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Page 15

by Marian Tee

  Lace just laughed harder.

  “Lace, stop it.” KC was still struggling to keep a straight face. “It really wasn’t that funny—”

  I resumed rubbing my mouth free of Kellion’s taste.

  KC ended up giggling.

  *head desk*

  Beside me, I could still feel Kellion’s eyes on me. He actually had his elbow on the table, head propped up by his hand, staring at me like he was mesmerized.

  Like he was in love.


  I scowled at him. He was so not helping, the way Kellion was staring at me only making the two other girls laughing nonstop.

  “Do you know—” Kellion said conversationally when he saw my scowling face, “—I find the fact that you’re trying to rub my kiss off your lips extremely arousing?”

  I quickly put down the napkin even as I turned to glare at him. God, this biker. Did he really have to say that?

  In front of me, KC choked while Lace said loudly, “Gross.”

  Kellion swiped the napkin from my fingers.

  I yelped in protest, trying to get it back, but he kept it out of reach by jamming it inside his jeans pocket.

  “No more, baby. I honestly think it’s a turn on, but I’m worried it could do something to your lips.” His voice was firm but gentle, his eyes revealing genuine concern.

  “Aww,” KC gushed. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Gross,” Lace said again.

  Ditto, my friend, ditto, I thought even as I was torn between glaring and blushing.

  When he actually reached for my lips, I tried slapping his hand away, but it was no use. He was just too quick, his lips twitching even as he easily evaded my blocks.

  His fingers grazed my lips. “Seems okay,” he murmured.

  Yes. They were so okay I could even try biting him.

  Kellion only laughed. “You are a little monster,” he grunted afterwards when I managed to bite hard on one finger.

  Before I could answer, rookies from Afxisi had come back, bearing fully loaded trays for us. It was awkward, having another student do something so seemingly menial for us, and especially knowing that these boys were probably a hundred times richer than I could ever be. But according to Kellion, it was part and parcel of their training, a way to make sure they didn’t become too blinded by their egos.

  Everyone stared as the rookies silently laid the trays on the table and just as silently stood in one row until Kellion nodded his dismissal.

  Lace shook her head with a sigh. “If only all the players in my school followed me that way.”

  “That’s weird,” KC remarked with a concerned frown as she started digging into her pasta. “You didn’t have that kind of trouble before, right?”

  “Yeah, well…these aren’t my old players.” Lace’s voice was flat.

  I looked at Kellion, and when he nodded at me imperceptibly, I knew he had noticed the same thing I had. Lace had something going on, but she wasn’t the type to ask for help, even if she needed it. Right now, she looked like she’d do anything to change the subject—

  “Say ‘aah’.” Kellion suddenly had a forkful of salad coming at me.

  Without thinking, I opened my mouth.

  And there it was, my boyfriend had just fed me in public.

  KC grinned. Lace pretended to gag. Me? I just wanted to kill myself because in my entire life, I had never thought I’d be like one of those couples.

  God, this biker.

  When I turned to Kellion, he had his phone out. JUST TO TAKE THE HEAT OFF LACE.


  He erased the message and wrote another one. BUT I ALSO WANTED TO TRY FEEDING YOU.

  God, this biker.

  Tearing my gaze off him, I took my burger from my plate and bit into it, chewing determinedly. It was that or be swept away by the weird electrifying jolt that had zapped my body at his words.

  God, this biker.

  He made it so, so hard for me not to fall more and more in love with him.

  Unable to help it, I stole a look at Kellion. He and Lace were talking about basketball, and I secretly felt so proud at the way he didn’t patronize Lace about the subject just because she was a girl.

  In fact, the first time I had introduced Lace to him, he totally took the fact that she was an aspiring NBA coach in stride. No sarcasm, no surprise, no disbelief – just a straightforward question about what she had done so far to make it happen.

  Honestly, there were just so many things to love about him I was starting to worry that maybe I had to be nicer just so he’d have as many reasons to keep loving me.

