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by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

  19. Andrew J. Bacevich, The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

  20. Jeremy Herb, “Congress proposes defense budget $37 billion higher than Trump’s,” CNN.com, June 22, 2017. Accessed July 28, 2017: www.cnn.com/​2017/​06/​22/​politics/​congress-​trump-​defense-​budget/​index.html

  21. See: Iain Overton, The Way of the Gun: A Bloody Journey into the World of Firearms. New York: Harper, 2016. For a review of Overton’s findings, see: C.J. Chivers, “How Many Guns Did the U.S. Lose Track of in Iraq and Afghanistan? Hundreds of Thousands,” New York Times Magazine, August 24, 2016. Accessed July 28, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​2016/​08/​23/​magazine/​how-​many-​guns-​did-​the-​us-​lose-​track-​of-​in-iraq-​and-​afghanistan-​hundreds-​of-​thousands.html

  22. Overton, Way of the Gun, p. ix.

  23. Thom Shanker, “U.S. Sold $40 Billion in Weapons in 2015, Topping Global Market,” New York Times, December 26, 2016. Accessed July 27, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​2016/​12/​26/​us/​politics/​united-​states-global-​weapons-​sales.html?_r=0

  24. SIRPI, “Increase in arms transfers driven by demand in the Middle East and Asia, says SIRPI,” February 20, 2017. Accessed July 27, 2017: www.sipri.org/​media/​press-​release/​2017/​increase-​arms-​transfers-driven-​demand-​middle-​east-​and-​asia-​says-​sipri

  25. United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Accessed July 27, 2017: www.un.org/​disarmament/​convarms/​att/​


  1. When a hollow-point bullet strikes a person, the bullet expands on penetration, opening up like a parachute, causing far more damage to tissue, organs, and arteries. Michael S. Schmidt, “Background Check Flaw Let Dylann Roof Buy Gun, FBI Says,” New York Times, July 10, 2015. Accessed July 27, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​2015/​07/​11/​us/​background-​check-​flaw-​let-​dylann-​roof-​buy-​gun-​fbi-​says.html?_r=0

  2. “Donald Trump, Jr. Speaks at Neshoba Fair,” The Clarion-Ledger, July 27, 2016.

  3. Ibid.

  4. From the Christian Posse Comitatus Newsletter, quoted in Kenneth S. Stern, A Force upon the Plain: The American Militia Movement and the Politics of Hate. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996, p. 50.

  5. Alexander Reid Ross, Against the Fascist Creep. Oakland CA: AK Press, 2017.

  6. Ibid., p. 2.

  7. Ibid., p. 94.

  8. Ibid., pp. 95–96.

  9. Ibid., pp. 97–98.

  10. Ibid., pp. 206, 254.

  11. Ibid., pp. 96–101.

  12. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement. Washington DC: FBI Counterterrorism Division, October 17, 2006. http://s3.documentcloud.org/​documents/​402521/​doc-​26-​white-​supremacist-​infiltration.pdf

  13. Samuel V. Jones, “FBI’s Warning of White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement Nearly Forgotten,” The Grio, May 12, 2015. Accessed July 28, 2017: http://thegrio.com/​2015/​05/​12/​fbi-​white-​supremacists-​law-​enforcement/​

  14. Lois Beckett, “Gun Inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners,” The Guardian, September 19, 2016. Accessed July 29, 2017: www.theguardian.com/​us-​news/​2016/​sep/​19/​us-​gun-​ownership-​survey

  15. Daniel Trotta, “U.S. Military Battling White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis In Its Own Ranks,” Huffington Post, October 21, 2012. Accessed July 28, 2017: www.huffingtonpost.com/​2012/​08/​21/​us-​army-​white-​supremacists_n_1815137.html

  16. Ibid.

  17. Matt Kennard, Irregular Army: How the US Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror. New York: Verso Books, 2012, p. 13.

  18. Robert F. Williams, Negroes with Guns. Eastford, CT: Martino Fine Books, 2013; reprint of the original 1962 book. Text accessible at: https://libcom.org/​files/​Robert%20​Franklin%20​Williams%20-​%20Negroes%20​with%20​guns.pdf

  19. Charles E. Cobb Jr., This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2015.

  20. “Armed Black Panthers Invade Capitol,” Sacramento Bee, May 4, 1967. Accessed October 16, 2017: http://www.sacbee.com/​news/​local/​history/​article148667224.html

  21. Caroline E. Light, Stand Your Ground: A History of America’s Love Affair with Lethal Self-Defense. Boston: Beacon Press, 2017, p. 128.

