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Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3]

Page 4

by Leah Brooke

  Relieved when she fell asleep again, sleep he strongly suspected had a lot to do with having a full belly, being warm, and her recent orgasms, he drove on, not stopping again until he needed to fill the gas tank again.

  He couldn’t stop glancing at her, alternately amused and disconcerted that his life seemed to have taken such a drastic turn.

  She didn’t realize it, but she belonged to him already, his possessiveness toward her too strong to ignore.

  But he couldn’t claim to be comfortable with it.

  Grateful that she slept through his stop at the gas station, he drove through the afternoon, his mind on the sleeping woman beside him, and what he planned to do with her.

  * * * *

  Hours later, Fiona woke, Joshua’s words still ringing in her ears. She shifted restlessly in her seat, her anger at him growing with every mile—along with her arousal. “Hell, we’re almost there. I slept all day.”

  “You needed it. We made good time, but it’ll probably be getting dark by the time we get there.”

  She couldn’t stop glancing at him, his large size and overwhelming presence making the large SUV feel much smaller.

  Her entire being shimmered with an awareness that kept her unsettled and edgy, making it impossible to relax again.

  She found herself staring at his lips and hands, remembering how they’d felt on her body.

  With every breath, she drew in his clean, masculine scent, the memory of burying her face against his neck and breathing it in making her insides clench, releasing more of her juices.

  She wanted him again. Still.

  She couldn’t stop wanting him.

  It had been so long since she’d care about sex or felt desire that the strength of it left her feeling more than a little off-kilter, which pissed her off even more.

  She considered him a threat to the control she valued so highly, a control that kept her from being hurt.

  A control that kept her in charge so she’d never be sucked in by a man again.

  To make matters worse, his presence gave her a warm, fuzzy feeling inside that she’d never felt with Sean.

  Joshua made her feel safe, but she knew it was an illusion, one that she couldn’t allow herself to believe.

  Looking back, she realized how naïve she’d been to believe Sean’s words of love.

  She’d been gullible enough to believe his lies when she’d confronted him about his infidelity.

  Until she’d seen proof of it with her own eyes.

  She glanced at Joshua again, knowing that a man as masculine and oozing raw sexuality with every look would have women throwing themselves at him all the time.

  What man could resist all that attention?

  Sean hadn’t been able to and had played her for a fool for months.

  She couldn’t go through that again, especially when every instinct warned her that losing Joshua would hurt a hell of a lot more.

  The way she felt connected to him scared the hell out of her.

  “You’re mad again. Why?”

  The confidence in his tone had her wondering how the hell he could read her so easily, her unease at his ability making her even more uncomfortable.

  She gave him a dirty look before turning away. “You’re imagining things.”

  “My imagination has nothing to do with this. It’s busy right now dealing with all the things I want to do with you. I am, however, observant, especially when it comes to you. Hell, with you, I can feel it.”

  She hated to admit that she believed him but knew that letting him know would give him even more of an advantage. She glanced at him again, allowing a small laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no way you can feel my anger.”

  “You’re lying again, which means that you know damned well that I’m right.”

  How the hell did he know?

  Reaching out, he took her hand in his, enveloping it in warmth. “So, what did I do to piss you off this time?”

  “I’m not mad. Just thinking.” Her hand felt so small in his, once again emphasizing the sense of security he gave her.

  Irritated that it brought tears to her eyes, she tried to pull away. “We should be there soon.”

  “Yes.” Firming his grip, he glanced at her again. “Thinking about what? What’s upsetting you?”

  She shot him another dirty look—a waste of energy that seemed to have no effect on him at all. “Contrary to what you seem to believe, my thoughts are none of your business.”

  “So, it wasn’t something I did.”

  Yanking her hand away, Fiona studied his features. “How do you know that?”

  Joshua glanced at her with a sigh, keeping his attention on the winding back road. “Because if it was, you would be more than happy to yell at me about it.”

  She couldn’t help but smile, wishing he didn’t impress her so much. “True. You know most of the men I’ve met take things at face value.”

  “I don’t take much at face value.” He gave her a meaningful look. “Actions tend to speak a hell of a lot louder than words. I’m used to being lied to.”

  “Glenna told me that you rescue people. You mentioned something about rescuing people who’ve been kidnapped. Do a lot of people lie to you in your line of work?”

  “They do, but I expect it.” He gave her a long look, his eyes narrowed in warning. “I won’t tolerate it from you.”

  For her own self-preservation, Fiona knew she had to put some distance between them.

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, she forced herself to face him. “Joshua, what we did was a mistake.”

  He stopped in the middle of the private dirt road, throwing the SUV into park before turning to her.

  Bracing a thickly muscled forearm on the steering wheel, he raised a brow, his dark eyes glittering with anger.


  Swallowing again, Fiona forced a smile—one that just made his eyes narrow even more. “I’m not blaming you. I just don’t want to get involved with anyone.”

  Unnerved by his steady stare, Fiona attempted for composure. “It was just sex, after all. I’m sure it meant nothing to you anyway, so let’s just forget it happened.”

  Joshua stared at her for several long seconds, a muscle working in his jaw.

