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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, Volume 3

Page 13

by Satoru Yamaguchi

  I don’t know much about Prince Jeffery and his partner, but... are Mary and Alan equals in their relationship? If anything, it feels like Mary always has the upper hand. In fact, the sight of Alan escorting Mary often looked like an enforcer escorting their mob boss.

  However, that wasn’t something I could just blurt out to Selena at a time like this. So I held my peace and listened to what she had to say.

  “Lady Susanna is known as one of the wisest and most talented women in the kingdom...”

  Ohh? So that sexy lady is referred to like that, huh...?

  “Lady Mary is known as the epitome of an ideal noble lady...”

  Ah, yes. Mary is really something else. She’s great at dance and social etiquette... She’s perfect in every way. In fact, that’s why she has Alan as her subordinate!

  “Lady Katarina is known as a saintess, accepting and gracious...”

  Eh?! Me? A saintess? I’m known as that? Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve never heard of such a thing! No one has ever referred to me like that.

  Did they really mean “a saintess”? Perhaps they meant to say that I had a lot of sass. Surely it must be a mistake like that. After all, my instructors always used to tell me that I’m “full of sass and spirit.” High praise indeed!

  “Compared to everyone else... I am good at nothing. Good for nothing. My magic is weak... and I am not very smart. I could hardly hope to support Prince Ian... I am nothing more than baggage for him, a failure of a fiancée...” Selena said, tears returning to her eyes. “So... at the very least, I wanted to be of some use to him... and so I plotted this entire incident. I truly apologize, Lady Katarina...” The tears started flowing all over again.

  Weak magic... and not too smart? I couldn’t help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Selena. I now understood why she was feeling so guilty all this time, and I could see the reason behind all this happening.

  Although her methods were somewhat questionable, all Selena wanted to do was be useful to someone she loved. When I thought about it that way, I couldn’t help but feel warmly towards her.

  “Of course... I plan to take responsibility for all this, once it is over.”

  “Eh? Responsibility?”

  “Yes... I will call off my engagement with Prince Ian, and as a means of atoning for my sins, I will turn myself in to the authorities...” Selena declared, without a shred of hesitation in her eyes.

  Eh?! Call off her engagement and turn herself in? But why?

  “Wh-Why? You’re just trying to do something for Prince Ian, right? But now you’re planning on calling off your engagement with him and turning yourself in? Is that what you really want?”

  “Yes... I was the one who started admiring Prince Ian in the first place. And now I have made up my mind. I am resolved.”

  “Huh? But aren’t you two engaged?” The way Selena spoke, it was like her love towards Prince Ian was one-sided.

  Selena, however, merely continued on sadly. “I was born to a duke. When I was young, I spent time with Prince Ian, and due to my age and the fact that I could use magic, I was selected as his fiancée. But as I said before, my magical capability is low... and I am not good at my studies. Before long, both my parents and my relatives started suggesting that he should look for a more fitting fiancée. Of course they would think that. The partners of the other princes are all remarkable! They all support each other in some way. I alone am no good. I alone am lacking... I only hold Prince Ian back.”

  Well... back at Claes manor, my mother was always saying, “Prince Jeord should select another fiancée! My daughter will do nothing but hold him back!” and stuff like that. Hmm, yes. I now felt closer to Selena than ever. We were so alike in many ways.

  Selena continued on, all the while having no idea of the thoughts going through my mind. “Also... Prince Ian himself has nothing but contempt for me, so...” She bowed her head dejectedly.

  Prince Ian hates Selena? Really? I recalled that day at the school festival. Prince Ian, strict and rigid, with the most serious expression, escorting Selena. There was no way I could possibly know much about their relationship from that encounter alone, so...

  “Well... Have you ever heard Prince Ian himself say such a thing to you...?”


  “Have you ever asked Prince Ian how he truly feels about you?”