  22. Ibid., p. 165.

  23. David Cay Johnston, “William Pierce, 69, Neo-Nazi Leader, Dies,” New York Times, July 24, 2002. Accessed July 29, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​2002/​07/​24/​us/​william-​pierce-​69-​neo-​nazi-​leader-​dies.html?_r=0

  24. The full text of The Turner Diaries can be read free online. Accessed July 29, 2017: https://docs.google.com/​file/​d/​0B0xb4crOvCgTSk9CcXRLYkN4TUU/​view


  1. Emma Pettit, “The New Gun-Violence Scholars,” Chronicle of Higher Education, August 22, 2016.

  2. Joe Helm, “Recounting a day of rage, hate, violence, and death,” Washington Post, August 14, 2017. Accessed October 9, 2017: www.washingtonpost.com/​graphics/​2017/​local/​charlottesville-​timeline/​ ; “Unrest in Virginia: Clashes over a Show of White Nationalism in Charlottesville Turn Deadly,” Time Magazine, August 14, 2017. Accessed October 9, 2017: time.com/​charlottesville-​white-​nationalist-​rally-​clashes/​; Christina Caron, “Heather Heyer, Charlottesville Victim, Is Recalled as ‘a Strong Woman,” New York Times, August 13, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​2017/​08/​13/​us/​heather-​heyer-​charlottesville-​victim.html; “Trump says both sides to blame for Charlottesville violence,” YouTube, August 15, 2017. Accessed October 9, 2017: www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=​Jlhn8EKvoZU.

  3. See: Mark Bray, Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, New York: Melville House, 2017; Alexander Reid-Ross, Against the Fascist Creep.

  4. Colleen Flaherty, “Don’t ‘Go There,’” Inside Higher Ed, February 24, 2016. Accessed July 27, 2017: www.insidehighered.com/​news/​2016/​02/​24/​u-​houston-​faculty-​senate-​suggests-​changes-​teaching-under-​campus-​carry?utm_source=Inside+Higher+Ed&utm_campaign=183bc9e3a3-​DNU20160224&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcbc04421-​183bc9e3a3-​197425449#.Vs8zo9rq4zM.mailto

  5. Pamela Haag, The Gunning of America: Business and the Making of American Gun Culture. New York: Basic Books, 2016.

  6. Ibid., p. x

  7. Ibid., p. xi.

  8. Ibid., pp. xi, xii.

  9. Ibid., p. xii.

  10. It is indeed the case that Walmart is a major driver of gun sales in the United States. See: George Zornick, “How Walmart Helped Make the Newtown Shooter’s AR-15 the Most Popular Assault Weapon in America,” The Nation, December 9, 2012. Zornick writes, “A massive recent spike in gun sales has boosted Walmart’s flagging profits, making it the top seller of firearms and ammunition nationwide.” Accessed July 21, 2017: www.thenation.com/​article/​how-​walmart-​helped-​make-​newtown-​shooters-​ar-​15-​most-​popular-​assault-​weapon-​america/​. Also see: MJ Lee, “Why Walmart will keep selling guns,” CNN, June 25, 2015. Accessed July 24, 2017: www.cnn.com/​2015/​06/​25/​politics/​walmart-​guns-​confederate-​flag/​index.html

  11. Haag, Gunning of America, pp. 179, 183.

  12. Michael A. Bellesiles, Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000, p. 110. After Knopf halted publication of the book, it was picked up by Soft Skull Press, Berkeley, CA, in 2003 and remains available.

  13. Garry Wills, “Spiking the Gun Myth,” New York Times Book Review, September 10, 2000; Edmund S. Morgan, “In Love with Guns,” New York Review of Books, October 19, 2000.

  14. Nick Sanchez, “25 Best Charlton Heston ‘Gun Freedom’ Quotes,” Newsmax, July 22, 2017. Accessed July 24, 2017: www.newsmax.com/​TheWire/​charlton-​heston-​gun-​quotes-​top/​2015/​10/​23/�

  15. James Lindgren, “Fall from Grace: Arming America and the Bellesiles Scandal,” Yale Law Journal (June 2002), Vol. 111, pp. 2234– 2249.

  16. Ibid., p. 2197.

  17. Ibid., pp. 2208–2210.

  18. Ibid., pp. 2205–06. Also see: Robert H. Churchill, “Guns and the Politics of History,” Reviews in American History, 2001, 29: p. 329.

  19. Lindgren, “Fall from Grace,” p. 2232.

  20. Ibid., p. 2197.

  21. Jon Wiener, “Fire at Will,” The Nation, October 17, 2002. Accessed October 16, 2017: https://www.thenation.com/​article/​fire-​will/​

  22. Ibid.

  23. Official announcement by the Columbia University Board of Trustees, December 13, 2002. See full text at: http://historynewsnetwork.org/​article/​1157. Accessed July 21, 2017.

