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A Warrior's Penance

Page 2

by Davis Ashura

  Following the battle, Rukh's ability to Heal proves essential. He is able to keep dozens of warriors alive during the long march back to Ashoka. His selfless devotion to the lives of others slowly changes the opinions of his fellow warriors. They acknowledge his service with gratitude, and even Rukh's greatest enemy amongst them, his direct commanding officer, Lieutenant Danslo, comes to appreciate and respect all that Rukh can do.

  After weeks of emotional toil, Rukh finally sees hope for the future. If his brother warriors of the expedition can look past their prejudices and accept Rukh, then why not all of Ashoka?

  It is a short-lived hope.

  Days after leaving the city, the Chamber of Lords had met and—just as Dar'El had feared—judged Rukh Unworthy. He is to be exiled. Jessira learns of this just prior to her own departure from Ashoka, and she agrees to delay her leave-taking. She will wait for Rukh's return and lead him to Stronghold.

  When the expedition to the caverns returns, she meets it a day short of Ashoka and informs Rukh of what has happened. He will never be allowed to enter his home again.

  Rukh is heartbroken and prepares to leave with Jessira for Stronghold, but before he can do so, the warriors of the expedition honor him the Champion's salute. It is their apology for what they now recognize as their wrongful treatment of him during the long march to the Chimera caverns.

  Jessira leads Rukh away from the expedition. Later, she apologizes for her role in his situation and reaches to console him. They share a deep, but confusing, kiss before she pulls away, and Rukh follows her west.

  That evening, as they set up camp, Jessira is conflicted by what she has done. She feels the kiss was a mistake because she is engaged to Disbar Merdant, someone she's known since childhood. While she likes Rukh, any feelings she has for him can't be acted upon. Thankfully, Rukh feels the same way. He understands her situation, but just as importantly, Kummas don't infringe upon someone already in a serious relationship.

  As they begin their travels, Jessira tells Rukh about Stronghold. He learns that the city was founded by fifty-five survivors of Hammer's Fall, a small group of Sentyas, Duriahs, Cherids, Shiyens, Murans, and Rahails, but no Kummas. More surprising, though, is the fact that the survivors of Hammer's Fall were saved by Hume, the legendary warrior who would go on to teach the Baels of fraternity. As a result, the OutCastes revere him, even holding a martial tournament in his name—the Trials of Hume.

  The fifty-five eventually founded Stronghold within the heart of Mount Fort in the Privation Mountains. It is a city like any other with certain occupations holding greater status than others—such as farmers and craftsmen being valued above simple laborers. However, there is one important distinction: Stronghold doesn't have an Oasis. As a result, the OutCastes prize secrecy above all else. They have to if they wish to survive

  Rukh takes all this in and hopes that he can find a position in Stronghold's army as a warrior, something Jessira assures him will not be a problem.

  Weeks into the Privations, Rukh and Jessira are tracked and attacked by a band of Chimeras—a nest of Ur-Fels and a claw of Tigons. Rukh's thoughts go black during the battle. He takes reckless risks, essentially courting death and willing to die.

  Jessira, initially furious with his actions, quickly comes to recognize the deep depression Rukh has fallen into. She's experienced something like this herself, and she tells Rukh a personal story of horrifying betrayal by someone she trusted. Rukh listens, knowing all the while that he can't go on as he has and eventually speaks of his own pain.

  And watching the battle is a young Tigon named Chak-Soon, the leader of the Chimeras that had attacked Rukh and Jessira. He witnesses the carnage from a nearby bluff, and after the clash's conclusion, he begs for Suwraith's attention, the being he knows as Mother Lienna.

  She answers Chak-Soon's call. When She learns that a single Human had killed a claw of Tigons and a large nest of Ur-Fels, She is convinced that it must be the acts of Hume, the dreaded warrior of Hammer. How the Sorrow Bringer had learned of him, is unknown, but Her mind, briefly sane when She had learned of Her betrayal at the hands of Her Baels, is obviously confused and cluttered once more. Suwraith orders Chak-Soon to scour the Privations and kill Hume. She promises to supply him with all he will need to carry out this task.

  After the meeting with Chak-Soon, Suwraith continues to find Herself deluded. She cannot distinguish the past from the present, and the lamenting cries of Her Mother and Father persist, as does the needling horror of Mistress Arisa. It reaches a boiling point, and once again, Suwraith pours Her insanity into Her children. This time, She finds a means to permanently banish much of Her madness.

