30. See: Kollibri Terre Sonnenblum, “The Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation: A Skirmish Among Colonizers, CounterPunch, January 6, 2016. Accessed July 21, 2017: www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/06/the-malheur-wildlife-refuge-occupation-a-skirmish-among-colonizers/
31. Quoted in Daniel Hayes, “Why I Hunt,” in Daniel Hayes, ed., Guns (Kindle edition), Thought Catalog: Amazon Digital Services LLC, 2016.
“Adventures of Col. Daniel Boone, The,” 99
Afghanistan, 43, 146, 156, 165, 225
Against the Fascist Creep (Ross), 158
Akenson, Donald Harman, 112, 113
American Historical Association, 185
Americans for Prosperity, 162, 169
“America’s Future is Texas” (Wright), 133
Ames, Mark, 124–125, 200–201
Anderson, “Bloody” Bill, 80
Anderson, Gary Clayton, 52
Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture (Bellesiles), 180, 181, 182–186
Arms Trade Treaty (2014), 147
Army of the West. See U.S. Army of the West
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The (2007), 88
Australia, 42, 196-197, 198, 202, 230, 234
Bacevich, Andrew J., 144
background checks, 21, 196
Bailyn, Bernard, 44
“Ballad of Jesse James,” 74
Band, The (musical group), 74–75
Barbados, 60
Barbary Wars, 54–55
Battle of Chapultepec, 56
Baum, L. Frank, 193
Beam, Louis, 158, 159
Bellesiles, Michael A., 180-182, 190, 183-189
Berbers, 54–55
Berg, Alan, 159
Billy the Kid, 84–85
Black Panther Party, 167–168
blood sacrifice, 116–118
Bonnie and Clyde (1967), 78, 79
Boone, Daniel, 26, 57, 8l, 86-87, 97, 102, 107-108, 176
Boone and Crockett Club, 102
Boot, Max, 49
Bork, Robert, 121–122
Branch Davidians, 161–162
Brinkley, Alan, 51
Bryant, Marin, 197
Burger, Warren E, 19
Calvin, John, 113
Canby, E.R.S., 68
Carter, Asa Earl “Forrest,” 76–78
Carter, Harlon, 124–125
Chaney, James, 154
Charleston, South Carolina, 149, 150, 152, 200
chattel slavery, 39, 59-60, 66, 74
Cho, Seung-Hui, 138, 140
Church, Benjamin, 44–45
Churchill, Robert, 184
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 124
Citizens for a Sound Economy, 162
Clements, Archie, 87–88
Cole, David, 21–22
Collins, Susan, 196
Columbia University, 187
Columbine High School shootings, 136–137
Contra war, 157
Cooper, James Fenimore, 57, 95-96, 97, 99, 102
Cornell, Saul, 71
Cuba, 90, 101, 114, 156, 166
Custer, Gen. George Armstrong, 202
Daily Guardian (London), 196
Deacons of Defense and Justice, 167
defense spending, 144–146, 156
Degler, Carl, 87
Dewey, George, 204
Dickey Amendment (1996), 174
Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucke, The (Filson), 98
District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), 120, 121, 196, 199, 212footnote
Dix, Ralph and Jetta, 83
Doctrine of Discovery (1493), 36-37, 98
Doddridge, Joseph, 32–33
dog whistles, 153
dogs, 64
Duston, Hannah, 46
Eastwood, Clint, 76, 78
Education of Little Tree, The (Carter), 77–78
Edwards, John Newman, 83–84
1877: America’s Year of Living Violently (Bellesiles), 188
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church of Charleston, 149
Emory University, 187
environmental movement, 162–163
evangelical movements, 123, 157–158
Farook, Syed Rizwan, 141
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 14, 126, 141, 159, 160, 164, 195
Filkins, Dexter, 56
Filson, John, 98
First United States Volunteer Cavalry, 90–91
Ford, Robert, 88
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 68–69
Freedmen, 67, 69
FreedomWorks, 162, 169
French and Indian War, 30, 79
George III (King of England), 30
Ghost Dance, 192-193; See also Wounded Knee massacre
ghost skins, 164
Gleason, Ralph J., 75
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond (Ames), 200
Goodman, Andrew, 154
Grenier, John, 32, 42, 43–44, 46–49, 57, 143
Gritz, Bo, 160–161
gun culture, 16, 65, 86, 176, 179, 203
gun ownership, 93, 104, 183
