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Caged. Captured. Confined.: The Illicit Romance Reader’s Dark BDSM Collection

Page 5

by Giselle Renarde

  Anyone can get you now. I’ve left you. For good?

  The hinges creak, just a touch, just enough to grab your attention. You must be scared out of your mind. Your heart must be racing in that beautiful naked chest. What has become of me? I’ve been gone so long. And who is this person or animal or thing sneaking through the door? Perhaps it’s no one at all. Perhaps it’s just the wind.

  It isn’t, of course. You can tell there’s someone in the shed, someone behind you, someone breathing hard. Your sixth sense knew it first, and your ears know it now. They hear that sound, which isn’t the wind. They hear the hideous panting of a wild beast.

  Moments pass by. They seem like hours. Then the huge beam of my flashlight fills the cabin. The light invades the edges of your blindfold.

  Feet shuffle forward.

  You call my name, but all you hear is breathing.

  Your fear is palpable. You say my name again and again. You call out for your Master, but no one responds. A thin branch runs up the inside of your left leg and down the right. It moves over your pussy, and still no one speaks.

  Who is it?

  Dull nails bite into your ass as my mouth finds your shoulder. I press my pelvis tight against your ass for three seconds, letting my cock throb in the crease. Do you know it’s me? Do you know me now?

  Pressing my lips to your left ear, I whisper, “Boo!”

  You squeal, then laugh, but not for long.

  “You bastard!” you cry. “I was so scared. Do you know that?”

  I hiss my response in your ear: “Yesss.”

  That was entirely the point. And now you’re relieved to know it’s only me, your loving Master, who would give you anything in the world.

  And now I give you the thing you’ve been waiting for since I first tied you up and tossed you in the trunk.

  As I plunge my hardness between your legs, your laughter turns to moans. I reach around your naked body and pinch your nipples. They’re wildly erect, and I twist them. I want this to hurt or else what is the point?

  I fill you from behind, slamming my body into yours, plunging my cock in your cunt again and again. You can’t move. You’re suspended from the wall. Your ankles are bound to the floor. Your muscles must be aching by now, and oh so tight from being locked in position. You must be dreaming of the moment when I unhook you and toss you back in my trunk. At least then your tender body will get some rest. You might even sleep on the long drive home.

  “Oh God!” You shriek as I thrust inside you, simultaneously fulfilling your need and mine. It isn’t easy to delay gratification, but can you feel how richly engorged I’ve become? Can you feel my hugeness throbbing inside you? I’m so hard it hurts.

  You see? It hurts me too. I could say it hurts me more than it hurts you, but we both know that isn’t the case. The binding, the whipping, the caning, the fucking—it hurts you far more than it could ever do me.

  And I know that’s how you want it, because I am your perfect Dom. I exist solely to bring you pain and give you pleasure.

  I pause in you, with my cock pulsing deep in your cunt. I hug your breasts with my hands and I squeeze. Time, now, for the reappearance of the vibe. Without removing myself from you, I grab it and press it to your pussy and get it started.

  You come wildly, milking my cock with your muscles, bringing me past the point of self-control. I lose myself inside you. I spill my seed, I fill you, I fulfill you. I am in you for always.

  We throb together, my body and yours. You scream while I grunt, until we’ve both had more pleasure than humans can handle.

  I pull out of your pussy and your wetness coats my skin. We’ve been sweating together and I can’t tell mine from yours. I untie your ankles and unbind your wrists. Still, your arms float up in the air. They’ve been up so long you can’t bring them back down.

  There’s more water in the bottle, and I tilt your head back. I let you drink first and then have a sip myself.

  Before removing your blindfold, I dress in all my clothes and then wrap you in a new silk robe.

  “What is this?” you ask.

  “It’s a gift,” I say, allowing you to see. “To thank you for being such an extraordinary submissive.”

  You coo and hug me around my neck, and I take you in my arms, cradling you like a child. With the flashlight illuminating my back pocket, I take you out into the woods and carry you with all my easy strength toward a clearing, a cliff.

  There, I show you the moon. You cling to me as we look out into the night, as we admire the stars and the natural world.

