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Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3]

Page 6

by Leah Brooke

  Pushing her hair aside, Joshua scraped his teeth down her jaw while sliding his hands lower. “You couldn’t handle my worst, baby.”

  Parting her thighs wider, she sucked in a breath when he thrust a finger into her. “Jesus!”

  Her pussy clenched on him, the firmness and heat in his touch so overwhelming that it weakened her knees, every nerve ending in her body singing with pleasure.

  “How do you do this to me?”

  Remembering his words, she reached back for his cock. “Don’t you dare baby me again.”

  Wrapping her fingers around his cock, she slid her hand up and down its length, amazed that she couldn’t close her fingers around it. “Please. I want you.”

  Thrilled that his cock jumped in her hand and seemed to grow even larger—harder—she fisted her other hand on the wall. “Please.”

  The pleasure intensified as if it had a life of its own.

  His other arm wrapped around her, holding her securely, his fingers moving over her nipple.

  “Yes. Fuck, I can feel it.” He pulled her hand from his cock, pressing it to the wall. “I want you so fucking much. When I take you, I feel your pleasure as well as my own, and the combination drives me a little crazy.”

  “Good.” She sucked in another breath when he began to move the finger inside her, his slow steady strokes driving her relentlessly toward the edge. “Please take me, Joshua. God, I think I’m going to come.”

  She’d never felt so sexual before.

  She’d never even enjoyed sex, but Joshua had only to touch her and she craved it.

  Every thrust of his finger made the pleasure even more intense and overwhelmed her with the need to have his cock inside her.


  Joshua lifted her, his cock pressing against her ass. “I want you to forget that any other man existed. I want you to think of no one but me.”

  “I am.” She threw her head back, crying out at the erotic scrape of his teeth over her neck. “I do. Joshua, I—oh!”

  She came in a rush, her orgasm stealing her breath.

  It went on and on, holding her in its grip for several long seconds before releasing her.

  It took the edge off the incredible need but, to her surprise, didn’t satisfy her.

  Joshua cursed, his grip firming. “Fuck. You make me crazy to have you.”

  “Then take me.”

  “I’m scared of hurting you.”

  “I hurt now.” Fiona wiggled against him, sucking in another breath when his cock slid between her thighs. “I need you, Joshua. God, I ache. Please. I can’t stand it.”

  The ache grew stronger, bringing tears to her eyes. “Please. It’s too much.”

  “Christ, coming didn’t make it any better for you, did it?” Joshua’s voice had deepened so much that it had become little more than a growl. “I can’t stand it, either. What the fuck are you doing to me?”

  “The same thing you’re doing to me. Damn it, Joshua!” She kicked at him, wiggling in an effort to take his cock inside her.

  Whimpering, she closed her legs, trapping his cock between them and his finger inside her “I need more. Please. It hurts.”

  Joshua withdrew his finger and lifted her, turning her in his arms with a harsh movement, one hand clenching on her bottom while the other cupped the back of her head. “I know, damn it!” He lifted her higher, burying his face against her neck. “I could hurt you so easily.”

  Fiona wiggled again, crying out when the head of his cock pressed against her opening. “Yes! Damn you!”

  His hold firmed, his eyes burning her with their heat. “Be still! I don’t have a fucking condom in here. Fuck!”

  “I don’t care!” Shocked and thrilled that she’d managed to take the head of his cock inside her, Fiona dug her heels into his firm ass. “Fuck me, Joshua.” She dug her fingertips into his shoulders, blinking back tears as she met his heated gaze. “Please. I need you so badly.”

  “Damn you. I can’t resist you.” His hand tightening in her hair, holding her face tilted to his. Staring into her eyes, he pressed his cock deeper. “I’m gonna make you pregnant, and then you’ll never get away from me.”

  Her pussy clenched on him, releasing more of her juices as she struggled to accommodate his thickness. “So full.”

  She burned inside, the full stretched feeling filling her with a sense of vulnerability that had her clinging to him, the vibrations pushing her toward the edge. “Please. Help me.”