gun violence, 20, 84, 173–174
Gunning of America: Business and the Making of American Gun Culture, The (Haag), 174–175, 179
Gunwatch, 16
Haag, Pamela, 174, 175–180, 193
Hadden, Sally E., 59, 63, 68, 70
Haiti, 204
Haitian Revolution, 1791−1804, 150
Han, Hahrie, 198
Harris, Eric, 136
Hayes, Daniel, 104, 107–108
Hennard, George Jo, 136
Heston, Charleston, 181–182
Historians in Trouble: Plagiarism, Fraud, and Politics in the Ivory Tower (Wiener), 187
Hodgkinson, James, 131
Hofstadter, Richard, 16-18, 23, 24, 176
Honduras, 157-158
horses, 64, 84
Howard, John, 197
Huberty, James Oliver, 135
Hulbert, Matthew Christopher, 84–86, 129
Ice-T, 208
indentured servants, 36, 61
Indian Wars, 28, 48, 49, 68
Iraq, 43, 129, 138, 141, 143, 144, 148, 157, 165
Irregular Army (Kennard), 166
irregular warfare. See savage war
ISIS, 141
Jackson, Andrew, 49-51, 95, 97, 99
Jackson, Steve, 126–127
Jacobson, Dan, 112
James, Frank, 26, 85
James, Jesse, 26, 84–88
Jamestown settlement, 138–139
James-Younger Gang, 88
Jayhawkers, 80
Jefferson, Thomas, 17, 24, 34, 51, 54, 65, 81, 118, 119
John Birch Society, 122, 125
Johnson, Walter, 39, 64
Jones, Samuel V., 164
Kahl, Gordon, 158–159
Kaplan, Robert, 52–53
Kehde, Pat, 83
Kennard, Matt, 166
Kennedy, John F., 206
Kentucky Cycle, The (Schenkkan), 104–106
Killeen, Texas, 135
Klebold, Dylan, 136
Koch, Charles, 162, 169
Koch, David, 169
Koch, Fred, 122
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 12, 66-67, 69, 77, 78, 89, 152, 154, 158, 164, 166
Lakota, 139, 192-93
Land Ordinance of 1785, 33
Lane, David, 159
Lanza, Adam, 137
Lanza, Nancy, 137
Las Vegas, Nevada shootings, 141–142
Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 95–96
Lawrence, Kansas, 80, 82–83
Leatherstocking Tales (Cooper), 95, 96, 97, 99
Lewis, John, 195
Leyden, T.J., 165
Light, Caroline, 168
Lindgren, James, 182, 183–185
Locke, John, 114
Los Angeles
Police Department (LAPD), 70–71
Luby’s Cafeteria shootings, Killeen, Texas, 135–136
Macdonald, Andrew. See Pierce, William
Madison, James, 118
Mailer, Norman, 94
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, 207
Malik, Tashfeen, 141
Manifest Destiny, 34, 52–53
Martin, Trayvon, 168
Mason, Bobbie Ann, 105, 107
Mateen, Omar, 140–141, 194
Mathews, Robert, 159
Mayer, Jane, 130–131
Mayflower Compact, 113–114
McCarty, Henry William “Billy the Kid,” 84–85
McDonald’s shootings, San Ysidro, California, 135
McLemee, Scott, 189
McVeigh, Timothy, 162, 170
Mexico, 52, 56
militias, 45, 60–61, 184
Missouri, 80–81
Modocs, 68
Monroe, James, 50
Monroe Black Armed Guard, 166
Morgan, Edmund, 181, 187
Muskogee, 50, 60
Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 94
National Alliance, 169–170
National Firearms Programme Implementation Act of 1996, 197
National Neighborhood Watch Program, 168
National Rifle Association (NRA), 22–23, 119, 123–126, 131, 142–143, 168, 181, 198–199, 200
“Neutral Principles and Some First Amendment Problems” (Bork), 121
New York Times, 83, 130
Newton, Huey, 167
Newtown, Connecticut, 137
Nicaragua, 157–158, 204
“Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, The,” 74–75
Norman, Gurney, 106
North Carolina colony, 61–62
Northwest Ordinance of 1787, 33–34
Noted Guerrillas (Edwards), 83
Obama, Barack, 104, 144
open carry rights, 132–133, 167, 174
Order, The, 159
Organization of American Historians, 185
originalism, 121–123
Orlando, Florida, 140
Outlaw Josey Wales,The (1976), 76, 78
Overton, Iain, 145–146
Paddock, Stephen Craig, 141–142
Parker, William, 70–71
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid (1973), 78, 79
Patriot movement, 161–162
Patriots (group), 159
Penn, Arthur, 79
Perry, Rick, 133
Philadelphia, Mississippi, 154
Philippines, 204
Pierce, William, 169–170
Pinckney, Clementa C., 151
police and policing, 70, 164. See also slave patrols
