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Keeping Desiree (The Others Book 3)

Page 18

by Sabrina Rue

  The bed had never held anyone before her. It was created and preserved for his woman.

  Someone he’d lost all hope of finding as he neared ten millennia.

  Suddenly, all he could think about was getting her with child despite the poor timing. Reaching out, he placed his hand over her softly rounded stomach.

  She slept wide open, her arms above her head. The sign of a person who held more gentle memories than painful ones.

  So much the opposite of him.

  From the start, he’d picked up on her anxiety that she’d be no match for someone as old as Titus. She felt unnecessary self-doubt about keeping his interest or being able to hold a conversation.

  She never needed to worry but it would take time together for her to truly understand that he found everything about her ideal.

  At only twenty years, Desiree had no lovers before him. Strange for a Were of either gender. She’d never received so much as a kiss.

  His Desiree was a clean slate in all ways.

  A fascinating development he never considered. It was an aspect of her character that would help her embrace the wildness of life with him. Holding her hand, he would lead her into a future that might sometimes include battle and pain.

  His Mate’s first taste of excitement was when Harmony landed in her brother’s life. The name Kassis was synonymous with chaos and it was a state his sweet and well-guarded Mate had needed.

  Titus’s arrival had gone well beyond chaos.

  Beneath his hand, her womb fluttered. Residual tremors from her last orgasm. After he fed her food that made her sigh in happiness, he made love to her, drank from her, let her drink from him.

  He stared at her sleeping face, listened to her sigh his name, and watched her nipples furl tightly.

  “Desiree?” Her eyes fluttered open and he stared into the dark blue of a night sky now scattered with tiny silver stars. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why?” she asked him sleepily. Her lips curved in a smile. “I dreamed of you. Have I been asleep long?” He shook his head. “Did you miss me, Titus?”

  “Every second.”

  Bending, he kissed her deeply. Raising enough to hold her gaze again, he moved between her legs. She opened for him instantly, welcoming him, wrapping her legs around his thighs.

  He notched his cock at the warm entrance of her pussy. Her palm stroked his face and she held her breath, waiting for him to take her.


  “Yes?” He rested his forehead on her shoulder and pushed slowly forward, her body tightening to hold him. “Titus…”

  “I’ll always keep you safe.”

  “I know, darling.”

  “The timing, it’s wrong, but I want it so badly.” Putting her hand under his face, she lifted him to look into his eyes. “If you want me to wait, I will. I swear it.”

  He watched her tug her full lower lip between her teeth as she tried to figure out what he was asking.

  “You want a baby. You want to know if I’m alright with you making me pregnant. Is that it?”

  “I…” He found himself unexpectedly tongue-tied.

  Soft fingers stroked along his temples, over his cheeks, and into his hair. “Something tells me the timing may always be a little off. Being who you are, I’m sure things will never be exactly calm and quiet.”

  “Probably not,” he admitted faintly.

  “I love children…”

  “I know it’s not the right…”

  “Give me a baby, Titus.” His hips rocked forward and she moaned.

  He waited to see if she changed her mind. He’d woken her after a long and emotional day. The circumstances of his request, already buried inside her, bordered on manipulative.

  She read him easily. “No, Mate. You’re asking and I’m answering. We’ll work out the details. Right now,” she clenched her pussy along his length and made his eyes roll back, “give me a baby. A child I can bring into the world and place in your arms. Who’ll have the best of both of us and give us another being to pour our love into.”

  “Are you sure, Desiree?”

  “You’ve waited long enough and I never expected to wait if I found my Mate.” Her smile was gentle. “Weres are wired to want offspring.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, Titus.” He held her gaze as he started to move. Her eyes lowered slightly, so easy to please, so quick to respond to stimulation. “Yes. I crave the feel of you inside me.”

  “There’s nowhere in the universe I’d rather be.”

