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Lola the Fashion Show Fairy

Page 1

by Daisy Meadows

  I’m the king of designer fashion,

  Looking stylish is my passion.

  Ice Blue’s the name of my fashion line,

  The designs are fabulous and they’re all mine!

  Some people think my clothes are odd,

  But I will get the fashion world’s nod.

  Fashion Fairy magic will make my dream come true —

  Soon everyone will wear Ice Blue!


  Title Page




  Off to the Show

  Fairy Lights

  A Frosty Encounter

  Mirror, Mirror

  Twirl and Twirl Again

  Fairy Fashions


  Also Available


  Kirsty Tate was very excited. Today, she and her best friend, Rachel Walker, were going to be in a fashion show! Not only that, but they would be wearing outfits they had designed and made themselves, after entering a special competition held at Tippington Fountains Shopping Center earlier that week.

  “I hope I don’t trip on the catwalk.” Rachel giggled as she, Kirsty, and her parents walked to their meeting place in the mall. “Knowing me, I’ll fall flat on my face and totally embarrass myself.”

  “No, you won’t,” Kirsty reassured her, squeezing her hand. “You’ll be fabulous. And everyone will love your rainbow jeans, I just know it.”

  Rachel smiled at her. “I’m so glad we’re doing this together,” she said.

  “Me, too.” Kirsty grinned. “All of our best adventures happen when we’re together, don’t they?”

  The two girls exchanged a look, their eyes sparkling. No one else knew that they shared an amazing secret. They were friends with the fairies, and they had enjoyed lots of wonderful, magical fairy adventures. Sometimes, the girls had even been turned into fairies themselves, and had been able to fly!

  This week, Kirsty was staying with Rachel’s family for fall break. Once again, the two friends had found themselves magically whisked away to Fairyland when a brand-new fairy adventure began! They’d been invited to see a fairy fashion show, but it had unfortunately been hijacked by Jack Frost. He and his goblins had barged in, all wearing outfits from Jack Frost’s new designer label, Ice Blue. Jack Frost had declared that everyone should wear his line of clothes, so they’d all look like him! Then, with a crackling bolt of icy magic, he had stolen the Fashion Fairies’ seven magical objects and vanished into the human world.

  The Fashion Fairies were horrified. They needed their special objects to make sure that everyone’s clothes and accessories fit perfectly and that fashion shows everywhere were successful. Now that Jack Frost had taken the objects, all kinds of things could go wrong!

  Kirsty and Rachel had been busy tracking down and returning the fairies’ stolen objects, and so far they had found six of them. There was still one missing, though, and it belonged to Lola the Fashion Show Fairy.

  “Here we are,” said Rachel’s mom. “Wow, look at that catwalk! I can’t believe you two will be walking down it in a few hours.”

  Rachel and Kirsty fell silent as they gazed at the scene before them. Tippington Fountains Shopping Center had opened just this week, and everything still sparkled with newness: the glass storefronts, the shiny door handles, and the magnificent fountain display. In front of the fountain was a long catwalk with rows of seats on both sides.

  Kirsty swallowed, feeling nervous for the first time that day.

  “I really hope we can help Lola find her magic object before the show starts,” she whispered to Rachel.

  “Me, too,” Rachel replied, crossing her fingers. Her heart raced as she imagined all the seats filled with people watching the show. If she and Kirsty couldn’t find Lola’s magic object in time, it could turn out to be the worst fashion show ever!

  “Hello, girls!” called a friendly voice.

  Kirsty and Rachel turned to see Jessica Jarvis standing behind them. Jessica was the supermodel who had helped with the mall’s fun events that week.

  “I’m glad to see some more of our guest models have arrived,” said Jessica, smiling.

  Kirsty frowned and looked around, wondering where the guest models were — until Rachel nudged her. “We’re the guest models.” She giggled. “Jessica is talking about us!”

  “Oh! Hi, Jessica!” Kirsty said, blushing.

  Jessica introduced herself to Rachel’s parents and promised she’d keep an eye on the girls. “I’ll make sure there are some seats reserved in the front row for you,” she added.

  “Thank you,” Mrs. Walker said, hugging Rachel, then Kirsty. “I can’t wait to see you in action. Have fun!”

  “See you later, girls,” Mr. Walker said. “Good luck!”

  Once Mr. and Mrs. Walker had left, Jessica handed special backstage passes to the girls. The passes were in plastic sleeves on long lanyards that the girls pulled over their heads.

  Then Jessica took them backstage and into the dressing area. It was a large room with dressing tables, racks of outfits, and swivel chairs in front of lit-up mirrors. Dean and Layla, the other two winners of the design competition, were having their hair styled, and other models were getting makeup applied.

  “Wow!” Rachel gasped, gazing around. The fashion show suddenly felt much more real, now that they could see everyone getting ready.

  “I have goose bumps,” Kirsty said with a rush of excitement as she spotted the scarf dress that she’d made hanging up with the other outfits. She’d carefully stitched together lots of colorful scarves in order to make the dress, while Rachel had decorated her jeans with a rainbow pattern using glitter paint. Layla was already wearing the stylish soccer uniform she had designed, and Dean had on his space-themed T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. The hairdresser was putting sticky-looking gel in Dean’s bangs and teasing them forward into a space-age hairdo.

