The Novelwriter's Toolkit
Page 18
Tips Publishes mainly speculative fiction such as horror, fantasy and science-fiction. Check the website for details submission guidelines before submitting by post or email.
IMP Fiction Ltd
PO Box 69, Church Stretton, Shropshire,
T 01694 720049
F 01694 720049
Parent Company Independent Music Press
Contact Managing Director, Kaye Roach
Established 1998
Insider Info Authors paid by royalty. Catalogue and author guidelines available online.
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary Fiction titles. *Does not publish Science-Fiction, Horror, Crime or novels about bands/music.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE. Submit proposal package (including outline, three sample chapters and author biography). Does not accept email submissions.
Recent Title(s) The Peacock Manifesto, Stuart David
Tips IMP Fiction has a reputation for refreshing, innovative, cutting-edge and original storytelling.
Iron Press
5 Marden Terrace, Cullercoats, North Shields, Northumberland, NE30 4PD
T 0191 253 1901
Contact Pete Mortimer
Established 1973
Insider Info Submissions accompanied by SAE will be returned. Contact for catalogue.
Publishes Novels and Short Stories. “Iron Press aims to publish fiction it likes, regardless of market potential.
Submission Guidelines Query with Peter Mortimer before submission.
Tips Iron Press’ policy is to seek new writers from the North of England, the rest of the country, and occasionally from overseas. It spurns literary competitions, prizes and mass-market fiction.
John Murray
338 Euston Road, London, NW1 3BH
T 020 7873 6000
F 020 7873 6446
Parent Company Hachette UK
Contact CEO, Martin Neild; Managing Director, Roland Philipps
Established 1768
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Literary Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts agented submissions only.
Tips A leading literary publisher. John Murray now reports directly to Hachette UK, following the closure of Hodder Headline.
Jonathan Cape
Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 2SA
T 020 7840 8576
F 020 7233 6117
Parent Company The Random House Group Ltd
Contact Publishing Director, Dan Franklin Established 1921
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Literary and Children’s Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts agented submissions only.
Recent Title(s) The Rescue Man, Anthony Quinn (Literary Fiction)
Karnak House
300 Westbourne Park Road, London, W11 1EH
T 020 7243 3620
Contact Director, Amon Saba Saakana; Art Director, Seheri Sujai
Established 1979
Imprint(s) The Intef Institute
Insider Info Publishes seven titles per year. Receives approximately 30 queries and 20 manuscripts per year. 15 per cent of books published are from first-time authors, 100 per cent of books published are from unagented authors. Payment is via royalty (on wholesale price), with 0.08 (per £) minimum. Advance offered is from £200 to £500. Average lead time is more than 18 months, with simultaneous submissions accepted. Submissions accompanied by SAE will be returned. Aims to respond to queries within seven days, proposals within 14 days and manuscripts within four months. Catalogue is available online. Manuscript guidelines are available by email.
Publishes African/Caribbean and Children’s Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE/proposal package (including outline, contents page, two sample chapters and SAE).
The Kates Hill Press
24 Fernhurst Drive, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, DY5 4PU
T 01384 485034
Contact Greg Stokes
Established 1992
Insider Info Payment is via royalties.
Publishes Regional titles and Short Story Collections on a West Midlands theme, or by a West Midlands writer.
Submission Guidelines Accepts proposal package (including sample chapter(s)).
Tips Any work submitted should also be available in electronic format. Responses to proposals may take a while as the press is a part-time venture.
Kinglake Publishing
Office S4, Ashgrove House, Elland, Calderdale, HX5 9JB
Contact Managing Editor, Harry Taylor; Administrative Assistant, Jennifer Jackson
Established 2005
Imprint(s) Kinglake Non-Fiction, Kinglake Religion, Kinglake Fiction
Insider Info Publishes roughly 30 titles per year. Receives approximately 250 queries and 80 manuscripts per year. 30 per cent of books published are from first-time authors. Accepts work from unagented authors. Some books are author subsidy published, based on an estimation of market reach. Payment is via annual royalty (on retail price), with 0.08 (per £) minimum and 0.12 (per £) maximum. Does not offer an advance. Catalogue is available with SAE, or by email.
Publishes Novels in all genres. First novels welcome for consideration. No Erotica unless there is a good narrative drive. Teen Fiction welcome.
Submission Guidelines Accepts initial queries by email only (including outline and short letter). Phone calls not welcome in the initial stages.