  Kellion suddenly glanced at me. “Is it bothering you?”

  My eyebrow shot up in confusion. Huh?

  “Is that why you’ve been staring at me? Are you bothered by how good-looking your boyfriend is?”

  God, this biker.

  Too cute and too arrogant for his own good. And so I stepped on his foot. Hard enough to make him grunt, but not enough to kill the wicked grin on his face.

  “It’s okay, baby,” he said soothingly. “I’m just as bothered at how hot you are.” And then he went back to talking to Lace, as if he hadn’t just said the most embarrassing things.

  God, this biker.

  Deciding not to dignify his words with an answer, I turned my head away from Kellion. KC nudged me at the same time just before passing me her phone.

  KC: Has either of you said ILY yet?

  I choked on my burger. KC had this thing about couples exchanging ‘I love you’ with each other, but honestly just the thought of doing it gave me the creeps. It just wasn’t my thing, and I didn’t think it was Kellion’s either.

  Honestly, just thinking about it—

  I shuddered.


  Kellion pounded me on the back. “Okay?”

  I flashed him a thumbs-up sign weakly.

  “Sure?” He glanced at KC’s phone curiously.

  Oh no you don’t. Before he could even think of reading what KC said, I quickly pressed the button to clear the entire message.

  Kellion frowned. “Now you have me curious, terataki.”

  I pulled out my board. IT’S NOTHING.

  He looked at KC. “Was it nothing?”

  KC said slyly, “Depends on how you say it.” When she looked at me, I had to wonder why I ever thought she was innocent. “Did something or nothing happen, Aria? You tell me.”

  I glared at her. Shut up!

  “I’m confused,” Kellion announced.

  “Me, too,” Lace piped in.

  I waved my board at them, emphasizing my last words. IT’S NOTHING.

  Lace’s gaze narrowed. “I think there’s something—”

  KC said brightly, “Really?”

  I kicked her under the table.

  KC winced. “Okay, I’ll shut up.”

  Kellion was checking his watch. “Lunch break’s about to end soon.” He glanced at my half-finished burger. “Finish up. We can always talk about this later.”

  I threw my hands up. Did he not read what I wrote? I pointed at my board. IT’S NOTHING!

  “Yes, yes,” Kellion said as if talking to a stubborn kid, which would be me, I supposed. “Now, will you finish eating your damn burger? I know you didn’t eat breakfast this morning.”

  Lace and KC were whispering in front of us and my heart sank when Lace’s eyes widened. “Oh, so that’s what!” She smirked at me. “I’d like to know the answer, too.”

  I threw my board at her, but she caught it handily. I knew she would, but it was nice taking a shot at her anyway.

  I glared at them even as I munched on the last of my burger. IT’S NOTHING. When I was done, I gulped down some water and pulled Kellion up with me. It was definitely time to go, before either of those two would end up saying something unnecessary.

  Kellion was grinning as I practically dragged him away from the nasty duo. “Slow down.”

  I shook my head without looking at him, doing my best to walk faster.
  He fell into step next to me, his grip changing so that he was the one holding my hand. It was a very alpha gesture, which I should have found ridiculous but instead my heart ended up skipping more than a beat at it.

  God. I was so in love with him it was just not funny. At all!

  As we started for the stairs, Kellion asked, “What was it really?”

  I knew that tone of his. It meant he wouldn’t stop at nothing until I gave him an answer. Impulsively, I blurted out, “Sex.”

  The air around us changed the moment I said the word, Kellion’s nostrils flaring while heat uncurled inside me, burning the strength from my limbs and making me feel like I could fall any moment.


  Suddenly, it was all I could think about.

  Zero, zero, zero, zero.

  I had tried so hard not to think about this number but now that I did, it really was all I could think about, and it did even crazier things to my body, chopping my breath into tiny pieces while my heartbeat became as erratic as a toddler pounding on the piano.

