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Duke of Manhattan

Page 13

by Louise Bay

  “Your whole relationship is a fake, and we both know it.”

  “Because it’s not convenient to you? You should have been a fly on the wall in our bedroom last night—no one was faking anything. You might have a sexless marriage, but I certainly won’t. Hell, take one look at Scarlett.” I scoffed. “As if I can keep my hands off her.” I didn’t have to lie to him. Everything I was saying was true.

  Frederick sniffed and wiped the end of his nose with the back of his hand. “Victoria is a very attractive woman.”

  “Yeah? I reckon you haven’t had head since you married her.” My jaw tightened. I was pissed at Frederick and irritated at myself for letting him affect me.

  Merriman cleared his throat as Frederick grimaced.

  “Gentleman,” Merriman said. “Can we concentrate on the matter at hand?”

  I turned back to Merriman. “Sorry.” What I wanted to do was punch Frederick out and go back to the house. I’d expected Frederick to bait me, been waiting for it. But why had I let him get under my skin? I didn’t usually. I just didn’t like the way he was talking about Scarlett. She was an innocent party in all this. How dare he talk about her like that? “You have my full attention,” I said, nodding at Merriman, not able to hear a word he was saying. Frederick had barely spoken to Scarlett. Who was he to judge her so quickly? If he’d bothered to get to know her, he’d realize that she was a sweet, feisty, sexy, funny woman who any man would be lucky to marry.



  I glanced around the dimly lit circular relaxation room with the gold, domed ceiling. In different circumstances, this place would probably be a great getaway. But right now I’d rather be almost anywhere than at a spa with Victoria and Aurora. I’d thought that Ryder had said they weren’t particularly friendly with each other, but watching them chat at the juice bar, completely ignoring Darcy and me, they looked thick as thieves.

  “Don’t worry about them,” Darcy said from next to me. We were on day beds, waiting for the next treatment. The spa was quiet and I hadn’t seen any other guests. After the full body massage I’d just had, and the countless orgasms last night, I should be more relaxed than I was.

  I smiled and turned toward her. She put her magazine down and looked at me. “I’m not. I’m just relaxing.” I settled my mango and ginseng smoothie onto the floor and started to look through the magazines littering the small side table.

  “I bet Ryder told you the story regarding Aurora, but probably left out all the details that matter. She’s been after him since she got her braces taken out. She’s been a total mess since he announced your engagement.”

  I glanced over at the two of them again. “Ryder said they were never together.”

  Darcy swung her legs off the bed and leaned in close to me. “No, they never dated. I think when he was about fifteen they kissed, but that was it.”

  I found that really hard to believe. Who could be hung up on a guy for so long if he’d never given her any reason to hope?

  “Ryder has always been very clear that he’d never marry. He used to joke that George Clooney stole his idea,” Darcy said.

  “But she thought he’d change his mind?”

  “I guess. But Ryder never even had girlfriends. There was nothing to suggest he was going to settle down.”

  “Unless she thought he was playing the field and one day he’d come back, make a life and children with her.”

  “If that’s what she thought then she’s delusional. Ryder is as ruthless with his women as he is in business dealings,” Darcy said, then paused, her expression turning guilty. “Though I’ve never known him to deliberately upset someone.” She tossed her magazine onto the bed and picked up her sludgy green drink. “I told him to marry Aurora. I knew she’d be willing.” Darcy shrugged. “But Ryder wouldn’t agree to it, said it would hurt Aurora that he could never be a real husband. So I don’t think he led her on.”

  “Did she know he’d only inherit if he married?”

  Darcy glanced over at the juice bar. “Everyone knows that, though I don’t think it was the money she was after.” She paused, frowning. “Well not entirely, anyway. I think she liked the idea of the whole package—the title, the social status. But mostly I think she loves him.”

  “And you two are friends?” If Darcy knew about our arrangement, would she have told Aurora? And if she knew, would Victoria find out?

