’s good.

  Today you must give in to your need and do not hold back.

  Pink, Yellow, and Orange – Today you’ll choose your favourite dessert and whilst with others you’ll make a pig of yourself eating it. You must not apologise for your behaviour or any mess you make. You must eat as much as you can before you throw away any left and if you finish a whole portion, go back for seconds, even if you can only manage a mouthful. Do not offer any to anyone else.

  Green, White, and Grey – Did you ever just want something because it was there? Well, today you’re to go into a shop and buy every single one of an item off the shelf. Regardless of whether someone else wants the same thing, it should be something you can eat or drink. Pay for your purchases and then take them outside where, in full view of everyone, you’ll begin to consume them, as much as you can before you throw whatever’s left away in the nearest bin. Do not give any away.

  Blue and Purple – Your vice for the day will be drink, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, you can make or buy your own drinks but never offer to make one for anyone else or buy one for anyone else, if they ask, tell them to get their own. However, every time someone goes to get a drink or buy a drink ask them to get you one too, not politely but rather as if it’s your right to have a drink made by them. ‘Get me one too!’ and do not offer to pay or return the favour.

  Red and Black – Go out of your way to eat whatever you want in excess, order pizza at work or take in a picnic hamper with food and drink just for you. Eat and drink as if you can’t get enough and everything you can’t finish, throw away. Do not offer to share. Remember you should be seen to do these things and you must not apologise, it’s your right to indulge in something you want. If you enjoy it then it is even better.

  Read after midnight

  If you complete the task then award yourself ten points, if you failed in some part award yourself five. If you did not do it at all and chickened out, if the day isn’t over you still have time, if it has already passed midnight then goodbye you are out of the game.

  Day 2

  Today is all about desire, about getting something you want, but it cannot be food or drink. It is about getting something you want for yourself, a possession. And remember if you are not in a situation where these tasks can be completed you must put yourself in one.

  Pink and Yellow – Convince someone to give you something of theirs that you want, for keeps. You are not allowed to pay for it or bargain for it. It must be given willingly and it must be something you genuinely want. Size and worth are irrelevant. When you have it, you must wear it or use it for the rest of the day but then never again.

  Orange and Green – Stop suddenly whilst in the street and peer longingly into a shop window at something you want, put your hands on the glass and gaze longingly at the item, press yourself up against the glass if you feel the desire. Refuse to be moved. See if you can convince someone to buy it for you or go halves with you because you simply don’t have the money but you need the item.

  White, Grey and Blue – Convince someone that you need something so bad you don’t think you will make it through the day without it. Make it something that it is feasible for that person to get
for you and see if you can convince them to go and get it and buy it for you but do not say thank you.

  Purple, Red and Black – Convince someone to lend you their car, whether you can drive or not, it should be because you want that car, just to feel what it’s like to drive it or sit in the seats etc. If you can convince them to hand over the keys, you have completed the task and do not actually have to drive the car unless you want to.

  Read after midnight

  Once again if you completed the task award yourself ten points, if you attempted it but did not complete it then award yourself five points. If you failed to try, then goodbye clearly you were not meant for this game.

  Day 3

  Today’s task is about desire of a different sort, lust, and you will, depending on your colour, must go after the thing with intensity. You should desire it as if you could taste it; want it as if it were necessary for you to breathe. You must chase it with a passion so intense it blinds those around you.

  Pink, Yellow and Orange – Money is your heart’s desire, your passion, your need. Perhaps you could attempt to get a pay rise?

  Green and White – Power is what you want most today so perhaps you need to try for a promotion or team leader position, maybe you want to use your body to convince people to do the things you want or find another way to have power over the people around you. You will only pass day three if you gain something from it.

  Grey and Blue – Fame, can you feel it? The glory, the knowing looks, people wanting your attention? Today you must do something to get fame. Whether that’s singing in the local pub or creating a video you can post online. How many hits will you get?

  Purple, Red and Black – Sex is your all-consuming desire today. You must have it today, somewhere, somehow and before midnight. Perhaps there is someone you fancy but have been too shy to approach or you want something you’ve never had the guts to try. Perhaps you could even attempt a sex marathon.

  Read after Midnight

  Did you complete your tasks? I know these were more difficult than the others, a little more forcefulness required perhaps, stepping out of your safety zone to get something you wanted.

  If you completed your task award yourself another ten points, if you attempted but didn’t finish the task award yourself five and if you didn’t bother then why not? What is the point of getting this involved in the game if you are going to give up when it’s just getting interesting? Go now and do not return.

  Day 4

  It’s been exciting so far, hasn’t it? You’ve done some things out of character but have gotten reward, right?

