The Novelwriter's Toolkit
Page 21
Parent Company Random House Inc US (Bertelsmann AG)
Contact Chief Executive, Gail Rebuck
Imprint(s) Arrow, BBC Books, Century, Chatto & Windus, Ebury Press, Everyman, Fodor, Harvill Secker, Hutchinson, Jonathan Cape, Mainstream, Pimlico, Rider, Time Out Guides Ltd, Vermilion, Vintage, William Heinemann, Yellow Jersey, Random House Business Books, Random House Children’s Books (division), Transworld Publishers (division)
Insider Info Catalogue is available online (to search the catalogues of individual imprints go to ‘advanced search’).
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary, Literary and Classic Fiction titles across its imprints.
Submission Guidelines Accepts agented submissions only.
Recent Title(s) Heliopolis, James Scudamore (Contemporary Fiction)
Tips Random House is one of the largest general book publishing companies in the UK and has some of the world’s best-known authors on its lists. The Random House Group is an independently managed subsidiary of Bertelsmann AG. Will not accept unsolicited submissions, all submissions must come through a literary agent.
Revenge Ink
1 Roger Close, Rommely, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 3DJ
E Online form
Contact Founders: Amita Mukerjee and Gopal Mukerjee
Established 2008
Insider Info Aims to respond within six to eight weeks.
Recent Title(s) Ugly Duckling, Amita Mukerjee; The Armageddon Mandala, Gopal Mukerjee
Tips Prospective authors may submit proposals by email, using the online forum, or by post. If submitting by post ensure that you use the alternative postal address listed on the website.
PO Box 615, Oxford, OX1 9AL
Parent Company Osiris Press Ltd
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary and Literary Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Does not accept unsolicited submissions.
Recent Title(s) Who Needs Cleopatra?, Steve Redwood
Tips Reverb publishes contemporary literary fiction with an edge and is committed to publishing new writers (and supporting independent bookshops). The Reverb website contains an informative writer’s guide for prospective authors.
Robert Hale Ltd
Clerkenwell House, 45–47 Clerkenwell Green, London, EC1R 0HT
T 020 7251 2661
F 020 7490 4958
Contact Managing Director, John Hale
Established 1936
Imprint(s) JA Allen, NAG Press
Insider Info Publishes roughly 250 titles per year. Receives approximately 3,000 queries and 1,000 manuscripts per year. 15 per cent of books published are from first-time authors and 15 per cent are from unagented authors. Payment is via royalty (on retail price). Average lead time is 12 months, with simultaneous submissions accepted. Aims to respond to queries within seven days, proposals within ten days, and manuscripts within two weeks. Catalogue is free on request. Manuscript guidelines are not available.
Publishes Adventure, Historical, Literary, Mainstream/Contemporary, Military/War, Mystery, Crime, Regional, Romance, Suspense and Western titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE/proposal package (including outline, and three sample chapters).
Recent Title(s) The Cat Trap, KT McCaffrey (Crime)
Tips Robert Hale specializes in general hardcover fiction. See the website for submission guidelines, and details of subjects they are currently looking to receive submissions on.
Sangam Books Ltd
57 London Fruit Exchange, Brushfield Street,
London, E1 6EP
T 020 7377 6399
F 020 7375 1230
Contact Executive Director, Anthony de Souza
Publishes Literary and Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
Tips Sangam Books specializes in school and college textbooks and other educational publishing. They also publish fiction and nonfiction titles on technology, science, medicine, India, social sciences, art and religion.
Saqi Books
26 Westbourne Grove, London, W2 5RH
T 020 7221 9347
F 020 7229 7492
Contact Publisher, Andre Gaspard; Editorial Manager, Lara Frankena
Established 1981
Insider Info Publishes 20 titles per year. Payment is via royalties. Aims to respond to manuscripts within ten weeks. Catalogue available online and free on request. Manuscript guidelines available online and via the website.
Publishes Literary and Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE/proposal package (including outline and two sample chapters).
Tips Saqi books does not accept submissions by fax, email or on disk. Never send the original photographs or manuscript.
Scottish Cultural Press & Scottish Children’s Press
Unit 6, Newbattle Abbey Business Park, Newbattle Road, Dalkeith, EH22 3LJ
T 0131 660 6366
F 0131 660 4666
Contact Directors, Avril Gray and Brian Pugh
Established 1992
Insider Info Payment is via royalties. Aims to respond to proposals within six months. Catalogue and manuscript guidelines are available online.
