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Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)

Page 46

by Kelley, Morgan

Chris laughed.

  Just then the doors opened and the three walked in with Rex behind them.

  “I love when I show up to an autopsy to find my ME and special agent taking a massage break,” Elizabeth stated. It was fun to watch Cyra jump at the sound of her voice.

  Doctor Leonard laughed it off. “Please, don’t make her stop. I’m having a long day.”

  Elizabeth hopped up on a table and waited. “If you can talk coherently while she rubs your neck, have at it.”

  “I could kiss you,” he muttered, and then winced as Cyra pushed extra hard. “Ouch! Okay, it was a figure of speech! If my lips even approached hers, Ethan and Callen would rip them off.”

  “Damn right,” Ethan stated.

  “It wouldn’t only be your lips,” Callen implied.

  “Boys, don’t threaten the staff. That’s my job. Chris, what do we have so far? I assume it’s not going to be much, since she’s still not opened up.”

  Chris kept his eyes closed as he prepared to talk death with his bosses. “Doctor Parrish had two victims of a car accident, and he needed assistance putting the human puzzle back together again or she would have been done.”

  “Give me something, Christopher.”

  “Christina already did the sweep for trace and is processing it as we speak. When we took a closer look at her, we didn't find any smelling salts on her lip. It looked to be wiped clean, but we did swab her inner nostrils and might get lucky. Then again, this killer is switching it up pretty much with every woman.”

  “What else?”

  “She had the same abrasions, so nothing is new there, but she did have more bruising to the face. It looks like he might have gotten a bit more exuberant as he took her or tried to subdue her for the altar. It was nothing that would have killed her, but it would have hurt.”

  “Yeah, being punched in the face tends to hurt,” she stated. In her career, she’d taken a few shots herself.

  “The killer definitely carved her up when she was alive and again, possibly awake. That’s the same too, as is the weapon.”

  Elizabeth was getting frustrated with the killer. “So, what you’re telling me is that everything is pretty much the same, except one or two things were altered?”

  “Yep. When I open her up, I’m not expecting a whole hell of a lot to change.”

  “Great,” she said, as Ethan dropped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Why don’t you four head back? I’ll get to work and see you in a couple of hours. There’s really no reason to stay here and wait for me to find something that’s likely not there.”

  Cyra stopped rubbing his shoulders and neck, and flushed when she received a kiss on the forehead.

  “You know that I never say no to an autopsy escape plan. Text us if you need us,” Elizabeth stated, moving to the door. As usual, Rex was right behind her.

  “I’ll see you later, sweetheart,” Chris added, double gloving his hands. “Miss me a little.”

  She smiled at his words. “I will and I love you.”

  When she walked out, his heart thumped in his chest. Staring down at the woman, he tried to focus on the task at hand, but his brain was stuck on the living.

  There had to be a first time for everything.

  “Okay Ms. Bilmore, let’s see what you can tell me.”

  Back at the hotel, Cyra fully expected to be in her room working alone. Instead, she found herself sitting with the bosses in their suite while working on the financials there.

  As they had dinner together, she found herself relaxing more and more around the three. It wasn’t as if she didn't like them, but the whole threesome thing threw her for a loop. When she was growing up, monogamy was the rule. Now, she was watching them as a couple, or whatever you called it, and questioning all the things she had once believed to be true.

  It was a little off settling. Cyra was beginning to accept their union more and more, and she didn't know if it was because Chris cared about them, or she’d just begun to look past the relationship to see the people.

  “Did you find anything that ties the women together on their financials?” Callen asked, drawing her attention.

  “So far, I’ve only found one thing that links anything together. The four victims had the same monthly auto draws on their accounts for a gym membership.”

  “That could be something,” Ethan stated, flipping through more data coming in from the tech team. “Christina just found smelling salts in our victim’s nose. She just confirmed it.”

