Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 20

by Tania Sparks

  He must be close so I do the same thing he did to me, I stop. He gently grabs my head trying to get me to continue, but I let him drop from my mouth.

  “You vixen,” he chuckles. “Spin around sweetheart, let me taste you again while you’re tasting me.” I spin around and we both move to our sides, his head buries between my thighs and my head buries between his. We both lick, suck and nibble at each other.



  Distracting ourselves.

  We drive each other crazy with desire, both of us bringing the other to the brink of orgasm numerous times but stopping just before we explode. It’s maddening, but as hot as hell.

  Just when I think I can’t take any more teasing, Nikki spins back around and repositions himself so he’s kneeling between my legs again. He lowers his body to mine and his cock slowly pushes inside me. We both groan in unison. His mouth crashes to mine and I can taste myself on his tongue. He starts to move faster and my orgasm gets closer…closer… building…building. “Oh my God Nikki, I’m gonna…”

  “Come for me beautiful, I’m gonna come too. You just feel too fuckin’ good.”

  We both explode together, ripples of electricity ripple over my entire body and I can feel Nikki pulsing inside me with his release. When we’ve both finished he collapses on top of me. When I groan at his heaviness he slides off to the side. Both of us panting, exhausted and utterly satiated.

  We hear a quiet knock on the door, “Nikki, you up yet?”. It’s Kitty.

  Nikki gets up and wraps a sheet around his waist and goes to open the door.

  “Yeah, we’re up.”

  “What time shall we head out to Dad’s?” Kitty asks.

  “Give us half an hour and we’ll meet down in the lobby.”

  “Okay, sounds good. I’ll make sure the other guys are up.”

  “Okay, thanks Kitty.”

  “Oh and I thought we’d call by at the store on the way to pick up some supplies and cook everyone some breakfast over at Mom and Dad’s place.”

  “Good idea, see you in a few.”

  Nikki closes the door and asks, “Is half an hour enough for you to get ready? I can make it later if that’s too soon.”

  I get out of bed and start walking towards the bathroom, “No, no, half an hour’s good. Let me just jump in the shower and throw some clothes on, it won’t take long.”

  Nikki walks up behind me and embraces me in his arms. “Thanks for the distraction. It’s just what I needed.”

  “No. Thank you,” I chuckle.

  Chapter 18

  After picking up some supplies we head to Nikki’s Dad’s place. When we arrive he’s already up and is fluffing around the house trying to keep himself busy. We all say hello with big hugs and make our way into the kitchen to start getting breakfast ready.

  After breakfast is prepared we sit down at the large dining table to eat. The mood is very somber and there’s not a lot of talking going on.

  We’re just finishing off when Nikki’s Dad pulls out an envelope and places it strategically on the table. He clears his throat and says, “You know a week back your Mom woke up and was in an odd mood. She gave me a kiss and told me that she loved me, then she locked herself away in the den. After a couple of hours she came out and handed me two envelopes. The first one had my name on it, the second one had the names, Nikki, Kitty & my boys written across it. She handed them both to me and told me,

  If anything should happen to me, one of these envelopes is for you and I’d like you to get Nikki to read the other one out, it’s for him, Kitty and the boys.

  At the time it really freaked me out, I thought something was wrong. I asked her if there was anything I should know. She explained to me that she’d had a dream the night before that made her realize that if anything happened to her that she had things she wanted her loved ones to hear from her. She assured me that nothing was wrong, she said that she was probably just being silly, but by her writing the notes, it made her feel better. I read my note last night and this one here is for you.” He pats the envelope that he had placed on the table.

  We all look on in stunned silence. Nikki picks up the envelope and traces his finger over his name that his Mom had wrote on the outside of the envelope. He slowly opens it up and takes out a single piece of paper and starts to read it out loud:

  To my dearest Nikki, darling Kitty and my wonderful boys. If you are reading this it means that I wasn’t overreacting to my vivid dream and something has indeed happened to me. My dream was so unusual and so intense, that I felt compelled to get my thoughts down in writing, just in case something did in fact go wrong and I am no longer with you.

  Nikki, you are the best son that I could ever have asked for. You make me so proud and I have been privileged to be your Mom. You radiate exhilaration in everything that you do. You’ve created yourself an amazing career with your music and have made the most of your talent. I have watched you grow from a boy into a remarkable man. You are an incredible person with passion, loyalty and love in your heart. I hope that one day you find a lady to share yourself with, that would make me very happy. Take care, continue to make me proud. I love you my darling.

  Kitty, you are the most wonderful daughter. I could not ask for anything more. You are exuberant, energetic and have a love for life that is contagious. You also have made me so very proud. You work hard at your studies and are an amazing young lady with a bright future ahead of you. I’m sad that I won’t be around to see you develop into the amazing women I know you will be. I hope you never lose your ability to make a room light up with your smile and enthusiasm. I love you my beautiful girl.