  Lifting from the bed, she kissed him, held him with her entire body, and sighed between his lips. Raking her fingertips down his back, she gripped his ass and pulled him firmly. It made his thrust more forceful.

  Breaking their kiss, she smiled at him. “When my Alphas Mated, we had to make sure they didn’t kill each other. Harmony insisted on full hand-to-hand combat. Her Wolf wouldn’t accept my brother unless he proved himself stronger. She told me later that her Wolf knew he wasn’t but liked the way he threw her around the room and wasn’t afraid to destroy shit.”

  “Dear gods…are you trying to tell me something, Desiree?”

  “Oh, no. I was terrified I’d have to fight to the death during my own Mating but she said she was nuts and mine would be different.”

  It was impossible to hide his relief. There was no way he could fight Desiree. Weres were primal but his love for his Mate bordered on worship after waiting for her so long.

  “I already know you’re stronger, faster, and more powerful than me. That was never a question.” She paused, thinking. “Still, I’m a Were and from what I’ve heard whispered around my house, we like it a little rough. Will you show me what that means?”

  Going still, he didn’t respond.

  “If it’s…fighting and such, I probably won’t like it. I was terrified seeing the aftermath of Ryker’s den. By the time we left them both, uh, to it, they were covered in sweat and blood from their injuries.”

  In ten millennia, there wasn’t a game or position Titus hadn’t tried. There wasn’t a sexual combination he hadn’t participated in. From specialty clubs exclusively for the Others to human courts of kings.

  Orgies with Nymphs, BDSM with Elves, marathons with Daemons possessing the succubus mutation, and more than a few Heats spent with Were females.

  Men, women, multiples of both…nothing was new after a while, nothing inspired genuine excitement.

  Until Desiree took his once-chilled soul and lit it on fire.

  Sitting up, Titus leaned back on his heels and held her hips. He watched his cock disappear inside her for several strokes.

  Then he pulled out and said roughly, “Get on your hands and knees.”

  The grin that spread over her face made his heart race. Then he realized it was her heart racing and his was matching it.

  Once she was in position, she looked at him over her shoulder. “I want to see us, to watch us.”

  He transitioned to another room in the house and back with a massive mirror that he leaned against the wall. Climbing up behind her, he yanked her around without gentleness until they faced it fully.

  Shoving to the base of his dick, he growled, “Watch me fuck you, Desiree. So you always remember every detail of the night I planted my seed in your belly.”

  He gripped her biceps and held her upper body suspended as he set a brutal rhythm with a lover who could take it, even as he showed his Mate another side of herself.

  An hour later, her skin was slick with sweat, her pussy dripping to the bed, her keening moans constant from orgasms that happened one on top of the other.

  He pushed her, pushed her further still, and she begged for more.

  Satisfied he’d given her the best of him, he slammed forward hard and gave her the rest of him.

  His roar echoed through the house but it was her Wolf’s howl that made him feel like he would never stop coming. It rattled the glass in the windows and vibrated from his Mate’s body to his own.

  Pulling her roughly against his chest, he sank his teeth into her shoulder and held his forearm to her face. She didn’t hesitate. They drank from each other as his seed pumped thick and hot as deep as he could get it, knowing it would take hold.

  It was the most satisfied he’d ever been. To the bone, all the way to the deepest part of his tattered soul, he loved her.


  Two weeks later…

  Titus transitioned them into the dark cliffside cave and positioned his body in front of the others.

  Caspia and Medina drew their swords, faced outward, and guarded Desiree and the children in a V formation with Titus taking point.

  The twins stayed close to her side as they did after each transition. They’d dropped their tutor in Texas for a few days to enter his data in a growing database of Mates.

  Desiree couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping open in shock as her Mate drew a massive, glowing battle sword from his own back.

  “What? Where was that?”

  It was a whispered rhetorical question she didn’t expect Titus to answer since he was addressing the cave in a booming and more than a little terrifying voice.

  “General Orion! Present yourself!”

