Waiting for Rain

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Waiting for Rain Page 7

by Susan Mac Nicol

  “Wait.” I looked at him, seeing the shadow in his eyes even in the dim light. His face was still. “I need to explain something.” He swallowed. “I got hurt once that way. Pretty badly, and I just haven’t been able to trust anyone since then with… you know.” He gestured with his hand, then sighed slightly. “I suppose we should have shared all of this with each other before we started this thing, yeah?”

  My heart had fallen at his admission that someone had once hurt him in such a fashion. I hadn’t thought something like that could ever happen to someone as confident and put together as Rain Engel. The look on his face made my heart ache.

  “I’m sorry, Rain. I guess we should have spoken about it before instead of assuming.” He nodded and gazed down at the ground. Somewhere an owl hooted, and we both started. The wind had picked up slightly, a warm breeze that caressed my face and made my hair ruffle lightly. Rain lifted his head, watching me with an expression of yearning. I had to say something, so I had another bright idea. I’d watched Dirty Dancing only a few days ago—on my own, I have to say. I couldn’t blame being forced to watch it by Tammy for that one. I was a big Patrick Swayze fan for obvious gay-man reasons. “Fine. You can fuck me. But first you have to dance for me.”

  His jaw nearly hit the ground. “What?”

  “You heard me. You have to dance for me. A Rain dance, with a capital R.” I was starting to enjoy myself now. “The farmers have been complaining that they need rain. Your name is Rain, we’re out in a field, surrounded by nature, a full moon, and it’s nearly midnight. That sounds very auspicious to me. So do a Rain dance for me. Then you can have me on top of that haystack.”

  His eyes were hooded as he stared, first at my groin then back up to my face. He looked very turned on but still worried. “Are there any animals in that field? You know, cows, horses… sheep?” He shuddered. I looked at him, a little nonplussed.

  I’d offered him my arse, and he was worried about livestock?

  “Not that I know of. Dave does have some sheep, but they’re kept on another field.” I saw him shiver again. I frowned. “What’s wrong? You don’t like farm animals?”

  He muttered, and I leaned in toward him. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that. What did you say?”

  He glowered at me in the dim light from the moon. “I said I don’t like bloody sheep.”

  I nodded. “I see. Why not? Sheep are nice, woolly, cute animals.”

  He looked distinctly ill. “I can’t agree with that. I really don’t like them.”

  I didn’t quite know what to say to this rather surreal conversation about my man having an obvious phobia of the ovine species.

  “Well, I can assure you there are no little lambs, rams, or mummy sheep near that haystack.” I gazed at him curiously. “Have you always had a dislike of sheep? Did you perhaps have a sheep-related trauma that affected you in childhood?”

  Rain scowled again. “I just don’t like them, okay? Fluffy, po-faced sheep with gooey eyes. They give me the willies.” He waved an impatient hand. “Now, are we going to do this whole ‘fucking’ thing or not?”

  His obvious distress at the thought that woolly mammals might invade his space might make me want to giggle, but I was horny and needed to get laid. I nodded agreeably and reached out my hand. “Fine then, no more talk of sheep. Come with me, and I’ll introduce you to the stack.”

  He followed me, and I choked down a chuckle as his eyes roved the field carefully, on the lookout for any rogue Shaun the Sheep. Finally, I stopped at the base of the haystack steps I wanted to use as our bed for the night.

  “See? No sheep,” I said with a giggle. He looked at the haystack with a dubious expression. I fell back onto the lowest step and made sure my legs opened wide so he could see the bulge at my groin.

  God, I am such a tart with this man.

  “And all you have to do is dance for me,” I murmured. “You’re a damn good dancer. You were great at the club. You have wonderful rhythm.” I’d always wanted to be a better dancer than I was but had grown resigned to the fact that I’d always be mediocre. But Rain? He was sheer dynamite when he danced. Sexy, sultry, hips swaying and arse moving as if it had a rhythm all its own. I’d noticed a lot of people eying him out on the dance floor. He was a master at pole dancing, something that had made my jaw drop when he’d twirled around with abandon on the one in the club, using his hips to make love to the pole. There had definitely been more than one man with a raging hard-on seeing him do that.