  “Fabulous,” Jessica said admiringly. She turned to Kirsty and Rachel. “Girls, why don’t you change into your outfits? Then we can talk about catwalk order. I was wondering, since you two are friends, if you’d like to walk down the catwalk together?”

  “Yes, please,” Rachel said at once. She knew she’d feel much more confident with Kirsty next to her.

  “That would be great,” Kirsty agreed. “Come on, Rachel, let’s get changed.”

  Jessica went to talk with Dean and Layla while the girls took their outfits to a hidden corner where they could put them on. There was a mirror nearby with spotlights shining all around it. As Rachel glanced to check that her rainbow jeans looked OK, she noticed that one of the lights seemed to be brighter than all the others. How strange!

  She leaned closer to investigate . . . then gasped as a tiny fairy fluttered down from where she’d been hiding beside the light. That was why it had been so bright!

  “Kirsty!” Rachel whispered, her skin prickling with excitement. “Come and see!”

  Kirsty finished pulling on her scarf dress and hurried over, smiling as she also saw the little fairy.

  “Hello,” said the fairy, landing lightly on Rachel’s hand. “I’m Lola the Fashion Show Fairy. It’s nice to see you two again!”

  “Hi, Lola,” Rachel replied, turning her body so that the fairy was shielded from view. “Have you seen your magic object anywhere?”

  Lola shook her head. She had long, wavy red hair that fell around her face, and she wore a silver minidress and tall silver boots. She pointed to the pass she wore around her neck, just like the girls’ backstage passes. The only difference wa
s that her plastic sleeve was empty!

  “I really need to find my magical pass before the show begins,” she said, biting her lip. “Otherwise this show — and others like it everywhere — will be ruined!”

  Just then, Jessica called the girls over. “So, I’m going to take Dean, Layla, and the other models to the rehearsal area,” she said. “I’ll send someone to do your hair and makeup in a few minutes.”

  “Thanks,” Kirsty replied politely. The other models followed Jessica, leaving the room empty except for the two friends and Lola.

  Moments later, the door crashed open. Startled, Lola hid in a fold of Kirsty’s dress as three boys burst in with armfuls of blue clothes, a makeup kit, and an enormous basket of accessories. The boys were all dressed alike in crazy bright blue outfits and blue hats with wide brims covering their faces.

  “Move out of my way! I said, MOVE!” boomed a bossy voice. In strode a taller figure wearing a furry bright blue coat and large blue sunglasses. “The star has arrived!” he announced with a smirk.

  The air seemed to turn cold with the new arrivals, and Kirsty felt a shiver run through her as she realized who they were: Jack Frost and his goblins!

  Rachel clutched Kirsty’s arm as she also recognized Jack Frost and his goblin gang. What are they doing here? she thought in alarm, as one of the goblins locked the door behind them.

  “For a start, we’ll get rid of these awful clothes,” Jack Frost declared, dumping the remaining outfits from the rack onto the floor. Then he carefully arranged his own Ice Blue garments in their place. “That’s better.”

  The goblins, meanwhile, were sweeping all the makeup and accessories off the dressing tables. Powder spilled on the jewelry, lipstick smeared the pale carpet, and perfume bottles broke, releasing a mix of scents into the air.

  “We won’t need those anymore,” said the goblins. They smirked as they unpacked the basket of makeup and accessories they’d brought — all bright blue, of course.

  Lola gasped in surprise as she spotted something. “Look! My pass!” she whispered. “Jack Frost is wearing it around his neck!”

  Thinking quickly, Rachel pulled Kirsty behind the rack of Ice Blue clothes before Jack Frost noticed them. They peeked out to see him easing himself into a chair in front of the biggest mirror and shouting directions to his goblins for styling his hair.

  “Lola, could you please turn me and Kirsty into fairies?” Rachel whispered. “We can try to fly over and grab your pass while Jack Frost is distracted.”

  “Good idea,” Lola replied, raising her wand. She pointed it at the girls, then waved it in an elaborate pattern, murmuring some magic words under her breath. There was a bright flash of silver light, and then a flurry of twinkling sparkles glittered all around the girls.

  Seconds later, they felt themselves shrinking smaller and smaller until they were the same size as Lola. Kirsty smiled when she saw that she and Rachel now had their own shimmering fairy wings. She loved being a fairy!

  The three friends flew carefully around the end of the clothing rack and watched. The goblins were busy powdering Jack Frost’s face and using hair gel to make his long beard even spikier than ever.

  “Hurry up,” he snapped at them. “We don’t have all day!”

  Just then, somebody tried to come into the room. “How weird. It’s locked!” the girls heard from outside as the handle jiggled and turned partway. Then came a knock on the door. “Hello? Is anyone there? We came to do hair and makeup for our last two models!”

  Jack Frost’s top lip curled. “You’re not needed anymore,” he shouted. “The other models have changed their minds about appearing in my show.” He cackled. “There will only be one model today,” he said in a lower voice as he spoke to his reflection. “The most handsome one in the world . . . wearing the very best clothes. Soon everyone will know it’s me!”

