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Private Property: a Contemporary Romance Novella

Page 7

by Michelle, T.

“Yes, the girlfriend.”

  “So, what’s wrong with her?” Tabitha shoved her shoulder into him, nudging him slightly. “She doesn’t like the country or something?”

  “It’s not that at all…” He huffed into his beer bottle before finishing it off. “Never mind. Wanna take a walk?”

  He pushed up then turned and pulled her to her feet. They ambled about the property, not wandering too far into the surrounding trees. As they walked, Jared offered up a little more information in the form of childhood memories of playing outside with his sister. It was after dark when they made their way back to the house and Tabitha realized she was beat.

  “Well, I’m off to bed. It’s another day at the office tomorrow.” She absentmindedly squeezed his arm as she passed him.

  When he grabbed hold of her wrist, a momentary shock coursed through her body.

  When he stared intensely at her, not releasing his hold, confusion set in.

  When his lips slowly pressed against hers, numbness reigned overall.

  She stood there like a mannequin, not responding in any fashion to his attentions; even her mind had gone blank. She could feel the warmth and pliant pressure from his seductive mouth, his hot breath stealing across her cheek in waves, his warm hand still gripping her wrist. But, not a flicker of response filled her. She didn’t even close her eyes. Just stood staring at him.

  And continued to do so after he broke his kiss and waited, gazing at her, for something she wasn’t quite sure of. The two squared off on the porch in front of the screen door, looking all the world as though they’d been frozen in time.

  Jared’s look of consternation searched her features for something, while Tabitha tried to get a handle on what had just taken place. Jared Larsen, her doctor, her boss and sometimes lofty jerk, had just kissed her. Man! He was drunk. But she didn’t know how to respond.

  On one hand she was flattered – the man had made it obvious he was attracted to her. On the other, however, she felt insulted by the possibility that he was just drunk and looking to get laid. She found she agreed most readily with the latter. After all, he’d never before made any kind of inclination towards her. It had to be the beer.

  Her mind set, Tabitha turned on her heel without a word and entered the house. Jared followed quietly. Let him figure it out. She wasn’t about to throw herself at a man making it so blatantly obvious he only wanted her to cure his itch. She could safely say that under other circumstances, she’d have no problem throwing herself at him, but not for the sole purpose of burning off a buzz.

  Becoming quite miffed, Tabitha found herself standing in the center of the living room looking about as if lost. Jared’s arm slipped over her shoulder. “Care to play some darts?” He was holding another beer bottle.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Tabitha eyed him suspiciously. He hadn’t ever acted that way around her and she’d now known him almost a month. He was distant, brooding, curt but not playful, and she had yet to see him do anything on a whim. Like that kiss… Now that kind of thinking was going to lead her down the wrong path especially with him currently leaning his body heavily into hers, his arm draped across her.

  “What do you mean what’s wrong with me?” He pulled back slightly to meet her gaze.

  “You’re not yourself. Something go wrong in the office today? Or does this have to do with Amanda?” Maybe she shouldn’t have been butting in, but he was the one hitting on her.

  “I don’t want to talk about today. I just want to play darts. Can you play?” He moved away from her and over to a small wooden box mounted above the couch that until then she’d never paid much attention to. He swung the doors open to reveal a dartboard in its confines.

  “Alright, sure. I’m not good, but I’ll play.” She glanced at him, sized up the situation then made another split second decision. “And get me another beer. If I have to tolerate you in this state, I might as well join you there.”

  “That’s my girl.” He smiled broadly, two crescent dimples adorning his sexy mouth. No…not sexy. She had to stop seeing him that way. Not that there was another way to describe him, she noticed, as he sauntered back into the kitchen, jeans accenting his trim waist and firm butt. Oh, she was in trouble here.

  By the time he’d made it back, Tabitha had fully dismissed the kiss outside. It was nothing more than a drunken act, surely, and of little consequence in the grand scheme of things.

