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Welcome to Necropolis

Page 22

by Bryan Killian

  His sense of peace shattered. The head of a walking corpse popped up through tall grass followed by three more. The zombies were moving towards the football field slowly. He took aim on the lead zombie, squeezing the trigger. The bullet missed its mark plowing harmlessly into the field. The shot drew the instant attention of all on the football field. Armed soldiers ran joining their commanding officer. Several soldiers raised their M-16’s firing. Within seconds the zombies were eliminated. Hutto watched the clouds of gun smoke drift into the horizon with a new sense of dread falling over him. Under his breath he uttered, “This is never going to end.” He walked back to the safety of the caravan flanked by the men in his command. The caravan would be mobile within 8 hours.


  Rick sat silently outside the office moving the small revolver back and forth in his hands and contemplating what to do. He’d protected her, put his life on the line for her and this was how she repaid him. Thoughts swirled causing him a headache unlike any he had ever suffered. Throughout the night he listened to their lovemaking. He listened to her moans and quiet pleas for more. At one point he almost burst through the door but stopped. He sat outside the office until the morning sun began seeping in.

  Their bodies were still intertwined on the couch. The office was cold but they succeeded in keeping one another warm with articles of clothing on top of them. The night gave way to day when Ty finally sat up.

  “Where you going?” Katie asked stretching her bare legs on the couch.

  “Bathroom. Maybe a walk around the halls before breakfast.” He pulled his sweatshirt over his head.

  In the hall Rick stood. It was time. He didn’t know what he was going to do or say. He had all night to formulate his thoughts and when it counted his mind betrayed him and he drew a complete blank. Rick stepped to the door and stopped. He froze for a brief second now trying to gain courage to face his emotions and the people he considered friends until last night. He grabbed the door handle.

  Multiple gunshots echoed across the river and into the Bixter Building. Different calibers and different patterns continued for some time. A significant battle was occurring. Ty’s head snapped to the window when the first shot was heard. He and Katie ran to the window but couldn’t see a thing.

  “The roof.” Ty said, grabbing his jeans.

  In the hall, Rick raced for Jess’s office. He burst in through the door, yelling for Jess to get up. “There’s a fire fight going on. Get up. We’re going to the roof.”

  Jess rolled off the couch rubbing his eyes. He was still half asleep and Rick wasn’t making sense. He stood up to stretch then heard it. The sound of a shotgun firing multiple times followed by automatic fire.

  “What the fuck’s going on?”

  “I told you, there’s a fire fight going on. Grab your binoculars and meet me on the roof.” Rick ran out of the office.

  “What about Ty and Katie?” Jess yelled out.

  Rick ignored the last question, making his way to the roof access stairs. He pushed the heavy door open and stopped in the center of the roof. More gunshots rang out, telling him what direction they were coming from. He raced to the north edge of the building scanning the other side of the river. He could see nothing. He knew the gunshots were coming from the Convention Center but a small ridge blocked his view. Gunshots continued. Ty and Katie ran out onto the roof. They spotted Rick running to his side.

  “What’s up Rick?” Ty asked.

  Rick didn’t answer. Katie sensed something wrong with Rick. His body language told the whole story. She backed up a few steps watching the two men scanning the area with binoculars raised.

  “Dude, what’s going on out there? Did you see anything?” Ty asked again with impatience.

  Again Rick failed to answer him and walked away. He didn’t look at Katie as he walked by. She knew in that moment Rick had heard or seen her and Ty making love. She shook her head thinking back to stupid high school crushes and hurt feelings. This couldn’t be happening. Ty turned seeing Rick walk away. He made eye contact with Katie, shrugging his shoulders. She shook her head. Ty continued scanning the city. Jess finally made it to the roof stopping at the door as Rick stepped inside.

  “Did you see anything?”

  “It’s at the Convention Center. Nothing to see.” Rick coldly brushed by Jess descending the stairs. Jess watched him clear the bottom step.