  Rain still looked unsure. I chuckled, turning over onto my front, sticking my backside out at him. “It’s all yours if you do the dance, Rain.” I turned back quickly in case he got any ideas.

  He rubbed his chin thoughtfully as his mouth curved in a warm smile. “Okay. I can manage that, you bloody tease. What do we use for music?”

  I took out my phone and flicked through my “My Music.” I clicked a song, and the soft tones of Gotye floated through the air. It was one of my favorite tracks, “Smoke and Mirrors,” just perfect for a sexy dance. Rain stared at me with darkened, sultry eyes as I lay back to enjoy the show. The sexy voice of Gotye and the beat of the song matched him perfectly as he undulated around the field in front of me, hips swaying, eyes never leaving mine. His hands slowly undid his blue cotton shirt, buttons opening one by one. Then he ran his hands down his body, stroking the hair that led from his chest into the long line above his groin to stop just above where I desperately wanted to be. I wanted nothing more than to take my cock out and stroke myself while he moved.

  The sight of this superbly sexy man dancing around in front of me in a field at midnight, his eyes boring into mine and his hands caressing his own body as he moved, was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. I sat up, unzipped, and reached down to touch myself, desperately needing to release the pressure.

  He shook his head. “No playing with yourself. That’s mine,” he whispered softly. “This was your idea, Toby. Man up, baby, and wait for me.”

  Rain danced to the sounds of Gotye, chirping insects, the occasional rustle in the bushes, and the sounds of an owl hooting. It was primal and decadent. His strong legs flexed and twisted, hips thrusting and shimmying, hands caressing his body with obvious enjoyment. He brushed his fingers against his groin, hissing in pleasure. My throat was dry. I had a groin that was ready to explode and a desire so strong to have him that it took my breath away.

  Bright moonlight shone down, highlighting him in the dark. Rain didn’t take his eyes off my face. He watched me through hooded eyes, licking his lips. Moving over to me, he reached down, brushing the hardened bulge at my crotch teasingly, trailing his fingers along the ridge of my erection. My head arched back in sheer pleasure, his low, husky chuckle almost my undoing. If he didn’t do something soon I was going to mess in my pants.

  “Rain, for God’s sake. You need to end this for me.” My voice was strangled. “I can’t take much more.”

  He laughed, slowly shrugging off his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. I gasped at the sight of his chiseled abs and stomach, revealed in all their splendor. His jeans hung low on his hips. He ran his hands down the sides of his body, and he smiled.

  “You liking this, Toby?” he whispered, dancing nearer to me, arms now up in the air, clicking his fingers softly to the music, hips swaying seductively in front of my face. Straddling my legs, he pushed himself toward me, his groin tantalizingly close to my mouth. I reached out to pull him closer, wanting to run my lips over that denim bulge, rip down his zip with my teeth, and take him in my mouth. I needed to feel velvety smoothness on my tongue and taste him.

  He laughed. “The song won’t last forever. Hold your horses. Think of the farmers needing their rain.”

  “Fuck them,” I said huskily. “I need my Rain.”

  His low laughter turned my insides to jelly. “So now I’m your Rain?” He leaned down. “Take off your shirt and your trousers. I want to see what’s inside those clothes.”

  I needed no urging. Mr. Cocky wante
d out. I stood up, dropping my pants, lifting my dress shirt over my head. The night was getting slightly cooler, and I shivered. I stood there in my silk boxers, my cock poking above the waistline, already leaking. Rain glanced down at me and licked his lips. As he did that, the music stopped. The night was quiet again, with only the usual night calls of birds and the occasional snuffling of whatever might be in the bushes.

  “Start the song again. Put it on repeat,” Rain whispered, his breath ghosting my cheek. “I want to fuck you to that song until we’ve finished.”

  Chapter 6


  AT MY words, I saw Toby’s hands tremble as he reached for his phone and fiddled with it. Soon the music was playing again. He laid the mobile down on the trousers that were puddled in front of the haystack as the tinny sound continued playing. I put my hands on Toby’s hips, caressing them through the silk of his stripy boxers. His body shuddered.

