Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 18

by Tania Sparks

  I peek out from under the sheets to watch his naked ass leave the room. Once he’s gone I smile to myself, close my eyes and go back to sleep.

  It seems like I’ve only been asleep for five minutes when I feel the sheets being slowly pulled off me. Nikki’s standing at the foot of the bed, a big smirk on his lips and a cardboard carry tray with two coffees in it. He chuckles, “Time to get up sleepyhead. I brought coffee.”

  I humph and pull myself up, grabbing the sheet and pulling it up to wrap it around me. “It’s just as well you brought me coffee rock star. I can be a grumpy shit if I don’t get much sleep and I can be an absolute bitch if I don’t have coffee.”

  Nikki climbs onto the bed and we shuffle up to lean against the headboard as we sip our drinks.

  I ask, “So what’s the schedule today?”

  “Well, it’s only just turned eleven o’clock so we have about five hours ‘til sound check.”

  “No way! It can’t be eleven already!” I lean across and pick up my phone to look at the time, “Shit!” I exclaim. “I thought you guys were only going to be gone for a couple of hours.”

  “We were Trix. We got back two hours ago, I thought I’d let you sleep for a while.”

  “Jesus. I must have been exhausted. You wear me a good way of course.”

  “Anyway, so I thought we’d fill in the time by having a mosey around. Perhaps a picnic in the park? Then after tonight’s show I thought maybe I could wear you out again.”

  That actually sounds really good. I smile warmly at him and enthusiastically say, “That would be perfect!”

  I spring out of bed, now I’ve had my coffee I’m full of energy and ready to go.


  The bus is parked in a large car park outside the venue where tonight’s show’s being held. On our way out Nikki picks up a blanket and throws a few bits and pieces into a small backpack. He’s arranged for a town car to come and pick us up. We pick up some lunch supplies on the way and get dropped off at a park. Nikki tells the driver that we’ll text him when we want to be picked up.

  We spend the next hour strolling around the park hand in hand. We chat easily and if you asked me what we talked about I wouldn’t be able to tell you – anything, everything. It’s all just so easy spending time with Nikki and although I’ve only known him for a short while, I feel like we know each other so well.

  We find an idyllic spot to have our lunch. Nikki takes the blanket out of his back pack and lays it out on the grass. The temperature’s a bit cool so we snuggle up close to keep each other warm. We bought some cheese, salami and bread, so we lay those out and nibble away on our food while we continue to chat.

  “So what’s your schedule over the next few weeks? I ask.

  “Well the US tour wraps up in about a week then we head back to LA for a couple of weeks. We need to do some final recording and editing on our next album and then we head off to start the European leg of the tour.”

  “I’ll miss you when you’re gone.” I mutter sadly.

  Nikki squeezes me even tighter. “I’ll miss you too.”

  We sit in silence for a few minutes, both of us sadly regretting the consequences of Nikki’s work.

  Nikki gently clasps me by my chin and pulls my face up to meet his, “Perhaps you can fly over and meet up with us. We’re gone a really long time. It’s a six month tour and that’s way too fucking long to not be with you.”

  “I don’t know, I’ll miss you like hell but I can’t be flying off every second weekend. I have responsibilities in LA. Europe’s just too far, by the time I get there I’ll be having to fly back home again.”

  “We’ll figure it out.” Nikki shrugs.

  “Yeah,” I say gloomily. “But let’s not dwell on it today, this picnic is just way too perfect to ruin it with depressing talk.”

  We wrap ourselves in each other’s arms and lie down, pulling the blanket around us to ward off the chill. Our arms and legs are entwined and Nikki’ half lying on top of me. His lips lower to mine and he kisses me gently. It’s a nice, soft, sweet kiss. Unfortunately it also feels like the sort of kiss reserved for when you’re saying good bye.

  The afternoon air is really starting to turn chilly so we decide to head back to the bus. Nikki texts the driver and we’re quickly picked up and transported back to the venue.