  24. Jon Wiener, Historians in Trouble: Plagiarism, Fraud, and Politics in the Ivory Tower. New York: New Press, 2005.

  25. Ibid.

  26. “Swiftboating” refers to the right-wing attack on Senator John Kerry when he was the Democratic candidate for president in 2004. Kerry had served as a Swift Boat captain in the Vietnam War, and his campaign was presenting him as a war hero who could better handle the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq than President George W. Bush, his opponent. However, Kerry, who had received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his combat service, returned from Vietnam strongly against the war and joined with other Vietnam veterans in protests, including tossing their medals over the White House fence. Vietnam War veteran diehards and the right-wing militarists in general hated Kerry nearly as much as they hated Jane Fonda, and their vicious and pervasive attacks and lies about Kerry during the campaign came to be called “swiftboating.”

  27. Scott McLemee, “Amazing Disgrace,” Inside Higher Ed, May 19, 2010. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.insidehighered.com/​views/​2010/​05/​19/​amazing-​disgrace

  28. Library of Congress. Accessed July 24, 2017: www.loc.gov/​item/​ca0959/​

  29. CBS Films, Winchester, starring Helen Mirren, scheduled release date: February 23, 2018. Accessed July 24, 2017: www.imdb.com/​title/​tt1072748/​

  30. Haag, Gunning of America, pp. 285–289.


  1. Clare Foran, “The House Democrats’ Sit-In Comes to an End,” The Atlantic, June 23, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.theatlantic.com/​politics/​archive/​2016/​06/​house-​democrats-​sit-​in-​guns/​488444/​

  2. “The Terrorist Screening Center, a multi-agency center administered by the FBI, is the U.S. Government’s consolidated counterterrorism watchlisting component and is responsible for the management and operation of the Terrorist Screening Database, commonly known as ‘the watchlist.’” Accessed July 24, 2017: www.fbi.gov/​about/​leadership-​and-​structure/​national-​security-​branch/​tsc

  3. Phillip Bump, “The Problem with Banning Guns for People on the No-Fly List,” Washington Post, June 13, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.washingtonpost.com/​news/​the-​fix/​wp/​2015/​12/​07/​the-​no-​fly-​list-is-​a-​terrible-​tool-​for-​gun-​control-​in-​part-​because-​it-​is-​a-​terrible-​tool/​

  4. Emily Richmond, “Civic Lessons From the House Democrats’ Sit-In,” The Atlantic, June 28, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.theatlantic.com/​education/​archive/​2016/​06/​civics-​lessons-​from-​the-​house-democrats-​sit-​in/​489167/​. Also see: Phyllis Bennis, “The House Sit-In Would’ve Been More Powerful If It Rejected ‘No Fly, No Buy,’” Foreign Policy in Focus, June 23, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: http://fpif.org/​house-​sit-​wouldve-​powerful-​rejected-​no-​fly-​no-​buy/​

  5. Melissa Davey, “Australia’s gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds,” The Guardian, June 22, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.theguardian.com/​world/​2016/​jun/​23/​australias-​gunlaws-​stopped-​mass-​shootings-​and-​reduced-​homicides-​study-​finds. See also: Simon Chapman, Philip Alpers, and Michael Jones, “Association Between Gun Law Reforms and Intentional Firearm Deaths in Australia, 1979−2013,” JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 316, No. 3, July 19, 2016. Accessed July 24, 2017: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/​article.aspx?​articleid=​2530362

  6. Hahrie Han, “Want Gun Control? Learn from the N.R.A.,” Opinion section, New York Times, October 4, 2017. Accessed October 9, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​2017/​10/​04/​opinion/​gun-​control-​nra-​vegas.html

  7. Jeffrey M. Jones, “Americans in Agreement With Supreme Court on Gun Rights,” Gallup, June 16, 2008. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.gallup.com/​poll/​108394/​americans-​agreement-​supreme-​court-​gun-​rights.aspx

  8. Sarah Ellison, “The Civil War that Could Doom the N.R.A.,” Vanity Fair, June 27, 2016. Accessed October 16, 2017: https://www.vanityfair.com/​news/​2016/​06/​the-​civil-​war-​that-​could-​doom-​the-​nra. See also: Adam Winkler, Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America. New York: W.W. Norton, 2013. At its 2016 convention in Louisville, Kentucky, the N.R.A. endorsed Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, and Trump addressed the thousands of enthusiastic attendees: Michele Gorman, “Donald Trump and NRA Endorse Each Other,” Newsweek, May 20, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.newsweek.com/​donald-​trump-​and-​nra-​endorse-​each-​other-​462187

  9. Mark Ames, Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond. San Francisco: Soft Skull Press, 2005.

  10. Mark Ames, “From ‘Operation Wetback’ to Newtown: Tracing the Hick Fascism of the NRA,” Pando, December 17, 2012. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.nsfwcorp.com/​dispatch/​newtown/​

