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Broken: Book One of the M Series

Page 18

by Ryanne Anthony

  “Come do that blowing thing I like,” she murmured.

  I jumped quickly. I crossed that room and got to her in two seconds!

  My mouth landed on her sex and I wanted to faint, I missed her so much. I licked her like my life depended on it. I was on my knees, naked and hard and I couldn't get enough of tasting that sweet pussy.

  I felt her tighten and put my fingers inside her, stroking and teasing while still licking. The moaning she was doing was driving me in-fucking-sane! She was cumming and cumming but I didn't... I couldn't stop. I needed that just as much as she did.

  She started pushing me away, begging me to stop but I didn't. Instead I slowed... almost down to a stop, but not quite.

  *The blowing thing?*

  {Laughs} “Yes, how did you know?”

  *Mr. C and Dr. Alexander speak very highly of it. When I have a girlfriend again, I'm definitely going to try that.*

  {Laughs} “You should. You just gotta remember to blow at the right moment. It'll still give her an orgasm but at the right time, it'll make her scream her fucking brains out.”


  {He laughs then continues.}

  “So I slowed down at the right time and blew one... long... cool breath, at the right time. Fucking thought I would be bald for the rest of my life.”


  “Mandy gripped my hair with both hands and pulled, hard. And that scream; I'm surprised no one broke the door down to make sure she was all right.”

  *What happened next, Mr. Cannon?*

  “I released her and stood over her, staring at her heaving breasts as I stroked myself. She looked at me and said--”

  “Fuck me; long and hard. Show me no mercy, fucker.”


  “Oh yeah, I wanted him bad; really, really bad.” {She giggles}

  *Okay, then what happened?*

  “I fucked her; long and hard. {Looks at her} I couldn't get deep enough. I wanted the head of my dick to come out of her mouth!” {Laugh}

  “I believed you tried to make that happen, babe.”

  “Always, Sweetie. {He leans in and kisses her} I pushed her back on the bed and wrapped those beautiful legs around my hips and slammed right into her. She felt so good I thought I was going to explode after that first thrust. She was so hot and wet... fuck, I'm getting hard just thinking about that!”

  {Mandy and I laugh at that}

  “It's not funny, ladies!”

  “Oh, yes it is! Especially since you can't do shit about it.”

  {He looks at her, raising a brow} “You don't think so, Sweetie?”

  “What are you gonna do? Fuck me in front of Raquel?” {Laughs}

  {He looks at her for a long time then stands; his erection massive in his jeans. He looks down and speaks to me.}

  “No offense, Raquel. Excuse us. Take a break. Let's go, Sweetie.” {He yanks her to her feet and they hurriedly leave the room}

  * * *

  Two hours later...

  {They walk in holding hands and laughing}

  “And that's the last time you kick me out of my fucking office, Twerp! Hello, Raquel!”

  *Dr. Alexander, how are you?*

  “I'm pissed off! Fucking in my office for two damn hours! I have work to do, Twerp and Barbie! Fuckers!”

  “Marcus, calm down before you have a stroke,” Mandy chuckles.

  “I will not calm down! I'm trying to get home to my pregnant wife! You two just pushed that back two fucking hours while you had a stroke!”

  “It was more than one,” Joshua laughs. “Seriously, Cramp, calm down. We’re done; you can get back to work now.”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down, damn it!”

  {Mandy shakes her head and pulls out her phone}

  “Hi, Cookie. Are you busy? ... Okay... {Laughs} No, tell Donnie we'll pick them up as soon as we're done with Raquel... Yes, about that, Cookie. Marcus is being an ass right now... Joshua and I kicked him out of his office and we took two hours in there... Yeah, he's really ranting about it... Okay, Cookie thanks, I'll see you in a little while.”