Tips Kinglake publishes books for a popular/general readership, or a carefully worked-out niche market.
Legend Press Ltd
2 London Wall Buildings, London, EC2M 5UU
T 020 7448 5137
Contact Managing Director, Tom Chalmers (Contemporary Fiction); Publishing Executive, Emma Howard (General Fiction)
Established 2005
Insider Info Publishes five titles per year. Receives approximately 500 queries and 300 manuscripts per year. 80 per cent of books published are from unagented authors. Payment is via royalty (on wholesale price), with 0.08 (per £) minimum and 0.15 (per £) maximum, or via royalty (on retail price), with 0.05 (per £) minimum and 0.09 (per £) maximum. Advance offered is from £1,000 to £5,000. Average lead time is six months, with simultaneous submissions accepted. Submissions will not be returned. Aims to respond to queries within five days, proposals within ten days and manuscripts within six weeks. Catalogue is available with an SAE, or by email. Manuscript guidelines are available online or by email.
Publishes Literary and Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts proposal package (including outline, three to four sample chapters and a full synopsis).
Recent Title(s) Queer Fish In God’s Waiting Room, Lee Henshaw (Contemporary Fiction)
Tips Submissions are judged on a book-by-book basis, although they should generally be aimed at the mainstream, modern reader.
The Lilliput Press Ltd
62–63 Sitric Road, Arbour Hill, Dublin 7, Republic of Ireland
T 00353 1 671 1647
F 00353 1 671 1233
Contact Publisher/Editor in Chief, Antony Farrell Established 1984
Insider Info Publishes 18 titles per year. Receives appr
oximately 300 queries and 200 manuscripts per year. 50 per cent of books published are from first-time authors and 50 per cent of books published are from unagented authors. Ten per cent of books are author subsidy published, and these are determined by integrity of subject and source of subvention. Payment is via royalty on wholesale price, with 0.1 (per £) minimum and 0.2 (per £) maximum, or royalty on retail price with 0.05 (per £) minimum and 0.15 (per £) maximum. Advance offered is from £300-£10,000. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Submissions accompanied by SAE will be returned. Aims to respond to queries within five days, proposals within eight days, and manuscripts within ten months. Catalogue is free on request, and available online. Author guidelines are not available, although digital work is preferred.
Publishes Erotica and Literary Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts proposal package (including outline, and two sample chapters).
Tips Most work published has a broadly Irish theme.
Little, Brown Book Group
100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DY
T 020 7911 8000
F 020 7911 8100
Parent Company Hachette UK
Contact CEO and Publisher, Ursula Mackenzie
Imprint(s) Abacus, Atom, Little Brown, Orbit, Piatkus Books, Sphere, Virago Press
Insider Info Submissions accompanied by SAE will be returned. Aims to respond to proposals within eight weeks. Catalogue available online.
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary and General Fiction titles in most genres. “Publishes Literary and Commercial Fiction titles across various imprints.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE/proposal package (including outline, three sample chapters, covering letter and SAE).
Recent Title(s) Testimony, Anita Shreve (Novel)
Tips Formerly known as The Time Warner Book Group, Little, Brown reverted to its original name following purchase by Hachette UK. The company publishes a wide range of paperback and hardcover fiction across its many imprints. See individual entries for more details.
Little Books Ltd
48 Catherine Place, London, SW1E 6HL
T 020 7792 7929
Contact Publishers, Margaret Little and Max Hamilton Little
Established 2003
Imprint(s) Max Press
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Historical and Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
Recent Title(s) Endgame, Denise Roberston
Tips Little Books publishes concise books to fit in pockets, by well-known writers. Their philosophy is to bring books to those who are juggling busy lives, but are still passionate about reading, who want to be entertained as well as informed, without needing to devote huge chunks of time to reading. Each book needs to be about something important, something that makes the world a better place. Each is written by the leading writer in their field.
Loki Books
39 Chalcot Crescent, London, NW1 8YD
T 020 7722 6718
Established 1967
Publishes Full-length Fiction and Drama titles in translation, and Short Story Collections. “Often publishes work with women’s voices in minority languages.
Recent Title(s) Blue China, Bamboo Hirst (Translation)
Tips One of Loki’s main concerns is to promote women writers, who are dedicated to peace and the understanding of Arab-Israeli relations.