  Jared explained that they’d go with Cricket - a game played by striking different numbered areas of the board three times in order to ‘close them out’. All she needed to do was take aim at the numbered areas of 20 down to 15 and the bull’s-eye. Jared took the first turn and easily knocked out two of the 20’s and one bull’s-eye. Tabitha positioned herself and threw – securely embedding her first dart into the wall below the board. Luckily a backboard was mounted beneath the dartboard and took up a greater portion of the wall.

  “Okay. Let’s get you positioned correctly first.” Jared pressed himself against her back, slipping an arm around her waist. Her body went rigid and she tried furiously to control the urge to lean back into him. He jiggled her arm a bit and muttered, “relax” into her ear. Ha! Easy for him to say. It had been a long time since a man had stood this close to her. And even longer since a man had kissed her. Forget the kiss, Tabitha.

  He grabbed at her right shoulder and rolled it around, loosening her up. Then he placed his chin on her shoulder and guided her into the correct position – right leg forward, left leg back. It made sense, but unfortunately it also placed a very intimate part of him against a very delicate part of her backside. She expelled a loud breath and tried to regain her center. He was bent at the knees in order to bring himself down to her height and that made him have to lean heavily into her for extra balance. He swayed slightly, trying to get a good eye line over her shoulder, which made him inadvertently rub his crotch against her. She stared intently at the bull’s-eye.

  He slid his hand along her lifted forearm and grasped her wrist. “Okay, now just cock back and toss the dart. Don’t throw it; just release it from your fingers. Pretend your arm is a catapult.” She did as instructed and landed on the 7. “Good.” He handed her another dart, still pressed in to her. “Now, try again.”

  Was it her imagination, or was he reacting to being next to her? It sure seemed like certain parts of his body were reacting. Tabitha took aim and threw again. This time she managed a 19. She whooped with excitement, leaning back into him as casually as you please. He wrapped his long arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.

  “See?” He breathed into her ear, sending chills rippling along her spine and jerking her out of her exuberance. “All you needed was some guidance.” He didn’t break contact with her, lingering in the embrace. Tabitha knew she should move away, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. She closed her eyes and laid her head back against his chest, inhaling the clean scent of his cologne. Jared began to sway, still holding on to her, and hum a tune quietly.

  She didn’t know how long they stayed like that, rocking back and forth, Jared humming in a low timbre against her ear. It felt good and she was reluctant to pull away. But, eventually she would have to. When she did, he stopped her, increasing the pressure of the hold he had at her mid-drift until she halted.

  “No. Don’t.” He whispered. “Just stand here with me. This is nice.”

  Tabitha didn’t want to just stand there. She wanted to turn around, fiercely rip his clothes off, and map out his entire body with her tongue. That’s what she wanted to do. But that would definitely be crossing a line. Her body language must have defied her, secretly telling him what her innermost thoughts were, because suddenly he turned her in his arms and brought a scorching kiss down on her.

  Chapter 6

  It was one of those exciting, out-of-nowhere kisses that left her breathless and reeling. He didn’t stop, but drew his hands up to her face, cocked her head to one side and seductively deepened the kiss. Her breath left her in a rush; he
r arms instinctively came up around his neck, pulled him further into her. He bent at the knees, grinding himself against her.

  He felt good, this solid, giant of a man. She could feel his enormous strength envelope her, his arousal evident with each rocking motion of his hips. He moaned, a deep, guttural sound that evoked all kinds of activity inside her.

  This has to stop! Her brain screamed. But her body was winning and mental thought process was of no real concern anymore. Her right hand began to assault his body, delving into the crevices the muscles along his spine created, pressing into the hard planes along his shoulders and sides. His taut flesh felt good to her fingers, but she couldn’t feel enough; she had to get under his shirt.

  Tabitha pulled his shirt out of the waistband of his slacks and slid her hand up along his back. That was better, but still not enough. She wanted this man naked. Naked before her, bared for her perusal. While he laid siege to her mouth, she fumbled with the clasp of his pants, daring to disrobe him before the chance was gone. He moaned again, as her fingertips grazed the tip of him while she tried to open his zipper. It wasn’t going to work and her fumbling led to frustrations that came out in the form of a sound of disgust as she gave up the futile attempt.