  Now you will go to another extreme and it might hurt, emotionally and physically. Today you must be lazy. So, lazy that it causes others to notice.

  Pink and Black – You must be both spiritually lazy and physically lazy today. No religion today except half-heartedly and no doing anything that could be considered an unnecessary movement. Don’t get out of bed unless you absolutely must, like to use the bathroom or get a packet of biscuits from the kitchen. Phone in sick and have a duvet day.

  Yellow and Red – That thing you know you must do today? Don’t do it. That piece of work that you are meant to finish, just don’t bother or take so long over it that people start asking what’s wrong with you. You must huff and sigh and procrastinate all day.

  Orange, Purple, and Grey – All those things you are normally so good at, you are not allowed to do today at all. Get it wrong or just don’t put any effort in.

  White, Blue and Green – Convince someone else to do things for you today, everything that you can get someone else to do for you then you should let them. And remember no saying thank you.

  So, did you manage it? If you completed the task and people started noticing, award yourself ten points, if you tried it and no one noticed then you only get five points. For Pink and Black if you rang in sick and ended up going in any way then your boss is a better gamer than you and you only get five points.

  Those of you who didn’t bother to try, what the hell are you still here for? Get lost, your playtime is over, the game is done for you, someone will visit you shortly.

  Day 5

  Wow, what a relaxing day that was, it’s nice not to do everything isn’t it? Isn’t it great to realise just how much other people will do for you or notice when you don’t do something you normally would? I bet people are beginning to wonder what is going on with you. Did you lose any friends yet?

  Today’s task will take most of you out of your comfort zone, make your adrenaline surge and help you realise just how mad you can get!

  Pink, Black and Yellow – Get into an argument with someone, it should be over something silly but ends up with unnecessary shouting. You are right, not them!

  Red, Orange, and Purple – Intercede in someone else’s argument, whether you know them or not, choose a side and defend it with passion and fury. It does not matter how silly or insignificant the argument you intercede in is but, by the time you are done, it should be an all-out screaming match.

  Grey and White – Get into a physical fight. Pushing is fine, doesn’t have to be fisty cuffs, but some physical contact is necessary. Make it irrational, an overreaction.

  Blue and Green – You remember that thing that that person did that you never forgave them for? Today you must get your revenge and mean it.

  Read after midnight

  If you complete your task give yourself ten points if you attempted, it but didn’t see it through you only get five…. anyone still playing who thinks they can get away with not doing the tasks needs to clear off, you are about to get a shock.

  Day 6

  How do you feel today? Guilty? Stupid? Refreshed? Free? Sore? Wicked? Are your tasks taking their toll now? Do you wish you were like those who haven’t yet discovered the game? Those innocent fools still going about their daily business without any idea they could be bargaining their soul for something to improve their pathetic lives? Do you Envy them?

  Today you must find in yourself the envy you feel towards others. You are now at the halfway point.

  Green, Blue, and White – Work out what it is you need or want that someone else has then do your best to take it from them. Is it their power or their pride perhaps? You know you want it; survival of the fittest is the key here. You are the most deserving of it, aren’t you?

  Grey, Purple and Orange – That person who must always have everyone’s attention? Your task today is to steal their limelight, keep the attention on you all day.

  Red and Yellow – You will dress stunningly today. No matter where you are going you must look irresistible. You want everyone to notice you, everyone’s eyes to follow you and you alone. Use the ‘look’, you know the one, the one you practice in the mirror when no one else is at home. Use it on anyone reluctant to fall for your obvious charms because you know it will work. Be alluring and sexy, you are more attractive than you have ever been in your life before, you are more attractive and sexy than that stupid bitch/dick who usually gets all the attention. Believe it and it will be true.

  Pink and Black – Ah black and pink how gorgeous you are today, pity that person you fancy is taken, how are you at flirting? Today you must flirt with someone you fancy but know is already taken and get them to be suggestive about what they want to do to you. You want them to believe they have a chance with you. You want others to envy you.

  Read after midnight

  Are you in the winner’s circle? Did you complete all your tasks? Are you feeling the pressure or enjoying yourself for the first time in years?

  If you completed your task award yourself ten points, if you feel you could have done better then take eight. If you attempted it but didn’t get the reaction desired you may have five, at least you tried.

  For those still reading who failed their task, give up, go home, throw the book away, delete it from your eReader, move on, this is not the game for you and be careful your food is not as well cooked as you think.

  Day 7

nbsp; Envy is painful, isn’t it? When you feel it in your heart it can make you ache in a way you never thought possible, you may cry or get angry, it can make you sad or vicious. You feel it like a pain and it needs to be kissed better.

  You know you deserve it; you deserve to have everything you want, everything you desire.


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