  “What’s up with Rick?” Jess asked.

  “I think he knows about me and Ty. Knows that we’re involved.” Katie bluntly explained.

  “Are you kidding?” Jess asked surprised.

  Ty heard the conversation, spinning around looking Katie in the eye. Jess looked quickly at Ty giving a confused look.

  “Shit Katie. This is a delicate situation. You shouldn’t blurt stuff out like that.” Ty stated in a stern manner.

  “Why not Ty. The world is ending and I’m not about to go out without ever loving someone.”

  Ty stared back at Katie. His expression softened a bit. He knew last night was special but he never imagined she would fall in love with him.

  “Do you love me, Katie?”

  Katie stared back at him with a soft smile. She began to blush.

  “You do love me. With everything that’s happened you found time to fall in love. You’ve amazed me from the first time I met you and you continue to amaze me.” Ty walked closer to her.

  Katie blushed as she dipped her head, staring at the rooftop. Jess stood in stunned silence. He knew there was a spark between the two but he didn’t know they had acted on it. Ty took another step closer, as gunshots ceased.

  “I have to say, Katie, without you, this whole adventure would have sucked.”

  “Hey. What about me?” Jess asked jokingly as he walked to the edge of the roof.

  “You’re psycho and you know it, Sundance.” Ty said never taking his eyes off Katie.

  Jess just smiled looking out over the river.

  “It took the world ending to bring us together but here we are and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Ty placed his hand under Katie’s chin, gently lifting her face. Her misty eyes met his and he smiled.

  “You know I love you. I’d fight through this Hell all over again if it meant I could be with you.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Nobody has ever told me that they love me. I don’t know how to react. I don’t know what to say back. I’m the brash one. I’m the outspoken one. You’re not supposed to match…”

  Ty kissed her deeply, pulling her in close and holding her tight. Their lips parted and he whispered to her. “It took Hell on earth but I found you. I’ll never let you go.”

  “For Christ sakes, get a room and never ever say crap like that again while I’m around.” Jess said loudly.

  Katie held Ty tightly and spoke softly in his ear. “I need to talk to Rick.”


  Multiple zombies stood outside the main entrance of the Convention Center. Some leaned against the large front doors, an unknown instinct motivated them. They milled about the open grounds surrounding the Center, never moving far from the main building. New arrivals staggered onto the grounds daily and overstayed their welcome to the dismay of the lookouts who peered down upon the growing numbers.

  “It’s one big Grateful Dead concert out there without the shitty music.”

  Mike shook his head and went back to watching the dead through his binoculars. “That’s the third time you’ve used that joke.”

  “Yeah, it’s a good one. Did you see the new girl, the blonde with the big tits?”

  “Yeah, she’s in pretty good shape too, not much rotting going on there.”

  “How many more can possibly be out there?”

  Mike looked over to his lookout partner and shook his head.

  “I have no idea. I would’ve thought they’d have stopped coming several days ago but the numbers keep growing. The supply detail better get moving soon before its too thick out there.”<
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  “Do you wish you were going with them?”

  “Nah, not my scene. I like sitting up here. It’s a nice view and it keeps me away from my ex-wife. How that bitch survived this is beyond me. She couldn’t even put gas in the car without complaining about it yet the world come to an end and she makes it to the one safe spot in the city. She probably nagged the zombies to death on her way here.” Mike answered as he once again peered through his binoculars. “Man, they just keep coming.”

  “You guys ready for this?” The question crackled from a small two-way radio.

  Mike reached down for the radio. He keyed the button. “Yeah were ready. Just give the word. It’s starting to rain again so tell the guys to watch their footing”

  “Will do. We should be ready in about five.” A female’s voice on the other end sounded.

  A quiet hush fell upon the citizens of the Convention Center as they gathered around the latest volunteers willing to risk their own lives for the betterment of their fellow survivors. They gathered quietly giving their support for the nine men who would soon leave the Center in search of desperately needed supplies. Nine men from drastically different walks of life drew straws. Short straw equals point man.