  After what seemed like an eternity, he sighed and inclined his head. “Fine, but there are a few things that I think we need to get straight. One, don’t compare me to whoever hurt you. Two, don’t presume to put words in my mouth. And three—”

  In a fast movement she hadn’t anticipated, Joshua reached out, fisting a hand in her hair and pulling her closer.

  He took her mouth in a heated kiss, exploring it thoroughly while cupping her breast.

  She found herself opening readily to him and pressing her breast against his hand in an effort to get as close to him as possible.

  It seemed that, as soon as he touched her, she melted, overcome with desire for him and a sense of belonging to him that she found irresistible.

  Sliding a hand into his hair, she clung to him, every inch of her body alive with sensation.

  Overwhelming but never enough.

  He swallowed her moans and lifted his head to stare down at her with eyes that glittered with possessiveness, a possessiveness that his caress intensified. “And three, I forget nothing.”

  Releasing her with a glare, he turned back in his seat and started driving again. “You want distance between us, baby? You got it, but I want to know if you’re pregnant or not.”

  Fiona looked away. “I can take care of myself, and anyone else who comes along.”

  Joshua pulled up in front of a large farmhouse, getting out and slamming the door behind him. Angry strides brought him to her door before she had the chance to get out, and with a move too quick to anticipate, he bent and lifted her over his shoulder.

  Fiona cursed and started pounding at his back, kicking her feet. “Put me down, damn it! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  He slapped
her ass, stunning her into immobility. “Be still before you hurt yourself. You might be carrying my baby, which makes both of you my responsibility.”

  Fiona pounded at his back again even though it apparently had no effect on him at all. “Fuck you! I’m not your responsibility and never will be.”

  “I told you to be still. Stop squirming.” He slapped her ass again. “If you don’t behave, I’ll take you to my house, strip you naked, and give you the spanking you deserve.”

  Chapter Four

  Mortified that she entered the farmhouse over Joshua’s shoulder, she beat at him with her fists, not wanting her sister to see her in such a position. “Put me down, you brute!”

  Joshua rubbed his hand over her ass again, his warning clear.

  His long strides carried him through the large living room and into an equally large kitchen, where she could see that several people had gathered—one of them her sister.

  Joshua swung her from his shoulder with more gentleness than she’d expected, setting her on her feet in front of Leland and Joe, who sat on either side of Glenna, both men appearing much more relaxed than they had the previous night.

  Without looking at her, Joshua straightened. “You wanted her brought here. She’s here. Mission accomplished.”

  Fiona met her sister’s amused gaze, relieved to see that Glenna looked happy, well rested, and glowing under Leland’s and Joe’s attention.

  With a smile, Fiona started forward, pausing when Joshua nudged her aside and dropped to his knees in front of Glenna. Staring at her protruding belly, he gulped. “Holy shit!”

  Joshua glanced at Leland and Joe as if for confirmation.

  Leland smiled and shared a look with Joe, his hand moving over Glenna’s belly. “Exactly.”

  Another man turned, folding the grocery bag he’d just emptied, smiling at Fiona before shaking his head at Joshua. “We’re trying to watch the cussing.”

  Glenna stared at Joshua, her eyes going wide. “Damn, you’re even bigger than Leland and Joe!”

  She smiled at Fiona, but her smile fell almost at once.

  Frowning, she narrowed her eyes at Joshua. “What did you do to my sister?”

  Leland’s eyes danced with amusement. “Easy, my mate. This is Joshua. I don’t think you ever met him before. Joshua, this is Glenna, our mate.”

  Fiona blinked, deciding that she must have heard him wrong.

  Joshua looked from Leland to Joe again. “She’s pregnant.”

  Fiona took a steadying breath, the catch and wonder in Joshua’s voice making her eyes sting with unshed tears.

  Fiona blinked several times, willing them away as she fought the urge to press a hand to her own abdomen.

  Joe grinned, his smile filled with love and pride, a sharp contrast to the half-crazed man who’d pounded on her door the previous night. “Yes, she is, and Mitch says she needs peace and quiet. She’s not to be upset.”

  Joshua rose to his feet again, turning to glower at Fiona. “Good luck with that with her here.”

  His gaze lowered to Fiona’s abdomen, where it lingered for several long seconds before lifting to her again.

  His eyes seemed lit from within, the combination of anger, hunger, and possessiveness knotting her stomach.

  She ached to touch him.

  Aware that the others watched them closely, Fiona hardened her heart and, with her hand on her hips, glared up at him.

  “Just because I’m not going to put up with your high-handed—”

  “Enough!” Joe rose, his attention on Fiona. “No fighting. Joshua came to get you because we told him to. If you’re going to be mad, be mad at us—but not in front of Glenna.”

  His show of caring for her sister melted her anger away, the underlying steel in it making it clear that he wouldn’t tolerate anything that would upset Glenna.

  Unable to resist asking him who the hell he thought had taken care of Glenna for the last several months, Fiona opened her mouth to speak, but he smiled and ruthlessly cut her off.

  “I’m sorry, but we did what we did to get you out of a bad situation, one that wasn’t necessary for you to endure.”

