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The Junior (College Years Book 3)

Page 13

by Monica Murphy

  She’s not simple at all. Gracie is complex. Prickly—only when it comes to me, though. Warm and friendly with everyone else. But she keeps it all on the surface, never going too deep. The only people she’s real with are Hayden and the rest of the girls, though I don’t hang around them long enough to know what she’s really like with them.

  Here’s the weirdest part of all: I fell into a friendship with her and didn’t even mean to. My mom wasn’t lying when she said I don’t make friends with women.

  I don’t.

  Yeah, I’m friendly with my friends’ girlfriends, but it’s not like I hang out with Ava and Ellie. The only one who seems to accept me for what I am is Jocelyn. But she’s too busy chasing after her cute daughter to give me much time anymore, and I understand. Being a mom is serious business.

  I’m not serious about…anything. Not yet anyway. Dad encouraged me when I was younger to sow my wild oats, whatever the fuck that meant. It was the analogy he kept giving me every time we had a talk about relationships and sex, and when I was fifteen, I finally had to Google that shit to understand exactly what he was talking about.

  I could only laugh when I read the definition. My dad got me. And when I went to him about it, he said he did much of the same thing when he was in high school. Sowing all those wild oats.

  “I met your mom right out of high school,” he admitted to me. “She was working on the lake, just like me. A year older. So much wiser than me, I thought, and turns out, I was right. Your mom is a smart woman. I don’t know what she saw in a guy like me, but there we were, madly in love and married by twenty-one, your mom was twenty-two.”

  My dad telling that to sixteen-year-old me made it sound like an impending death sentence. No way did I want to get serious about anyone. I didn’t need or want that.

  “I don’t regret marrying your mom so young, but if I could give you one bit of advice, I’d tell you to take your time. Enjoy your youth and the opportunities it gives you. You don’t need to settle down with anyone. Go out and live your life. Enjoy it. You’ll be a responsible adult for a lot longer than you’ll be a student. Take advantage of those years.”

  I took his words to heart. I’ve been living it up ever since.

  Until recently. No fucking around for me. I just follow after Gracie like a whipped puppy dog, eager for her attention. Desperate for any little scrap she shares with me.

  “Hey.” I turn to find Gracie standing there, a giant shopping bag hanging from her arm. “Ready to go?”

  I nod and take the bag from her, because I’m a gentleman, damn it. And I’m going to help a lady instead of making her carry it herself.

  She hands it over without protest and off we go, back in the direction we came.

  “I got a lot for what I spent, but I’m done. I need to save as much as I can,” she says.

  “You ready to go then?” I ask.

  She nods. “Yeah.” Then pauses before she keeps going. “Thank you for coming with me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “And thank you for the store suggestion. It turned out to be the perfect place for me to shop.” A smile barely touches the corners of her lips. “You surprise me, Caleb.”


  “I didn’t expect you to know where to shop for women’s clothes,” she says as we enter the department store we parked by.

  “I’m an expert at taking them off so…” I shrug.

  She comes to a stop in the middle of the aisle. “Why do you always have to take it somewhere sexual when we’re talking?”

  “That’s where my thoughts always go, I guess,” I say, feeling defensive.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “It’s true.” She starts walking and I follow. “My middle name is Richard, remember? Guess I can’t stop thinking with my dick.”

  She whirls on me right in front of the doors leading to the parking lot. “You’re more than that. I don’t believe you just think with your penis and that’s how you live life. Roaming the land, looking for your next conquest. You’ve got depth, Caleb. You’re smart and thoughtful and sweet.”

  I flash her an exaggerated smirk, going for smug. “I’ve got you fooled, woman. There is no depth here. And I’m definitely not sweet.”

  Gracie just smiles and I swear I see a flash of pity in her gaze. “Okay. Whatever you need to do to convince yourself that’s all you are.”