  He chuckled and broke away from her. His appearance was disheveled; his hair mussed from her attentions, his eyes glowing fiercely. “What is it you want, Tabitha?” He stepped away, moving his arms out to his sides in an open gesture.

  “To see you naked.” The words were out before she could stop them and a look of horror plastered itself to her features.

  His eyes grew dark, animalistic, and his features steeled, angling his arrogant jaw with a stern set. A moment passed by, then his slacks slid to the floor and his shirt came floating off his body. He wore no undergarments – no undershirt or shorts. And he stood gloriously naked in front of her.

  My God! He’s perfectly gorgeous. Tabitha wasted no time in allowing her eyes to devour him. He had chosen to discard his clothing. It was only fair that she be allowed to memorize every part of him. And oh, the parts he had to offer.

  Jared was all tight muscle and hard planes, defined angles that brought geometry to mind. His shoulders were rounded from the bulges of muscle that cleaved lines and shadows down his long arms, his chest was broad and dusted with a faint patch of hair only at the cleft between his pecs. The thin trail of hair ran between them but stopped over a perfectly formed six-pack that delineated small clusters of muscles along his rib cage and small waist. Then, the faint hair line appeared again around a small, indented navel before traveling downward. Oh my…downward.

  His even longer legs looked as though he was flexing the muscles, even though she knew he stood in repose. His thighs bulged in carved steel, his calves evidently chiseled in the same form.

  Tabitha’s eyes slowly climbed back to the juncture of his legs. This man had every reason to walk with the air of surety he exuded. She made another swift head to toe sweep of his frame. She might not be able to touch, but oh, she could look.

  “Quid pro quo, Tabitha.” He rasped out, perfectly aware that she was visually eating him up.

  Her eyes snapped to his. “What?”

  “It’s your turn.”

  For one heated second she panicked. If she got naked there would be no stopping the next logical step from occurring. But, reason quickly presented itself and she relaxed. She pointed at her left arm, still bound tightly in cast and sling.

  “I’m your doctor, remember?” He took a step towards her. “I think I know how to get you out of that.”

  The panic resurfaced. He took another step and she matched it by backing away.

  “That’s unfair, Tabitha.” He growled, a knowing smile playing at his lips. The way her named rolled off his tongue did funny things to her abdomen. He reached out and grasped her shoulders, halting her retreat.

  He locked eyes with her, and slowly began to unhook the sling that held her arm tightly to her side. “The pins are in place just above your elbow, so you still have free range of movement at the shoulder. But, you already know this because you get yourself dressed every morning. How difficult could it be?” The sling dropped to the floor.

  He began unfastening her jeans. “When you stood up that first night and barged past me intent on finding your own way down the hall, your white T-shirt was still so wet it was plastered against your skin. I thought I was going to lose my composure at the sight of you trying so damned hard to storm past me. In fact, you even had a sexy hobble.” Her jeans were fully undone and being pushed over her hips.

  “I thought you said that you didn’t look at bodies that way.”

  He stopped lowering her jeans and laughed at her. “I am always able to perform my professional duties, Tabitha. But I am a man, and you are one beautiful woman.”

  With no retort forthcoming, her jaw hung slightly open, lifeless. He stepped back as her jeans became a puddle at her ankles and roved her body with his eyes. She self-consciously drew her left arm tighter across her body, linking it with her opposite hand.

  “Matching red panties?” He punctuated the observation with a groan.

  Tabitha shifted her weight from one foot to the other. They were red satin thongs, one of her favorite pair, and she’d chosen them this morning to match her frilly, red lace tank top. Now, she wasn’t quite sure if she was thankful for or regretted the decision. He groaned again and she decided it had been a good idea.