  “Th-There is no way I could ask him something like that! But then... everyone around me always talks about how Prince Ian is tired of me, how he dislikes me... and how he... already hates me...”

  “But Lady Selena... those are the words of other people, right? Have you heard the prince himself say it? Maybe you’re just imagining that he hates you?”


  One must never pay too much attention to what others say. This was especially true for noble society, as advised by my wise adopted brother, Keith. “Insults and slander are common occurrences in noble society, Big Sister. Pay them no heed,” he would say.

  If one were to believe those slanders and lies, one may actually believe that I was some splendid and amazing noble lady, well-loved by Prince Jeord, when the opposite was true. And so...

  “Someone’s emotions can only be known by that person themselves, right? So, Lady Selena... if you wish to know the truth, you have to ask Prince Ian, and that’s that!”

  “Ask...?” Selena raised her bowed head.

  “Yes, speak to Prince Ian about it, or at least try!” After all, nothing would happen without an actual conversation on the matter. In fact, this was the case with Selena herself — it was only through talking to her now that I developed a deeper understanding of her.

  Selena opened her large, round eyes wide, her brown irises staring straight at me.

  “Say... Lady Selena. You’ve been saying that you were no good, that you are lacking, just now... and I don’t think that is true.” Honestly speaking, given the lack of magical aptitude and academic ability that Selena was concerned about, we were not very different. After all, we just happened to be in an academy where there was a disproportionately high amount of high-spec individuals.

  “More importantly, you were worried about me, a complete stranger. You were worried if I could rest well. And you even have the resolve to get captured and sentenced... all in the name of helping someone you love.”

  That kind of bravery would be impossible for me. And on top of that, she mustered up this resolve all while under the assumption that the person she loved disliked her! Compared to me, who had come up with a variety of contingency plans like realistic projectile snake toys in case Jeord ever attacked me, the difference was stark.

  I returned Selena’s gaze, looking deep into her brown eyes. “To me, Lady Selena, you are gentle and strong. There’s not a single bone in you that is lacking or no-good. I think you are a wonderful person.”

  Selena’s eyes widened in surprise — and for a while, she only stared. “...That’s the... first time, anyone has said anything like that to me...”

  I smiled slightly at the stunned Selena. “Well then! I’ll keep saying it from here on out. As many times as you’d like. So... would you like to become friends with me, Lady Selena?”

  Although she was the one who looked worse for wear, all Selena did was worry about me. She was willing to get captured and sentenced, all for the sake of someone she loved. Although she was small in stature and had mannerisms much like that of a small animal, Lady Selena was strong. She was a pure-hearted, strong noble lady.

  It was a strange, maybe alarming relationship, given that she was the kidnapper and I was the victim, but... in this short span of time, I had come to like the girl known as Selena Berg. More than anything else, my sense of camaraderie with her had increased throughout our conversation. We would definitely get along well.

  I smiled, extending a hand towards Selena as I did so.

  “...To say such words towards one who had kidnapped you in the first place... Lady Katarina, you truly are as the rumors say,” Selen
a said as she stared at my outstretched hand.

  Hmm? Rumors? Ah, was this about the sassy and spirited thing?

  “...This is the kind of person I am, but... I do hope we get along...”

  And with that, Lady Selena took my hand. She returned my gaze now, no longer averting her eyes.

  “Lady Katarina... As you said, I won’t be swayed by what others say anymore. I will speak with Prince Ian himself and hear what he has to say.”

  “Yes, that’s a good start!”

  “...Yes.” Selena’s eyes were no longer filled with tears, and her troubled, sickly expression had seemingly lifted. “But before that... I really need to stop this foolish kidnapping affair... and also atone for my sins...”

  “If it ever comes down to it, I’ll keep it a secret!” After all, Selena hadn’t done anything terrible to me. If anything, she had provided me with quite the comfortable life! It was like someone going out for a walk and getting a little lost.

