Book Read Free

Bolt From the Blue

Page 17

by Tania Sparks

  As soon as I walk through the door Nikki’s on me. He wraps his arms around me, putting his hands on my ass and lifting me off the ground. I wrap my legs around him. He rumbles, “Right, where the fuck’s that god-damned bus?”

  He carries me through the long winding corridors, striding resolutely until we reach an emergency exit door. He presses my ass down onto the metal bar so it unlocks and kicks it open with his boot. Just outside the door there are four buses and two large trucks lined up. Roadies are already packing them with gear. One of the buses is particularly flashier than the others. Nikki strides his way up to that one and announces, “This one’s for us.”

  “Four buses?” I ask.

  “Just this one’s for the band. The rest of the crew will be following in convoy in the other three buses and the trucks once they’ve packed down all the gear.”

  We step inside, quickly followed by the others. It’s a really nice bus, just as nice as a stylish hotel room, but smaller of course. The driver steps out from the front cabin area. He’s an older guy with greying hair and a cheery smile, “Hey fellas, long time no see,” he chirps.

  The guys all shake his hand and pat him on the shoulder. Nikki introduces him to me, “Trixie, this is Russ. Russ is the best damned tour bus driver in the world. He’s been driving us for years. Russ this is my girlfriend Trixie.”

  Russ raises his eyebrows at Nikki in question.

  Nikki answers, “Yes, that’s right, my girlfriend, like proper girlfriend!”

  Russ smiles and pats me on the arm, “Girlfriend huh? We’ll have to have a chat later. I can tell you a few interesting stories about this group of vagabonds.”

  I chuckle, “That would be cool, I always find stories about Nikki’s antics…entertaining.”

  Nikki groans and rolls his eyes. After Russ has a catch-up with everyone else, he does a quick headcount and declares, “Okay, let’s hit the road.” He makes his way to the driver’s seat, starts the engine and we pull away. Everyone starts to make their way to the lounge area. Nikki slaps my bum and tells me, “Take a seat for a few minutes, I have some stuff to get ready in the bedroom and then I’ll come back and get you. I have some plans for you tonight.” He nips me on my earlobe and paces off towards the back bedroom. As the bus is so small, everyone hears his little announcement and they chuckle to themselves. I don’t embarrass easily, but Nikki’s so darned brazen. I guess they’re all so used to living in such close quarters that they don’t have a problem with having no secrets or privacy.

  After a few minutes Nikki comes back and grabs my hand, pulling me up from my seat. He starts to drag me towards the back of the bus. He’s walking so fast, I’m practically having to run to keep up with him. Talk about eager!

  Eve laughs and yells out after us, “Have fun!”

  We stride along the long corridor past a whole section of bunk beds and we crash through the door at the end into a small bedroom. It’s barely big enough to fit the double bed that’s in the middle of the room. Nikki slams the door shut behind us and clicks the lock. The room is dimly lit and half a dozen candles are glowing around the room. There’s melodic music playing in the background. It’s very romantic but at the same time is extremely erotic. I lower myself onto the bed and lie on my back, propping myself up on my elbows. Nikki’s standing at the end of the bed with a sexy smirk on his lips and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

  He starts to remove his clothes. He unbuttons his shirt slowly, button by button, his eyes are constantly fixed on mine. He slides it from his shoulders exposing his strong shoulders, totally ripped stomach and sexy chest. I lick my lips as I imagine tracing my tongue over every line and every muscle, which is exactly what I plan on doing very soon.

  I sit up, untie the knot at the front of my shirt and slip it off, dropping it to the floor. Nikki peruses me with burning attention, his focus stops on my breasts. He nods his head indicating for me to remove my bra as well. I do as instructed and unhook the clasp, eliciting a groan from him. He’s biting his lip and is running his tongue over his lip ring. He looks so damned sexy. I feel my heartbeat instantly increase as he unbuckles his belt and then unzips his jeans, lowering them down his legs and kicking them off. He’s not wearing any underwear and he springs free, his hard-as-steel cock jutting out in ready invitation. Oh my fucking god!

