The Novelwriter's Toolkit
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Toby Eady Associated
3rd Floor, 9 Orme Court, London, W2 4RL
T 020 7792 0092
F 020 7792 0879
Contact Managing Director, Toby Eady; Directors, Sama Hammam and Jamie Coleman; Assistant, Pamela Hunt
Established 1968
Insider Info Seeking both new and established writers. Proposals will be returned if accompanied by SAE. Obtains new clients from recommendation, conferences and queries or submissions. Commission rates of 15 per cent for domestic sales and 20 per cent for film/scripts and foreign sales. Written contract is offered, with three months notice required for termination. “Representatives attend the City Literature Writer’s Festival in Winchester.
Considers Action/Adventure, Confessional, Historical, Literary, Mainstream and Contemporary Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send proposal package with SAE, outline, synopsis, short author biography and 50 sample pages. No children’s books considered.
Recent Sale(s) Sword Song, Bernard Cornwell (HarperCollins)
Client(s) Bernard Cornwell, Chris Cleave, Rana Dasgupta, Julia Lovell, Rachel Sieffert
Tips Top-quality research is essential in any submitted material.
11a Spa Road, Hockley, Essex, SS5 4AZ
T 01702 204636
Contact Proprietor, David Buttle
Insider Info UKUnpublished is a publisher/agent looking to offer the benefits of both traditional and self-publishing – full publishing, printing, and distribution throughout the UK and the US, but paying up to 44 per cent higher royalties. Editing/proofreading services are not available. Will publish all categories of books, from Children’s Fiction to Adult/Erotica, and Technical Non-Fiction to Cookery. Aims to respond to queries and manuscripts within six weeks, however this is considered to be an outside timescale. Visit the website to find out more about the service, or email/write/fax to request a brochure. Prefers to deal directly with the author, instead of through an agent.
Considers Titles in all Fiction genres, including Children’s, Adult and Short Story Collections.
Submission Guidelines Visit the website to find out full details about the service and the company, and email David Buttle directly to ask any questions you may have.
Tips UKUnpublished is dedicated to giving as many authors as possible an outlet, to ‘let the world share your imagination’, while providing a quality and personal service. UKUnpublished also offers accounting and tax services provided by qualified accountants, ensuring that you can concentrate on writing. All royalties are paid regularly.
Uli Rushby-Smith Literary Agency
72 Plimsoll Road, London, WN4 2EE
T 020 7354 2718
F 020 7354 2718
Contact Uli Rushby-Smith
Established 1993
Insider Info Seeking both new and established writers. Will consider simultaneous submissions. Proposals will be returned if accompanied by SAE. Commission rates of 15 per cent for domestic sales and 20 per cent for foreign sales. Does not charge a reading fee.
Considers Literary, General and Commercial Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send query letter with SAE, outline and two to three sample chapters.
Tips Uli Rushby-Smith does not accept submissions on disk.
United Agents
12–26 Lexington Street, London, W1F 0LE
T 020 3214 0800
F 020 3214 0801
Contact Chair, Lindy Kin; Managing Director, St John Donald; Head of Books, Caroline Dawnay and Simon Trewin; Agents (Books), Robert Kirby, Charles Walker, Rosemary Canter, Rosemary Scoular, James Gill, Anna Webber, Sarah Ballard, Jessica Craig (Adult Foreign Rights) and Jane Willis (Children’s Foreign Rights); Agents (Theatre, Film & Television), Hannah Begbie, Duncan Millership, Olivia Homan, Dallas Smith, Lindy King, Maureen Vincent, Ruth Young, Lisa Toogood, Duncan Hayes, Kirk Whelan-Foran
Insider Info Currently handles non-fiction books, novels, television scripts and film scripts. Aims to respond to proposals within four to six weeks. Submission guidelines available online.
Considers Titles in all genres.
Submission Guidelines For books send proposal package (including synopsis, two to three sample chapters and author biography) by email. Submission details to:
Client(s) Nick Hornby, Anthon Horowitz, John Boyne, Julian Barnes, Justin Cartwright, Scarlett Thomas, Joanna Trollope, Ruth Rendell, Nicki French, Ewan MacGregor, Keira Knightly
Tips UA receives over 200 submissions per week from all areas and responds only to those of interest. Note that they have very detailed submission guidelines on their website, covering each of their departments.
11–15 Betterton Street, London, WC2H 9BP
T 020 7470 8886
F 020 7470 8887
E Established 1998
Insider Info Seeking both new and established writers. Will consider simultaneous submissions. Proposals will be returned if accompanied by SAE. Obtains new clients by queries or submissions. Commission rates of 12 per cent for domestic sales, 20 per cent for foreign sales and 15–20 per cent for film (and radio) sales. Does not charge a reading fee.
Considers General Fiction Novels and Children’s Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send query letter with SAE.
Client(s) Terence Brady, Peter Willet, Charlotte Bingham, the estate of John Bingham
Tips Will suggest revision on any solicited manuscripts.