  “Yes, we’ve always been friends. Though my feelings are not so warm where Victoria is concerned. The woman doesn’t have friends.” She laughed. “That sounds bitchy, but I’m being factual.”

  “But Aurora and Victoria look close,” I said with a nod toward the bar.

  “They’re not close. Victoria’s probably pumping her for information about you. But Aurora doesn’t know anything. She might suspect ulterior motives—she knows how Ryder is, after all—but you and he were so cute at dinner last night. More than anything else, I imagine she’s jealous.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Victoria asked as she sat on the bed next to me.

  “My brother,” Darcy said. “I was just telling Scarlett how cute they look together.”

  Victoria rolled her eyes but at least she didn’t say anything.

  “How did you say you met again?” Aurora asked.

  More questions. It seemed like I was being thrown a rope so I could hang myself. “As I said last night, I don’t remember the first time we met. It was at a party a couple of years ago apparently.” Aurora took a seat at the end of my bed and I had to shift my legs up to make room for her.

  “You have amnesia or something?” Victoria snapped.

  “No. He asked me out and I said no.”

  “I thought you didn’t remember,” she said.

  I shook my head. “I don’t, but Ryder’s told me the story more than once. Of course, he could be totally making it up. But then, I was married. I wouldn’t have been paying attention to other men.”

  “Married?” Aurora asked. “And you’re divorced now?”

  “Well she’s not about to commit bigamy, is she?” Darcy laughed. “The wedding is the day after tomorrow, for goodness’ sake.”

  I smiled. “Yes, we’re divorced now.” It was the first time that the mention of my divorce hadn’t caused a physical pain. Perhaps my heart was healing as everyone had promised it would. “My ex and I grew up together, were childhood sweethearts.” I cringed as I realized I was describing a situation close to Aurora and Ryder’s. “We started dating at fifteen. Got married at twenty-one. We were too young.”

  Except, I hadn’t been too young. Violet had told me more than once that people came in and out of our lives, travelling with us through different parts of our journey, and that my ex-husband had been my companion through my teens and early twenties. For him, I’d been a temporary part of his life, but I’d been happy to spend the rest of my life on the same road together. And now instead of sharing the minutiae of lives, I had no idea where he was even living. And he would have no clue that I would be in England and about to be married. Things change so quickly.

  “And it’s amicable?” Victoria asked. “Or was it a bad breakup?”

  “Victoria,” Darcy said, shooting her a dirty look.

  “It’s as amicable as these things can be. Definitely better now that some time has passed.” And that bit was true.

  “And you looked Ryder up when you got divorced?” Victoria asked.

  I curled my toes, gripping the cotton cover of the day bed. “Nope.” Now it clearly felt like Victoria was trying to catch me out. “I couldn’t, as I said last night. I didn’t even remember meeting him. We ran into each other at work. Well, he wanted to purchase the business I co-founded.”

  “Oh right, so it’s buy the business, get the girl for free?”

  “Victoria,” Darcy and Aurora said in unison.

  “My business partner and I refused his offer, but I agreed to a date.”

  “That’s so cute,” Aurora said. “I
have to say it was a bit of a shock. Ryder’s always liked women, so I was surprised to hear he’d decided to settle down.”

  “Just say what you mean—Ryder’s a slut,” Victoria said. “He’s fucked most of New York from what I understand. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “That’s my brother you’re speaking of, Victoria. If you say another—”

  “Well, I have to say, he’s certainly honed his craft,” I interrupted.

  For once Victoria didn’t have a response.

  Darcy laughed. “Yes, you sounded like you were having fun last night,” she said.

  Oh my God, how humiliating. I covered my face with my hands. “I’m so sorry,” I said. Ryder had warned me to be quiet. It was just so difficult when I was with him. I took a deep breath. “I just mean I have no reason to doubt his loyalty.” I took another sip of my juice.

  Darcy chuckled and thankfully we were interrupted by two members of staff calling Victoria and Aurora back for their next treatment.

  I watched both disappear behind a heavy curtain.