  “Easy, baby. I’ve got you.” He took her mouth with his, swallowing her moans of pleasure.

  He withdrew slightly, sending her into a panic that had her fighting to get closer.

  Making a low, humming noise deep in his throat, he slid his cock deeper before withdrawing again.

  Desperate for more, she fisted her hands in his hair and kissed him back.

  Each kiss made her dizzier while each thrust took him deeper.

  The strange vibrations inside her continued to grow, heightening the sensations swirling around her.

  Through her.

  Her body stretched to accommodate him, her body providing the lubrication to take him deeper.

  She felt as if she’d waited her entire life for him. For this.

  It was even better than before.

  A whimper escaped, the pleasure almost too much to bear.

  Lifting his head, Joshua stared down at her, his features tight with tension. “I told you not to push me, damn it. Christ, I can’t resist you. I can’t deny what you need.”

  “Good.” She reveled in the sense of feminine power, humbled that she could have such an effect on such an incredible man. “I need you to want me.”

  He started to move faster, bracing her against the wall. “You tempt me too much. I want to fuck you until you surrender.”

  Fiona gasped as he thrust deep, withdrew, and thrust even deeper. “Surrender to this? Gladly. Oh, Joshua. I’m coming!” The pleasure slammed into her, much stronger than before. “Joshua!”

  “I know. I feel it. Fuck.”

  She clung to him, her mind reeling.

  She felt him everywhere.

  His cock.

  His hands.

  His slick skin.

  His breath and the slide of teeth on her neck.

  “I’m here.” His tone had a hard edge to it that told her that he was caught in the grip of his own pleasure.

  The feel of his cock pulsing inside her made the vibrations even stronger.

  With a deep groan, Joshua stilled, straightening to hold her against him. Lifting his head, he stared down at her with eyes filled with possessiveness and male satisfaction, his breathing harsh. “Feel better?”

  Pulling his head down, Fiona moaned and kissed him, smiling as she scraped her teeth over his bottom lip. “Much.”

  Without warning, Joshua shoved the shower door open and strode with her into the bedroom. He lifted her from his cock, only to toss her face down on the bed, lift her to her knees and thrust into her again.

  “Christ, you challenge me. I swear you do it on purpose.”

  Fiona’s giggle ended on a moan when he began to move. “It’s worth it. Oh God.”

  His thrusts went deeper than before, but her body had been well prepared. “I want you too fucking much.”

  He covered her body with his, his wet hair dripping onto her as he closed his teeth on her neck and began to thrust faster.

  Fiona fisted her hands in the covers, tilting her head back with a moan. “Why does it feel so good when you do that?”

  It felt carnal.



  As before, he released her neck with a reluctant groan and used his tongue to soothe it. “You bring out the animal in me.”

  Fiona sucked in a breath when he wrapped an arm around her and began to stroke her clit. “Joshua!”

  He thrust deep, his strokes to her clit sharpening the tingling heat.

  She couldn’t breathe.

She couldn’t think.

  She could only feel.

  Nothing existed except Joshua and the pleasure he gave her, a pleasure that seemed stronger each time he took her.

  His big hand closed on her jaw, his thrusts slowing as he turned her face to his. “Come again for me.”

  He seemed to know the second she started to come again because he groaned and thrust faster, burying his face against her neck. “Mine. You’re fucking mine, Fiona.”

  He thrust deep again, his cock once again pulsing inside her.

  Holding her close, he slowed his strokes to her clit, easing her down again. “Mine, Fiona.”

  Fiona smiled, moaning again when he slowly withdrew and lay next to her. Laying a hand on his chest, she let her eyes flutter closed. “Hmm.”

  Her eyes popped open again when he laid a hand on her abdomen, her stomach knotting at his mysterious smile. “What?”

  “I took you again without a condom. Twice, as a matter of fact.”

