Book Read Free

Bolt From the Blue

Page 11

by Tania Sparks

  Nikki hears the door open and turns around. “You comin’ out then?” he asks.

  “Promise me you won’t fuckin’ laugh.” I grin.

  “Promise.” Nikki grins back.

  I open the door and step into the bedroom.

  “Holy shit!” he exclaims. I can see he’s trying desperately not to laugh as the corners of his mouth twitch, but his eyes are sparkling and he’s struggling to contain himself. He suddenly bursts out laughing. “Sorry Trix, but that get-up is just hilarious on you!”

  “You promised me you wouldn’t laugh!” I sulk.

  “I know, I know.” He chuckles trying to get himself under control, “But hell, you look so …different, I can’t believe it.”

  I pout my lips and Nikki sees that I’m not enjoying his hilarity. He steps over to me and embraces me in his arms. His hands quickly move to my ass and he squeezes as he pulls me in close to his body. I can feel his hardness digging into my stomach. He knows I feel it so he grinds against me with a big grin on his face.

  “Really?” I wave my hands up and down my body, “You look at ‘this’ and get turned on?”

  Nikki growls, “It wouldn’t matter what you were wearing beautiful. Every time I see you I get a hard-on. Besides, this look is sorta hot, in a dress-up-sexy-virgin kinda way. I have a hankerin’ to deflower you.”

  I look him in the eye and smirk, “I think that ship’s well and truly sailed. But I might have to keep this get-up and we can play dress-ups later back at the hotel.” I grab his hand and try to pull him out of my room and back downstairs.

  Nikki tugs me back, “Hold up a sec. Just give me a minute. You go downstairs. I’ll just need to go to the bathroom and take care of this.” He gestures to his crotch, “I can’t exactly go down with a raging hard-on trying to escape from my jeans can I!”

  I giggle and slap him on the bum as I push him towards the bathroom. “Go on then, go and take care of yourself. I’ll go downstairs and try not to think about what you’re doing up here.”

  “You could always give me a hand…literally.” He tries to grab me but I quickly duck out his reach and dart out the door on a smile.

  I make my way back downstairs. A short while later Nikki follows.

  We spend the next hour eating a delicious meal that Mama’s prepared. Just as we’re finishing up dessert, the doorbell rings.

  Mama chirps, “That would be our visitor.”

  I see Daddy give her a warning scowl. “Perhaps you should have phoned and cancelled.”

  Mama scowls back at him, “Oh don’t be silly, it’s just some old friends having a friendly drink, no harm.” Mama gets up and heads towards the door.

  After a minute or two she comes strolling back into the room. Unfortunately close behind her is Adam! My ex high school boyfriend! What the hell! My stomach drops to my toes and I’m sure I turn as pale as a sheet.

  Nikki looks at me worriedly as he whispers, “You okay Trix? You don’t look too well.”

  I edge my seat closer to him, “No, not really but I’ll explain later.”

  Adam saunters over to me and leans down to give me a kiss on the cheek. I quickly pull my head away so he misses. He glowers at me angrily, but by the time he’s standing upright again he has a smarmy smile back on his face.

  Nikki growls beside me.

  Adam chirps merrily, “Trixie, lovely to see you again. You’re looking very nice this evening.”

  I can’t believe the balls of this guy, what an absolute jerk!

  I swiftly realize that I’m acting like the silly naive girl he hurt all those years ago and I remember who I am now – a confident, self-assured woman who doesn’t have to take his crap. I stand up abruptly, making my chair scrape along the floor. Nikki stands with me. I take an angry step towards Adam and spit, “It’s not so nice to see you dickhead, and you’re looking as fuckin’ dawky as ever.”

  Mama gasps in shock, “Trixie! That’s extremely rude and it’s no way for a lady to speak. Adam agreed to come over for a nice chat. I thought you two could catch up. Adam is still single and I thought that maybe…”

  Nikki growls and mutters under his breath, “What the fuck!” He’s standing beside me with his arm wrapped possessively around my shoulder as he glares at Adam who only now has noticed Nikki’s presence.

  Mama looks over to Nikki and looks ashamed as she realizes what she just said.

