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The Picture House by the Sea

Page 34

by Holly Hepburn

  He kissed her again then and this time she felt all the yearning and longing he’d nurtured throughout the years that they’d known each other. This was what love was, she thought, sinking deeper into the kiss. Whatever happened next, she knew she could never love anyone the way she loved Ben.

  The sound of applause and whooping reminded them that they were not alone. Embarrassed, they sprang apart, but Gina could only see approval and friendliness on the faces around them. ‘About bloody time!’ Carrie called and everyone laughed.

  ‘I know you’re going away,’ Gina said, glancing up at Ben. ‘But we’ll find a way to make it work.’

  He shook his head, ruefully. ‘Except that I’m not. I’ve been trying to tell you, I rang my new boss and told them something had come up, that I couldn’t take the job.’ He wrapped his arms around her. ‘I’m staying right here in Polwhipple, with you.’

  It was too much for Gina; tears of happiness began to spill down her cheeks.

  ‘You’re crying,’ he said in alarm, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a white handkerchief. ‘Have I said the wrong thing?’

  ‘No,’ she replied, smiling at him through her tears. ‘You said exactly the right thing. I’ve just got a little something in my eye, that’s all.’

  A Year at the Star and Sixpence

  Holly Hepburn

  When sisters Nessie and Sam inherit a little pub in a beautiful country village they jump at the chance to escape their messy lives and start afresh. But when they arrive at the Star and Sixpence, it’s not quite what they imagined . . .

  Determined to make the best of this new life, they set about making the pub the heart of the village once again.

  But when the sisters’ past comes back to haunt them, they start to think that the fresh start they needed is very far away indeed . . .

  * * * * * * * * * *

  ‘You’ll fall in love with this fantastic novel from new star of women’s fiction, Holly Hepburn. Filled to the brim with captivating characters and fantastic storylines in a gorgeous setting!’ Miranda Dickinson

  ‘Warm, witty and laced with intriguing secrets! I want to pull up a bar stool, order a large G&T and soak up all the gossip at the Star and Sixpence!’ Cathy Bramley



  My everlasting thanks to Jo Williamson, of Antony Harwood Ltd, for keeping me going and propping me up. Enormous teary hugs to superstars Emma Capron, SJ Virtue and everyone at Simon & Schuster UK – the journey was bumpy but we got there in the end: THANK YOU. Cocktails are on the house for Kate Harrison, Miranda Dickinson, Rowan Coleman, Julie Cohen and Cally Taylor – you’re my life support system. Thanks to lovely author, Lisa Glass, for sharing her surfing expertise. So much love to T and E – thanks for being amazing every single day. And lastly, thank you to all the fabulous readers, reviewers and cheerleaders who’ve visited The Picture House by the Sea – your continuing support and enthusiasm is so appreciated. Of all the books in all the world, I’m glad you walked into mine.

  Holly Hepburn has wanted to write books for as long as she can remember but she was too scared to try. One day she decided to be brave and dipped a toe into the bubble bath of romantic fiction with her first novella, Cupidity, and she’s never looked back. She often tries to be funny, except when faced with traffic wardens and border control staff. Her favourite things are making people smile and Aidan Turner.

  She’s tried many jobs over the years, from barmaid to market researcher and she even had a brief flirtation with modelling. These days she is mostly found writing.

  She lives near London with her grey tabby cat, Portia. They both have an unhealthy obsession with Marmite.

  Follow Holly on Twitter @HollyH_Author.

  First published as Brief Encounter at the Picture House by the Sea, Singing in the Rain at the Picture House by the Sea, Dirty Dancing at the Picture House by the Sea and Some Like it Hot at the Picture House by the Sea in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2017


  Copyright © Tamsyn Murray, 2017

  This book is copyright under the Berne Convention.

  No reproduction without permission.

  ® and © 1997 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.

  The right of Tamsyn Murray to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

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  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4711-6171-1

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-4711-6290-9

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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