Publishes Literary and Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
Submission Guidelines No unsolicited manuscripts.
Recent Title(s) Moray the Dolphin’s Adventure in Loch Ness, Marit Brunskill (Picture Book)
Tips Scottish Cultural Press is one of the foremost publishers in Scotland, specializing in quality books with a Scottish interest. Scottish Children’s Press publishes quality Scottish interest books for children of all ages, from graded readers to young fiction. Titles are written for, about, and by Scottish children and they aim to encompass Scots, English and Gaelic. As the publishers receive a great quantity of manuscripts, they recommend that prospective authors should phone first to discuss the suitability of the manuscript before sending any work.
1st Floor, 222 Gray’s Inn Road, London,
T 020 7316 1900
F 020 7316 0332
Parent Company Simon & Schuster UK Ltd
Established 1999
Publishes Contemporary and Literary titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts agented submissions only.
Tips Scribner is designed specifically to be Simon & Schuster’s ‘literary’ imprint, publishing high-quality non-fiction and literary fiction.
Seafarer Books Ltd
102 Redwald Road, Rendlesham, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 2TE
T 01394 420789
F 01394 461314
Contact Managing Director, Patricia Eve
Established 1998
Insider Info Publishes four titles per year. Receives approximately 100 queries and 200 manuscripts per year. Ten per cent of books published are from first-time authors and 90 per cent are from unagented authors. Payment is via royalty (on retail price).
Publishes General and Classic Maritime titles.
Recent Title(s) Walking on Water, Geoff Holt
57 Nolton Street, Bridgend, CF31 3AE
T 01656 663018
F 01656 649226
Contact Chairman, Cary
Archard; Publisher, Mick Felton; Fiction Editor, Penny Thomas
Established 1981
Insider Info Publishes roughly 25 titles per year. Payment is via royalties. Catalogue and manuscript guidelines available online.
Publishes Literary, Mainstream/Contemporary, Translation and Welsh Writing titles. *Seren publishes only around five works of fiction a year.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE/proposal package (including outline and three sample chapters).
Recent Title(s) Blue Sky July, Nia Wyn (Novel)
Tips Seren specializes in English-language writing from Wales. Authors considering submitting manuscripts should be aware that fiction lists are often full at least two years in advance.
47 Strahan Road, London, E3 5DA
T 020 8981 3990
F 020 8981 3990
Contact Managing Editor, Stephen Hayward
Established 1993
Insider Info Payment is via royalties. Catalogue available online.
Publishes Literary and Mainstream/Contemporary titles. Does not publish new Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE.
Tips Serif welcomes ideas and proposals for non-fiction publications, but does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Serpent’s Tail
3A Exmouth House, Pine Street, London, EC1R 0JH
T 020 7841 6300
Parent Company Profile Books Ltd
Established 1987
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Translation, Women’s Writing, Classics, Debuts, Crime Fiction and Anthology titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts agented submissions only.
Recent Title(s) Old Devil Moon, Christopher Fowler (Horror)
Tips Serpent’s Tail is a renowned publisher of international fiction and non-fiction, founded with a commitment to publishing authors ‘neglected by the mainstream’.
Severn House Publishers Ltd
9–15 High Street, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1DF
T 020 8770 3930
F 020 8770 3850
Contact Chairman, Edwin Buckhalter; Editorial, Amanda Stewart
Established 1974
Insider Info Publishes roughly 150 titles per year. Payment is via royalties. Catalogue and manuscript guidelines available online.
Publishes Historical, Horror, Literary, Mainstream/Contemporary, Military/War, Mystery, Romance, Science-Fiction, Suspense and Crime titles. “Severn House publishes various kinds of genre and general fiction in large and regular print sizes. Most books are hardback and aimed at fiction libraries, however some titles are produced as paperbacks.
Submission Guidelines Accepts agented submissions only. Will not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Recent Title(s) Fathers and Sins, Jo Bannister (Crime)
Tips As publications are aimed at the UK and US fiction library markets, they are unable to add authors to the list who do not have a significant background in this market.
Simon & Schuster UK Ltd
1st Floor, 222 Gray’s Inn Road, London,
T 020 7316 1900
F 020 7316 0332
Contact CEO/Managing Director, Ian Stewart Chapman
Established 1924
Imprint(s) Free Press, Martin Books, Pocket Books, Scribner, Simon & Schuster Children’s Books (division)
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Humour, Children’s, Mainstream/Contemporary, Mystery, Romance, Science-Fiction, Spiritual, Sports, Suspense and Translation titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts agented submissions only.