  Remembering her insistence, Fiona frowned. “I take full responsibility, Joshua. I pushed you. I don’t know what the hell came over me. I’ve never been like this before.”

  “I’m a man, Fiona, not a boy. This baby’s mine.”

  Panicked, Fiona shot to her feet. “Stop it. I might not even be pregnant.”

  She had no money. No job.

  “Shit.” She gathered her clothes, shaking them out before she began dressing again. Frowning at her ripped panties, she tossed them aside and pulled on her pants. “Damn it. I have to go ask Glenna if I can borrow something clean to wear.”

  Joshua braced himself on one elbow and watched her, his eyes unreadable. “Your clothes are in the SUV. I’ll get them in a minute. For some reason, I didn’t finish my shower.”

  “You brought my clothes? Great. I’ll get them.”

  “I’ll get them after we finish our shower.”

  “No.” Fumbling, she finally managed to get her bra fastened and pulled her shirt over her head. “I’m not doing that again. You’re right. We should have used a condom. We can’t let that happen again.”

  Frowning, Joshua rose and moved toward her, a cold knot forming in his stomach. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong?” Fiona’s laughter sounded almost hysterical. “I must be out of my mind. I don’t know what the hell came over me, but I’ve never been so irresponsible. I need to find a job.”

  Surprised when she rushed from the room, Joshua followed, frowning as he watched her pull on her shoes, not even bothering with her socks. “You don’t need to find a job, Fiona.”

  More than capable of supporting her, he started toward her again in the hopes of calming her down, but she just seemed to get even more upset.

  “No.” Shaking her head, she rushed toward the door. “I need to go see Glenna. Please. Don’t follow me. I need some time to think. I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, baby.”

  “Don’t call me that!” She looked around like an animal caught in a trap and not knowing how to escape. “I need to be alone. I need to check on Glenna.”

  He hated to let her go in her present mood but hoped that spending a little time with her sister would help her to settle. “Okay. Go see your sister. As soon as I finish my shower and get dressed, I’ll go get your things. Tomorrow, we can go get whatever else you need.”

  “I don’t need anything.”

  “Then we’ll go get the things that I want to buy for you.”

  “No!” She started out the door, pausing on the threshold. “I do need something.”

  He’d kill to get her whatever she wanted, but he doubted she’d want to hear that. “Of course. What is it?”

  “Can I borrow your cell phone? I want to call my parents and let them know where we are. I haven’t checked on them for a while.”

  Because you didn’t have a phone and were too proud to call collect.

  He knew it as well as he knew his own name.

  “Of course.” He retrieved his cell phone and handed it to her. “We’ll get you your own tomorrow.”

  Hiding a smile when she kept sneaking peeks at him, Joshua ran a hand over her hair. “I’ll bring your things here, and then I’ll come get you.”

  “I shouldn’t—”

  Gripping her chin, he dropped a soft kiss on her lips and released her, not wanting to scare her even more. “You’re staying with me, Fiona.”

  Without a word, she turned and walked away, leaving him standing in the doorway, naked, and staring after her.

  She was stressed, tired, and worried about her sister and Glenna’s relationship with Leland and Joe.

  Worried about her parents.

  Worried about getting a job.

  And now, because he seemed to have no control over his need for her, worried about carrying his child.

  With a sigh, he closed the door and headed back to the shower, wondering how the hell he could tell her that he was a shapeshifter.

  He couldn’t tell her until she’d had a chance to rest and relax.

  And get more comfortable with what they had together.

  Only then would he tell her the truth.

  By then, she should trust him enough to accept it.

  Chapter Five

  Speaking to her mother, Fiona slowly made her way to the farmhouse, her plan to let Glenna talk to her parents changing abruptly.

  After hearing that their father had fallen and about his subsequent trip to the hospital, Fiona decided to keep the call from her sister.

  After several minutes, she ended the call and tucked the cell phone into her waistband, plastering on a smile before knocking on the back door.

  Looking through the screen, she saw that the kitchen had standing room only, and several of the men inside called out for her to come in.