  Selena smiled somewhat bitterly at my words. “You really are a gentle person, through and through... however... that is simply not acceptable. Sins committed by my hand have to be atoned for appropriately...” she said with a calm and dignified expression.

  Ah, this girl really is a pure and strong person, despite her cute appearance... The more I looked at her, the more I felt like I would fall for her.

  “Well then... I shall see to it that you are safely delivered back to Prince Jeord this instant. I shall begin making the preparations...” Saying so, Selena stood up and headed towards the door.

  The moment she placed her hand on the handle, however, she collapsed — no, her body had gone completely limp.

  “L-Lady Selena!” Alarmed, I rushed to her side, only to notice then that someone had stepped through the door to the room.

  “I had only taken my eye off you momentarily, and here you are, doing as you please. This is most troubling... Lady Selena,” the man said, placing a hand on the fallen Selena as he did so. A ravishing smile lit up his face.

  “Y-You! What have you done to Lady Selena?”

  What he’d just said and his tone of voice... It was obvious that this man had done something to Selena. I glared daggers at him.

  “Just letting her sleep for a while. After all, she still does have her role to play.”


  “Yes, of course. That of a scapegoat — this kidnapping, and a multitude of other sins will all be pinned on her. Then... I shall have her disappear with Prince Ian. That is her role.”


  “And you shall disappear as well, Lady Katarina Claes... with Prince Jeord by your side.”

  The man who spoke was Rufus, Selena’s playboy butler. He was smiling with enjoyment and anticipation.


  The first time I, Selena Berg, met him... I was nine years of age.

  The boy who I met then was a beautiful person. Beauty the likes of which I had never seen before... All I could do was freeze up, overcome with nervousness.

  “I-It is good to m-meet you... I-I... My name is Selena B-Berg... it is a p-pleasure to make your acquaintance...” Although I had practiced my greetings so much, that was what I was reduced to in my nervousness.

  The adults around me started to audibly laugh under their breaths. I could feel my face heating up from the embarrassment... surely, my face was all red. The very thought of that deepened my humiliation, and I simply looked down at my feet. But then—

  “It is nice to meet you as well, Selena. My name is Ian Stuart. The pleasure is all mine,” he said with an expression of utmost seriousness, stretching out his hand.

  Although the people around me laughed at my fumbled greetings and reddened face, he did not laugh at me. He extended his warm hand towards me. It was then that the young me fell for him — just like that.

  That was my first meeting with Prince Ian. I was born into the family of a duke, was the same age as the prince, and had already started manifesting my magical abilities. That was the reason why I had been chosen as the fiancée of Ian Stuart, the second crown prince of the kingdom.

  The emotions of the individuals involved hardly came into play in such a marriage. But... I met Prince Ian, and I fell in love with him. Ever since then, my budding feelings for him continued to grow. The way he was so serious and focused... the way he was gentle and caring, but not very good at showing it... the more I spent time with him, the more my feelings blossomed.

  Before I knew it, ten years had passed since I had been assigned as his fiancée. Now, more than anything, I loved Prince Ian. I loved him very much. Although my love for him grew and grew... I was lacking. My magical aptitude was the reason why I had been chosen as his fiancée in the first place, but my magical capabilities never increased.

  I worked hard to be able to stand by Prince Ian’s side. No matter how hard I tried, however, my magic remained weak. Perhaps then I could simply do well in my studies, I thought... but I did not manage to do too well academically either.

  Although I was born with magic and was enrolled into the same academy as Prince Ian and many others, I was not chosen as a student council member. The council was admired by the student body, and such a role was considered an honor. Prince Jeffery, Lady Susanna, and Prince Ian were all selected, too. I was the odd one out. I alone was the underdog.

  In addition, Prince Jeffery was always found with Lady Susanna as a pair. They were really close... and yet, this was not the case with Prince Ian and myself. Unless there was something he wanted, he would never meet with me. He would never touch me when he met me, either, unless it was absolutely necessary. Even if we did meet, he would pursue his goals or needs single-mindedly. This did not go unnoticed by those around us. Soon, the rumors started flowing. “Prince Ian dislikes his incapable fiancée,” they would say.