  “So, now he is cleaning up after himself. I just can’t get a grasp on what he’s doing. I feel like I’m one step off with this one.” It was rare for a killer to be able to mess with them this much, and Elizabeth was getting pissed off.

  “I’m going to guess that we’re heading to the gym tomorrow to do an interview?” Callen assumed.

  “Yeah, it looks like that’s our intended first stop of the day,” replied Elizabeth.

  “Do you want everything that I have?” Cyra asked. When Elizabeth nodded, she continued, “The owner is a Craig Decker. He started out running it as a manager and eventually bought the business. I’m searching him for any warrants or police records, but as of yet he’s clean. If I find anything later, I’ll email it over to you three.”

  “How many gyms are in Circle Rock?” she inquired.

  Cyra did a quick Google search and came up with only the one in the town.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn't Greg Marsh say he received a note on his car while he was at the gym?”

  Ethan replied, “He did.”

  “That seems a little odd, and you know me boys, if it screams odd then it probably has some merit.”

  Cyra didn't say anything.

  “I make you nervous,” Elizabeth finally stated, unable to ignore the pink elephant dancing in the room.

  “Yes, you do.”

  She didn't expect her to admit it. “Is it because I come across harsh or is it because of my personal life?”

  Both men watched the woman. They were used to just about every comment that people had made. Nothing she said was going to shock or surprise them.

  “I think that it’s both. I’m still trying to get my footing when it comes to working with you, and the unusual couple thing keeps catching me off guard.”

  “Thank you for your honesty,” Elizabeth said, watching the woman.

  “Chris cares about you three, more than just you being his bosses. So, I’m going to trust his judgment and trying to be more open and accepting. I won’t say that I’ll ever understand it, but I’m going to be willing to accept it as your choice.”

  Elizabeth understood. Not everyone was going to agree with her decisions in life, but that didn't give them the right to slam them either. “I’ve found that if you stop thinking about it, you’ll see that it’s easier. We’re not only just the whole, but parts of it too. Get to know the pieces to the partners and you’ll see us a little differently.”

  She wanted to do just that. “I’m going to head back to my room. I have discs to watch before bed. There’s nothing like some Satanic sex to give a person sweet dreams before sleep.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Cyra, we all know what you’re dreaming about and it’s not the satanic church.”

  She blushed.

  “If it matters, I’m thrilled for Chris. I’m glad he found a genuine, loving, kind person to protect his heart. He deserves it,” she stated, watching her agent. “And so do you.”

  Cyra smiled. She was fortunate to find him too. “Sweet dreams yourself,” she called Rex, and once more he wouldn’t come. Pausing, she turned around. “Can I ask something?”

  Elizabeth looked back up. “Yeah, shoot.”

  “When this is all over, if he still wants to be with your family, will you give him a good home?” she asked, motioning towards Rex. “I love him, but I also what him to be happy and pick his own place to live. I’m beginning to believe that he was only mine temporarily, until he found his forever home.” />
  Elizabeth felt bad about the entire situation. “Cyra, I want him to go home with you. I think he’s a great dog, but he’s yours.”

  She smiled. “I appreciate that, but I know that he’ll be loved with me or with you. Maybe he knows that you have a house full of kids. Rex loves to lick babies.”

  That made Elizabeth laugh as both men beside her tensed at the thought of the big dog licking their kids. “Well, who doesn’t?” she teased.

  Cyra was at peace with it.

  “Thank you, Cyra,” stated Elizabeth as she watched the woman walk away. Staring down into the dog’s face, she spoke to him. “Rex, you have a mommy that loves you. I think you’re great, but you should be with her not me.”

  Rex only stared as he ignored her.

  “I give up,” she stated, earning a bark from the dog.

  Callen found it entertaining. “Come on Rex, let’s go out for the night,” he offered, grabbing the leash. The dog lumbered towards the door and followed the man.

  “You should get some sleep, Lyzee. You look beat down and ready to drop,” Ethan stated.