Luath Press Ltd
543/2 Castlehill, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh,
T 0131 225 4326
F 0131 225 4324
Contact Director, Gavin MacDougall
Established 1981
Insider Info Publishes 30 titles per year. Receives less than 1,000 queries and less than 1,000 manuscripts per year. 10–50 per cent of books published are from first-time authors, more than 90 per cent of books published are from unagented authors. Payment is via royalty. Submissions accompanied by SAE will be returned. Catalogue is free on request and available online. Manuscript guidelines are available online.
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts queries with SAE and complete manuscripts (including your publishing history, clips, author biography and
Recent Title(s) My Epileptic Lurcher, Des Dillon (Humour); The Bower Bird, Ann Kelley (Children’s)
Tips Most Luath Press books have a Scottish connection.
Macmillan Publishers Ltd
The Macmillan Building, 4 Crinan Street, London, N1 9XW
T 020 7833 4000
F 020 7843 4640
Parent Company Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrink GmbH
Contact CEO, Annette Thomas; Deputy Chairman, Michael Barnard
Established 1843
Imprint(s) Macmillan Education (division); Palgrave Macmillan (division); Pan Macmillan Publishers (division); Nature Publishing (subsidiary)
Publishes General Fiction from British and international writers.
Submission Guidelines Does not accept unsolicited or unagented submissions.
Tips The Macmillan Group and its divisions cover education publishing, including English language teaching (ELT), academic publishing, including reference science, technological and medical publishing, fiction and non-fiction book publishing, and publishing services including distribution and production. For more information, see the individual division entries. Authors should see the Macmillan New Writing imprint, under Pan Macmillan, for information about submitting manuscripts.
Macmillan New Writing
T 020 7014 6000
F 020 7014 6001
E Online form
W Parent Company Pan Macmillan Publishers
Established 2006
Insider Info All books published are from first-time authors. No advances paid; instead an open-ended royalty deal at a relatively high rate is offered.
Publishes General Fiction titles (all genres considered).
Submission Guidelines All submissions must come through the website.
Recent Title(s) The Hoard of Mhorrer, MFW Curran (Supernatural)
Tips Macmillan New Writing is a fiction list set up specifically to publish first novels from new authors.
The Maia Press
15–16 Nassau Street, London, W1W 7AB
T 020 7436 9898
Contact Founders, Maggie Hamand and Jane Havell
Parent Company Arcadia Books
Established 2002
Insider Info Publishes six titles per year. Payment is via royalties. Aims to respond to proposals and manuscripts within six weeks. Catalogue and manuscript guidelines available online.
Publishes Literary and Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
“The Maia Press aims to publish works by writers from diverse backgrounds, including works in translation, giving priority to writers whose work is censored in their country of origin.
Submission Guidelines Maia Press are currently not accepting fiction submissions.
Recent Title(s) The Resurrection of the Body, Maggie Hamand (Novel)
Tips The Maia Press is a young publishing house, dedicated to publishing new and established authors. They publish only a small number of books each year.
Mam Tor
PO Box 6785, Derby, DE22 1XT
Contact Editor-in-Chief, Liam Sharp; Prose
Submissions Editor, Susan J Boulton; Art Submissions Editors: Liam Sharp, John Bamber and Jason Harrisr />
Established 2004
Insider Info Does not offer an advance or guarantee any payment as a result of sales. Due to being a small company Mam Tor may not be able to respond to failed submissions.
Publishes Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Gothic/Horror and Comic content, in both prose and graphic novel format.
Recent Title(s) The Enemy’s Son, James Johnson (Science-Fiction/Fantasy)
Tips Mam Tor is a small company created not as a commercial venture, but as a forum for subcultural, underground, science-fiction, horror or fantasy writers and artists. There are no fees for the work produced, nor are there the usual editorial restrictions.
Mandrake of Oxford
PO Box 250, Oxford, OX1 1AP
T 01865 243671
Contact Directors, Mogg Morgan and Kym Morgan
Established 1986
Insider Info Catalogue and manuscript guidelines are available online.
Publishes Crime, Occult and Spiritual Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE. Submit proposal package (including outline, one sample chapter and SAE).
Recent Title(s) Gateway to Hell, Margaret Bingley (Occult)
Tips Mandrake of Oxford is a specialist independent press that is always happy to look at ideas for new books. The publishers urge that before potential authors submit their work they look at the catalogue, and a book in a similar category, to gauge whether a proposal fits their list.
Mango Publishing
PO Box 13378, London, SE27 0ZN
T 020 8480 7771
F 020 8480 7771
Established 1995
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary, Translation, Black African/Caribbean and Latin American titles and Short Story Collections.