  “Yep, I knew this would happen.” Jack Elliott, self proclaimed poet, substitute school teacher and man of the world stood in the middle of the group with his old cowboy hat pulled down low over his eyes. He hadn’t trimmed his graying beard in some time and his clothes were a disheveled mess. He stood before eight men looking to him as their point man, first out the door and first to encounter the Hell walking outside.

  “OK, listen up. Jack’s the man. We move when he moves. He’s the eyes in front of us and he has the call for which vehicle we go to first. The only way this is going to work is if we can work together as a team and stay in the wedge like we rehearsed.” Adam Derroll, recently unemployed car salesman and former Call of Duty: Black Ops tournament champion of the greater north state, stood in the middle of the group speaking. All eyes fixed on him during his impromptu speech. Listening carefully to what Adam said the men nodded in agreement. During the last few days of preparation for the mission Adam’s voice had been the loudest when discussing strategy.

  The strategy meetings lasted for hours at a time with Gates sitting in on several of them.

  Once satisfied they knew what they were doing, he decided to release command of the group to the group itself. A new democracy made up of nine men who will either prove saviors or failures, probably the latter, Gates thought watching the men prepare from the top of the main staircase. He reserved little hope for the mission’s success but knew another supply detail would lift the remaining survivors spirits. Besides, once we’re rescued I will be the hero. Gates wished the men well.


  Through the curious onlookers Littleton made his way to the main floor stopping short of the supply detail. He stood in silence for a moment until the men noticed his presence. Several of the men in the detail including Jack had sat in on some of the Reverend’s sermons.

  “Gentlemen, I would like to wish you luck on your mission. I know some of you have never been to my meetings and may not share the same belief in God that I, and some of your brothers in arms do. I am not here to convert you; I am here to simply wish you luck. In my own way I will pray for each and every one of you and will ensure that candles burn bright to light your path home.” Littleton moved closer to the group motioning for them to step in close as Gates watched. Littleton placed a hand on the shoulder of the man standing next to him.

  “Do not fear what you see on the other side of these walls. It may appear that Hell has come above ground but I assure you Hell is a much worse place. This “infection” as it is being called, will be explained in time. Choose your paths wisely and you will avoid the valley of death and return here to safety. No matter your faith, there is a higher power at work here and he will help guide you. I give you my sincerest gratitude along with the citizens huddled together in this building. God speed my friends.” Littleton was pleased to see they had all bowed their heads in respect.


  Atop the staircase Gates realized Littleton was a legitimate threat to his command and would have to be dealt with. “Crazy preacher. Talk all you want for now. Soon you will learn who the real savior is in this place.” Gates said turning to walk back to his office.


  Jack examined his shotgun, ammunition belt, and finally his two sidearms. The men conducted final weapons checks signaling the “go” sign. In the wedge three men carried keys to vehicles while Jack remained the point man. Three vehicles and one alternate were selected based on their close proximity to the main entrance of the Center and current condition. Trucks, SUV’s and van’s were the desired vehicles.

  “OK, boys, were ready down here. Give me a head count and location.” A female voice broke the silence for the lookouts.

  “You’re in luck. There are two main groups standing at 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock. I count thirteen at 9 and only eight at 12 o’clock. The landing outside the main entrance has three Walkers, two to the left, about twenty feet from the doors. Use shotguns. Barring any Runners, you have a pretty clear path to the black Chevy. Keep your heads down. We’ll start picking off Walkers in the two main groups.” Mike put the radio down readying himself. His partner moved down several feet to gain a better view of the west parking area. Both men held deer rifles equipped with scopes. Ponchos were pulled over their heads in an attempt to keep the scopes dry. The rain fell hard.

  “Head shots.” Mike said aloud. His partner nodded while scanning the zombies for Runners.

