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Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3]

Page 29

by Leah Brooke

With her head swimming, she looked down to see that Mitch’s features had hardened in concern. “What?”

  Joshua stilled. “What’s going on?”

  Mitch glanced up at him, his lips thinning. “Come on, Fiona. Push again. We’ve got to get this baby out. He’s big, and you’re losing too much blood.”

  “That’s why I’m dizzy.” Fiona pushed again, and suddenly everything went black.

  Joshua watched Fiona’s eyes roll back in horror, screaming her name when she slumped against him.

  “Mitch! Do something!”

  Mitch continued to work frantically between Fiona’s thighs, and suddenly Joshua heard the outraged cry of a newborn forced to leave the warmth and comfort of his mother’s womb. “Joshua, you and Fiona have a son. Hell, he’s huge.”

  He barked out orders to the attending nurse. “Calm down, Joshua. Her vitals are pretty good. She passed out because she lost so much blood. We’re giving her a transfusion.”

  Frantic, Joshua bent over his mate, his face just inches from hers. “Baby, please wake up. Fiona! Come on, baby. Open those beautiful eyes. Our son is here.”

  His own eyes filled with tears, his joy at having a son fading in the background to the fear clawing inside him.

  “Baby, please.”

  The nurse approached. “Sir, you need to move out of the way.”

  Joshua lifted his head, glaring at the nurse. “Not a chance. I’m not moving one inch from her.”

  Mitch handed the baby over to another nurse and took the needle himself, speaking under his breath. “Joshua, get into bed with her. Hold her and do whatever you did before. Your mate needs you now.”

  Mitch stepped out, pissing Joshua off even more.

  The nurse still in the room turned to him with his son, wrapped in a blanket. “Ten pounds, two ounces.” The nurse smiled. “I think that’s a record for this hospital. Would you like to hold him?”

  Shaking his head, Joshua fought for control. “No. When my wife wakes up.”

  Sliding his large frame into the bed with his wife, Joshua held her limp form against him, pressing her face against his neck. “Come on, baby. Wake up.”

  Mitch came back into the room less than a minute later, and while the nurse finished cleaning Fiona, Mitch took Fiona’s vital signs again. “Just keep holding her and talking to her.”

  Joshua turned Fiona toward him and rubbed her back, keeping her face pressed against his neck. “Come on, baby. Come back to me. Please. I need you. We have a son, baby. You have to tell me if you still want the name we picked out.”

  Her incredible stillness scared him all the way to his bones, leaving him feeling as if his entire stomach had been filled with cold, jagged ice.

  What if she doesn’t wake up?

  The thought of a life without her left him reeling.

  She’d become such a vital part of his life and had changed it, and him, forever.

  Mitch stood over them briefly before moving away to stand by the windows. He’d had the sleeping baby put close to the bed and had kicked out all the nurses.

  Lifting his head, Joshua pushed her damp hair back from her face and stared down at her. “The first time I met you, you did this to me. I knew the second I met you that you would change my life forever. It was even more than the scent that told me that you were my mate. When you looked at me with those beautiful eyes, I felt it all the way to my soul.”

  Chuckling, he bent to press his lips to her forehead. “And when you woke up and started to yell at me, I knew I was a goner. By the time we got home, I knew I was in love with you. I hoped like hell I’d made you pregnant because, at that point, I knew I’d do whatever it took to keep you.”

  Pulling her close again, he pressed her face against his neck. “And now we have a son and you won’t talk to me. Don’t you want to see the baby we made together? Don’t you want to tell me how hard it was for you because it’s my fault he’s so big and that I owe you foot rubs for the rest of your life? Come on, baby. Open those beautiful eyes and look at me.”


  Joshua stilled, hoping he hadn’t imagined the faint sound. “Baby? Come on.”

  The door opened suddenly, several of his pack mates pouring into the room.

  Ignoring them, Joshua lifted his head again, rubbing her back harder when Fiona moaned. “That’s it. Wake up.”