  Zero days left to wait because today was the day—

  Oh God, I couldn’t even bear to finish the thought.


  I panicked. Without a word, I walked past him, trying not to run. I didn’t want him looking at me. One look at my red face and I was sure he’d find out the truth: that I had been counting the days like a sex-starved ho.

  “Aria, stop.” He caught hold of me just as I reached the mezzanine. I tried to get away without causing a fuss, but he suddenly pushed me against the wall, trapping my body between it and his hard body.

  Around us, students started to whisper, walking more slowly as they passed us. I tried to push Kellion away, but it only made him inch closer.

  “Aria, today...” He sucked in his breath hard. “Tell me.” His voice was a husky, seductive whisper, and listening to him, I felt like I had an inkling of how Snow White must have felt while being offered a juicy red apple.

  “You have to be the one to tell me you still want it.”

  I shook my head. The temptation was a hundred times worse, the evil queen ditching the old woman disguise in favor of a hot six-foot-plus Greek biker.

  “Tell me.” Kellion nuzzled my neck, and I could feel him smiling as he spoke. We both knew that it was only a matter of time before I succumbed.

  “N-no.” My body started to ache just because I was this close to him, close enough to feel how irresistibly hot and powerfully male his body was. Knowing I had to say something before I gave in completely, I stammered, “W-we’re in p-public—”

  “I don’t care—”

  “Do…you…want…me?” The words were out before I knew what I was saying, and the moment they slipped out, I realized that a part of me had been worrying about it all this time. Ever since that time at the hotel, we hadn’t done anything like it after, Kellion never doing anything beyond kissing.

  And it worried me, it really did because if I really thought about it, no matter what he said, no matter what had happened, the fact that Kellion Argyros hadn’t taken me to bed – hadn’t done more than kiss me in the past week –

  It just didn’t make sense.

  Over my head, I heard Kellion curse in Greek, just before he demanded in a growl, “Are you serious?” He released a low, strained laugh. “You’re actually not sure I want you?”

  I glared up at him. “Because…you…only…just…kiss…me.” I hissed the words out, furious at him for making me say it, just as I was furious with myself for feeling bad about it.

  Another strained laugh. “And I take cold showers every night because I only allow myself to kiss you.” He shook his head. “How can you be so blind, you little idiot?” He jerked me close to him, the move devouring the last few inches between our bodies. And that was when I felt it.

  Not just how hard his body was. But I felt it. Huge. Powerful. And extremely alive, the way it pulsed so strongly against the juncture between my thighs.

  Around us, the world still turned, but all of it had stopped existing for me. Now, only two things mattered. Him. And…his cock.

  “So now you know,” he gritted out.

  Trembling, I nodded. Now, I know. Oh, how I knew.

  “Tell me then.” A deliciously rough command, his alpha side coming to the fore. “The words I want to hear…tell me.”

  “Yes.” I couldn’t resist obeying him, couldn’t stop myself from whimpering the word out, knowing it would drive him crazy to hear me say it like that. And it did, Kellion sucking in his breath once more.

  “Aria, God—”

  I almost moaned. With his cock so blatantly erect against my body, it was so easy to say more than what he wanted to hear, to tell him what I really felt, the carnal truth hidden inside my heart. I whispered, “I...want…you…to…take…me.” I looked into his eyes, made helpless and weak by how much I wanted him. “How…could…you…think…I…don’t?”

  “Ah.” Kellion sounded like he was in pain. It was nearly inaudible, but this close, I didn’t just hear it. I felt it, his longing, his need, his desire to make love to me.

  It scared me, but more than that, it excited me, made me feel restless, and if I wasn’t so shy and inexperienced, wasn’t so scared that this would turn out to be a dream and he never actually wanted me—

  Maybe I would have tried moving closer to him just so I could feel more of his hardness.

  After swallowing several times, I managed to ask, “What…now?”