  11. Mark Ames, “A Brief History of American Gun Nuts,” Pando.com, June 26, 2015. Accessed July 28, 2017: https://pando.com/​2015/​06/​26/​brief-​history-​american-​gun-​nuts/​

  12. Ibid.

  13. Ted Koppel, “Guns, A Family Affair,” CBS Sunday Morning, March 13, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.cbsnews.com/​news/​guns-​a-​family-​affair/​. Wyoming is the state with the most firearms per capita (196 per 1,000), three times as many as the next highest (District of Columbia), with more than half the population owning firearms and with one of the highest gun death rates. Accessed July 24, 2017: http://reverbpress.com/​politics/​firearms-​per-​capita-​by-​state/​

  14. Transcript: Face to Face with Alan Simpson, CBS News, February 23, 2012. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.cbsnews.com/​news/​transcript-​face-​to-​face-​with-​alan-​simpson/​

  15. Jessica Chia, “George Zimmerman ‘sells Trayvon Martin gun for $250,000 to a mother planning to give it to her son for his birthday’ and claims he auctioned it off because he’s sick of Hillary Clinton’s anti-gun rhetoric,” DailyMail.com, May 24, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.dailymail.co.uk/​news/​article-​3607507/​George-​Zimmerman-​sells-gun-​250-​0000-​mother-​planning-​pistol-​son-​birthday-​claims-​launched-auction-​s-​sick-​Hillary-​Clinton-​s-​anti-​gun-​rhetoric.html

  16. Mike McPhate, “George Zimmerman’s 3rd Auction for Gun Brings $138,900 High Bid,” New York Times, May 18, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​2016/​05/​19/​us/​george-​zimmermans-​3rd-auction-​for-​gun-​brings-​138900-​high-​bid.html

  17. See: Richard Slotkin, Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600-1860. Middletown CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1973.

  18. See: Nick Turse, Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2013.

  19. For photographs and documents, see Arnaldo Dumindin, PhilippineAmerican War, 1899–1902. Accessed July 21, 2017: http://philippineamericanwar.webs.com

  20. Walter L. Williams, “United States Indian Policy and the Debate over Philippine Annexation: Implications for the Origins of American Imperialism,” Journal of American History
Vol. 66, no. 4 (March 1980): pp. 810–31.

  21. Robert Kaplan, Imperial Grunts: The American Military on the Ground. New York: Random House, 2005, p. 138.

  22. See: Jeremy Kuzmarov, Modernizing Repression: Police Training and Nation-Building in the American Century. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2012.

  23. See: Gregorio Selser (Cedric Belfrage, translator), Sandino. New York: Monthly Review Books, 1982. Nicaraguans lived under the Somoza family dictatorship for half a century until a new generation, heirs of Sandino’s anti-imperialist struggle, overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in 1979. Again, the United States created a counterinsurgency that devastated Nicaragua in the 1980s, forcing the Sandinistas out of power electorally in 1989.

  24. See: John Marciano, The American War in Vietnam, Crime or Commemoration? New York: Monthly Review Press, 2016. The Pentagon, under the Obama administration, organized commemorative activities to take place from 2016 to 2025, covering the 50th anniversary of the decade of the war, 1966–1975.

  25. Theresa Tuohy, “The U.S. is celebrating the wrong anniversary for the Vietnam War,” Washington Post, April 27, 2015. Accessed July 24, 2017: www.washingtonpost.com/​posteverything/​wp/​2015/​04/​27/​we-were-​already-​in-​vietnam-​before-​65-​nows-​the-​wrong-​year-​to-​mark-​the-wars-​50th-​anniversary/​?utm_term=.07652a1a7e72

  26. Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, The Vietnam War, Public Broadcasting System, September 2017. Accessed September 21, 2017: www.pbs.org/​kenburns/​the-​vietnam-​war/​home/​

  27. Slotkin, Gunfighter Nation, pp. 1–3.

  28. Liam Stack, “What We Know About the Standoff in Oregon,” New York Times, January 3, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.nytimes.com/​interactive/​2016/​01/​04/​us/​04oregon-​listy.html?​action=​click&​contentCollection=​US&​module=​RelatedCoverage&​region=​EndOfArticle&​pgtype=​article

  29. Jacqueline Keeler, “‘It’s So Disgusting’ Malheur Militia Dug Latrine Trenches Among Sacred Artifacts,” Indian Country Today, February 17, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/​​2016/​​02/​​17/​​its-​​so-​​disgusting-​​malheur-​​militia-​​dug-​​latrine-​​trenches-​​among-​​sacred-​​artifacts-​​163454


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