  I frown as she approaches me, getting so close I can smell her scent, feel her warmth. Carefully, she stretches, her mouth landing on my cheek, lingering there for a second too long before she pulls away. “What was that for?” I ask, tempted to rub at the spot where her lips just were on my skin.

  But I keep myself in check.

  “A thank you for being my friend. For indulging me on this little shopping trip I know you didn’t want to go on,” she explains. Her expression is open.

  She looks happy. With me.

  “You’re welcome.” I grin, surprised by how good it makes me feel, that I made her happy with something as simple as this. “But now you owe me dinner.”

  She rolls her eyes and goes to the door, pushing it open and letting a blast of hot air into the cool interior of the store. “Come on. I’ll feed you.”

  “Really?” I ask hopeful, my stomach growling as I follow her out into the parking lot.

  “Yes, really. Caleb, you aren’t led by your dick. More like your stomach and its endless need to be filled,” she says with a laugh.

  I savor the sound of her laughter, watching as she opens the trunk of her car and I drop the giant bag full of clothes inside. This all feels very…domesticated. Like we really are friends. Or maybe even a couple.

  The idea of that sends an icy cold shiver of dread straight down my spine, landing in my balls.

  That is the last thing I want to be.


  The moment we enter the apartment, Eli is there, practically in our faces.

  “We’re going out tonight,” he announces, a giant grin on his face.

  “Count me out,” Gracie says as she walks past him and heads for her bedroom with the shopping bag in her hand. “I’m exhausted.”

  “You’ll go with me, right?” Eli asks hopefully, his brows shooting up.

  “Why are you so anxious to party? And where are we going?” I ask warily, quietly agreeing with Gracie.

  I’m tired too.

  “Up to the lake. Jake is home for a few days, and Hannah is with him. They rented a cabin and asked a bunch of us to join them,” Eli explains.

  I slowly shake my head, hating that this asshole finds out about Jake having a get-together before I do. Jake was my friend first. “Did he invite you to go and forgot to mention it to me?”

  “Ava called and told me about it. She said her brother wants all of us there. Tony and Hayden are going too. So are Jocelyn and Diego,” Eli explains.

  “I didn’t even know Jake was in town.”

  “It’s a brief trip. They were both missing home so they decided to come visit. He’ll be here for two nights. I’m surprised he didn’t text you.”

  “Me too,” I mutter, exhaling loudly. “I have to work tomorrow. I open. So does Gracie.”

  Eli slowly shakes his head. “That job eats up all of your time.”

  “I need the cash,” I tell him, like I always do. “Especially since we’re practicing more starting next week. That’ll cut into my hours.”

  “Well, come with us tonight. Have a few drinks and relax. You need it. You’ve been strung tight lately.” Eli claps me on the back before he heads for the kitchen. “I’m leaving in an hour. Be ready by then.”

  I watch him go, contemplating my decision. I don’t mind the idea of staying home and missing out on this. I’m tired, and I’ll have to get up early to get to work tomorrow.

  But then again, I haven’t seen Jake in a while, and it would be nice to hang out with him and hear what he’s been up to. I’ll even tolerate his sweet girlfriend hanging around. Those two ar
e connected at the hip, I swear. You rarely see Jake without Hannah.

  My decision made, I head down the hall, pausing in front of Gracie’s door before I knock lightly.

  “Come in.”

  I push open the door to see she’s pulled all of her new clothes out of the shopping bag and they’re strewn on top of her unmade bed. Since living with her, I’ve realized Gracie is kind of messy. She has issues with laundry. As in, she hates doing it. Folding it. Putting it away.

  “Are you going tonight?” I ask her.

  She slowly shakes her head as she contemplates her new clothes. “I don’t think so. I’m not in the mood to hang out and drink. I’m really tired. Plus, we work early tomorrow.”

  “I know. I was thinking the same thing.” I lean against the doorjamb, watching her. She’s moving kind of slow, favoring one side. Almost as if she’s in…pain? “But if we went, we’d be that much closer to the lake. And work.”