  Now to my boys, Scott, Hansen, Cody and Ash. I love you all like my own children. Scott, Hansen and Cody, I have watched each of you since you were geeky pre-teens rehearsing in our garage. And also my newest boy to our family, Ash, who joined Oblivion seven or so years back. I’ve watched all of you grow from boys into amazing men. I remember how hard you all worked at the beginning, touring, sleeping in your van and I remember you crashing back here at our home when you needed to rest between tour legs. You’ve all grown into unbelievable men. You all have this rough heavy rock appearance but I know you are all big softies inside. I hope you each find your own loves to share your lives with.

  Now a very important message to each and every one of you, so listen up. Don’t dwell on my passing. I’d like you to hold a nice funeral for me. I don’t want you wearing any stuffy suits just because it’s a funeral. I would like you to wear what you would normally wear to perform on stage. I’d like you to play some of your music at the service. Then once the funeral is over and the formalities are all done, I insist that you move on with your lives, continue touring, continue to love what you do, don’t stop for even one day because of me. The last thing I want is everyone sitting around mopping and sad. Make the most of every moment because you don’t know when it will be your last. Carry on making me feel proud. I’ll be watching over you and I’ll be smiling at all your antics and hilarities.

  I love you all, take care.

  Lots of love


  By the time Nikki has read out the entire note, we’re all sniffling and tears are streaming down our faces. We stand up and embrace in a big group hug.


  The next couple of days are chaotic. We spend most of it at Nikki’s folks’ house. Numerous people visit to pay their respects. There’s a constant stream of people. I’m so proud of Nikki, Kitty and the guys. They’re all absolutely devastated but they behave admirably, talking to each of the visitors politely and treating them all like long lost friends. I know that each of them have struggled with addictions at some stage or another and it would be easy for them to self-medicate their pain away. If ever there was a time that one of them may relapse, it would be now. But they all look out for each other, the comradery and support between them is remarkable. This really is a tight group of guys that care about each other and love each ot
her like brothers. I’m in awe of them and am full of pride at seeing them behave so commendably.

  Nikki and Kitty assist their Dad with all the funeral arrangements and the rest of us all help out wherever we can. After lots of organizing the day of the funeral finally arrives.

  We’ve decided to get ready at the hotel. As per Nikki’s Mom’s request they’re all dressing in what they would normally wear on stage. After spending a long time in the bathroom Nikki walks out. He’s wearing black jeans and a black band t-shirt. Over the top of that he has a black shirt that’s unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up to show off his tattoos. He’s wearing his black boots and has on his favorite leather wristband and lots of other jewelry including his eyebrow ring, his lip ring and gauges in his ears. His hair is spiked up and is sticking out in all directions and he’s wearing dark eye liner. As he steps into the room he shrugs his shoulders asking me if he looks okay.

  I stride up to him and standing on my tippy toes. I kiss him softly on his lips. Looking into his eyes I whisper, “Your Mom would approve. You look perfect.”

  “Thanks.” He smirks, “But do I look hot?”

  I tickle him in the ribs and chuckle, “You always look hot rock star.” He pulls me in and gives me a big hug. He rests his chin on the top of my head. “I’m so glad you’re here with me Trixie.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” I reply.

  One by one the guys come out of their rooms and gather in the main suite. They all look amazing. Scott walks over to the bar area, grabs a whole pile of shot glasses and pours each one full of whisky. He passes the glasses out to each of us. They have a similar ritual to this before each show, but this toast is different. Scott raises his glass and rumbles, “To Mom. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being there for all of us. Thank you for supporting us. And thank you for just being you. We’ll miss you like hell, but we know you’ll be watching over us. We’ll try to make you proud. To Mom.”

  We all bang our glasses together and chant, “To Mom.”

  We swig down our shots then place the glasses on the side table. We all embrace in one big group hug which lasts for a very long time. I guess we’re all reluctant to let go because that would mean we’d have to leave to go to the service and that would mean saying our final goodbyes to Nikki’s Mom.

  After a long few minutes, we eventually release each other and solemnly make our way down to the lobby to the waiting limo.


  As we pull up to the funeral home there is a large sectioned off area and there’s lots of security stationed around the barrier. Various paparazzi are waiting to snap photos of the guys as they arrive as well as a large group of girls swooning to catch a glimpse of their heroes. I turn to Nikki and comment irritably, “Really? It’s your Mom’s funeral, do they have no dang respect?”

  Nikki just pulls me in tight to him, “It’s all part of the job Trix. We hardly even notice it any more. Just ignore them.”

  I snuggle in close to him and mumble, “Hmm, they should still show a bit of decency.”

  We get out of the car and make our way somberly inside. As planned, we are the first one’s here, apart from Nikki’s Dad who greets us all warmly. Shortly after we get there other guests start arriving. Once they’re screened by security, they make their way past Nikki, Kitty and their Dad, expressing their condolences before they make their way to their seat.

  Pretty soon everyone has arrived and the service begins. The celebrant starts. He talks warmly about Nikki’s Mom and shares some stories that he’s learned over the last few days about the warming and caring mother she was, not only to her own children but to all the members of Oblivion too.