  For the first time in millennia, She is able to plan.

  First, Suwraith sends a blizzard scouring through a valley in the Privation Mountains. It is meant to kill the Human who Chak-Soon had seen. Next, She sends for Li-Shard, the SarpanKum of the Western Plague and orders him east to assume control of the Eastern Plague. After Her murder of Li-Dirge and his Baels, the Eastern Plague had been turned over to the incompetent command of the Tigons. It is about to tear itself apart.

  And finally, Suwraith recaptures Li-Choke, the Bael who had escaped the destruction of Dirge's command and, through Rukh's help, the abattoir of the Chimera breeding caverns. He and several other eastern Baels had been living quiet lives in the Hunters Flats. All of them but Choke are ripped apart by Suwraith, and She offers him a simple choice: serve Her or see every Bael in Arisa destroyed. Choke bends knee and, by Her orders, takes command of Chak-Soon and a number of Chimeras. They are to journey to Hammer and kill the Human who destroyed Chak-Soon's Tigons and Ur-Fels.

  Meanwhile, back in Ashoka, Rector Bryce thinks himself noble. It was he who exposed Rukh's new Talents to House Shektan's foes. Rector learns to his folly that Dar'El Shektan is a man who will swiftly repay such betrayal. Dar'El knows a secret about Rector's family, one that would see them ruined: Rector's great-grandfather had been of the Sil Lor Kum. To keep such devastating information secret, Rector reluctantly agrees to do as Dar'El orders: spy on House Shektan's greatest enemy, Hal'El Wrestiva, and find a means to ruin him.

  Rector is paired with Mira and is expected to report any findings to her. It is a situation neither of them like. Rector thinks Mira is arrogant and possibly Tainted while Mira thinks Rector is a self-righteous hypocrite. Nevertheless, they end up working well together.

  Dar'El also has plans beyond Hal'El's ruination. He has every intention of finding a means to bring Rukh home. Dar'El is a member of the Society of Rajan, a near-mythical organization whose members are all high-ranking personages in Ashoka. With their help, he hatches a scheme that will see Rukh's conviction overturned. However, not all is as it seems. A member or the Society, Ular Sathin, one of Dar'El's closest friends, is also a high-ranking member of the Sil Lor Kum.

  And none of them know that Hal'El Wrestiva is actually the SuDin of the Sil Lor Kum or that he and his Rahail lover, Varesea Apter—also of the Sil Lor Kum—are struggling with their own terrifying problems. The people murdered with the Withering Knife sometimes whisper in their minds. Despite this terrible turn of events, upon Suwraith's orders, Hal'El kills one last time with the Knife, a Rahail named Van Jinnu.

  During all this, Rukh and Jessira press on toward Stronghold. The dark depression he hid from even himself is now gone for the most part, but a new threat arises. As they traverse a narrow gorge, Rukh is thrown from his horse and badly injured—his leg is broken and his right arm hangs useless at his side. Even worse, a freak blizzard takes them by surprise. The storm was presaged by a lightning-laced, bruise-colored cloud crisscrossing the sky—Suwraith.

  Rukh and Jessira find shelter in a nearby cave where they ride out the storm, but a hidden injury nearly kills him. In her fear for him, Jessira lets slip the truth of her feelings for Rukh. She names him 'priya', a word that means beloved in Ashoka. Later, after Rukh recovers, they press on toward Stronghold. When Rukh asks Jessira about the meaning of '
priya', she dissembles. She claims that priya means close friend, but in Stronghold, it actually means 'only beloved'.

  When they finally reach her home, Jessira reunites with her family. Her cousin, Sign Deep, is the first to greet her. Her brother Cedar made it back home as well, bringing Farn with him. Rukh, though, is briefly held prisoner until Stronghold's Senate decides to grant him asylum.

  Afterward, he is sponsored by Court Deep, Sign's brother, and along with Farn, the three men share a flat. However, Court is a warrior while Farn has been relegated to work as a laborer. Rukh's cousin had suffered a head injury and until recently had been unable to walk for any length of time without stumbling.