  Gracie pauses, glancing over at me. “Where are Jake and Hannah staying?”

  “I don’t know. Hey Eli!” I scream, making Gracie wince. “Where’s the cabin at that Jake’s in?”

  “At The Pines,” he yells in answer.

  “That’s on the other side of the lake,” she points out to me.

  “We’d still be closer than we are if we stayed here,” I remind her. “We’ll stay the night. I’m sure Jake won’t mind.”

  She slumps her shoulders, a weary sigh escaping her. “Please don’t make me go.”

  “Why not? You’re always down to party,” I say to entice her.

  “Not tonight.”

  “What about Hayden? Your homegirl will be there,” I say to entice her.

  That brightens her up a little bit. “She will?”

  I nod. “That’s what Eli said.”

  Another sigh leaves her. “It’s almost eight.”

  “Okay grandma, and so?”

  “When would we leave?” She rests her hands on her hips, looking sassy. Looking more like her usual self.

  “Eli said in an hour,” I answer.

  “We wouldn’t be at the lake until ten,” she points out.

  “Just in time for the party to really be hopping.” I rub my hands together in anticipation, smiling big.

  She slowly shakes her head. “It’s a bad idea.”

  “A little get-together is never a bad idea. Come on, G. Just go. I’ll drive and you can ride to work with me in the morning,” I suggest.

  “What about Eli?”

  “He’ll end up staying with Ava. She’ll get him home. Don’t worry about him,” I say because it’s true.

  “You should consider being a lawyer. You’re very persuasive, Caleb,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Fine. I’ll go.”

  “Good. Get ready for a good time,” I tell her with a wink before I leave her bedroom and head for mine.

  I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight. But I have a good feeling about this.

  A very good feeling.



  By the time we arrive at the cabin Jake and Hannah rented for the night, the party is in full swing, just as Caleb predicted. I was so tired from shopping that when we first got home, I wasn’t feeling it. Plus, that nagging pain while we shopped turned into full-blown cramps. I just had my period too so I don’t know what’s up, but the idea of going to a party did not appeal.

  But now I’m practically bouncing with energy as we approach the well-lit cabin. There are people standing outside on the massive front porch with beer bottles clutched in their hands, engaged in small talk. None of them are familiar faces, but Caleb says hi to all of them, nodding and smiling as we walk by them.

  He grew up here, and it shows.

  We enter the cabin together, Caleb and me. We lost Eli the second Caleb parked the car. He shot out of the vehicle like a bullet, off in search of his girlfriend, and clearly he found her because I see him and Ava already snuggled together on a couch in the living room, lost in each other as only two lovebirds can be.

  Those two are couple goals, if you’re into that sort of thing.

  “There you are!”

  I turn to find Hayden making her way toward me, a giant smile on her face. She looks a little buzzed already and when she wraps me up in her arms in a generous hug, I realize she is very much buzzed. I can literally smell the alcohol on her.

  “My best friend,” Hayden croons in my ear before she delivers a sloppy kiss on my cheek. “I’m so glad you made it.”

  “I almost didn’t come,” I tell her as I pull out of her arms, studying her face. “You’re drunk.”

  She throws her head back and laughs. “I am. I can admit it.”

  “You all right?” I ask with a slight frown. It’s not like Hayden to get smashed, not anymore.

  “I’m great. Not drowning my emotions in liquor, if that’s what you’re worried about.” She giggles. Hiccups. Giggles again. “I just felt like letting loose tonight. Before responsibility kicks in, you know?”

  “I do know,” I say with a nod.

  “Plus, there’s something about being surrounded by all of these handsome guys that sends me over the edge,” she says with a dreamy sigh.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Take a look around, my friend. We are surrounded by gods,” she says, utterly serious.

  I do as she asks, scanning the room. I see Jake standing amongst a small group, his beautiful girlfriend Hannah next to him, watching him with adoring eyes. And I can see why, because the older he gets, the handsomer he becomes. He reminds me of his father.