  I hold you in my arms until sleep overtakes you. I could hold you here forever, my love.

  Bonus Story!

  Enjoy the lighter side of dark BDSM with an erotic comedy by Lexi Wood:

  Pegging Mayor Pigman of Hogtown

  Definitely NOT a Political Parody

  involving Femdom,

  Bondage and

  Erotic Humiliation

  By Lexi Wood

  Mei-Li had never needed to pee so badly in all her life.

  “I don’t know about this, guys.” As she crouched in the back of their ominous black van, her legs shook inside her black leather boots.

  “It’s a little late to back out now,” Madame Dartmore said from the driver’s seat. “If you had trepidations about our plan, you should have brought them up during the meeting.”

  “That’s right,” said Mistress Josephine, Madame’s second-in-command. “You know this needs to happen.”

  “But kidnapping Mayor Pigman?” Mei-Li looked around to see if she could garner any support from the other girls in their woman-run sex workers’ co-op. “Come on, guys, is it really such a good idea? Imagine how much trouble we could get in.”

  “You agree he deserves it, don’t you?” Madame Dartmore asked as she parked outside City Hall.

  “Yeah,” Mei-Li said, reluctantly. “He deserves way worse than what we’re gonna do to him.”

  “So quit your yapping,” Mistress Josephine grumbled.

  The van went quiet as all the girls pulled on their black balaclavas. Not that the mayor would remember a thing after happy hour, but they wanted to be extra-careful not to let any outside witnesses see their faces.

  “How long do you think we’ll have to wait?” Mei-Li asked.

  “Would you shut up for five seconds?” Mistress Josephine snapped.

  “That’s so disrespectful,” Dolly said. “Don’t tell us to shut up.”

  Madame Dartmore came down like a bolt of lightning. “Girls! The last thing we need is to be distracted by internal squabbles. Charming? Jing-Fei? Are you two ready with the rope?”

  “Yes, Madame,” they both said.

  “Does anybody else have to pee?” Mei-Li asked, and somebody kicked her in the shin. She couldn’t see who, not that she’d have retaliated. Violence wasn’t in her nature. “I know, I know. Save it for Mayor Pigman. It’s just hard, with the van humming, you know? The vibrations make me have to go even…”

  “There he is!” Madame Dartmore cried. “There he is! There he is!”

  Mistress Josephine turned around from the passenger seat and said, “On your marks, get set, go go GO!”

  Indira and Dolly swung open the van’s back doors and waited for Jing-Fei and Charming to jump out. Mei-Li followed reluctantly as they tackled the hobbling, wobbling Pigman.

  Mei-Li had never seen the mayor up close. Who’d want to? He wasn’t a pig-man in name only—he truly was half-man, half-hog. And it showed.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” The drunken Mayor Pigman laughed as the toe of Indira’s boot pressed his swollen pink face into the sidewalk. “Ouch. That kinda hurts.”

  “It better hurt,” Indira said.

  “You have no idea what pain is, Pigman.” Jing-Fei helped Charming tie his hands behind his back. “We’re gonna show you a thing or two. Just you wait and see.”

  The mayor looked up at Mei-Li. The second his panicked gaze drew her attention away from his profusel
y sweating brow, a strange feeling came over her. She lifted her balaclava. But that feeling of pity went away in an instant when the mayor said, “Come on, you Oriental bitch. Get these sluts off my back!”

  Mei-Li felt her eyes widen so far they hurt. She remembered every horrible thing this man had done, and suddenly she wasn’t afraid anymore. Suddenly, she was glad to be working alongside her sister sex workers in taking the Pigman down.

  “You don’t say Oriental,” Mei-Li said, and kicked him in the side. “You say Asian.”

  Mayor Pigman tried to roll, but Charming and Jing-Fei each had a knee in his fat, flabby back. Again, to Mei-Li, he said, “What’s going on? Why are these cunts tying me up? Are you taking me to a surprise party?”

  “It’ll be a surprise,” Mei-Li told him. “But there won’t be a party, Mayor Pigman. Not for you.”

  Pretty young Dolly looked up as she helped the other girls tug at the mayor’s bindings. Gasping, she said, “Mei-Li! Put on your mask!”