  The guys all go to sound check. Me, Eve and Kitty stay back in the bus to relax for a few hours before the concert starts.

  We’re sitting around having a coffee. I turn to Eve and ask her, “How do you do it?”

  She frowns and looks at me in confusion, “How do I do what?” she asks.

  “How do you cope with Ash being on the road all the time, with the separation and with the groupies constantly vying for his attention?”

  “Well, you know our history. You know that I didn’t cope at all well all those years ago in college. When he first started touring, it was hard. Really, really hard. I’ve always trusted Ash explicitly. I know he would never cheat on me. Then when he decided that it wasn’t fair on me to be staying at home pining over him, it was him that broke it off with me, and you know how I handled that!”

  Me and Eve both chuckle as we remember. Then Eve continues, “But honestly since we’ve reconnected we haven’t really been apart. It’s not that I don’t trust him, it’s just that I miss him like crazy, so I made the decision to quit work for a bit and travel with him. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best.”

  Kitty pipes in too, “I’ve toured with these guys a few times, during school holidays and what not. You’re right, they certainly do get up to a lot of mischief, and the girls come and go in a constant stream. Just imagine how I felt, I’ve had a crush on Cody like forever and I’ve had to watch him hook up and cavort with, probably hundreds, of groupies. I mean Nikki’s my brother, but all the guys have been in my life for as long as I remember. If I get the opportunity to travel with them, I always jump at it and never look back.”

  I huff in frustration, “So what you’re both telling me is that it doesn’t really work to be in a relationship with someone that’s constantly on the road, unless you’re actually with them?”

  Eve frowns as she considers my comment, “Well, it could work, but I know for me and Ash the best option for both of us is for us to be together, and if that involves joining him on tour, if that’s what it takes, then that’s what works for me. It might be different for you, you guys are a lot more …” She thinks about it for a few seconds, “a lot more liberal and independent. Maybe being apart for extended periods of time will work for you.” She smirks and then continues, “You did say that you two are gonna see other people when you’re not together. How do you think that’ll work for you?”

  I know Eve’s winding me up. She knows exactly what buttons to push and sometimes I think she knows me better than I think I know myself. I snap back, “It’s not working. I get as jealous as hell. We’ve actually agreed to be exclusive and it’s not that I don’t trust him, it’s just that…well, he’s mine and I don’t want some skanky whore even trying to touch him!”

  Eve and Kitty both burst into laughter. I scowl at them both and tell them, “I’m quickly coming to the conclusion that with me and Nikki it’s gonna have to be an all or nothing sort of deal. There’s no way I want to be the type of girl that sits at home stewing over what her man might be up to. And besides, I think I’d miss him like crazy. It’s hard being away from him for just a few days. Weeks or even months is not gonna work for me at all. I think I’m gonna have to make a decision that either I make some arrangements for the club and travel with him or finish the relationship before he goes.”

  Eve pats me on my knee, “I don’t think finishing it would work for you, or Nikki either for that matter. You’d both be miserable. Surely you can work something out with Caleb at the club and come with us, at least for some of the tour. It would be really cool, an
adventure and it would be great to have some girl company to balance out the testosterone!”

  We all chuckle. Kitty makes the comment, “I could talk to Cody and Nikki and see if they’ll let me come with you guys. It would be cool, we could all hang out together, I haven’t toured with the guys for ages.”

  Eve says, “Oh that would be so cool. I’m sure we can convince the guys to let you come Kitty. The three of us could have a ball, it would be amazing.”

  “I still feel a bit apprehensive. I’ve only known Nikki for a few weeks. I don’t want to encroach on him too much. Maybe he doesn’t want me to come with him?”

  “Nah, he’d be thrilled,” Eve chirps, “Besides, don’t tell anyone I told you but Nikki’s already asked the other guys if they’d mind if you came along. I think he’s already planning on asking you.”

  “Really!” I comment as I smile uncontrollably. “I’ll have a serious think about it. I’d have to organize something at the club and I’m still not sure if it’s the right thing to do, but I’ll consider it. I promise.”