  Aware of Mitch closing in from the other side of the bed, Joshua firmed his tone. “Now, Fiona. Open those eyes. Come on. You can do it.”

  His heart stopped when her eyelashes fluttered, pounding again when she opened her eyes and looked directly into his. Grinning, he cupped her cheek. “There she is. There’s my mate.”

  Frowning, Fiona slid a hand to her abdomen. “What happened?” Her eyes widened, filled with fear. “The baby?”

  Slipping from the bed, Joshua smiled again. “Our son is fine. Big. I haven’t seen him yet. I was waiting for you. Want to see him together?”

  Mitch raised the head of the bed and brought the baby to Fiona, laying him on her chest. “He’s perfect, and Joshua’s right. Big. Ten pounds, two ounces. You lost too much blood and passed out a little, but your mate was with you.” Mitch’s eyes appeared suspiciously moist. “It seems that makes all the difference.”

  Joshua’s own eyes filled with tears as he looked down at his son.

  Gingerly lowering himself to sit on the edge of the bed, he wrapped an arm around his mate, bending protectively over both of them.

  Looking up, he saw several of his pack mates coming closer, allowing Glenna to rush forward.

  Joe watched his wife, his smile indulgent as she gushed over Fiona and the baby. Lifting his gaze to Joshua’s, he sighed. “I know what you’re feeling. Kind of overwhelming, isn’t it?”

  Joshua nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

  With his entire world in his arms, Joshua bent to press his face to his mate’s hair, closing his eyes and just breathing in the scent of her.

  And his world settled.


  Fiona finished dressing and looked in the mirror, attempting to readjust her neckline. “Shit.”

  Joshua appeared at the bedroom doorway with his son held against his broad shoulder. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  She turned, smiling at the picture he made. “My boobs are huge.”

  Joshua’s eyes danced, and he pressed his lips together as though attempting to hide a smile, his gaze lowering to her breasts. “Uh, yeah. I guess they are.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she slipped on a cardigan. “Don’t try to pretend that you haven’t noticed.”

  Joshua smiled, the glitter in his eyes unmistakable. “Oh, I noticed, just like I noticed that your ass is even more luscious that it was before.”

  A giggle escaped before she could prevent it. “Like I say, you have a one-track mind.”

  “Yeah, well, that track is working overtime.”

  Her smile fell. “I’m sorry. Mitch hasn’t given me the all clear yet.”

  Closing the distance between them, Joshua slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “And he shouldn’t. You went through a difficult birth, and he’s not going to take any chances. You’re here with me, and that’s all that matters.”

  Fiona slid a hand to the baby’s back. “Every day Ethan’s bigger than the day before.”

  Joshua chuckled. “Hence the big boobs. My son’s gotta eat.” Touching his lips to her forehead, Joshua sighed. “Thank you for naming him after my father.”

  “I think Ethan’s a wonderful name. Joshua?”


  “Does anyone know if a girl has ever been born in your pack?”

  “No, baby. No girls. Just boys ever since anyone can remember. It’s in the journal. We only seem capable of having sons.” He smiled again, staring down at her. “I don’t mind. One female is about all I can handle.”

  After putting a sweater on Ethan and wrapping him in a blanket, they started outside. “I know. I hate that you’v
e been worrying so much.”

  She’d thought that he’d hovered over her during her pregnancy, but since she’d given birth, he’d been a combination of mother hen and hawk.

  Nothing she did escaped his notice.

  He watched what she ate and how much she slept. He urged her to take naps with Ethan and questioned Mitch like an FBI interrogator about her progress.

  “It’s my job to worry. You’re my life, Fiona, and I’m not taking any chances. Are you warm enough?”

  She gestured toward the soft throw she carried. “If not, I’ll put this over Ethan and me. The weather’s too nice to stay inside.”

  Spring remained just weeks away, and the current warm weather seemed a promise of more to come.

  “Where’s Glenna?”