  “No names!” Indira cried. “For fuck’s sake, Dolly, stick to the plan!”

  “You just said Dolly’s name,” Charming said to Indira.

  “We’ve never kidnapped anyone before,” Mei-Li explained while the other girls heaved the mayor to a kneeling position.

  His huge suit jacket came open at the front. A few of his shirt buttons had fallen off on the sidewalk, so his big pig belly hung out in front of him like a target. Mei-Li couldn’t resist the temptation. She kicked him again, this time in the stomach, with the toe of her boot. “That’s for calling my girls cunts.”

  Mayor Pigman doubled over, wheezing, while all the girls laughed. In a drunken mumble, he said, “I called you a bitch, too.”

  She kicked him again. “Yeah, well, I take that as a compliment.”

  “Somebody put a ball gag on this guy,” Indira said. “I’m sick of hearing him speak.”

  “Yeah, every time he opens his mouth stupid falls out,” Charming added.

  Jing-Fei laughed. “And then he’s all like, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong. Those feminist dykes can kiss my ass.’”

  “I would never say anything like that,” Pigman stammered. “You feminist dykes can kiss my ass.”

  Dolly slapped his face with a gloved hand. “You said exactly that—on TV! And you said it again just now! When you talk, people can actually hear what you’re saying, you know.”

  “I’m not so sure,” Mayor Pigman stuttered. “Those tapes must have been doctored…”

  “Hey, what’s the hold-up?” Mistress Josephine hollered. “We’re gonna get caught, idling outside City Hall like this. Get Pigman in the van! Now!”

  The area was always deserted after happy hour, but best to get out of sight before the police, or Mayor Pigman’s personal thugs, spotted them.

  Propelling the mayor to his feet was no easy task. He must have weighed a ton. The girls all grunted as they hauled him toward the back of the van.

  “How the hell are we gonna get him in?” Dolly asked.

  Indira squatted and strained, trying to lift his leg, but she ultimately gave up. “It’s no use.”

  “I need a nap,” Mayor Pigman said. “Just leave me on the sidewalk. No way a bunch of little ladies can get me in that truck.”

  Mei-Li’s muscles steeled. She took the mayor’s words as a challenge. All the girls did, judging by the way they gritted their teeth and grabbed hold of his shiny suit.


  Charming began the chant, and they all joined in.

  “Keep it down!” Madame Dartmore shouted. “You girls want to get caught?”

  “We want Pigman in the van,” Jing-Fei replied. “Heave-ho! Almost there.”

  They hoisted the mayor higher, everyone grabbing onto his slick, sweaty suit and bending him back, hauling him forward, building momentum, and then…

  “Three, two, one, throw!”

  Dolly went with him as the mayor flew into the back of the van. Mistress Josephine cried, “Hurry, hurry, hurry! I see a security guard coming.”

  The girls scrambled into the van like lemmings—reverse-lemmings?—and Madame Dartmore squealed away from City Hall even before Charming and Indira had closed the doors.

  “I can’t believe we got him in,” Mei-Li said. “Is he conscious, or did we knock him out?”

  In a groggy voice, the mayor replied, “I’m Mayor Pigman of Hogtown and I’m number one! No little chink can knock me out.”

  “Wanna bet?” Jing-Fei asked as she elbowed him in the temple. When he let out a fade-away moan, she said, “That’s what I thought.”

  After she’d subdued the mayor, Jing-Fei asked around for a ball-gag, but nobody had thought to pack one. They didn’t want to hear another word out of the mayor’s racist mouth when he came to. Bad enough they had to hear audacious sound bites every time they turned on the TV or the radio. Mayor Pigman was a media darling, and every time he made a hateful, crass, or just plain stupid-as-fuck remark there was a feeding frenzy for footage.

  “I don’t think we’re going far enough,” Charming said, as she helped Dolly and Indira roll him over. “We don’t know him. Maybe he likes getting tortured. We should take him out, just like that. Never have to hear from his unsophisticated, uneducated, mother-fucking stupid-ass mouth again!”

  “We are not going to kill the man,” Madame Dartmore said from the driver’s seat. “We have to draw the line somewhere, or we’re as bad as he is.”