  Jack faced the group with trembling hands forcing him to tighten his grip on the shotgun. He scanned the faces of the eight men while reciting a poem in his head.

  Within my life I have never seen

  Within my life I have never been

  Strike the light and let the darkness in

  Within my life I will live

  Within my life I will…

  Jack repeated the poem over and over, recalling a boyhood friend whom had a passion for gothic writings. He couldn’t remember if his friend had helped with the poem or simply liked it. Why can’t I remember? His muscles tensed. Panic set in and his breaths grew shallow. They all stared at him. Jack closed his eyes taking a deep breath slipping his hand into his jacket pocket. The Hotwheel car his son loved so much rested at the bottom. Caressing the small car calmed his nerves, allowing him to open his eyes.

  Nine men stood silently awaiting departure. Rain pounded the roof of the Center echoing through the building. Jack racked the first shell into the firing chamber of his 12-gauge shotgun with a resounding snap.

  “Ready?” Jack asked in his best I’m not scared shitless tone.

  The group shook their heads, holding their firearms at the ready. Jack placed his hand on the doors push bar. He hesitated finishing the last line of the poem once more in his head then pushed the bar. The solid wood door was heavier than he had anticipated. He found himself pushing harder with his one free hand not finding time to steady the shotgun. What seemed an eternity only took the briefest part of a second. The door swung open and hit a walking corpse between the eyes knocking the bloated child to the ground. Jack tripped falling hard to the concrete steps. A stinging sensation spread up his right arm and Jack quickly realized he had smashed his elbow on the concrete.

  The first discharged round deafened Jack’s left ear, leaving something wet on his face. Stunned, Jack didn’t move until he felt hands grabbing at his back. The bloated zombie, now headless, was shaking on the ground next to him. Jack looked to his left realizing he was starting to run with his new companions. Putrid blood and other wet matter ran down his face. Though his elbow throbbed, Jack found the wherewithal to fight back and fire when needed.

  The wedge, running without its point man moved fluidly. Adam Derroll was the closest thing to a point man leading them to the black Chevy. Adam stopped at the front of
the Suburban taking aim on a slow moving male. He couldn’t tell if the man had been White, Black, Hispanic or...he didn’t think any further. The zombie stumbled towards the Suburban. His grey eyes were sunken and dull. The skin was peeling from the zombie’s body and had turned a deep purplish black. Its mouth opening wide revealing dried withdrawn gums and dirty stained teeth. Rotting flesh around the cheek fell to the ground. Adam pulled the trigger on his borrowed .45. The hollowpoint bullet punched a gaping hole in the back of the zombie’s head knocking it to the ground permanently.

  The men surrounded the Suburban continuing to fire. Thirty yards out a runner emerged catching the attention of the deer hunters. Sharp snaps from the hunting rifles echoed throughout the valley. The runner fell missing most of its head. The Suburban roared to life as the driver yelled for the wedge to move to the next vehicle. A second Chevy, this time a long-bed pick up sat nearly one hundred feet from the Suburban. Zombie’s continued to pour into the Center’s parking lot and main lawn area. The group maneuvered towards their second objective.

  The lookouts continued their sharp-shooting ways. The protection proved the difference between failure and success. Without them certain failure would have befallen the start of the mission. Now at the second vehicle, the group began to feel victory was near. The pick up started on the first attempt. The remaining seven men now made the wedge and moved across the parking lot to the main lawn where a second full size pick up sat. Jack now led the group. His face was stained with dead blood and he smelled of rotting flesh, nonetheless, he led the wedge flawlessly to the third objective.

  The engine on the third objective turned over once. A disheartening clicking sound emitted from under the hood. The feeling of victory quickly turned to “We’re fucked!”

  Jack’s head turned on a swivel at the sound of the malfunctioning engine. Panic followed. Gunfire continued from all around him as his mind sorted through his options. Hordes of undead moved in their direction cutting off the path to the alternate vehicle.


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