  He raised a brow and reached out to touch her arm, but a low, deep growl from Joshua had him hurriedly releasing her, his look of shock quickly replaced by a smile of amusement.

  “Family is everything, and you’re family now.”

  He glanced at Joshua, appearing amused that Joshua moved closer to her and protectively hovered over her. “You belong with your sister, and that’s where you really want to be. You’re like a sister to us now.”

  He glanced at Joshua again, earning another low growl. “Surely, you can’t blame us for trying to protect you the way you protected your sister.”

  Impressed at the way he’d boxed her in, Fiona suppressed a smile. “Any argument I make now is just going to make me sound stupid.”

  Joe raised a brow again, smiling faintly. “Then I guess we’re done here. Hungry?”

  Joshua moved closer, the hand he pressed against her back warming her. “Leland and Joe seldom lose arguments.”

  Turning her to face him, he closed his hands on her waist, his thumbs pressing against her abdomen in a meaningful gesture she understood immediately.

  He wanted to remind her that she could very well be pregnant with his child.

  His hands clenched on her waist briefly before he released her to turn and glare at the man who stepped forward and winked at Glenna. “They had to deal with all of us. They’ve had lots of practice.”

  Aware that everyone watched her, the men shooting speculative glances at Joshua, Fiona nodded, forcing a smile for her sister. “You look a hell of a lot better. How’re you feeling, honey?”

  Looking at Fiona, Joshua could barely breathe.

  The shock of learning that his pack mates would soon be fathers emphasized the emotions raging inside him.

  Fear that another of his pack mates would also claim Fiona as their mate had his temper flaring, and growls as natural as breathing kept rumbling from his chest.

  His frustration that Fiona seemed determined to put distance between them added to his anger, and he wanted to shout to the world that she belonged to him.

  He wanted her to be pregnant.

  Glenna frowned and turned to Leland, who immediately reached for her. “Everyone keeps saying that. How bad did I look before?”

  Joshua looked from Fiona to Glenna and back again, his anger growing when he compared the two of them.

  Glenna glowed with happiness and appeared well rested while Fiona looked pale and had dark circles under her beautiful eyes.

  Fiona was entirely too thin and had begun to sway on her feet.

  Leland smiled lovingly at Glenna. “You always look beautiful to me, my mate.”

  Frowning, Fiona looked at Leland. “Wait a minute. Did you call her your mate?”

  Joshua hid a smile, imagining what Fiona’s reaction would be to finding out that she was his mate.

  He had trouble believing it himself.

  Being torn between his irritation at having such an important decision made for him and fear that one of his pack mates would also be her mate, Joshua barely held on to his temper.

  Crossing his arms over his chest to keep from reaching for her, he raised a brow. “Yes. You got a problem with that?”

  Fiona blinked, eyeing him nervously before stiffening and putting her hands on her hips. “That’s a ridiculous thing to call your girlfriend. Fiancée. Whatever.”

  Joshua loved her spunk, even though it sometimes frustrated the hell out of him.

  She challenged him on many levels, arousing him to heights he’d never experienced before.

  He’d never been a tender lover, but tenderness came easy with her.

  He also wanted her with a fierceness that called to the beast inside him, a dangerous hunger that threatened his control.

  He breathed in her intoxicating scent, knowing that he would never get enough of it.

; Or her.

  He took a steadying breath, holding her gaze. “A mate is a hell of a lot more than a girlfriend or even a wife.”

  He felt it all the way to his soul.

  A mate was forever, and having a mate had already changed his life.

  It changed his thinking and made his life before meeting her seem dark and colorless.

  Fiona poked him in the chest, her anger twisting his guts. “It makes you sound like an animal—and stop sniffing me!”

  God, he wanted her.

  His mate had a temper, challenging him as no woman ever had.

  He bared his teeth, something perverse and masculine inside him delighting in her look of apprehension. “Would you like to see how much of an animal I am?”

  The need to show her, and have her accept him, threatened to consume him.

  “Please don’t let him scare her.” Glenna’s plea held a hint of panic, confirming Joshua’s suspicion that she’d kept their secret from her sister.

  A warning growl rumbled from Leland’s chest as he pulled Glenna closer. Shaking his head, he eyed Joshua. “You heard her. If you upset my mate, I’m not going to be happy.”

  Leland’s protectiveness had Joshua eyeing Glenna with renewed respect at her power over the Alphas.

  It also made him realize that Fiona held the same power over him—even if she didn’t know it.

  He’d already growled in warning at the others several times when he felt a threat to his mate.

  He looked at Leland with dawning comprehension, just beginning to realize just how much of an impact Fiona would have on his life.

  Leland smiled faintly and nodded, his eyes holding a touch of sympathy for Joshua’s predicament. “I see we understand each other.”

  He tried to remember what he’d heard about the journal they’d found, a journal describing the problems their parents had endured—problems that had ultimately cost them their lives.

  They hadn’t realized that they had mates and how strong their attachment to them would be.

  Tying themselves to women who weren’t their mates had caused fights between them, drawing attention to the pack and getting the adults killed.


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