  {She ends the call and smirks at a glaring Dr. Alexander, whose phone rings almost immediately}

  “Hi, baby... No, she didn't– … but Baby... Baby! That's not fair... {Sighs} Fine, baby... right now? ... Fine! Mandy and Joshua, I apologize for my rant, you're welcome to use my office anytime you want. What, baby? {Deeper sigh} For however long you need. Happy, baby? ... No, I won't forget your watermelon ... No, not the Snickers, either. {He grins slyly at Joshua} What's that, Twerp? You will? Baby, Twerp and Barbie have volunteered to get those things for you. Say again, Barbie? Oh, okay. Baby, Barbie says text her a list of everything you need... Are you sure that's all you want? I thought you said something about snacks and favors for the kids for Labor Day. All 24 of them... Sure, text it to her, I'm sure she'll be thrilled to do it for you. She knows you need to stay off your feet. Oh, you know what, baby? You should ask Joshua about taking Lila to buy her that princess dress she wants so much. He should just LOVE doing that for us.”

  *{I stifle a giggle. Joshua and Mandy have not said one word since Dr. Alexander's phone rang.}*

  {Joshua and Mandy stare at Dr. Alexander, he chuckles}

  “Was there something else you wanted to say, Twerp? Barbie?”

  “No,” Joshua smirks. “Well played, Cramp. Tell Cookie to have Lila ready, too.”

  “You hear that, baby? Joshua wants to take all the kids for the night, including Lila! Thanks, Twerp. Mariah and I could use some alone time.”

  {Joshua looks at Dr. Alexander. Mandy chuckles and pulls her phone out again.}

  “Hi, Sugar. Are you as excited as I am? Oh, I can hardly wait! ... Huh? I thought he would have called you by now... Marcus... Well, he told me that he and Mariah wanted ALL the kids to stay two days with them after the holiday celebrations! ... Yes, ALL twenty-four! ... I know! Poor Cookie will be exhausted so Marcus will have to do the brunt of the work! He such a great uncle... Yes, tell Matthew to plan something great for you.”

  “Um, baby? It looks like we're going to have a lot of overnight guests after the party... All the kids are staying for two days... No, we won't need her, baby; Joshua has agreed to stay the entire time, without Mandy, since he'll be taking a short leave from work... Oh, you're right, baby. You should include that in your text. That's going to be at least sixty juice boxes alone. Not to mention what they will need on the holiday... Yes, they will be shopping for two days, at least. I wonder how they will manage with their kids and ours. ... I know, baby, almost sainthood.”

  {Joshua laughs loudly and bows. Mandy grins and says good bye to the person she's talking with. Dr. Alexander smiles and says goodbye to his wife.}

  “Don't play this game with me, kiddies. I invented it. Good luck with that shopping. Oh, and get twenty-four sleeping bags. One of them has to be really 'princessy'. You know what? Let Lila pick it out while you take her to get her gown.” He walks to the door then turns. “Don't forget old clothes, Twerp. I have a feeling the boys are going to have us very messy.” {He laughs evilly as he exits}

  “Almost that time, Mandy. One of these days, I will best him,” Joshua laughs.

  “I don't think you will, babe. I think he will always win at that!” Mandy laughs.

  “I think you're right, sweetie. Where were we, Raquel?”

  *Ramming into your wife, Mr. Cannon.*

  “You've seen his erection, Raquel. I think you can us Mandy and Joshua.”

  *Mandy and Joshua. So, after that first ram...*

  “After I entered her, I had to pause. I was dangerously close to releasing and I didn't want that... I needed more, much more; four months’ worth of more. So I lay there, on top of Mandy, inside her…”

  “Begging me not to move.”

  “…Begging her not to move even a centimeter. If she so much as twitched before I could calm myself, it would have been over.” {Shaking his head.}

  *What are you thinking, Joshua?*

  {Shrugs} “Those wasted months, Raquel. Of me not being able to tell her what happened with Daria then Sidra. Being physically sick because I refused to touch Mandy and her thinking I didn't want her in the meantime; worst time of my life. And that includes being raped.”


  “Joshua... is that the first time you've said that?”

  {Nods} “First time out loud. It's true… she did rape me and if I'm going to keep you, I need to work through that. Vicky says the first step is to admit what happened. Call it by its name.”

  *Congratulations, Joshua. Did you let Mandy get on top?*

  {Chuckles} “Yes I did. After we got our food and went back to the room. It was the greatest.”

  “It was pretty fucking amazing, is what it was, babe.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  October Second...

  “Welcome back, family,” I smile as they take their seats. “Any new issues to discuss?”

  “How are you feeling, Vicky? Any contractions or pains you're not used to?”