  We all continue to chat until the guys come back from sound check.


  The next three days are a frantic and chaotic mess of concerts, after-parties, media interviews and travel. We hardly get any time when Nikki’s not working. We make the most of every spare minute to spend some private time together. Even with their busy schedule we always make sure we have the time to indulge in each other. I don’t think we could resist it even if we tried.

  Unfortunately while Nikki’s really busy with his normal touring schedule, I have too much time to sit and think and although I’m having an absolute ball spending time with Nikki and I couldn’t think of not being with him, I start to worry that there’s a reason I don’t normally do relationships. I’ve fallen for Nikki hook line and sinker and I’m really not looking forward to not being able to see him for long periods of time when he’s on tour in Europe and I’m not sure whether I’m going to be able to sort out something at the club, I’m sort of bound to being in LA.

  I know we’ll try and see each other often and I’m sure I’ll fly over to meet up with him whenever I can, but I know it’s not going to be enough. The pain of being apart hurts already.

  I trust Nikki implicitly. If he tells me he won’t cheat, then I know he won’t, but I’m not sure it’s fair to expect him to be faithful for that length of time when we’ve only really known each other for a matter of weeks. He’s so used to his lifestyle, touring without a constant supply of girls in his bed will be near impossible for him. I’m still unsure what we’ll do.


  All too soon it’s time for me to head back to LA. Security guy has been sent back home already. It was decided that I’d always either be with Nikki or Caleb so his services were not required.

  Nikki organizes for a limo to take me to the airport. We say an emotional and passionate goodbye. At least we’ll get to see each other again next week once he comes back to LA. What happens after that is anyone’s guess.

  We’re standing outside the tour bus and the limo is waiting to take me to the airport. Nikki’s holding the door open as he rumbles, “Bye darlin’. “I’ll miss you, but I’ll see you next week okay?” He kisses me softly on my lips.

  “Yeah, bye, I’ll miss you too. Be good.”


  We embrace each other strongly then releasing our hold, I get into the limo and Nikki closes the door. The driver starts the engine and we pull away. We wave to each other as he disappears out of sight.

  I sink down low into the seat and rest my head on the headrest. The lack of sleep from the last few days has finally caught up with me as I struggle to keep myself awake with the lulling of the car’s movement.

  Chapter 17

  Once we arrive at the airport I lethargically pull myself out of the limo. The driver darts around to the trunk and grabs my bag for me.

  “Here we go Miss. Have a nice flight.”

  “Thanks, hopefully I can sleep most of the way.” I chuckle.

  Luckily my bag has wheels as I drag it into the airport terminal. Fuck I’m tired. I’m scuffing my feet along the ground and my eyelids are practically half closed. I guess that’s what I get from spending the past few days with my rock star. I always have so much fun whenever I come and visit Nikki on tour, the whole band certainly know how to party hard and we always have a great time. It doesn’t help that once we’ve all retired for the night Nikki keeps me up until the early hours of the morning cherishing and spoiling me with orgasm after orgasm. Honestly, I don’t know where that boy gets his energy from. He seems to easily get by on a couple of hours sleep each night. Me on the other hand, I’m a different story. I always end up going home feeling like I could sleep for a week.

  I dozily check-in and make my way to the gate. My plane is already boarding, so I hand the lady my boarding pass, go through security and get on the plane. I shuffle up the aisle slowly to find my seat. I had specifically asked for the window seat so I could rest my head on the side and catch some sleep on the way back to LA. I’m pleased when I spot my seat because I can see that it not only has a window but seems to have a bit of extra leg room too. Yay.

  There’s an older lady sitting on the aisle seat next to mine. When she realizes I have the seat next to hers, she smiles sweetly at me. I place my hand luggage in the overhead locker and step past her, sitting down in my seat and buckling myself in. I prepare myself to get to sleep as promptly as I can.