Recent Title(s) The Thirteen Treasures, Michelle Harrison (Young Adult)
Tips Simon & Schuster publishes a broad range of non-fiction and fiction, from popular bestsellers, to heavyweight literary titles. No unsolicited manuscripts are accepted.
Snowbooks Ltd
120 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9JN
T 020 7837 6482
F 020 7837 6348
Contact Director, Rob Jones, Managing Director, Emma Barnes; Publisher, James Bridle; Publisher (Memoir, Handicrafts), Anna Torborg; Publisher, Gilly Barnard
Established 2003
Insider Info Publishes ten titles per year. Payment is via royalties. Catalogue and manuscript guidelines available online.
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary, Thrillers and Women’s Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts proposals package (including outline and sample chapter(s)). Submissions must be emailed to: The subject line should read: Snowbooks Submission: [Author Name] [Book Title].
Recent Title(s) God’s End: The Fall, Michael McBride (Modern Fiction)
Tips Snowbooks are happy to look at excellent works of fiction. They do not specify particular genres as they believe it is the writing that matters, not the category. Prospective authors must email submissions straight away (there is no need to send an initial email to check if the novel is appropriate). Postal submissions will not be accepted.
Souvenir Press Ltd
43 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3PD
T 020 7580 9307
F 020 7580 5064
Contact Managing Director, Ernest Hecht
Imprint(s) Condor
Insider Info Publishes 50 titles per year. Payment is via royalties. Catalogue available free on request and via email.
Publishes Humour, Literary, Mainstream/Contemporary and Crime titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE/proposal package (including outline and two sample chapters).
Tips Souvenir Press covers a wide range of academic and general non-fiction topics, specializing in spiritual and mystical titles. Fiction lists are limited in comparison to the non-fiction list.
100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DY
T 020 7911 8000
F 020 7911 8100
Parent Company Little, Brown Book Group
Contact Publishing Director, Antonia Hodgson (Commercial); Publishing Director, David Shelley
Insider Info Submissions accompanied by SAE will be returned. Aims to respond to proposals within eight weeks. Catalogue available online.
Publishes Humour, Mainstream/Contemporary, Romance and Commercial Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE/proposal package (including outline, three sample chapters and covering letter). No email submissions are accepted.
Stacey International
128 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 4BH
T 020 7221 7166
F 020 7792 9288
Contact Editor, Christopher Ind
Established 1973
Insider Info Catalogue available online.
Publishes Mainstream/Contemporary titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts proposal package via post or email (including sample chapter, covering letter, market research, intended book specifications and proposed schedule and SAE).
Tips Titles are orientated towards a niche readership and must fulfil a specific practical use.
The Publishing House, 404 Robin Square, Newtown, Powys, SY16 1HP
T 01686 610883
Contact Editor-in-Chief, Max Fuller; Dr Bronwen Martin (Literary Fiction)
Established 2002
Insider Info Publishes roughly four titles per year. Receives approximately 85 queries and ten manuscripts per year. Ten per cent of books published are from first-time authors, 100 per cent are from unagented authors and 20 per cent are author subsidy publishes. These are decided by a system where each title is assessed by the Editorial Board who vote on three ways forward: will not publish, will subsidy publish, or will publish traditionally. The eight members base their decision on the proposal and the comparative state of the company’s and author’s finances at the time the contract is negotiated. Payment is via royalty (on retail price) with 0.1 (per £) standard. Average lead time is nine months, with simultaneous submissions accepted. Submissions accompanied by SAE will be returned. Aims to respond to queries within two days, proposals within five days and manuscripts within 21 days. Catalogue is free on request. Manuscript guidelines are available via email.
Publishes Ethnic, Experimental, Historical, Literary, Mainstream/Contemporary, Multicultural, Mystery, Science-Fiction, Suspense, Political, Faction (20th Century), Spy Fiction titles. *Books should not include racism, sexism or vengeance as themes. The question must be asked of all proposals, ‘What is the point of this book?’
Submission Guidelines Accepts query with SAE, or via email.
Tips Titles are aimed at a readership that is university education and/or streetwise. Potential authors should realize that the company aims to spread excellent ideas, not to make writers famous or rich.
Tartarus Press
Coverley House, Carlton, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 4AY
T 01969 640399
F 01969 640399
Contact Manager, Raymond Russell; Editor, Rosalie Parker
Established 1987