  “Sorry, Nathan. I think you're losing the bet. I don't feel any differently, yet,” I chuckle.

  “Bet? Who's betting?” Matthew asks trying, but failing, to look innocent.

  “You all are. You've been trying to up Ethan since he's always right about these things.”

  “Yeah, I don't know why he isn't a doctor, Twink,” Monica chuckles.

  “Cause he's stubborn and hard-headed,” Thomas laughs.

  “Got it from the best, Pops,” Ethan laughs back.

  “Cookie, how are you? You sure this isn't too soon for you after giving birth?”

  “Vicky, please. Tristan is almost a month old! I'm an old pro at this now!” Mariah laughs.

  I laugh too. “Okay, good. All right, Joshua and Mandy have news they want to share. Mandy and Joshua, floor's yours.”

  Joshua clears his throat. “I got the paternity test results back Monday.”


  “And?!” Stephen shouts.

  Joshua takes Mandy's hand and nods.

  “He's Joshua's son,” Mandy says softly.

  “Crap,” Thomas mutters. “Sorry, I didn't mean --”

  “No, I know you didn't mean that against my son, Thomas. Mandy and I said the same thing.”

  “So what does this mean? What happens now?”

  “Well, Mother... everybody... Mandy and I had a long talk with Sidra and Von. We all agreed it would be in Jacob's best interest to live with Mandy and I. Sidra will have visitation when she wants it, but Mandy and I will have full legal custody as soon as my lawyer has it signed off.”

  Alissa pulls an envelope from her purse and passes it to Joshua.

  “It's done. Judge signed off yesterday. His name is Jacob Christian Cannon and he is legally in your custody. But...” Alissa takes a deep breath. “Sidra terminated her rights, guys. She doesn’t even want visitation.”

  “What do to you mean 'terminated'?” Rachel says.


  Rachel turns her puzzled face to Mariah.

  “Sidra and Von decided to exit Jacob's life completely. They're moving to New York at the end of the month,” Mariah says, looking at Joshua.

  “Wait... what?!” Mandy shouts. “She's just going to walk away from her son, without talking to us first?”

  Mariah nods. “Marcus and I tried to talk her out of it. It is her son, after all. Danny said she detached herself from him when she figured out it was actually Joshua's son and not Von's. She says he would be constant reminder of the biggest mistake of her life; how she almost ruined so many lives.”

  “She did make one request before she signed, Joshua and Mandy,” Ethan says, leaning forward. “She wants her mother to have some visitation with him. I made no promises except to approach you with her request and she signed.”

  Joshua looks at Mandy.

  “If I'm going to be his mother,” Mandy frowns. “Won't that be confusing for him growing up? How do we explain a grandmother all the other children don't share?”

  “It could be in the same way your kids claim Lil, Rachel and Vonnie, Mandy,” Tim says. “You don't.”

  “Yes, but they are family. They're grandmother to all the kids. They don't know the difference.” Mandy gasps, “Oh.”

  “Is she just going to come for Jacob and ignore the other children?” Joshua frowns. “That is going to be confusing to him and the other kids.”

  “Is Jacob going to call Mandy 'Mom' like the other boys?”

  “I don't know, Evelyn. Joshua?”

  “I think that's up to you.”

  Mandy thinks a moment. “Yes, I think he should; now more than ever.”

  I nod. So does Lil and Tim.

  “I say cut her off. It's not fair to the other boys or him. He will have five grandmothers as it is, just like the rest of our children. Don't make him anymore different than he already is.”


  “What, Mommy? No one agrees with me?”


  “I do.”


  Matthew sits straight up. “Come on, Rachel! How is Twerp supposed to explain this to his sons? 'Hey, boys, listen up... I'm your Dad, Mandy's your mother. Rhetta, Katherine, Rachel, Vonnie and Lil are your grandmothers but Jacob has another grandmother that you and your cousins don't have because, by the way, Mandy's not Jacob's birth mother. No, son, your birth mother rejected you three seconds after your premature birth!' That is complete bullshit and you all know it!”

  Silence again.

  Mariah sighs. “I agree with Evelyn and Matthew. He made a valid point.”

  Marcus leans forward and looks at his brother. “It's your decision, guys, but I have to agree with them. Sidra signed that paper and of her own accord. She doesn't get to tell you how to raise your child.”