  “Rain,” he whispered. I could smell his arousal, the dark scent of sex and sweat, and his unique scent of sandalwood and cinnamon. I licked his bottom lip, trailing my tongue teasingly along his warm mouth. He started moving my hands, sliding his boxers down his legs. He was now totally nude, and I was struggling to control myself at the sight of this man in front of me.

  He was beautiful. The long, lean lines of his torso, the fine golden hair on his chest, those full lips that looked as if they needed something between them, his strong, muscled legs, and that beautiful, proud cock jutting out—I had to have him. He was so responsive to my touch, and his closeness and his breathy pants were a total turn-on. His hands slid around my waist, and he moaned as I pushed my hips against his. His backside felt incredible in my hands, and I squeezed his cheeks tightly, then pulled them apart to run my fingers down his crease. He jumped as if I’d electrocuted him.

  “You need to get naked,” he groaned. “This isn’t fair.” Toby unzipped my jeans, then crouched to pull them and my underwear down. As he came up, he ran his warm hands up my legs and then knelt in front of me, taking me in his mouth. My back arched with the sensation of his lips and tongue on my swollen cock as he lathered me with his spit. I moaned loudly and looked down, to find his eyes watching me as his tongue swirled around the head of my cock and he slid the tip of his tongue into my slit. If he kept this up much longer, I’d blow.

  “Toby, come up here. I won’t last if you keep doing that, and I want to be inside you when I come.” He stood up and slid his tongue into my mouth. I could taste myself on his tongue and lips as he devoured my mouth with a hunger that made me weak. Our cocks strained against each other, both hardened shafts of steel, mine wanting so desperately to feel Toby’s tight warm muscles around it. I pushed him back onto the hay bale and watched as he stared up at me, his eyes unfocused and wide. Then he stood and jumped up onto the next bale.

  “Follow me up higher,” he commanded. “And bring those trousers and shirts with you. We need the condoms and lube in the pocket, and we can spread the clothes on the hay to stop us getting grass spears up our arses.” The man had the cheek to smile wickedly. “There’s only one thing I want to feel up my arse tonight, and it definitely isn’t grass.” He gave a low chuckle and bounded up the hay bales like a long-limbed fox. I could tell he’d done this before. I bent down, gathered up all the clothing I could find in my arms, together with the phone, and started the rise to the summit.

  It was a little more difficult negotiating the bales with stuff in my hands, and by the time I got up to the top, to see Toby splayed out delectably on the highest bale, I was a little out of breath. But that could also have been the sight of him lying wantonly, his legs raised already and his cock just raring to go. I needed to taste that very badly.

  God, he is so bloody sexy.

  “Scoot over,” I ordered, laying the clothes down. I made sure I took the lube and condom out of my jeans pocket first and laid them where I could access them easily. The phone still played that sexy song. Toby chuckled. “You bought some too? Good, I also have stuff in my trouser pocket. So we shouldn’t run out.”

  I realized for the first time that I was fifteen feet off the ground. There wasn’t that much to see at this time of night, but it was incredibly peaceful. Toby scrambled to his feet and came up behind me, his front pressing against my back as he put his arms around my waist. His slick hardness pressed against my backside as he shifted against me deliberately. I closed my eyes and swallowed, drinking in the feel and scent of him.

  “See?” he murmured softly in my ear as his teeth gently nibbled at my earlobe. “I told you this was special.”

  “Have you ever done this with anyone before—fucked on top of a haystack?” A surge of jealousy ran through me. I wanted to be the first. Toby shook his head.

  “No, Rain. I’ve never done this before. That’s why it’s special. Because it’s with you.”

  I groaned, turning to find his mouth, thrusting my tongue in. He tasted so bloody good, wine and peppermint on his breath. I pushed him down onto his back on the pile of shirts and trousers that made up our blanket and knelt beside him, up by his shoulders. It was a decadent sixty-nine position that left him free to touch me where it counted too. Slowly, I tasted him from top to bottom, working my way down. The hard nubs of his nipples and the firm skin of his chest and abdomen tasted like warm sunshine. The fine hairs on his chest and belly tickled my lips. I dipped my tongue in his belly button, hearing his sigh of pleasure.