  Prince Ian and I graduated from the Academy of Magic. Next to enroll in the academy were his younger twin brothers, Prince Jeord and Prince Alan, along with their respective fiancées. I had heard that both the Princes had been chosen as student council members, as was Lady Mary, Prince Alan’s fiancée.

  Although Prince Jeord’s fiancée, Lady Katarina, was not chosen for the council, she was well-admired by the student body, and even had her own fan group. When word of this got out to noble circles, my parents and relatives all started saying the same thing. “Perhaps the Prince should look for a more fitting fiancée...” they would say.

  Amidst the dazzling individuals that were these princes and their fiancées, I couldn’t help but feel that I alone was incompatible... that I could not measure up to them. Why was I so inept? Given that I could never be better than the average person no matter how hard I tried... of course it would be a given that Prince Ian would come to dislike me.

  Even so, I still wanted to be of use to him. Anything was fine. Something... anything. If it meant that I could do something for him to make up for all the trouble I had caused up until now...

  As those thoughts filled my mind and my heart, that person appeared before me.

  “Allow me to assist you with your wish.”

  With that, he began telling me exactly how I could be of use to Prince Ian...

  When I entered her room, she had already awoken, and was staring in my direction with her aqua-blue eyes.

  “I see you have awoken safely... Most reassuring,” I said, feeling relieved from the bottom of my heart.

  When I had brought her into the manor, there was hardly any strength left in her — she was barely conscious. Although we had only used a small amount of the sleep-inducing drug on her, I remained worried. I simply had to see with my own eyes that she was all right.

  After affirming her safety, there was something I absolutely had to tell her now that she was awake.

  “Lady Katarina... I sincerely apologize for having to employ such uncouth means. However... as soon as the relevant affairs are settled, you will be allowed to go, unharmed... Please, do stay here until then.” I
apologized, and then bowed deeply to the fiancée of Prince Jeord, Lady Katarina Claes.

  Even if it was all for Prince Ian’s sake, me bringing an unrelated noble lady to this place was an unforgivable transgression. I understood that. That was why I thought I should apologize first — precisely because I had done an unforgivable thing to Lady Katarina.

  Upon hearing my words, Lady Katarina was momentarily silent, as if deep in thought. And then, her lips parted — “...Kidnapped...?”

  I was terribly surprised. How could this be? Nothing had been explained to her, and yet, she had already realized that she had been kidnapped. According to the rumors, Lady Katarina was spirited and strong, but yet one who possessed a deep well of compassion. In reality, it would seem like she was a very capable person as well.

  “I truly... truly apologize... I promise, absolutely, that no harm would ever come to you...” I apologized once again, though I knew that I would not be forgiven either way.

  Lady Katarina began to think once more, a serious expression clouding her features. “...Um. Well then... how much would the ransom be...?” she said.

  “Ran... som?” I did not understand the meaning of this word, and simply repeated it back at her. Lady Katarina leaned in ever so slightly with a somewhat grave expression.

  “Yes. The amount of gold you want in exchange for my safety. How much would it be...?”

  “...Ah, no. We do not have any intentions of asking for a... sum of gold.” Lady Katarina had apparently assumed that we had kidnapped her for money. I denied it as quickly as I could.

  “Eh? It’s not gold you were after? Then why did you kidnap me?”

  Of course, she did not know why she’d been taken. Surely she was unsettled by this, and would be unable to feel at ease until she knew the answer.

  “...That is...” I got her involved in all this. I should tell Lady Katarina about the entire affair... I started to speak, wanting to explain the situation, but then...

  “Lady Selena. You have already ascertained Lady Katarina’s safety, have you not? Please, let us return to your quarters.” Rufus placed a hand on my shoulder... and then.


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