  “Oh my God,” Darcy whispered. “That was perfect. You even managed to blush when I pretended I’d overheard the two of you.”

  “You made that up?” Thank God. We had to be more careful next time. I didn’t want Ryder’s grandfather and sister overhearing us. And anyway, there probably wouldn’t even be a next time. Last night had just been … I couldn’t call it a mistake—it had been too good for that—but it wasn’t the deal that we had struck.

  “Well, I thought I’d made it up …” She narrowed her eyes at me. “Were you and Ryder … together?”

  I held my breath, unsure what I was supposed to say. “He must have told you how we met,” I said.

  “Remind me.”

  Ryder and Darcy were close, and I wanted to keep the lies to a minimum. Ryder wouldn’t mind if I filled her in, would he?

  I quickly explained how I’d had my first ever one-night stand, then run into Ryder at work the next day. “So it’s not as if we first slept together after … you know.”

  “He proposed.” Darcy finished my sentence for me.


  “But you’re still sleeping together?” she asked.

  “Just last night.” It wasn’t like it was a regular thing. And I had no idea if it would happen again, despite the day after tomorrow being our wedding day.

  “Twice is double the number of times he normally sleeps with a woman,” she replied and swung her legs back onto the day bed and opened a magazine.

  I lay my head back and stared at the glimmering ceiling. He probably wasn’t around the same woman more than once. Sleeping together again had been a matter of circumstance.

  Would it happen again tonight? I enjoyed his company. And his cock—that was for sure. And it wasn’t as if dating had worked out that well. Maybe having a career and a lover would be my path for the next part of my life.

  “Scarlett!” Ryder called from the bedroom.

  “I’m in here,” I replied. After my massage I was covered in oil and had decided to take a bath when I returned to Woolton.

  The bathroom door swung open and Ryder and his tousled hair filled up the frame. “Shit,” he said, finding me in the tub. He turned to leave. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Come in.” I wanted to catch him up on my conversation with Victoria. And I kinda liked that he’d come looking for me—all rumpled and handsome.

  He paused and turned back to face me. “Are you sure? I—”

  “Come in and shut the door—you’re letting the cold in.” My husband and I had always caught up on our days while I took a bath. Sometimes he’d join me. It had been sacred time as a couple.

  He chuckled and clicked the bathroom door closed, wandering over and sitting on the tiled ledge surrounding the bath. “You don’t mind me being in here?” he asked. But he didn’t insist on leaving.

  “Should I?” He’d seen me naked in far more compromising positions. And the thick bubbles covered the surface of the bathwater in any event.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought you might want your privacy.” I knew a man who looked like he wanted to talk.

  “I’m fine and you’re a sight for sore eyes. I want to hear about your day. So why not now?” I smiled. “How many birds did you kill?”

  “A sight for sore eyes? Does that mean the spa day was difficult?”

  “Tell me about the birds,” I said. I wanted to hear about his day.

  “I’ll tell you about the birds and Fred-a-dick when you tell me about Victoria.”

  I laughed. “You know you sound like a fifteen-year-old boy when you call him that,” I said.

  “What can I say? He brings out the worst in me.” He reached down and swept his fingers into the water. “Nice,” he said.

  “You can join me if you want. Plenty of room for two.” I drew my knees up to show him how much room I had left in the tub.

  He looked at me and narrowed his eyes. “And then you’ll tell me about Victoria?”

  “I’m not suggesting Chinese water torture. It’s a bath, not blackmail.” I rolled my eyes. “And anyway, Victoria wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.”

  He stood and stripped off his shirt. “A bath actually does sound great.”

  I watched his pecs curve and pulse as he flung his shirt to the floor and started on the fly of his jeans. I caught sight of the row of three freckles on his hip bone that I’d found last night and smiled. I was ridiculous. Every inch of this man’s body was delectable, but I focused on three tiny freckles. As he pushed down his jeans he turned his perfectly biteable ass toward me and I was easily distracted. “You have a great ass,” I said.

  He chuckled. “Back at you.”