  Kirsty and Rachel exchanged a worried glance as the hair and makeup people went away. This was all going horribly wrong! But there the magic pass was, gleaming and glimmering as it hung around Jack Frost’s neck. If only they could get ahold of it!

  “Let’s make a grab for my pass,” said Lola, shooting out from their hiding place at top speed. She dove toward her magic pass, hand outstretched, but at the last moment, Jack Frost saw her in the mirror.

  “Oh, no you don’t!” he cried, twisting quickly so the swivel chair spun him — and the pass — out of Lola’s reach.

  Kirsty and Rachel tried a different approach, swooping around the back of the chair in an attempt to get the pass. But again, Jack Frost swung the chair so that it zoomed away before they could make a grab.

  “Pesky fairies!” he grumbled, batting at the air with his hands. “Don’t you know I have a fashion show to star in?”

  Lola gritted her teeth. “It would be a better show if you gave me back my pass,” she pointed out.

  “No way!” yelled Jack Frost, spinning the chair around so fast that the goblins had to chase after him with the hair gel and face powder.

  The fairies flew after him, too, swooping in circles as he spun the chair. He was starting to look dizzy, Kirsty noticed. If he became much dizzier, he might not notice her grab the magic pass!

  She whispered her idea to the other two, and they agreed that they’d try to make Jack Frost as dizzy as possible. Around and around they all flew, occasionally darting in to try and grab Lola’s pass, which made Jack Frost spin the chair even faster. He sagged in the chair, his face becoming as green as a goblin’s. Kirsty decided that this was her best chance. She took a deep breath. It was now or never. She had to snatch the magic pass!

  Down Kirsty flew, her eyes on Lola’s magic pass. But just before she could reach it, Jack Frost suddenly staggered out of the chair and lurched across the floor. He was so dizzy that he fell into the clothing racks, knocking them over with a crash.

  Rachel winced at the noise. Certainly someone would come and want to know what was going on in the dressing room at any moment! How much time did they have before the fashion show was going to start, anyway? Soon the audience would be taking their seats, anticipating a wonderful event . . . only for Jack Frost to ruin the whole thing. They had to stop him!

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Lola fluttered high in the air as Jack Frost lunged for the dressing-room door, unlocked it, and staggered out. They followed him down the hallway to the curtained entrance of the catwalk.

  “Excuse me, sir, you’re not supposed to —” a security guard said, but it was too late to stop Jack Frost. He toppled dizzily through the curtains, grabbing them for support. Then he fell onto the catwalk, pulling the curtains down with him!

  The curtain rod crashed onto the podium and the catwalk, and the lighting stands tipped over. Jack Frost let out a shout of rage as he threw the curtain off himself and sat up, rubbing his head. He scowled at the goblins. “Fix this mess — now!” he snapped.

  The three fairy friends could only stare openmouthed at the chaos Jack Frost was causing.

  “If I had my magic pass, I could clean all of this up in an instant,” said Lola as the crew began trying to repair the catwalk with the goblins’ help. “We have to get it back before the fashion show starts. What can we do?”

  Thinking hard, the fairies followed Jack Frost, who’d stomped away. The pass swung back and forth as he walked, and Rachel noticed that as he turned a corner, the pass swung out to the side. Then, seeing an empty hallway, she had an idea.

  “Lola, could you use your magic to put up mirrors all along this hallway, and then one at the end?” she asked.

  Lola nodded. “Of course,” she said. “But why?”

  Rachel smiled. “I have an idea,” she said, and whispered it to them.

  “That just might work,” Kirsty said. “And there’s no time to lose. Come on, let’s try it!”

Lola waved her wand and turned Rachel and Kirsty back into girls. Then she waved her wand a second time, and a whole row of mirrors appeared along the hallway, with an extra-large one at the end. Now, to set the plan in action!

  “I heard that someone from the Gorgeous Model Agency is going to be here today,” Rachel said in a very loud voice. “Apparently, they’re hunting for a new supermodel.”

  “We should definitely practice for the catwalk,” Kirsty replied, just as loudly. “This is the perfect spot.”

  The two girls began walking the length of the hallway, pretending it was a catwalk. When they reached the mirror at the end, they twirled around, causing their backstage passes to swing to the side. The whole time, they talked in loud voices about how much they hoped they’d be picked as the next supermodel. Really, they were just hoping Jack Frost would overhear them and come to find out more.

  Sure enough, within a few minutes, Jack Frost appeared with his goblins. Lola, who was perched up high on a chandelier overlooking the hallway, peered down with excitement.

  “If anyone’s going to be picked as the next supermodel, it’s me,” Jack Frost said grandly. “Move aside, girls. Even a star like me needs to practice sometimes, and this looks like the perfect place to do it.”

  Jack Frost began to strut down the hallway, admiring himself. When he reached the big mirror at the end of the hallway, the girls and Lola held their breath. If all went as planned, he would twirl around, his pass would swing out, and Lola would be able to grab it.

  He began to turn, and Lola swooped down from the chandelier, her eyes fixed on the pass. This time, their plan had to work!


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