  In addition, Stronghold isn't as Jessira described. The OutCastes have their own form of bigotry. The two Kummas face discrimination. They are bluntly told that Purebloods—the Stronghold aspersion for those who aren't OutCaste—come from a culture that is inferior to that of Stronghold's and that the OutCastes are inherently better and more civilized. This attitude, combined with the lingering effects of Rukh's injuries, ensures that he will not be allowed to demonstrate his Talents as a warrior. He, too, must work as a laborer.

  Nevertheless, Rukh settles into the city as best he can. He even finds someone to Heal his damaged arm, and he and Farn began training once more. Rukh's cousin plans on returning to Ashoka as soon as he can, even willing to brave winter's winds in order to leave Stronghold. While Farn admires what the OutCastes have built for themselves, their superior attitude has long since grown too grating to tolerate.

  Unknown to Farn, Rukh also plans on leaving Stronghold. He reckons that after his cousin's departure, he will be all but alone in the city. While Court and Cedar have become good friends, as have some laborers, it isn't enough. Rukh, too, is tired of Stronghold's bigotry. In addition, he has purposefully put distance between himself and Jessira. If her people ever discovered the depth of their feelings for one another or learned of the kiss they shared, it might ruin her reputation.

  Jessira is incensed by the decision Rukh has made regarding their friendship, but she has little time to challenge him over it. Her work as a scout keeps her too busy. Plus, she has struggles of her own. She is disgusted by the attitude and behavior of her people toward Rukh and Farn, but whenever she brings the matter up to her family or friends, it is only Cedar and Court who understand her revulsion. No one else recognizes the problem. To most people of Stronghold, their home is a paragon of equality and refined thought.

  Matters aren't improved when Jessira truly gets to know her fiancé, Disbar. He is clutching, controlling, and calculating—on his word, his cousins spy on Jessira to ensure she doesn't contact Rukh. His loathsome conduct becomes too much for her to bear, and she ends their engagement. It is a scandalous action, but Jessira doesn't care. She can't live a lie.

  Later, after returning from weeks of maneuvers in the Wildness, Jessira learns that Farn has left Stronghold and that Rukh, Healed and hale once more, plans on entering the Trials of Hume.

  No one else gives him a chance at victory. The OutCastes discount Jessira and Cedar's accounts of what Rukh can do. They reckon that the supposed Talents of the Kummas are likely nothing more than an exaggeration. Stupidly, they've not even bothered to ask Rukh for a demonstration. The one time he had offered to do so, he was vulgarly dismissed. He is also attacked on multiple occasions by masked assailants. The situation has him disgusted, and Rukh plans on carrying through with his decision to leave the city and never return.

  The Trials of Hume arrive, and just as Jessira predicted, Rukh devastates all the warriors he faces. It is a stunning display that leaves all of Stronghold in silent shock as he leaves the arena.

  Rukh's feelings toward the OutCastes softens somewhat at the Champion's banquet when many individuals come to express their sincere regret over their behavior and actions. The Governor-General, Mon Peace, even goes so far to give Rukh an officer's commission in the Home Army and his own flat.

  However, Rukh is still insistent on leaving Stronghold. In the final letter his nanna had sent to him, a reference was made to The Book of First Movement, the supposed journal of the First Father. The Book is said to be in Hammer, and it is there that Rukh chooses to journey. But Jessira decides to accompany him, something to which he is categorically opposed.

  While they set off in their travels, back in Ashoka, the search for the Withering Knife murderer continues. Information comes to Bree and Jaresh, but in the course of their investigation, they are attacked. In a narrow alley, they fight for their lives. Bree, who had never given proper seriousness to her martial training, is almost frozen in panic. She does enough to stay alive, but for the most part, it is Jaresh who defends them both. The attack is thwarted, and the only surviving assailant escapes but only after nearly killing Bree.

  Rector learns of the assault, and he is able to deduce the location of the surviving attacker. From him, he learns that the one who initiated the assault was a Rahail woman, a MalDin. The same woman who was likely seen by several of the Withering Knife murder victims. She may also be a silent partner at the Wrestiva warehouse that Rector oversees.

  As House Shektan prepares to investigate this new information in greater detail, Farn Arnicep returns to Ashoka. His miraculous homecoming allows Dar'El to push forward with his proposal to have Rukh's ruling rescinded. The Society of Rajan helps him, and with their aid and Farn's testimony, the Council of Lords decides in Rukh's favor. He is no longer Unworthy. He can return to Ashoka if he wishes.