  He moved back toward her, taking the straps of her tank top between his fingers. He slid one thin strap down over her casted arm, revealing her right breast. She felt uncomfortable, standing there in brown sandals, underwear and shirt, one boob spilling out the top. Well, she wasn’t built to ‘spill out’, but her breast had been bared nonetheless. Jared slid the shirt down to her waist, covering her breasts with his hands. They weren’t completely nonexistent, but she felt tiny, miniscule, lacking in his grasp.

  He hunched down, sliding the cotton material all the way to her feet then leaned a shoulder into her stomach. “Lift your foot.” He commanded and removed her clothing and her shoes from one leg, then the other.

  He righted himself, running his hands along the outer lines of her body as he stood. He pinched a nipple; she gasped. He rolled it between his rounded, flat fingertips; she panted. He leaned down and sucked it into his mouth, pulling aggressively; her head fell back and she moaned loudly. She buried her hands in his hair, pushing him down onto her, wordlessly demanding that he take more of her. All of her.

  Jared complied with a pent up passion. He bent her backwards over an arm and devoured her. Raking her delicate skin with his teeth, he nipped, tugged, suckled, squeezed until her knees all but buckled and her heart rapidly beat a staccato in her chest.

  He walked her back until the couch bit into her knees and she sank down onto the cushion. He followed her, relentless in his assault of her body, his hands everywhere at once. She tried to keep up, follow along, but he was formidable in his conquest. He pushed at her thighs until they parted, kneeling between them. He came up against her, pressing her into the hard muscles that bunched and flexed with his every movement.

  Instinct and need drove her actions, her body pulsing with unspent energy and longing. She drug her nails along his back, clenched his buttocks. The fingers of her casted hand danced along his chest, stomach, and side; anywhere she could reach.

  He slid his mouth along her jaw line, down around her ear lobe, licking, tasting, teasing with the tip of his tongue. He breathed into her ear and she hitched a breath, digging her nails into the tender flesh at his waist. He turned them both to lay her down along the length of the couch, following her with his body.

  His weight pressing into her released a beast to run under her flesh and she bucked against him, moving so that he could position his body between her legs. Tabitha called his name and clawed at him – his back, his butt, his legs. She slid a hand between them and pulled him into her slight grip. She ran her hand up and down, over a
nd over, feeling him pulse in her palm, hearing the moans and sighs the movements elicited from him. He restrained her movements with an unbending grasp and focused on her face. “Slow down. We have all night.” He whispered. His gaze was intent, bearing into her. She ceased all movements, swallowed by the crystal green of his stare.

  His movements changed, slowed. His caress became so light that it feathered up her stomach, over her breasts, around her collarbone. Then she felt the fingers of his other hand find the center of her. He set a quicker tempo then and she reared up, trying to bury him fully within her. Her muscles began to clench tightly, painfully around him, her thighs snapped around his hips. Her stomach tightened and the pounding of her heart reached her ears. She bowed her back, overcome by sensation and gave in to the overwhelming release wreaking havoc on her body.

  His breath was shallow, harsh against her skin. He pressed heated kisses to her neck and face, tugging at her lips, licking her tongue. He was everywhere and anywhere all at once. Her legs relaxed and he entered her, driving her backwards, chasing relentlessly. Her head came up against the arm of the couch and she reached out with one hand to steady the tempo he beat into her body.

  He clasped onto her waist and rolled, taking them to the floor, positioning her over him and bringing her down upon him, taking care to isolate her arm from the jarring impact. Tabitha cried out as he filled her to the breaking point, tossing herself back against his knees. She splayed her fingers out along his stomach feeling the muscles tense and release as he surged up into her and brought her hips down to meet each thrust. He gritted his teeth, his eyes boring into her, and moaned repeatedly, bruising the tender flesh of her hips in his iron grip.

  He felt so good, so brazen and bold. She reveled in the feel of his hands on her skin, the feral action of his body rising up to meet hers. In one glorious moment, she was filled with him, all he had to give, and he was barking out as he spent himself within her.

  She flopped lifeless onto his chest, heaving in gulps of air, perspiration trickling along her hairline. He cradled her to him, smoothing her hair down her back.


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