  “I am. I find that all I want to do right now is go home and kiss my kids before I fall into bed.”

  Ethan wouldn’t mind that himself. Offering her his hand, they walked to the bathroom to brush their teeth. He stayed so close to her that he nearly spit toothpaste into her hair.

  “Handsome, I think I’m safe in here,” she stated laughing. “I get you both want to keep me safe, but I’m locked down with two men in a hotel room, and with a guard dog too.”

  There was no way he’d take any chances. Leading her back to bed, he pulled off his t-shirt. Before he could drop it, Elizabeth grabbed it, and slipped out of her own. The simple action of her wanting to sleep in his clothing touched his heart.

  “I love you, Ethan,” she whispered and then yawned. Closing her eyes, she cuddled into his body and found sleep not far behind.

  When Callen finally returned, he told Rex to be quiet, and the dog actually listened. Brushing his teeth, he stripped down to his boxers and slid into bed with them both.

  “She must be exhausted.”

  Ethan only nodded.

  “Hang in there, bro.” It was obvious what Ethan was thinking. “She’s going to be safe.”

  Both men watched the massive dog hop up on the bed and make a spot for himself at Elizabeth’s feet.

  Ethan’s last thoughts were focused on what his brother had said, and he hoped that Callen was absolutely right.

  * * *

  She wasn’t a stranger to him, as he had watched her before at the circles and walking down the street.

  That made her perfect for what he had planned.

  Ultimately, his prize would be the beautiful FBI director, but this woman would serve her purpose.

  She was pretty high up there on the offering scale.

  Taking her life and giving her soul to the dark Lord would be greatly appreciated. This woman was the opposite of everything Satan wanted and believed. Taking her life would mean that he was closer to getting his ultimate prize.

  Elizabeth Blackhawk.

  He was so glad that he didn't miss her and the walk she took alone through the streets. It wasn’t uncommon, he’d seen her do it plenty of times before, just taking in the stars and the night air.

  Tonight, she was going to wish she never left the safety of her home.

  Lately, he’d become afraid.

  His fear was that Elizabeth Blackhawk would leave as soon as the last offering was made. That couldn’t happen. He’d worked so hard on the planning and implementation of the entire thing. He needed her to stay and be part of his moment of glory.

  She was his reward and sacrifice to his master.

  He knew a way to keep her there. It would be risky, but it would definitely work. It was only a matter of making one alteration to the plan.

  He grinned as he watched the woman take a shortcut home. That would be her downfall. Sneaking up behind her, she never heard him coming as his hand struck out and dazed her. When his hands wrapped around her delicate throat, she fought to survive, but it was too late.

  Before long, she passed out from lack of oxygen, and he stared down at her in joy.

  It wouldn’t be long now.

  “Be afraid, Elizabeth Blackhawk. Your time is running out.”

  Picking her up, he carried her to his waiting car and prepared for his night of worshipping his master.

  Yes, it was time.

  Halloween was coming and so would be his Samhain prize.

  Now, it was just a matter of being patient…

  * * *

  Back in her room, Cyra ordered some dinner from the restaurant for Chris, and went to pick it up. She knew when he finally arrived back to the hotel that he was going to be exhausted. She knew that he had a stressful job just like they did, and Cyra wanted to cater to him just a little bit.

  While waiting, she spent her time working on the sex tapes. In the process, she learned one thing. It wasn’t nearly as much fun alone.

  Two hours later, she was still lost in them when she heard his hotel room door open. Immediately, Cyra went on alert. She was still a little wary of being alone, since being attacked by her partner, but at his voice she calmed down.

  “Cyra sweetheart, I’m here,” he called softly, just in case the woman was asleep.

  “I’m on the bed, Christopher,” she replied, glancing up at him as he rounded the corner.

  He looked exhausted and beat down.

  “You have to be tired. Why don’t you grab a nice hot shower and I’ll meet you here on the bed?” she suggested.