  Immediately, further plans are initiated. Farn will command a Trial to Stronghold, and Jaresh will go as well.

  And far to the south, Li-Choke meets Chak-Soon for the first time. It is not an auspicious beginning. Discipline amongst the Chimeras has fallen precipitously since Li-Dirge's death. Choke almost has to kill Soon in order to force the Tigon to accept his mastery. However, after Soon bends knee, the other Chimeras fall in line as well. Nevertheless, even after their submission, Choke is still forced to institute harsh penalties for even the most minor of infractions. The Chimeras suffer, and Soon surprises Choke when he offers to accept everyone else's punishments if the other's will no longer be harmed.

  The Tigon's willing sacrifice is stunning, and Choke eases off the punishment and teaches Soon of fraternity, who becomes the first Tigon in history to become so aware. There even comes a moment when Chak-Soon realizes that Suwraith is mad. He recognizes the folly of this quest that She has set them upon: to find Hume in long dead Hammer—the Bone Place, as the Chimeras call it.

  During all this, after their months of turmoil in Stronghold and during their own travels to Hammer, Rukh and Jessira rekindle their love. It requires patience and understanding, but eventually they come to forgive one another for whatever hurts they suffered on the other's behalf. Rukh even agrees to return to Stronghold.

  However, while camping on the famed black cliffs north of Hammer, the sound of Braids on the hunt drives them into the city. They huddle in a crumbled building and are shocked when Li-Choke and Chak-Soon burst into their sanctuary. Wolves on the hunt had driven the Bael and Tigon to seek shelter, but their respite is brief.

  Rukh runs Soon through before Choke can explain their presence. Jessira Heals the Tigon, and the pursuing wolves leave of their own accord. Afterward, with Soon still unconscious, the three of them recount their journeys to Hammer. Choke also explains Chak-Soon's importance and agrees to help Rukh and Jessira recover The Book of First Movement. He already knows where it is, a secret known only to the Baels. The Book is hidden away in the Library of Hammer, and after they retrieve it, they quickly exit the city.

  Eventually, Chak-Soon awakens, but now a new challenge awaits him. He has been instructed since he was a cub that Humans are evil. Yet, one of them Healed him, and according to Li-Choke, all Humans are Soon's brothers. The young Tigon eventually comes to accept this truth.

  The four of them travel east and go their separate ways on the banks of the Soulless River. Choke and S
oon return to the Eastern Plague while Rukh and Jessira make their way to Stronghold. However, the two Humans are careful to never reveal that there is, in fact, a city in the Privation Mountains. The Chimeras are led to believe that the Humans mean to return to Ashoka.

  Later that evening, Rukh, overcome by curiosity, cracks open The Book of First Movement. The pages are blank just like all the stories say. However, a blue light overwhelms his senses, and he finds himself reliving the last night of Linder Val Maharj, the First Father.

  All the stories are true. The First Father and the First Mother had a single child, Lienna. That child would go on to murder Her Parents with the Withering Knife and become the being known as Suwraith. But somehow before He died, Linder was able to create the Oases and The Book of First Movement.

  As Rukh lies entranced by Linder's last moments, Suwraith, drawn by what She thinks is Her Father's Jivatma, seeks out the source of what She senses. She races to where Rukh and Jessira had been camped, and the two of them barely escape Her wrath.

  The rest of the journey back to Stronghold is tense, except for an evening when the Kesarin, Aia, and her brothers, Shon and Thrum, briefly reunite with Rukh and Jessira.

  As for Choke and Chak-Soon, they make their way back to the Eastern Plague, where the new SarpanKum, Li-Shard greets their arrival with acclaim. What Choke has accomplished—befriending a Human—is the longed for dream of all Baels. The fact that he could open Chak-Soon's eyes to the truth of fraternity is another stunning blessing.

  Their glad celebration is short.

  Suwraith informs Choke that he is to take a full Shatter of Chimeras and follow Her north into the Privations. There, he will assist Her in eradicating a city of Humans. Choke is certain this must be Jessira's hidden home, the one she never spoke of, but which he was able to infer must exist. He and Li-Shard plan for how best to thwart the Queen's plans.


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