  “I guess,” Charming replied, though she clearly wasn’t swayed. “Eww, I really don’t want to take this guy’s clothes off.”

  “How to you think I feel?” Jing-Fei held up a cock cage. “I have to touch his dick!”

  “I’ll help you,” Mei-Li said. When the girls laughed and taunted her, she went on, “Not because I want to touch Pigman’s cock—because I’m a nice person! You guys are jerks.”

  They laughed to keep their spirits up as they untied and stripped the Mayor. No easy task, in a moving vehicle.

  “I bet he can’t get it up, anyway.” Dolly wrestled his shirt and jacket over one shoulder and down the Mayor’s arm. “He probably drinks a case of beer for breakfast.”

  “Look how pink his skin is.” Jing-Fei wrinkled her nose. “And what are those patches, there?”

  Mei-Li shrugged. “He is half pig, remember.”

  “Eww, you should see his back!” Dolly rolled him and tore his shirt and jacket down the other arm. “Look at those thick white hairs. And they’re sharp! I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “This guy is the worst,” Charming said as she pulled down his pants.

  The all stared at Mayor Pigman’s ass, lost for words.

  Finally, Indira asked, “Is it just me, or is anyone else craving bacon?”

  They all nodded. “Yup, big-time.”

  By the time Mayor Pigman was totally naked, Madame Dartmore was just pulling in to the alley behind what she lovingly referred to as “the cathouse.” Mei-Li never much liked that term, but who was she to argue?

  “Okay, everybody out!” Madame Dartmore turned off the engine. “And keep quiet. Don’t wake the neighbours.”

  Indira laughed. “If our neighbours can sleep through Mei-Li’s screaming orgasms, I’m sure they won’t notice the click-clack of our boots.”

  “Since when do I scream?” Mei-Li asked.

  Dolly said, “I’ll tape you next time you’re with a client. You scream like crazy.”

  Mei-Li was shocked, but she always believed Dolly. “Anyway,” she said. “Who’s got zip ties? Let’s bind his wrists before we get him in.”

  They’d brought along the biggest ties they had, but the mayor’s wrists were just too thick. Instead of binding both with one strip, they had cuff him with two and link those together with a third—and then a fourth and fifth, just to be safe.

  “How’s the patient?” Mistress Josephine asked, quietly. “Is he conscious?”

  “Muhhh-whaaaa?” the mayor replied, groggily.

  “I gue
ss you got your answer.” Charming opened the back doors and hopped out of the van. She grabbed Mayor Pigman by the ankles and whispered, “Heave-ho!”

  Getting the mayor out of the van was considerably easier than getting him in. His head bobbed like an apple in a tank of beer as they led him toward the back entrance of the building where they’d all worked—until the mayor singled them out publically as “witches” and referred to their profitable woman-run business as “the easy way out.”

  Out of what? Out of poverty? Out of shame? Because Mei-Li had been born into both, and Madame’s employ had lifted her right out of those parallel universes. Mei-Li was proud of her profession and proud of herself. For the mayor to shut them down with no possibility of appeal? It made her so angry she couldn’t wait to get him into the dungeon. She couldn’t wait to show him the kind of pain he’d imposed upon them.

  “Where are we going?” Pigman asked as they pressed him down the ramp to the basement.

  “We’re going to the accessible dungeon,” Madame Dartmore replied. “The one that’s no longer in service because you shut us down.”

  “Shut you down?” he said. “Well, the joke’s on you because there’s always a way to get around being shut down. You could have just made a donation to my niece’s Foxy Boxing league.”

  “I know,” Madame growled, holding a paper up to his face. “It’s right here on the form. The point is that I officially refuse to offer bribes—even official bribes—to city officials! It’s just wrong.”

  “It’s the way of the world,” he said, and shrugged as much as he could with his hands tied behind his back.

  “Not before you came along. The city wasn’t run this way under Mayor Pandaman. He always looked out for us. He actually showed up at the Pride parade. He didn’t have to veil his misogyny or homophobia or racism, because he was a truly egalitarian mayor.”

  “Well, the people have spoken, sugar-tits, and the people want me!”


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