  I screech at her, “Mama, you’ve got to be kidding me. You do realize that when Adam and I were supposedly a couple back in high school, the bastard was fucking everything with a vagina. He’s a manipulative, cheating cock-sucker who has no damned right coming here knowing how he treated me.”

  Daddy comes and stands on the other side of me and whispers in my ear, “Sorry princess, your Mom and I had no idea.” Daddy has no hesitation in believing what I say is true. He stares at Adam sternly, “Adam, I think you should leave. You know the way out. You can show yourself to the door.”

  Mama agrees, “Yes Adam, please leave.” She nods towards the door. A scowling look replaces her normally serene features.

  Adam has turned an angry shade of red as he glares at me, moves his focus to Nikki and glares at him. He then nods his head at Mama and Daddy and curtly says, “Ma’am, Sir. This is all just a big misunderstanding, you know how Trixie can be. But as you’ve requested me to leave, I’ll leave, I don’t want to ruin your evening. We can sort this out later.”

  He strides up to Nikki and glowers at him before leaning into my ear. He whispers so only I can hear, “It’s about time you grew up and came back home Trixie. You should settle down. I won’t wait forever you know.”

  I screech, “What the fuck, you sicko. Get the hell out of here.” I point towards the door.

  Nikki steps closer to him threateningly and barks, “You heard the lady. Out. Now!”

  Adam turns and strides out of the room.

  Nikki pulls me into him and I bury my face in his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me comfortingly.

  Daddy pats me on the shoulder. “Well that was a bit of a disaster wasn’t it?” he chuckles.

  Mama walks up to me, “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. Adam’s been talking about how he misses you, I just thought…”

  I know Mama was just trying to be helpful, but still, “Mama, why on earth have you been talking to Adam?”

  Mama looks a bit sheepish, “He works for me now. He’s a Junior Partner at the law firm.”

  “Holy shit Mama. He’s a slimy, manipulative cheater. What made you think I’d want to talk to that loser anyway?”

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t know. He’s always made it sound like you two would reconnect after you had got over your rebellious streak. I made a mistake.”

  I hear Nikki growl besides me. I snuggle into him, stand on my tippy toes and give him a kiss on his lips. “I’ll tell you the full story later. But I can tell you now, there’s no way in hell I’d ever go back to that jerk.”

  Nikki squeezes me tightly and gives me a reassuring hug.

  I look over my shoulder to Mama, “What were you thinking? I’m here with Nikki, and even if Nikki wasn’t here, there’s no way I’d want to see that jerk again.”

  Mama looks ashamed and walks up to Nikki, sincerity in her eyes, “I’m so sorry Nikki, I misjudged the whole situation. When Trixie arrived with you, I should have contacted Adam and told him not to come. I just thought that two old friends could catch up. I’m so sorry, I made a mistake and I didn’t mean to underrate you in any way.”

  “That’s okay Ma’am.” Nikki says politely, even though I know he’s steaming mad. He kisses me affectionately on top of my head. “I just don’t like seeing Trixie upset.”

  Mama wraps her arms around the both of us. “I’m sorry Trixie. I’m sorry Nikki.”

  Daddy’s phone starts to ring. He takes few steps away from us, presumably to get a bit of privacy. We can all hear him saying, “Yes… okay… good… good… fine… mmm…Okay, overall pretty good then.
I’m pleased with that. Thanks for your help on that one Jim. I appreciate it.” He hangs up the phone.

  I ask, “Was that Jim, your security guy?”

  “Sure was.” Daddy answers without elaborating. I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. Daddy turns to Nikki, “How ‘bout we men go to the den and try out those cigars you brought? Let’s leave the pretty ladies to catch up on their gossip.”

  Nikki looks at me, silently asking if I’ll be okay. I nod my head and he responds politely, “Sure Sir, that would be nice.” The two of them stroll off to the den.

  Once Daddy and Nikki are out of earshot I turn to Mama, “Please don’t tell me that Daddy got Jim to run a check on Nikki?”

  Mama just shrugs her shoulders, “You know your Daddy, he’s just looking out for you.”

  “Holy shit Mama!”

  “Language!” she admonishes. “Don’t worry about it, by the sounds of your Daddy’s reaction, the report was good. If it hadn’t been Nikki would be out on his butt by now, not smoking cigars in the den.”