  I need to get my clothes off quickly so I reach down, undo my jeans and slip them, along with my panties, down my legs, gently tossing them to the floor. I lower myself so I’m lying down. We’re both motionless perusing each other in admiration. Nikki crawls up onto the bed and straddles over my hips. He leans over me, I can feel his cock brush against my stomach and it causes a shiver of pleasure to shoot straight to my pussy. I clench my thighs trying to relieve the ache and can feel myself getting wet already. His lips gently touch mine, his breath tickles over my face. He kisses me tenderly and then murmurs, “Do you trust me?”

  I look into his eyes and see not only lust but something else, something deeper. “Of course I trust you,” I whisper.

  “I want to try something, but if it gets too much or if you don’t like it, just tell me and I’ll stop.”

  He’s got me curious, what on earth does he have planned?

  He picks up one of my hands and places it above my head. He reaches beside the bed and pulls out a strap from under the mattress and wraps it around my wrist, securing it firmly. “This okay?” he asks.

  I nod my head in agreement. One of the things he bought from the adult sex shop must have been this very extravagant restraint system. It’s made from black webbing straps but the cuff that he’s securing around my wrist is made of soft velvet-like fabric and is actually very comfortable. The thought of letting Nikki do this to me definitely excites me. He secures my other wrist and then slides down the bed and fastens each of my ankles too. I’m now completely naked and spread-eagled on the bed, totally helpless and at his mercy to do whatever he wants to me. God, he hasn’t even touched me yet and my body is practically vibrating in eagerness.

  He stands beside the bed and admires his handy-work, “Fuckin’ beautiful,” he mumbles as his eyes scan my restrained body. He puts his index finger in his mouth then sucks and licks it. He reaches down and traces the wetness down between my breasts, over my stomach and lower…he almost strokes me where I’m desperate to feel him but instead he moves around my hip and continues to run his finger softly down my thigh, over my knee and down to my toes. My body tingles and my skin burns at his touch. My breathing accelerates and my heart is pounding loudly in my chest.

  He’s now standing at the bottom of the bed. He leans down and picks up a large plain paper shopping bag that I hadn’t noticed before. Even though it has no logo on it, I recognize it from the adult shop we visited earlier today. He places it on the end of the bed, reaches into the bag and pulls something out. I try to lift my head to look up and see what he has, “What’s that?” I enquire.

  Nikki quickly hides it behind his back and grins, “Nah ah darlin’, I have a whole selection of things in this magic bag here to tease and pleasure you. No looking, I want each and every one to be a surprise.”

  I pout my lips in an exaggerated sulk.

  Nikki rumbles and with a grin warns, “Am I gonna have to blindfold you?”

  I grin back, “Maybe…”

  I see a thought flash across his face. He slowly gets up from the bed, holds up his finger and rumbles, “Hold that thought…” He walks towards the door, opens it up a crack and yells out, “Hansen, come here for a minute.”

  What the fuck! I’m tied up and helpless, fully on display for anyone that walks into the room, “Nikki, what are you doing…”

  Nikki chuckles, “Not what you think.”

  Hansen quickly comes to the door, but Nikki doesn’t let him in. Instead he whispers something to him and Hansen disappears. Hopefully he couldn’t see past Nikki’s large frame that takes up most of the doorway. I can hear Hansen shuffling off down the corridor hurriedly. After a f
ew seconds he’s back at the door again. He hands Nikki some items and rumbles, “So am I invited too?”

  “No, not this time.” Nikki chuckles.

  Hansen groans, “Fuck man, I wouldn’t have gone and got you that shit if I didn’t think I was invited to the party.”

  “Not tonight.” Nikki growls as he closes the door.

  “What did Hansen go and get for you?” I ask.

  He grins, “Ice, syrup and a can of whipped cream.”

  I laugh, “Shit Nikki, now the whole freakin’ bus knows exactly what we’ll be doing!”

  Nikki just sniggers, “Honey, I think they already knew what we’re doing.”

  “Suppose,” I huff playfully. “Anyway, how the hell do you have whipped cream on a tour bus?”

  Nikki continues to chuckle, “Just normal rock star supplies. We have a standing order – beer, whisky, condoms and whipped cream. You won’t find much else in the cupboards, but those are the four essentials.”