  Fiona took her seat in her usual spot to watch the mountains and held out her arms for Ethan. “She’ll be down in a couple of minutes. Jonas spit up all over himself, her, and Joe. Everyone needs to get cleaned up. Go. I know the others are waiting for you. Vincent’s so impressed at the way you fought off all four of those men that he’s telling everyone that he’s going to be a fighter as good as you are.”

  Joshua smiled at that. “He’s working hard, and no matter how many times he gets knocked down, he jumps back up again.”

  “Good for him.”

  Crouching in front of her, he helped her adjust the throw over Ethan. “You’re the one everyone talks about. They all know how fiercely you came to my aid when I was down.”

  Fiona beamed. “Yeah, but you jumped right back up again, too. Go. Teach the kids a thing or two, and then come back to me. I can’t stand to be away from you for too long.”

  She dreaded the thought of him leaving for his next job and wanted to take advantage of every minute she had with him.

  Rising, he bent to brush his lips against hers and then Ethan’s head. “I’ll be back before lunch. See you in a bit, my mate. Stay out of trouble.”

  “Me?” She smiled in reassurance, knowing that his fury at her kidnapping and the shooting still lingered.

  “Yeah. You. I hate it when you’re out of my sight. Just stay there, and don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone.”

  “I’m just going to sit right here and enjoy the weather. Go play.”

  Joshua left with another warning for her to be careful, and she knew he would be going back to their house to strip out of his clothes before shifting and joining the others already gathered at the base of the mountain.

  With a sigh, she continued to rub her son’s back and stared at the mountains, unable to look at them without thinking about the men buried out there.

  Their deaths still weighed heavily on her, and she knew they always would.

  When a soft rustle came from the other side of the fence, Fiona glanced in that direction, suspecting it was just the breeze rustling the brush.

  When it came again and Ethan began to fidget, she stiffened, sitting up slightly and scanning the area.

  To her horror, a head covered with dark hair appeared and then shoulders as the young man, one she didn’t recognize, climbed up the ravine toward her.

  She knew she’d never be able to outrun him, but she jumped to her feet, with the intention of racing toward the farmhouse. She’d just opened her mouth to scream when the young man, one much younger than she’d first thought, spoke to her.

  “Ma’am. Please don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you. I just want to talk to you.”

  Hearing the fear in his voice and seeing the anxious way his eyes darted around, Fiona gathered Ethan closer and forced herself to remain still. “Who are you?”

  He swallowed heavily, clearly terrified. “My name is John. I belong—belonged—to the pack of men who hurt you.”

  Her stomach knotted in fear, but she reminded herself that help was only a scream away.

  Lifting her chin, she watched him closely, knowing he could shift and pounce in an instant. “What do you want?”

  “I was hoping that you could get one of the Alphas of your pack to listen to me. I’d like to join you. I’m not like them, and because of it, after the Alpha and the other men were killed and the rest of the pack left, I stayed behind.”

  “You’ve been on your own since then?” Hating the thought that a boy, who appeared to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, had been on his own for months, Fiona took a step closer. “Are you okay?”

  He shrugged, and even several feet away, she could see that his eyes brimmed with tears. “I hope so. My pack was evil. I understand that, but I didn’t have anywhere else to go. When I learned what they did to you…” He looked around again, tensing. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Ethan flailed his hands and feet, and Fiona knew she had to act fast. Running toward the fence, she stood in front of the boy, just in time to see Joshua, in panther form, racing toward them.

  Hearing a cry from behind, she glanced back at him. “Don’t move.” Holding out a hand, she shook her head frantically. “Joshua, no!”

  Joshua slowed but kept coming, the gleam in his eyes unmistakable. Shifting, he continued to move closer, his eyes filled with rage. “Get out of my way, my mate.”

  “Please, Joshua. He’s just a boy.” Fiona’s stomach tightened when she saw several others approach from all directions, surrounding the boy.

  Joshua closed his hands on her waist and bodily moved her out of the way. “Even boys have sharp claws and teeth, my mate.”

  Knowing she had to do something quickly, she reached out to grip his arm. “Just listen to him. He was in the other pack.”

  “I know, my mate.”