  Joshua nods and looks at Mandy.

  “I agree with them, Joshua. That's not fair to your son.” He raises an eyebrow to her. “Our son,” she says, smiling. “Vicky, Tim, Lil, any opinions?”

  Lil speaks first. “Send her a picture every once in a while. Her daughter gave up her rights to the natural father. Can she fight that, Ethan?”

  “Not unless she can prove Joshua and Mandy are unfit. No way is that ever happening.”

  “Then I say fuck her.”

  The room chuckles at Lil then looks at Tim.

  “What she said,” he grins, pointing to Lil.

  Next, they look at me.

  “I'm speaking as your therapist. You should consider what cutting off his grandmother will do to him later, guys. She may be the only link to knowing the other side of his blood line.”

  “And as our sister, Vicky,” Mandy asks, looking serious.

  I snort. “Fuck her.”

  Another laugh fills the room.

  “You two have to make the final decision. Think on it, okay?”

  Joshua smiles at me. “Okay, Vicky. Thanks.”

  I shake off his thanks and look around the room.

  “Sugar,” I smile.

  She smiles back. “Yes, Pumpkin?”

  I shake my head and laugh. “Ready?”

  Everyone turns to and looks at Madison curiously. She grins at me and nods.

  “Okay, start with Monica and Alissa,” I grin back.

  “Okay. Monica?”

  Monica has a look of curious amusement on her face. “Yes, Sugar?”

  “It bugs me that you and Alissa don't have nicknames.”

  She laughs. “Okay, but it's kinda late, isn't it?”

  “I gave her one years ago; I just never said it out loud to anyone but my wife.”

  “What did Thomas give her, Rachel?”

  Rachel chuckles. “Brownie.”

  I look at Monica. “Because of her hair?”

  Thomas grins and nods.

  “I'll take that,” Monica laughs.

  “Okay,” Madison laughs back. “Lissa.”

  “Ay, Dios mío,” Alissa murmu

  “Oh, my God is right,” I chuckle. “Go ahead, Madison.”

  “Matthew calls you Picante at your back.”

  “Whew! I'll take that,” Alissa smiles.

  “What does that mean?” Lil asks.

  “Spicy,” Mariah chuckles. “Good one, Matthew. That totally fits!”

  Matthew chuckles and looks away. We laugh at his blush.

  “Okay, Sugar, here we go; the most important one.... are you sure you still want to do this?”

  “Yes, I am, Pumpkin. Absolutely,” Madison grins again.

  I grin at her and grab Tim's hand. “Whenever you're ready.”

  Madison looks at the floor then closes her eyes as she takes a deep, deep breath. She looks up and you can see the passion and love in her face. All eyes are on her.

  “What's happening, sweetheart?” Tim whispers to me.

  “Something good, babe. Something very, very good,” I whisper back.

  “Matthew?” Madison calls quietly.

  Matthew leans forward and keeping his gaze on hers, he says “Yes, Smooch?”

  A huge smile crosses her face. He smiles back and tilts his head.

  “You drive me fucking nuts in bed.”

  A stunned look crosses Matthew's face before he jumps up and yells, “Hot damn! Ditto, Smooch!” He quickly crosses to her, pulls her from her seat and gives her a full kiss, bending her backwards.

  The room erupts in applause and laughter. After a few moments, Matthew finally lets Madison go and sits in her seat, pulling her to his lap.

  “Sorry, Vicky. I'm sitting right here today,” Matthew laughs as he rubs Madison's belly.

  I laugh. “If Sugar's okay with that then so am I, Matthew.”

  Madison smiles as she looks in Matthew's face. “I'm more than okay with that, Pumpkin.”

  She bends and kisses Matthew's mouth again and that kiss quickly becomes heated.

  Marcus stands shaking his head and gently pulls Madison from Matthew.

  “Get back to your seat, Toad!”

  “Dammit, Cramp!”

  “Don't worry about it, Smf. I'll drive you nuts later...” She turns and glares at Marcus. “In your office and it'll take a hell of a lot longer than two hours, Cramp.”

  Marcus laughs. “I give up.” He takes his key off the ring and hands it to Matthew. “Not on my desk.”


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