  And former NFL quarterback Drew Callahan back in the day—hell, even right now—was gorgeous. Total DILF material, though I’ve never admitted that to anyone, save the drunk girl standing beside me.

  My gaze snags on Eli again, who is whispering something in Ava’s ear while she grins. He pulls away from her with a laugh and yep, he’s attractive. Diego and Jocelyn are cuddled next to each other on an oversized chair that’s next to the couch, lost in a world of their own making. Their heads are bent close and their gazes are fixed on each other. They are one hundred percent connected.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?” I ask Hayden.

  “Right there.” She points.

  Looks like Tony just joined Jake’s group, stopping right next to his friend. They perform a complicated handshake as they both laugh.

  “See what I’m talking about?” Hayden asks. “We’re surrounded by men with gorgeous faces and full of testosterone. I can barely take it.”

  “At least you’re getting some on the regular,” I mutter, watching as Diego approaches Jake and Tony. More complicated handshakes and laughter follow and when Caleb joins them? It’s on. Those are the original four. The core of the friend group.

  I love that they are all still close. That they have each other’s backs, even with Jake far away at USC. Even though he plays for another school, they support him. How could they not? They’ve come so far, mostly together.

  “Wait, are you not getting any on the regular?” Hayden frowns, confused. “Like…sex? Is that what you’re talking about?”


  “And you’re not…having it?”

  I slowly shake my head. “Nope.”

  “I thought you and Caleb were…” She gestures with her fingers, forming a circle with her index finger and thumb and inserting her other index finger into the circle.

  I roll my eyes and gently slap her hands apart. “Nope. Definitely not with Caleb.”

  “We all think you’re doing it,” she admits, her expression solemn. “Some are even taking bets on when it’s going to implode between the two of you.”

  My mouth drops open. Well, that’s kind of rude. “They’re taking bets?”

  Her expression changes. As if she just realized maybe she shouldn’t have said that. Yeah, Hayden. You probably shouldn’t have. “Just as a joke.”

  “Who’s in on this joke?” If she says Caleb, I’m going to s

  “Eli. Tony. Diego.” She winces. “I might’ve placed a bet too.”

  “Hayden,” I chastise and I see the remorse on her face. “And what do you mean, implode?”

  “He drives you crazy. We’re all aware of this. But we also all thought you two were secretly doing it, so we started making bets on how long this could last before everything blows up between you two,” she explains.

  “Like break up?”

  “Yeah. But I guess we were wrong.” She frowns. “You’re not having sex with Caleb. Which is like…so wild to me.”

  “You sound disappointed.”

  “I kind of am. I didn’t mind the idea of the two of you…together. I’ve barely seen you lately. Figured you were spending all of your time with Caleb,” she says.

  “I’ve been working,” I say weakly, though she is right. I do spend a lot of time with Caleb.

  My gaze returns to him standing mere feet away from me, still chatting with his friends, smiling. Laughing. Looking happy. Sexy. He lifts his head, as if he can sense I’m watching him, and next thing I know his gaze meets mine and he aims that smile right at me, slow and easy.

  I look away quickly, my heart racing. Shit.


  “Working and spending time with Caleb,” Hayden says, as if she’s got me all figured out. “It’s weird, how you guys are friends. Tony says Caleb isn’t going out as much anymore.”

  “He doesn’t have the time.”

  “He’s not getting with other women much either,” Hayden adds. “Not like he used to. And he always used to.”

  I have nothing to say to that.

  “How about you?” Hayden asks me when I still haven’t said anything. “Met anybody new out on the lake?”

  I slowly shake my head. “Nope.”

  “Not even a cute tourist to hook up with?”

  I don’t answer her, my gaze finding Caleb again, like I can’t help myself. He’s already watching me, and he doesn’t look away. He lets himself get caught. He even toasts me with the beer in his hand and I realize I don’t have a drink. I’m stone-cold sober.


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