  There was the sound of bitter laughter but Desiree couldn’t tell from which direction it came. Pale light from the narrow cave entrance far above the sea provided more than her Wolf’s eyes needed.

  “Your games are unnecessary,” Titus chastised. “Face me like the brilliant military strategist you are.”

  Behind them, a voice declared mockingly, “Lord Titus. What a surprise to receive a personal visit from you. You brought me treats? Tasty little puppy snacks, I think. You shouldn’t have.”

  Desiree spun, placing the children between her and Titus. From her thigh, she drew her weapon. It was loaded with standard rounds coated in iron. Painful but not fatal.

  They didn’t want to kill Daemons but had to protect the children at all costs. Several of Titus’s people had already proven to be dangerously aggressive. They were all growing accustomed to the caution required in their travels.

  “You’re above such taunts, General. I have a matter of great importance to discuss with you. Grant me audience.”

  Suddenly, a blur slammed into Titus and drove him twenty feet across the cave. “You have a matter of great importance and yet sully your words by being in the company of dogs?”

  Moving instantly, instinctively, Desiree leapt to the Daemon’s back and held the muzzle of her gun to Orion’s temple within the span of a single beat of her heart.

  “Release my Mate or I’ll drop you where you stand.”

  The Daemon transitioned away and Desiree landed easily on her feet. Turning, she stared at him, teeth fully extended and eyes glowing. She backed herself closer to Titus.

  Her Wolf was furious.

  Letting the animal into her voice, she growled, “You don’t touch him. Say what you want, send us on our way, but don’t fucking touch him.”

  The Daemon who once led Lucian’s army against his brother glared at her across the space between them as the silence drew out.


  Desiree snapped her teeth and pulled down the collar of her shirt. “I wear his Mark and carry his child. I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

  Titus murmured, “General Orion…”

  “Did you come here to gloat, Lord Titus?” the Daemon screamed. The sound was horrible ricocheting off the stone. “I will skin you all!”

  Juliette extended her wings, darted above her guards, and threw out her arms. She shouted, “Enough!”

  The blast of power was like a hot wind as her hair drifted slowly around her head. The force of it drove the general against the rock behind him. She held him there easily.

  “You will listen!” The little girl flew across the cave and pressed her hands to the enormous male’s scarred face. Justice transitioned to her side. “See the truth, Daemon!” Orion’s eyes rolled back in his head.

  Her brother sighed. “It’s hard to be gentle and polite with those of you losing it. Sometimes, a shortcut is necessary.”

  Angry, Juliette told him, “You won’t hurt anyone.” Her body glowed. “More power, Justice.”

  Nodding cheerfully, he drew a large sphere of shimmering earth energy into his palms from the ground and held it to her back, pressing it between her wings.

  “Your Mate. There she is, General Orion. If you settle down and stop threatening Uncle Titus, Aunt Desiree will show you how to find her. Go after the father of her child again and all of us will defend him.”

  Juliette released him and flew backward to land between her assigned guards. Justice appeared at her side and held out a miniature candy bar. She took it with a grin.

  Orion hit his knees, gasping for air. “What trick is this?”

  “There’s no trick, General.” It was the Royal Guard Caspia who spoke. “We’ve watched these four find Mates for several dozen Weres and two dozen Daemons in the last weeks. Lucian assigned us to protect the children at all costs.”

  Staggering to his feet, Orion lifted his face to stare around the group. He flicked his wrist and torches lit throughout the space.

  “Caspia and Medina. Two of my best soldiers once upon a time. You were assigned by Lucian himself to protect these two little Were cubs? Wings and transitional mutations but…definitely Weres.”

  Glowing black eyes flicked to Desiree. “Been a while since a female took me by surprise. I might not have evaded you if you’d immediately pulled the trigger.” She stared at him, unspeaking. Her stance in front of Titus made Orion laugh. “Protective little Wolf.”