  “I suppose you’re right. But still, where’s the boundaries here?” I ask.

  “Sweetie, you’re still our little girl, we’ll always be looking out for you.”

  I sigh. “Yeah Mama, I know.”

  After giving Mama another telling off about her monumental mistake with Adam, we agree to drop the subject and get back to chit-chatting pleasantly.

  After a while I decide to go and rescue Nikki so we can head back to the hotel. I expect to find him getting a stern talking to from Daddy. When I walk inside it’s anything but what I expected. They both have cigars in their mouths. Daddy has a glass of whisky perching on the edge of the pool table. Nikki’s taking a sip of whisky from his glass and they’re both laughing jovially.

  “Well, aren’t we having a bit of fun in here,” I chuckle.

  Daddy looks over to me. “You have a fine boy here. I think he might be a keeper.”

  I turn bright red in embarrassment, “Jesus Daddy. How much have you had to drink?”

  Nikki’s standing there with a big smirk on his face. Daddy chuckles and waves his hand at me to come over to him. “We’ve only had one or two.” He hands me his pool cue, “Here princess, why don’t you take my shot for me.”

  I take the pool cue and reposition myself around the other side of the table so my ass is facing Nikki. I lean over to take my shot, my cream skirt riding indecently up my thighs. I hear Nikki clearing his throat as he quickly moves away so he’s no longer behind me.

  I take the shot and sink the winning ball.

  “One more game?” Daddy questions.

  Nikki pipes up first, “No, no thank you Jack. Trixie and me need to get going.”

  “Okay son. It was nice to meet you. Hopefully we’ll see you around here again soon.”

  Daddy makes a quick phone call to the driver and escorts us back out to the kitchen where we say goodbye to Mama. Nikki politely thanks her for her amazing home cooking. He gives her a polite kiss on the cheek, which makes her blush. Nikki shakes Daddy’s hand confidently and thanks him for an enjoyable evening.

  We make our way outside and jump into the waiting town car. Nikki and I both wave out the back window. I wait until we get down to the end of the driveway then I say to Nikki, “Well, I guess I failed on the whole shock value of bringing home a dirty rocker. Both Mama and Daddy think you’re absolutely delightful!”

  Nikki puts his arm around my shoulder. “Yeah, your folks are really cool. I was quite worried that they’d hate me and kick me out on my ass, but they made me feel real welcome.”

  “You realize that Daddy had his security guy check you out and submit a report to him don’t you? That was what that call was all about before you went off to the den.”

  “Hmmm” Nikki hums, “I thought he knew a bit more about me than I’d let on.”

  I shake my head, “My Daddy probably knows more about you than I do!”

  Nikki grins and shrugs his shoulders, “Don’t worry darlin’ we’ve got a lifetime to learn about each other, we’ve only just got started.”

  I nuzzle into him. I can’t wait to learn more and share more.

  After a couple of minutes of snuggling, Nikki asks, “So what’s the story with that jerk-face Adam?”

  I tell Nikki all about how Adam treated me in high school and how it changed my entire attitude and approach to life. In fact it changed my whole personality for that matter. I’m much stronger now, more assertive and I go after what I want. In a way the whole experience has made me a much better person. Nikki listens attentively to the whole story and I get the impression that he’s developing a hatred for Adam as strong as my own.

  His hand lifts to my chin and he positions my face so I’m looking at him. His eyes are warm as he sincerely tells me, “Well I for one am pleased that you are who you are. This innocent virgin get up might be hot for dress-ups…” He swipes his eyes over my cream skirt and apricot twin set cardigan, “But I fuckin’ love the sexy sassy girl that I know is the real you.” His lips move to mine and he kisses me passionately. We make out like a couple of horny teenagers all the way back to the hotel.

  Chapter 11

  We get back to the hotel. It’s already quite late but it seems everyone’s still up and are all quietly socializing in the suite. We grab ourselves a couple of drinks and make our way over to the sofas. Nikki plonks himself down and pulls me onto his lap, nuzzling into my neck and placing a kiss just below my ear.

  Scott chuckles, “Fuck Nikki, did you trade Trixie in for a preppy college girl?”