  Graham rose from his seat and opened the door, gesturing for her to come inside. “You don’t have to knock, Fiona. You’re family. Come on in and have a seat.”

  “No, thanks. I need to stand for a while.”

  She positioned herself near the window in the hope of catching Joshua before he spoke to the others.

  Pleased to see that Glenna looked happy and seemed to be the center of attention, Fiona smiled in her direction, raising a brow at the look of shock on her sister’s face. “What?”

  Glenna blinked. “What the hell happened to your hair? Did you fall? Are you okay?”

  Fiona’s face burned at the memory of Joshua’s lovemaking, her body still humming with awareness. Reaching up, she attempted to comb it with her fingers but doubted if she made it any better. “I washed it and didn’t have a comb. Joshua said he picked up my things. He’ll get them out of the SUV after he takes a shower.”

  Glenna frowned. “Why didn’t you pack your own things?”

  Ignoring the men’s steady looks, Fiona forced a smile. “I was busy. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m great.” Leaning into Leland, Glenna narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure you’re all right? You seem distracted.”

  Fiona glanced out the window again. “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  Another man stepped forward, his friendly smile making him even more handsome. “You’re more than tired. I wasn’t here to meet you yesterday. I’m Mitch, and I’m a doctor. I’d like to check you out to make sure you’re okay.”

  Fiona smiled her thanks when Graham set a cup of coffee in front of the seat he’d vacated. “I’m fine.”

  “Uh-huh.” With a hand at her back, Mitch guided her to the chair. “Why don’t you sit down before you fall down?”

  Joe smiled and sat back. “Glenna’s been telling us about your baking skills. She’s got all of our mouths watering.”

  Fiona shrugged, running her fingers over her hair and grimacing at the tangles she encountered. “I haven’t done any baking in months.”

  Glenna sat forward, frowning again. “Fiona’s desserts are to die for. She could spend all day baking when she had a problem she needed to sort out or
if she was pissed about something.” She smiled, reaching across to take Fiona’s hand. “By the time she’d finished, she’d figured it out or calmed down and we had a kitchen filled with desserts. We had to end up giving most of it away.”

  Joe’s brother, Vincent, grinned at that. “You wouldn’t have that problem here. Graham’s the best cook, but he can’t make desserts.

  Glenna squeezed Fiona’s hand. “I’d love a slice of your chocolate cake.”

  Fiona stilled, a strange awareness sending a warm tingling up and down her spine. Her heart pounded, and she knew instinctively that Joshua was close.

  She didn’t know how she knew, but she did.

  Jumping up, she went to the window in time to see Joshua appear at the end of the path. “Yeah. Sure. If you have the ingredients, I’ll make it tomorrow. Excuse me.”

  Running out the back door, Fiona rushed toward Joshua, pulling his cell phone from her waistband.

  Joshua frowned, and with long, graceful strides, he closed the distance between them, gripping her upper arms. “What’s wrong?”

  He both saw and felt that something had upset her and pulled her close, scanning the area in search of danger.

  With an unknown enemy stalking them, he knew that protecting the women would keep them all on their toes.

  Whoever had been spying on them hadn’t been around for months, but had suddenly began stalking them with increasing frequency, getting closer and closer to them all the time.

  They strongly suspected their stalker was an enemy, especially since he wouldn’t approach them and ran whenever they tried to confront him.

  What made matters even more nerve-wracking was the fact that their stalker seemed to show up whenever Glenna was around.

  If he had an interest in the women, it made their stalker even more of a threat.

  Leaning back, Fiona held out his phone. “Take this. I don’t want Glenna to know I called our parents. I need to talk to you before you talk to the others.”

  “Oh?” Relieved that there appeared to be no immediate threat and delighted that she’d sought him out, he took the phone from her and tucked it into his pocket. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  Leading her to one of the picnic tables near the deck, Joshua sat, settling her on his lap. “Tell me what’s bothering you.”


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