  I shake my head in amusement and ask, “Was Hansen serious about coming in and joining us?”

  “Hell yeah he was! He’ll take every opportunity if it’s given to him. His favorite thing to do is to watch people fuck. That’s what gets him off.”

  “So he doesn’t participate, he just watches?”

  “Well, no...more often than not he participates. But he doesn’t have to fuck, sometimes he just…ummm…helps.” Nikki looks a little uncomfortable at divulging that little tit-bit of information. These guys obviously get up to some freaky stuff, but I haven’t exactly been an angel myself and it’s sort of turning me on even more hearing about it.

  My eyes sparkle with inquisitiveness, “Hmm, interesting,” I purr.

  Nikki raises his eyebrows in mock shock. “Does that interest you party girl?”

  “It long as it’s just me and you that’s doing the fucking.”

  “Well I want you all to myself tonight darlin’. But I’ll talk to Hansen and see if he’s up for it another time. But I tell you this sweetheart, he won’t be fucking that sweet pussy of yours, that’s all mine. It’s for me and me only.”

  Nikki reaches into the bag as he rumbles, “Now, let’s have some fun.” He pulls out a red silk scarf. He holds it up so I can see it, “Right, now for that blindfold.”

  He repositions himself and straddles my body with his legs. Shuffling himself up my body he gently lifts my head and secures the scarf over my eyes. A low growl emanates from him and he rumbles, “There, perfect. Now you can’t see what I’m up to, all you can do is feel, and I’m gonna make you feel so fuckin’ good.”

  I feel him move so he’s kneeling beside me and I hear the switch of a vibrator being turned on and it hums to life. He softly traces it all over my body, starting with my upper arm and moving down over my breasts as he circles my nipples. The sensation is unusual but nice, very, very nice. The anticipation is killing me. The vibrator is slowly dragged over my stomach, closer and closer to where I really want to feel it. I start to lift my hips rhythmically in eagerness. I can hear Nikki quietly chuckle but the vibrator is lifted from my body and I hear the humming stop. I plead, “Nikki, please…”

  “Shush,” he replies, “No talking, just feeling. You said you trust me, just trust that I’ll make you feel incredible.”

  I groan in agreement.

  The next thing I feel is icy cold drips of water splattering over my breasts. I jump slightly in shock at the coldness. Nikki holds the ice against my skin and runs a cold line down between my breasts, right down to my stomach. I don’t need to see it to know that the ice is starting to melt as soon as it hits my hot skin. The ice is dragged over my body until I can feel that it’s completely melted.

  He repositions himself so he is again straddling my legs. He leans over me and his mouth latches over one of my nipples. I can feel the hotness of his mouth as his tongue swirls but he also has ice in his mouth and the sensation of the hotness of his mouth and icy coldness of the ice feels amazing.

  I hear the shaking of the can of whipped cream and then the hiss of it being sprayed over my nipples. I then feel the warmness of the syrup being added. I expect Nikki to lean down and start devouring me, but he doesn’t. He slides down my body and settles between my legs. I hear the hissing of the can of whipped cream again as he covers my pussy with it. He adds some syrup and then he quietly groans, “Fuck, that just looks good enough to eat. In fact I’m starving…” He reaches up and undoes the scarf covering my eyes as he mumbles, “You have to see this Trix.” He shuffles himself back down and lowers his head. He licks a long stroke right along me as I watch him. His face is radiating pure pleasure as he licks and sucks. It feels so good and I moan at the sensations coursing through my body. He moves up my body and sucks the cream and syrup from my nipples then moves back down to my pussy, making sure he has removed every last trace.

  I hadn’t even noticed him pick up the vibrator until I hear it start to hum as it’s pressed against my clit. “Oh my god!” I cry loudly. Nikki chuckles as he circles the vibrator around and around, varying the pressure and speed and driving me fucking crazy. He circles my entrance and then slides it inside. The vibrations echo through my entire body as he glides it back and forth and rotates it around and around, hitting all the right spots. I can feel an orgasm building as my pussy involuntarily clenches and unclenches around the toy. He lowers his head and his lips secure on my clit as he sucks strongly and through mumbled breath he rumbles, “That’s it, let it go, let me see you come undone. I want to watch you come. I want to taste you.”