  “When the Alpha and the others were killed, the rest of his pack mates left, and he didn’t want to stay with them. He’s alone, and he wants to talk to Joe and Leland about joining the pack.”

  Joshua looked up as Joe and Leland approached. “Go home, my mate. Now.”

  “Please don’t hurt him!”

  He whipped around to her, his entire body shaking with fury. “Now.”

  Gulping, Fiona nodded, sending John a reassuring smile, sending a last look at Joshua, one he blatantly ignored.

  Fiona made her way home, settling Ethan before pacing back and forth in front of the window, waiting for Joshua.

  One hour became two and then three.

  With her stomach in knots, Fiona sat on the sofa with Ethan at her breast, watching the light play on the rings on her left hand.

  Joshua had never been so hard and cold with her before, and it left her more unsettled than she would ever have imagined.

  She felt lost.


  Alone, for the first time since she’d met him.

  When Ethan began to kick, Fiona got a tingling sensation at the back of her neck.

  Lifting her head, she watched the front door, sucking in a breath at the sight of Joshua filling the doorway.

  Naked, and covered in sweat, he stood there looking at her and the baby, his eyes seeming lit from within.

  Holding her breath, she watched as he came closer, her heart lurching when he dropped to his knees in front of her.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Sucking in a breath, Fiona slid a hand into his damp hair. “Okay. I’m sorry, too. I should never have stood between you.”

  “No. You shouldn’t have. Never do that again. You scared the hell out of me. When I smelled your fear, I came running. I couldn’t get to you fast enough.”

  His eyes darkened in remembered horror. “Only to find you and my son within arm’s reach of a stranger. A shapeshifter who smelled of our enemies. It would have only taken him a split second to shift and kill both you and Ethan. You wouldn’t have even had time to scream.”

  Leaning to press her forehead against his, Fiona nodded. “I know, and I would never put myself and Ethan in danger. He was crying, Joshua. He’s just a boy, and he was scared. Alone. Desperate.”

  Lifting her head, she met his gaze squarely. “I know what that feels like.�

  A muscle worked in Joshua’s jaw. “I remember very well, my mate.”

  Fiona swallowed heavily, not sure if she wanted to know what had become of the boy but knowing she had to ask. “Can I ask where he is?”

  Joshua smiled. “He’s at the farmhouse, plowing through hamburgers with the other kids. He shifted for the first time only recently, and he’s scared to death. He’ll love being with the others, and Vincent’s in charge of him, which will give him a stronger sense of responsibility.”

  His smile fell. “He’ll be watched closely, in case he’s been planted by the others. In the meantime, neither you nor Glenna is allowed to be alone with him. Ever. Understood?”

  “Understood, my mate. Thank you.”

  “For what? Not ripping him to pieces? Don’t thank me. I would have without thinking about it. By the way, all he seems able to talk about is the nice lady who stood in front of the biggest panther he ever saw and stopped him from attacking.”

  “Yeah? Well, the big, black panther has a soft spot for me.”

  “Yes, he does.” Running the back of his finger over Ethan’s cheek, he took her hand in his and turned it to kiss her palm. “You’re getting quite a reputation as a badass, my mate.”

  Relieved that the tension between them had eased, Fiona smiled, knowing that her husband and mate wouldn’t forgive so easily if she put herself in such a position again. “Well, I have to keep up with my mate.” Smiling again when the back of his finger slid to the upper curve of her breast, she nodded toward their son. “And your son. I have a feeling he’s going to be more than I can handle.”

  “You’ll handle him just fine. After all, you handle me, don’t you?”

  Sucking in a breath when he slid his finger lower to break the friction between her sleeping son’s mouth and her nipple, Fiona tightened her grip on his shoulder. “Do I?”

  “You do.” His eyes hardened. “But if you ever do anything like that again—”

  “I know.” She cupped his cheek. “I know.”

  “I love you so damned much. I need you so damned much.” Wrapping his arms around her, he laid his head on her leg. “I still wake up with nightmares about all the things you’ve been through.”


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