  He stepped into the water.

  “Sit between my legs and I’ll give your back a rub.”

  “My favorite place to be, Miss King,” he replied as he steadied himself, grasping either side of the tub and took a seat in my favorite place for him to be.

  The muscles under his skin were tight and I snapped open some bath cream.

  “It’s cold,” he said as I squirted it onto his shoulder.

  I laughed. “Don’t be a baby. I’m going to make you feel great.” His hands gripped my calves and pulled my legs tight around him.

  I began to pinch and knead the muscles at the base of his neck, working my way down his shoulder, first one side and then the other. His body slowly relaxed with every touch. “It feels good,” he mumbled.

  “I told you it would.” He sank back onto my chest, and I slipped my arms under his. “Fred-a-dick got you tense,” I said.

  “Apparently, you’re the cure for that,” he said.

  “Wanna talk about it?” I asked.

  He turned his head to look at me. “Nope. I can’t even remember why he pissed me off now.”

  “Families are complicated,” I said.

  “Yeah, you can say that again. I’m lucky really. I have my grandfather and Darcy—a lot of people don’t even have that. They’ve never let me down. I can count on them for anything. And I would walk through fire for them.”

  I squeezed him tighter. “You don’t wish you had more of a relationship with your parents?” I asked.

  He skidded his hand over the surface of the water. “My grandparents were my parents really.” That wasn’t an answer but I couldn’t tell whether he was being deliberately evasive.

  “You don’t miss your mom?”

  He sighed, his body pressing against mine. “An idea of her perhaps. But I can’t miss someone who I never knew, who was never around.”

  “I suppose.” I let a beat of silence extend between us.

  “I wouldn’t wish the parents I had on anyone and I wouldn’t want to be the people they are. But at the same time, I can’t complain about the privileged life I have.”

  “I’m not sure any privilege makes up for not having a mom.”

  He didn’t respond and then scooped up some water and spla
shed his face.

  “Will I meet her?” I asked.

  Ryder shook his head. “I have no idea where she is at the moment.” He cleared his throat. “Haven’t seen her for a couple of years.”

  I couldn’t imagine what it must be like not to have parents—to not have seen my mother in years. “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “Don’t be. Not now. When we were kids it was … more difficult. But now? Like I said, I have my grandfather and Darcy. That’s all I need.” He spoke with conviction as if he, his grandfather and his sister were in a fortified castle, with high walls and a deep moat. No one was allowed in or out. But I got the feeling he’d just let me peek over the edge, just for a few minutes.

  I swept my hand down his chest and he turned to look at me. As he did, I bent and kissed him on the nose before I had a chance to think that maybe I shouldn’t. I was used to doing what came naturally with the man I was with. I’d never had to check myself or wonder if it was too much.

  Ryder grinned up at me. He didn’t seem to mind. “You have suds on your head,” he said.

  “I do?” I asked as he dusted them off.

  “They suited you. But you could wear naked with anything and you’d make it look great.” He chuckled. “God, am I being a cheeseball again?” He turned back around and we both faced forward.

  “Again?” I asked.

  “You called me a cheeseball the first night we met,” he said, his exhale pressing against my belly.

  “I did?” There was nothing cheesy about Ryder.

  “Yeah, it threw me off my game a little. You don’t remember?”

  I remembered him being charming. And gorgeous. And I remembered wanting to see him naked but not being cheesy.

  “Nope.” I stroked my finger down from his hairline at the top his neck to the top of his spine. Even the most innocuous part of the man’s body was a turn on. “I don’t remember you being a cheeseball. Are you giving me fake compliments?”

  Was his flattery just a knee-jerk reaction to being with a woman? A line he used often? Victoria had certainly painted him as a man who’d do whatever it took to get a woman into bed. “Or did you mean it?”

  He paused before saying, “Yeah, I meant it. You’re beautiful. Unselfconscious and open, which is really attractive.” He took a breath, my hands rising and falling with his chest. “I find it very sexy.”


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