  Nikki’s Dad gets up next and speaks about losing the love of his life. It’s a heartfelt eulogy that tells us the story of them meeting all those many years ago. Theirs was a real story of love at first sight. He talks about their first meeting, about them courting and being so much in love with each other. He tells us about their wedding, the joys of raising a family together and the incredible life that they’ve shared. He also talks about how sad he is now and how he will miss her every single second of every single day. We’re all sobbing by the time he’s finished and takes his seat.

  The celebrant calls Nikki up to say his eulogy. A chair is placed at the front and an acoustic guitar is passed to Nikki who takes a seat. The room falls silent. Nikki takes a deep intake of breath and then blows it out slowly, obviously trying to control his emotions. He starts to pluck at the strings of the guitar. The tune is melodic and sad. He starts to sing and my breath catches. He sounds so heartbroken. He sings about his Mom and how important she has been to him. We hear all about how she used to bring out jugs of lemonade into the garage when they were rehearsing, even though they already had bottles of beer hidden around behind the drum set. He sings about how she came to all of their local gigs and he sings about loving her so much and how he’ll miss her but knows she’ll continue to watch over them like she always has. A couple of times his voice cracks as he struggles not to cry. As soon as the song is finished tears start falling down his face like a waterfall. He somberly stands, walks back to his seat and sits back down.

  Kitty speaks next and her eulogy is just as sad and just as heartbreaking. She talks about a Mom who was always there for her, a best friend and a rock that Kitty thought would always be there. She speaks about how she now feels lost and so very sad. She tells her Mom that she will make sure she continues to make her proud.

  Each of the guys from Oblivion take their turns at speaking. There is a common theme in their eulogies. Nikki’s Mom was obviously very supportive of each and every one of them. They’ll all miss her greatly.

  Various other people also speak of a lovely lady who helped others in their community, was a loving friend, wife and mother and her untimely and unexpected death has left a gaping hole in many people’s lives.

  After everyone that wants to speak has had their turn the guys all gather at the front, each of them picking up their acoustic guitars. They play a couple of their more popular songs, but this time they’re played with a more somber slant to them. They dedicate their performance to their Mom. It’s heart-warming and just what Nikki’s Mom would have wanted.

  After the funeral has finished we say goodbye and thank you to all the guests and then head back to Nikki’s Dad’s place. After grabbing something to eat we sit around and the guys all tell stories to each other about Nikki’s Mom. This is an amazing family and I feel privileged to have been welcomed into this very private moment that they’re sharing.

  Later that evening, we all go back to the hotel. We have an early night as we’re all exhausted. The remaining dates of the US tour have been postponed until later next year. The guys are just going to go straight back to LA for a few weeks until they start their European leg of the tour. It I’ll be nice to have Nikki around for a while before he leaves. We’ll get to spend some time together and I’m really looking forward to it.

  Chapter 19

  It’s nice to be back home. We caught an early morning flight and Nikki comes to my place so we can relax and rest before I have to start work at the club later this evening.

  We get ourselves a cup of coffee and sit down on the kitchen stools. My phone chimes to let me know a new text message has come in. My phone’s sitting on the kitchen bench so I just glance down at the screen and it’s from Caleb. I pick up the phone to read the message,

  Hi baby girl, welcome back home. Is it ok if I call by to say hi in a few minutes?

  I text him back,

  No problem, See you soon. Nikki’s here too.

  He texts back,

  Damn I was hoping to have you to myself.

  Nikki’s peeking over my shoulder and reading the texts. He growls in disapproval. “You two seem rather chummy for business partners.”

  “He’s more than just a business partner Nikki. He’s a good friend.”

  Nikki doesn’t look happy. “Yeah, but you two
have fucked, right?”

  I sigh, he already knows the answer is yes, we’ve discussed this before.

  “It’s not like that. Don’t you trust me?”

  “I trust you darlin’. It’s every other guy in the entire fuckin’ world that I don’t trust. I know how we think and I’m pretty sure every fucker wants in your panties.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Look he’ll be here shortly, so just chill out. You’ll see. We’re just friends. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  Nikki huffs in disbelief as he mutters, “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  We continue to drink our coffees until the doorbell rings.

  I get up and go to open the door but before I get there Caleb has used his key and is making his way inside. I’m instantly swept up and spun around in a circle as he embraces me warmly. He gives me a kiss on my lips, which is a bit exuberant compared to our normal greetings.

  “Hi,” I squeak.

  “Hi beautiful,” Caleb replies as he places me back down on the ground.

  In an instant Nikki swoops in and is placing his arm firmly around my waist. Both Nikki and Caleb rake their eyes over each other, sizing each other up. Nikki introduces himself. “You must be Caleb, I’m Nikki, Trixie’s boyfriend. We spoke on the phone a while back.”

  Caleb smirks and replies, “Yeah, that’s right, I’d nearly forgotten all about you.”

  What the fuck! I know perfectly well that Caleb is fully aware that Nikki and I have been seeing each other, we spoke about him no less than a couple of minutes ago. What sort of game is he playing at? I thought he had said that he sort of liked Nikki after speaking to him on the phone. I scowl at him and he chuckles playfully while Nikki just growls under his breath at him.


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