  “Don’t underestimate her, General.” Stepping to Desiree’s side, Titus cupped the back of her head and kissed her lightly. “Orion trained me to fight when we arrived here. He’s the oldest of us now.”

  “You would think, in all that time, he might have learned manners,” she muttered angrily as she holstered her weapon. Lifting her face, she put her fingers over her lips. “Titus, I-I’m sorry. That was horrid.”

  He placed his palm over her midsection. “You’re the outlet for our child’s upset and fear, on top of your own. Breathe deeply for me, Mate.” Over his shoulder, he explained to the Daemon watching in fascination, “Desiree is a rare Were empath. The twins, Juliette and Justice, are my godchildren. Giving their mother my blood activated their dormant Daemon traits when they were born.”

  “I see.” The General seemed to inspect each of them. His eyes landed on Juliette. “How old are you?”

  “Four. My father says we’re closer to twelve when compared to humans.” Justice handed her another piece of candy and she took it with a smile. “You’re very strong, General Orion.”

  The Daemon bellowed with laughter. “What you managed has never been done. Your guards can attest that neither Titus nor Lucian could have driven me back and held me immobile.”

  That upset the twins and they walked to Desiree’s side. She cupped their cheeks. “It’s okay to be unique. Without your gifts, your power, we couldn’t have done all we’ve done.”

  “B-but…” The little girl’s green eyes filled with tears.

  “No, darling. You’re changing the world. You are perfect, absolutely perfect, exactly as you are.” They clung to her and she wrapped her arms around them.

  Frowning, the Daemon said, “Truly children after all.”

  “Yes.” She led them toward the cave entrance. “We need air and light. We can’t stay in here. It’s unhealthy for our Wolves. I’ll get a better read when I can breathe.”

  Caspia and Medina saluted Orion with their fists over their hearts and followed them. The pair of guards transitioned them to a nearby strip of sand and rock.

  Titus and Orion appeared an instant later.

  In the brighter light, Desiree took a moment to inspect the Daemon they’d come looking to find. He was almost seven feet tall. His features and bearing reminded her of paintings she’d seen of feud
al lords from ancient China.

  Even the leather he wore had a battle armor quality to it. His long, black hair was pulled into a smooth knot at the back of his head. There was a wicked scar that dissected his face diagonally, but she thought it added to the overall warrior vibe he had going on.

  “Are you done staring?” The object of her perusal glared at her.

  She shot back, “I was thinking about Mulan.”

  “What is that?” he asked gruffly.

  “Uh…Mulan is a children’s movie about ancient China. You remind me of General Li-Shang...” His expression was one of confusion and she blushed. “Never mind. It’s unimportant.”

  He held her gaze unblinking for almost a minute. “I apologize for attacking your Mate. Also,” he gritted his teeth, “for referring to your people as canines.”

  Laughing, she replied, “In the last few weeks, every possible insulting reference to dogs has been thrown at the children and myself. No matter our desire to help, most of your people don’t like us and will never approve of our existence. I accept your apology.”

  The general straightened and clasped his hands behind his back. He allowed his eyes to move over Desiree and the twins. “You know this, you are repeatedly reminded of it, and yet, you put yourselves in danger to find our Mates?”

  “Not just yours,” Justice said as he skipped a rock over the water. “Only Weres have ever had Shamans. The covens tried but could never come up with anything that worked consistently.”

  “Only Were Shamans have ever been able to locate them but their gifts were confined to other Weres.” Juliette picked up a seashell and rubbed away the sand. “Every member of the Greater and Lesser Kingdoms has a Mate. If they’re alive, they can be found.”

  Titus said, “Daemons we’ve seen in the last few weeks have found their Mates among Weres, Shifters, Mers, Vampires, and a couple of the races we believed to be extinct. A lot of humans as well. Juliette can see them but can’t find them. Desiree uses her power to pinpoint.”

  “What responsibility do you and the boy have?”


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