  His words boost me on even more as my whole body starts to tingle. Ripples of pleasure pulsate through me and then I explode in an orgasm that is so hard, so unbelievably all-encompassing that I’m not sure if I even stay conscious.

  As my orgasm starts to subside I look up to see Nikki watching me adoringly. He leans down and kisses me softly on my lips, “You are so fucking beautiful.” He reaches to my wrist and starts to undo the restraints. “I really need to be inside you and I want to feel your arms and legs wrapped around me. The other toys I have hidden in my bag will have to wait until another time.”

  Once I’m fully released I sit up and reach across to my shopping bag which was on the floor beside Nikki’s. I grab the couple of small items I had purchased and encourage Nikki to sit so we are both kneeling facing each other.

  “What do you have there?” he asks as I start to unwrap my surprise.

  “I think you’ll like it,” I purr.

  “I’m sure, whatever it is, I’ll love it,” he rumbles.

  I look at him securing his full attention with my eyes. “First I have a question...”

  “Yeah,” he asks hesitantly.

  I’m really nervous about asking him this, “I want to ask you something. I got tested last week and I’m completely clean. I’m not sleeping with anyone else, only you. And I’m on the contraceptive injection. Umm…when was the last time you got tested and am I the only one you’re fucking?”

  Nikki chuckles, “Of course you’re the only one sweetheart. I can’t get you out of my mind. You’re constantly in my thoughts. I haven’t even looked at anyone else since that day you walked into that bar in LA. You’re the only one. I got tested last week too, we must both have been thinking the same thing. I’m clean too…so we gonna do this bareback?” He’s grinning cheekily.

  I bite my lip, “Yeah.”

  “Fuck, I’ve never ridden bareback before.”

  “Me neither.”

  I lift my adult shop purchase and hold it out in front of me. It’s a cock ring. I reach across and start to roll it down over Nikki’s cock. He’s smirking at me.

  I flick on the switch and it starts to vibrate.

  “Fuck!” Nikki exclaims in shock. I encourage him to lie down and I straddle his hips. I slowly lower myself onto him. We both moan in unison. The skin on skin contact is incredible. He’s hot, hard and I can feel everything. It is so much better than with a condom.

  “Oh my…” I can feel him gliding inside me. He sits up so our bodies are crushed together, my legs either side of his hips. The vibration of the cock ring presses right against my clit.

  Nikki groans, “Shit, this feels amazing. I’m not gonna last long baby.”

  He’s holding me by my hips and is moving me up and down, “That’s okay, it’s gonna be really quick for me too. You feel so damned good.”

  Both of our orgasms hit fast and hard as our bodies slap together wildly and our bodies pulsate in perfect synchronization.

  “Holy fuck!” Nikki yells.

  “Oh god!” I yell as waves of ecstasy ripple through me. We continue to move erratically, all of a sudden not in time at all, just frantic fucking.

  Gradually we slow and then stop. We both flop down onto the bed, exhausted and completely satiated. Nikki reaches down and flicks off the switch on the cock ring. “This thing is fuckin’ amazing, but not using a condom, hell, that was incredible. I could feel everything. You were so warm, so wet and so tight. Oh my god, I don’t think I ever want to wear a condom again!”

  I chuckle at his exuberance. We lie there holding each other until our eyes close and we drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  We’ve only been sleeping for about two hours when there’s a knock on the bedroom door. Scott roars, “Time to get the fuck up Nikki. We’ve just arrived in Madison and the limo I’ll be here in ten minutes to take us through to the TV breakfast show. Get your ass out of bed and try to make yourself look pretty.”

  Nikki groans, “Ah shit,” but drags himself out of bed anyway. I pull the covers up over my head and moan, “Oh my god! How do you do this? Late nights, early mornings, constant partying...”

  Nikki chuckles, “We’ve been doing it for years sweetheart, but you never really get used to it. Life on the road is hard. It’s as tiring as hell and when we finally get home we crash and sleep for like a week…but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Go back to sleep, we’ll be back in a couple of hours.”


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