  He ran his hands through my hair and down my back, across my butt cheeks, causing me to shiver. My hair caressed his stomach, falling forward over my face, brushing his skin gently. His hand moved from my hair to my belly, stroking me, brushing my cock teasingly, already wet and swollen and aching for release. Toby’s hips were a work of art, lean and curved, the concave dip of his pelvis tantalizing and sexy. I ran my tongue over the curls in his groin and stroked him gently with my hand. He was uncut like me, with a foreskin like velvet as I nudged it with my tongue. His hands caressed my backside as I cupped his balls and rubbed his taint, my fingers just stopping short of his hole, although I’d be there soon enough. He gasped loudly, and I shuddered as his fingers caressed in between my butt cheeks, slow, tender movements that made the sensitive skin pucker and tingle.

  “Hell, Toby. Keep doing that,” I whispered huskily. “Your fingers there feel so good.”

  “Rain, I really feel—oh God.” His words choked to a halt as I took him deep in my mouth, right to the back of my throat, sucking and licking, my cheeks hollowing out with each movement. I loved his taste: sweat, musk, and salt, all mixed together in a heady cocktail. His hands pushed me down farther onto his cock as he moaned and writhed. I felt all powerful at being able to do this to him. If those people in the hotel could see their professional and cocky general manager now, they’d never believe it. I smiled at the thought and increased my efforts. His body strained as I worked him. His legs were trembling, his soft sighs arousing me to the point of madness, and I had no idea how I was holding myself in control.

  The sweet sounds of the night ebbed and flowed like water licking at a shoreline. My focus was concentrated on giving the man in my mouth pleasure. His hands were on my backside, gripping the firm flesh, kneading it like a cat. I had a feeling I’d have bruises there tomorrow. Badges of passion I’d be glad to wear. His hands slid between my legs, finding my balls. He took them in his hands, rolling them between his fingers, squeezing gently, then harder as he became more and more aroused. I had a feeling he might actually stop the blood circulation if he squeezed any tighter, so I moved. As much as I loved him touching me like that, I had no desire to be rushed to the hospital in the throes of his climax to have my crushed sacs surgically repaired. I lifted my head as he groaned in protest at me, my mouth making a small popping sound as I released him, and shuffled down to kneel between his legs.

  He watched me with eyes that were unfocused and a goofy expression on his face that just begged me to suck him again. I obliged for a while longer, and I gave on
e final long suck, and felt his body tense.

  “Oh God,” Toby whispered as his body pushed up toward me and he came, hot, thick semen squirting down my throat and flooding my mouth with his unique taste. I swallowed it, wiping away the dribbles. Moving up to him, seeing the glazed look in his eyes and the relaxed softness of his face, I thrust my sticky fingers into his waiting mouth. He sucked them greedily, his eyes never leaving mine. His tongue darted on the tips of my fingers as he licked them clean. My groin was close to bursting.

  “I want to see your face when I’m inside you, if that’s okay?” I murmured. He looked up at me and nodded as he released my fingers from his hot, greedy mouth. I reached over and picked up the lube, took off the top, and squirted the fruity smelling gel onto my fingers. He chuckled, a low, husky sound.

  “Pineapple, Rain? Honestly? You’re going to fuck me with pineapple-scented lube? That gives new meaning to the phrase ‘having a pineapple up your arse.’” He snorted in amusement, and I leaned over, muffling his laughter with a kiss. Toby was incredibly expert with his mouth, moving it in ways I’d never experienced before, almost devouring me with the fullness of his lips and the slickness of his tongue. He was a wonderful kisser.

  He tensed slightly as I pushed a lube-coated finger into him. His mouth left mine, and he drew back with a hiss.

  “Are you okay with this?” I watched his face, looking for signs of resistance. He sighed, shaking his head. “I’m fine. It’s just been a while since I did this. I’m a little out of practice.” He smiled at me softly. “I trust you.”

  Kissing him gently, I rolled my finger around, inserting another digit inside him, widening him and going that little bit deeper. He sucked in a breath, and his thighs tensed. I did it for a while, enjoying his deep breaths and the small gasps that escaped his mouth. Finally, I found the spot I wanted, the small gland that I knew would make him feel good, and I pressed it. He yowled loudly, and I giggled. I don’t think I’ve giggled since I was a kid.


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