  “I shouldn’t even be giving you time to think.” His smile turned self-mocking. “But somehow, you make me do things that I don’t normally do.” Kellion’s jaw clenched. “So I’m giving you one last chance. I’m no good—”

  I placed my finger on his lips, a frown on my face. Don’t say it.

  He kissed my finger before pulling it down. “I won’t say it.”

  I relaxed at his words, almost smiled actually, because even now, I couldn’t believe how good Kellion was at reading my thoughts, at understanding what I was saying even without words.

  “But are you really sure…” Kellion breathed hard. “Are you really sure I’m worthy of being your first?” Each word was underlined with pain, each word a reflection of the scars he still had in his heart.

  For a moment, I could only look at him, unable to comprehend how someone as perfect as Kellion Argyros could still remain so blind about the person he was.

  Was he worthy?

  This would show him just how “worthy” I thought he was.

  When I looked up at Kellion again, his gaze was elsewhere, his body stiff, and I knew he was preparing himself for my rejection. Slowly, I reached for the sleeve of his shirt, tugging on it to call his attention even as I kept my eyes on his chest, knowing that it was impossible to meet his gaze with what I had to say.

  When I felt Kellion’s gaze on me, I said, “Later…” My fingers tightened around his sleeve. “Your…place…or…mine?”

  Kellion inhaled, his hard chest pressing against mine for a second. “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.” His voice was tight. “Because I want you too much. I won’t refuse if you ask me again.”

  Sensual heat rippled down my spine at his words, and I felt the triangle between my legs slowly becoming wet.

  I heard myself say, “Then…consider…me…asking…again.” The moment I said it, I squeezed my eyes shut. Did I really just say that? Really?

  Kellion’s head lowered, and I stiffened in my surprise as our heads touched. “Which place will put you more at ease?”

  The question threw me for a loop.

  “Yours or mine?”

  I thought about it as seriously as I could, which was hard since right now, all I could think of was how long I’d have to wait before I could have his fingers on my pussy again.

  Finally, I said, “Mine.”

  At my answer, he said huskily, “Then your place it is.” He tipped my chin up, and I blinked at the hard look in his eyes. “Later,
I’ll be waiting outside your class. And then I’ll make you mine. Got it?”

  The fierceness of his voice made me shiver, and even if I was normal and able to speak, at that moment, it would have been impossible to. That look…that voice…those words…

  I nodded. It was all I could do. I got it.

  We didn’t say a word after that, Kellion only holding my hand as he walked me to class ten minutes late.

  “Don’t tire yourself too much. You’ll need every bit of your strength later on.” He paused. “You might not be able to go to school tomorrow, too.” The apologetic note of his voice put me on guard. Every time he spoke like that, it usually meant something bad.

  But then Kellion didn’t say anything else, actually left it like that and started walking away.

  I hesitated for a second before going after him, tugging on the back of his shirt.

  Kellion glanced over his shoulder, surprise visible on his face when he saw me. “What is it?”

  I took out my board and wrote, WHY WON’T I BE ABLE TO GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW?

  He blinked. “But I told you the last time, didn’t I?”

  I cocked my head to the side, bemused. You did?

  Kellion shook his head, silently chiding me for being so forgetful. “Baby, did you think I didn’t mean it?”

  I shook my head. Meant what?

  He bent close, his breath caressing my ear as he whispered, “I’ll be fucking you really hard all night, terataki. You probably won’t be able to walk properly tomorrow.”

  And then Kellion was striding away again, but this time he was whistling, loud enough to make everyone gape at him, cheerfully enough for everyone to notice the strong air of male satisfaction about him.

  I hurried into the room before people started wondering what exactly I had done to make Kellion Argyros act like he had just won the lottery.

  God. This. Biker.


  Dear Ashton,

  You know I love you, right? But you also get it that my heart is so big that other people can fit in it. Right?

  I’ll give you your favorite chocolate later if you say you understand.

  Love, Big Sis


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