  I’m still settling in when the women smiles and asks, “You going on vacation or heading back home?”

  I smile back at her and hope like hell I don’t have a chatterbox next to me. I answer her shortly but politely, “Heading home.”

  “Oh, fantastic!” she exclaims happily, “I’m going on vacation. I’ve never been to LA before, we can have a good chat and you can tell me all about the best places to go. Nothing like a good natter to pass the time.”

  I grimace. Great – I do have a talker!

  She wastes no time in introducing herself. Her name is Greta and I learn all about her family and how she has two sons who are in their early twenties. They’ve both now left home and have moved away. Apparently they stay in touch regularly but she still really misses them. I hear about her three cats, Tiger, Socks and Shadow – she absolutely adores and spoils all three of them and is quite concerned with having to leave them at home but has arranged with the neighbors to feed them and check in on them three times a day.

  I also sadly hear about her husband who passed away suddenly a few years ago from cancer. Greta tells me that her and her husband had always dreamt of going on a vacation to LA but he had been terrified of flying so they had never managed to make it happen. One of his parting wishes was that she promise him that she would make every effort to finally go. She’s been saving up her pennies and had eventually saved up enough money to arrange a week-long vacation.

  She really is a sweetheart and I get the feeling that she doesn’t get to talk to people very often. She seems lonely. So even though I am really tired, I don’t mind keeping her company and listening to her stories. I guess I’ll have to wait until I get home to get some sleep!

  After what seems like forever, the wheels of the plane finally hit the runway in LA and I feel relief that I’m finally here. I’m exhausted. I can’t wait to get home, have a hot shower and fall into bed to catch a few hours sleep before I have to be back at the club tonight.

  I say my goodbyes to Greta and wish her well for her vacation. I grab my hand luggage from the overhead locker and quickly push into the queue of people lining up to get off the plane. The sooner I get out of here, the sooner I can get to sleep.

  Once I’m in the terminal I grab my phone out of my handbag so I can check for any messages. I press the button and I’m greeted by two voicemail messages and numerous texts. I shuffle my way to the baggage carousel and wait for my bag to come off.

  I return my focus back to my phone. I notice t
hat the first voicemail message is from Nikki. It would have arrived just after I got on the plane. He knows I would have had my phone turned off, so I’m guessing he’s left me a sexy message. I smile and press the button to listen.

  Trixie, it’s Nikki. Call me as soon as you land.

  He sounds too formal. No hello. No goodbye. No sexy comments. Definitely not his normal cheeky self. I feel a chill run up and down my spine and I suddenly feel very hot. I’m concerned. I can sense that something is wrong.

  I look at the other messages. The other voicemail is from Eve, as are all of the texts.

  I see my bag come around on the carousel. I grab it and pull it off the conveyor belt. I quickly move to the side so I can look at the other messages. I decide to listen to Eve’s voicemail message first.

  Trixie, it’s me Eve. I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news…

  Terror runs through my veins and I take a deep breath and continue listening. Nikki got a phone call from his Dad. His Mom’s been in a terrible car accident and it’s not looking good. I’ll let you know more when we know. Nikki’s not handling it at all well. We’re all heading off to the airport now to fly to Oklahoma so we’ll be out of telephone contact for a few hours.

  Oh god! Nikki’s going to be devastated. He absolutely adores his Mom and from what Eve’s said, this is really serious. I’m suddenly wide awake and have forgotten all about my exhaustion. I rush across the airport as quickly as my legs will carry me and book a seat on the next flight to Oklahoma. Luckily it leaves almost straight away, but I have to run to get to the gate on time. I just make the flight and scurry to my seat. I’m one of the last passengers to board. I quickly check the other text messages from Eve. They’re all just brief updates. It sounds like Nikki’s not coping well and Kitty isn’t much better. The texts track their progress to the airport and then stop.

  My phone rings indicating an incoming call. The air hostess frowns at me letting me know that I shouldn’t be taking calls this close to take-off.


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