  There was no way in hell that he was going to argue with that plan. Immediately, he began dropping his things. His messenger bag was first, his medical kit with his tools and then there was a line of clothing to the bathroom door.

  Once she heard the water starting, she got up to heat up his dinner. Placing it in the microwave, she then picked up all his clothes and placed them in a pile next to the closet. Gently, she moved his medical bag. Delicately, she ran her fingers over his name engraved on the front plate. She knew he treated them reverently, much like she respected her gun. They were special to him, and now they were to her too.

  The microwave beeped just as the water shut off.

  He called to her from the bathroom. “Please tell me that is food that I smell, and I’m not hallucinating.”

  Cyra laughed. “Yes Christopher. It’s your dinner. I figured that you’d be hungry when you arrived.”

  When he came to the door with just a towel wrapped around his waist, her breath caught in her throat. His body called to Cyra as if it were made for her. The sleekness and slim hips of his sturdy frame were delicious.

  She put the lustful notions away, trying to feed the man’s body, not her libido.

  “I picked out something well balanced,” she said, placing it in front of him at the table.

  Chris watched her in awe. The only other woman, who ever thought to feed him was his mother. Coming home to this treatment every night was something that money could never buy. He noticed she picked up his things and moved them too. Man, it heated his body and made him want to grab her and kiss her senseless.

  “You did?” he asked.

  She opened the steaming foam container and placed it in front of him with a fork and knife. “I know you didn't eat all day,” she added.

  Chris took a bite of his chicken and practically sighed in joy. Yeah, real food was a very good thing. “I did get some caloric consumption in,” he muttered, as she handed him a bottle of water. “I keep candy in my medical bag.”

  She laughed. “That’s a really gross place to hide it.”

  Cyra wasn’t the first person to tell him that, and yet no one ever looked there. “Yeah, but it’s safe.”

  Standing behind him, she ran her hands over his shoulders to release more tension. “Is there anything new with the victim?”

  Chris shook his head and conti
nued to chew. “No. I went extra slow too. I didn't want to risk missing anything.” When she hit a really tight muscle, he moaned. “Are you going to do this every night when I come home from work?”

  Cyra kissed him on the cheek, as he looked back at her. “Well, you may beat me home some nights. So, if I’m having the long day, this is how you can make it better too.”

  “That’s a deal.” Who was he kidding? He’d follow her with rose petals and a fan if she was so inclined. “I hope you like take out. I’m the king of dialing.”

  She didn't mind. “I think I can teach you to cook. I mean you went to medical school and learned so much, I’m sure we can cram a little more into that brain of yours.”

  Chris finished eating and stood. “If you push out anything that Elizabeth needs for me to do my job, you have to explain it to her,” he stated laughing.

  She shrugged. “I’ll take my chances.”

  Tossing his trash, he led her to the bathroom and they stood side by side brushing their teeth. It was really peaceful to have this moment with her.

  When they finished, they slid into bed and Chris curled against the back of Cyra, spooning his body around hers lovingly. “So exhausted,” he muttered, exploratorily running his fingers across her ass.

  Cyra giggled as his body came awake as it was pressed against hers. “I thought you were tired?”

  He teased her ear with his lips and whispered to her. “Apparently, you can wake the dead.”

  She rolled into his arms.

  “Yeah, well, we all have our skills.”

  * * *

  Callen didn't know where he was. Looking around the area, it didn't look familiar at all. As soon as the panic began, he heard the gentle tinkling of wind chimes in the air. He’d never heard them before, but then it dawned on him.

  “Granddad?” he asked, turning.

  There behind him stood the first man who ever showed him any love. He had taken him in and raised him when he’d been discarded.

  “Hello, my boy.”

  Callen wasted no time rushing to him and hugging the man. God, he missed him very much. Even though the feelings of loss tempered with time, the pain of his passing still affected Callen daily. “I miss you so much!”


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