Posse Comitatus, 155, 158–159
Powhatans, 139, 140
Practice at Law in North Carolina, The, 63
Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005), 173
Pulse nightclub shootings, Orlando, Florida, 140–141
Quantrill, William Clarke, 80, 82
Quantrill’s Raiders, 73, 80, 82–84
rangers, 32, 43, 44–45, 51, 53–54. See also Texas
Rangers Reagan, Ronald, 125, 153–154, 155–157, 167
Red Lake Senior High School shootings, 138
Redfern, Joan, 139–140
rifle clubs, 67
Robert E. Lee monument, 153
Robertson, Pat, 157
Robertson, Robbie, 75–76
Roof, Dylann, 151–152
Roosevelt, Theodore, 90, 100–103, 204, 207
Ross, Alexander Reid, 158, 160–161
Rothbard, Murray, 162
Rough Riders, 90–91
Rowan, Peter, 161
Ruben, Eric M., 71
Ruby Ridge siege, 160–161
“Ruby Ridge” (song), 161
Sagebrush Rebellion, 163
San Bernardino shootings, 141
San Ysidro, California, 135
Sandinistas (FSLN), 157
Sandy Hook Elementary shootings, 137
savage war, 42–43, 47, 53
Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power, The (Boot), 49
Scalia, Antonin, 120, 122, 196
scalp hunting, 45–46
Schenkkan, Robert, 104, 105–106
school shootings, 136–140
Schwerner, Michael, 154
Seale, Bobby, 167
Second Amendment Foundation, 124
Sellers, Charles, 24
Seminole Wars, 50–51, 55
Seminoles, 50, 55
September 11, 2001, 156
Simpson, Alan, 202
Sitting Bull, 192
skulking, 44
slave patrols, 36, 38–39, 64–66
Slave Patrols (Hadden), 63
Slotkin, Richard, 42–43, 51, 87, 99, 103, 203, 206–207
Smith, Adam, 114–115
South Carolina, 60
Spain, 89
Spanish-American War, 90–91
Stamp Act (1765), 31
Stand Your Ground: A History of America’s Love Affair with Lethal Self-Defense (Light), 168
Starr, Belle, 73, 80, 84, 85
Stegner, Wallace, 96–97
Stiles, T.J., 88
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 146
Stuewe, Paul, 83
Sublette, Constance, 65
Sublette, Ned, 65
S.W.A.T. teams, 132
Tea Party movement, 162, 169
Texas Rangers, 51–52, 65–66
Trace, The, 15
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), 37
Tripoli, 54
True Grit (Portis), 76
Trump, Donald J., 126, 142, 145, 152–153
Trump, Donald, Jr., 154, 155
Turner Diaries, The (Pierce), 170–171
Tuscaroras, 61–62
United States v. Cruikshank (1876), 120
United States v. Miller (1939), 120
University of Texas Tower shootings, 131–132
U.S. Army of the West, 52, 120, 179, 207
U.S. Marines, 53–57
Vesey, Denmark, 149–150
Vesey, Robert, 150
Vietnam War, 203–204, 205–207
Virginia colony, 60–62, 65
Virginia Tech shootings, 138, 139–140
Waco, Texas siege, 161–162
Wales, Josey, 76–77, 78
wanted posters, 64
Washington, George, 34, 38–39
Watt, James G., 163
Way of the Gun: A Bloody Journey into the World of Firearms, The (Overton), 145
Weaver, Randy, 159–161
Weise, Jeffrey, 138
white nationalism, 57, 96, 103, 122–123, 152–154, 164–166, 172
“White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement” (FBI), 164
Whitman, Charles, 132
“Why I Hunt” (Hayes), 107–108
Wiener, Jon, 186, 187–188
Williams, Mabel, 166
Williams, Robert, 166
Wills, Garry, 110, 181, 187
Winchester, Oliver, 175
Winchester, Sarah L., 190, 191–192, 193
Winchester Mystery House, 190–191, 193
Wintemute, Gerald J., 173–174
Wise Use movement, 163
women, 11, 80, 122, 130, 131, 134, 136, 167, 183
workplace shootings, 134
Wounded Knee massacre, 143, 171, 193
Wovoka, 192
Wright, Lawrence, 133
Zimmerman, George, 168–169, 203
Zinn, Howard, 36
Zornick, George, 126
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz grew up in rural Oklahoma, the daughter of a tenant farming family. She is the author of many books, including the acclaimed An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, Red Dirt: Growing Up Okie, Roots of Resistance: A History of Land Tenure in New Mexico, and Blood on the Border: A Memoir of the Contra War. She lives in San Franci
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