  Shit, I’d forgotten that I was still dressed in the clothes that Mama wanted me to wear. I should have got changed.

  Nikki grins cheekily, “Yeah, thought I’d break in this innocent little virgin tonight, sounded like fun.” he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.

  I dig him in the ribs with my elbow. He groans in protest and rumbles, “What, not my fault you look all prim and proper.”

  Eve laughs, “I presume your Mom wanted you to dress more appropriately?”

  “Yeah, you know what she’s like. She wanted me to be all gussied up and proper. It was just easier to change clothes than to argue about it.”

  Ash buries his face in Eve’s neck. “That gives me an idea Angel. Maybe you can put on some of your work clothes, something prim and proper. And don’t forget to wear some of those sexy stockings and garters underneath. I can pretend I’ve got my own little naughty innocent.”

  I laugh at the guys train of thought, “You two are sickos, you know that? What is it about men and their preoccupation with wanting to corrupt innocents?”

  Hansen mumbles, “Mmm, there’s just something fuckin’ hot about taking a nice clean girl and getting her all dirtied up.”

  Scott agrees, “Yeah and there’s nothing better than us dirty rockers to take good girls and make them bad.”

  Eve and I just shake our heads. Cody leans over and whispers something into Kitty’s ear which makes her giggle. Nikki scowls at Cody. Cody just grins back.

  We all continue to talk and drink until well past midnight. We finally retire to our own rooms.

  I walk over to the bed and start to remove my clothes. Nikki quickly darts over to me and grasps me by my hips, spinning me around to face him.

  “Nah ah darlin’, I told you, that preppy college girl get-up is as sexy as hell, and those pearls around your neckline, they’re just screaming to be ripped off with my teeth. No you’re not just gonna take those clothes off. I want a show. I wanna see my sexy little virgin girl get nasty.”

  He rakes his eyes up and down my body as he runs his forefinger along the row of pearls at my neckline. With a mischievous grin he excitedly rumbles, “Strip tease time sweetheart!”

  He gently guides me across the room and places me purposefully in the space between the end of the bed and the desk.

  “Just wait here until the music starts.” He’s grinning wildly and is bouncing around excitedly on the balls of his feet

  No problem. If it’s a show he wants, that’s what he’ll get, I’ll put on a display he won’t forget.

  He pulls out his phone and plugs it into the docking station. He presses a few buttons as he scrolls through his playlist and then mumbles, “Ah huh, his one’s perfect.”

  He settles himself onto the bed, leaning his back against the headboard, his legs bent and spread wide, his arms resting on his knees and his eyes focused on me.

  The music starts. It’s Marilyn Manson’s Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). The sound of the guitar reverberates erotically and the sexy tune echoes through the room. He holds up his hand and gestures in a twirling motion. “Start dancing baby.”

  I start off slowly, swaying and gyrating my body seductively in time to the music. I promenade around the room. Nikki’s heated eyes burn with desire as they follow my every move. I imagine his hands sliding across my body, stroking and caressing me. I emulate how he would touch me as I glide my fingers over every inch of me. My body heats and my skin tingles as my hands whisper across my skin.

  Just seeing the carnal desire on his face encourages me to step it up, so when the music starts to get heavier, I reach up and untie the cream scarf from my hair. My blonde and blue strands fall and flow over my shoulders. I rotate my head causing my hair to swish around my face wildly. I toss the scarf towards Nikki and it lands across his leg, but he’s not watching the scarf, his focus is solely on me. A smirk tugs at his lips. He’s enjoying this.

  The music slows again as the tension and expectation increases. I slowly remove my apricot cardigan and throw it so it lands on the bottom of the bed. I grind my body to the music then I stroke my hands over my breasts moving down until I can reach the hem of my pearled top. I slip my hands underneath, teasing at the prospect of removing it, but taking my time. I gradually drag it upwards exposing myself slowly, eventually lifting it up and over my head. I hold it out to the side, hooked on one finger, then drop it to the ground.

  I’m now wearing just my cream skirt and a black lace bra. I run my finger along the edge of the lace letting one finger slip inside to rotate around my nipple, I toss my head back and moan erotically. Lifting my head and refocussing on Nikki, I seductively run my hands over my waist and hips as I continue to dance to the music.


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