Vanessa Holt Ltd
59 Crescent Road, Leigh on Sea, Essex, SS9 2PF
T 01702 473787
F 01702 471890
E Contact Director, Vanessa Holt Established 1989
Insider Info Actively seeking clients. Will consider simultaneous submissions. Proposals will be returned if accompanied by SAE. Obtains new clients by queries or submissions. Commission rates of 15 per cent for domestic sales, 20 per cent for foreign sales and 15 per cent for film sales. Does not charge a reading fee.
Considers Crime, Children’s, Literary, Young Adult and General Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send query letter with SAE. No children’s illustrated books considered.
Tips Vanessa Holt is interested in books with potential film, television or radio tie-ins. Does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Wade & Doherty Literary Agency Ltd
33 Cormorant Lodge, Thomas More Street, London, E1W 1AU
T 020 7488 4171
F 020 7488 4172
Contact Robin Wade (General Fiction, Non-Fiction and Children’s Books); Broo Doherty (General Fiction, Non-fiction, Commercial Women’s Fiction and Crime Novels)
Established 2001
Insider Info Actively seeking clients. Currently represents around 30 clients, half of whom are new or previously unpublished writers. Will consider simultaneous submissions. Aims to respond to queries and proposals within seven days and manuscripts within 30 days. Proposals returned if accompanied by SAE. Obtains new clients by recommendation, conferences and queries or submissions. Commission rates of 10 per cent for domestic sales, 20 per cent for foreign sales and 20 per cent for film sales. Written contract offered for extent of publishing, with 30 days notice required for termination. Does not charge a reading fee and does not offer a criticism service. “Attends the annual Crime Writers Association conference in Harrogate, and the Romantic Novelists Association conference in London.
Considers Action/Adventure, Confessional, Crime, Erotica, Ethnic, Experimental, Family Saga, Fantasy, Feminist, Gay/Lesbian, Glitz, Historical, Horror, Humour, Children’s, Literary, Mainstream, Mystery, Regional, Religion, Romance, Science-Fiction, Sports,
Supernatural, Thriller, Women’s/Chick Lit, and Young Adult Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send proposal package with synopsis, author biography and first 10,000 words of sample material, by email or post.
Recent Sale(s) Dragon Horse, Peter Ward (Doubleday); The Secret of Excalibur, Andy McDermott (Headline)
Client(s) Philippa Ashley, Marion Husband, Caroline Kington, Ray Connolly, Georgina Harding, Helen Oyeyemi, Lance Price, Rachel Trezise, Caroline Carver, Angela Dracup, Steve
Hague, Eve Isherwood, Andy McDermott, Paul Johnston, Louise Cooper, Kimberly Green, Adam Guillain, Steve Alton, Andrea Shavick, Peter Ward, Sameen Ali, Alison Bruce, Steuart Campbell, Sheila Hardy, Neil Hegarty, Brenda James, Prof. WD Rubinstein, Mike Newlands, Lance Price, Ewen Southby-Tailyour, Ayowa Taylor
Watson, Little Ltd
48–56 Bayham Place, London, NW1 0EU
T 020 7388 7529
F 020 7388 8501
Contact Managing Director, Mandy Little; Senior Agent, James Wills
Insider Info Actively seeking clients. Will consider simultaneous submissions. Proposals returned if accompanied by SAE. Obtains new clients by queries or submissions. Commission rates of 15 per cent for domestic sales, 20 per cent for foreign sales and 15 per cent for film sales. Overseas Associates are The Marsh Agency Ltd; Film & TV Associates are The Sharland Organisation Ltd and MBA Literary Agents Ltd; USA Associates are Howard Morhaim Literary Agency (Adult) and The Chudney Organisation (Children’s). Does not charge a reading fee.
Considers Women’s Fiction, Crime, Children’s and Literary Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send query letter with SAE and synopsis.
Recent Sale(s) Football Dynamo, Marc Bennetts (Virgin); Shooting the Moon, VM Jones (Anderson Press)
Client(s) Helen Armstrong, Adrian Bloom, Robin Cohen, Mark Hanson, Deborah Jaffe, Michael Jordan, Alice Muir, Ian Palmer, Mark Ronan, Rosie Swale, Edward Craig, Robert Giddings, Mukul Patel, Stewart Ross, Wayne Talbot, Henning Wehn, Duncan Cameron, Nicola Hill, Ann Kramer, Karen Saunders, Jane Wright
Tips Watson, Little does not accept email queries or full-length unsolicited manuscripts. The agency also represents illustrators.
The Whispering Buffalo Literary Agency Ltd
97 Chesson Road, London, W14 9QS
T 020 7565 4737
Contact Mariam Keen
Established 2008
Insider Info Actively seeking clients. Commission rates of 12.5 per cent for domestic sales, 20 per cent for foreign sales and film rights. Does not charge a reading fee.
Considers Commercial/Literary, Children’s and Young Adult Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Accepts query letter with synopsis, three sample chapters and SAE to ensure return of hardcopy material. Pages should be double-spaced, single-sided and A4.
Tips The agency provides a high level of personal representation and also handles merchandising.
William Morris Agency (UK) Ltd
Centre Point, 103 New Oxford Street, London, WC1A 1DD
T 020 7534 6800
F 020 7534 6900
Contact CEO, Jim Wiatt; Chairman, Norman Brokaw
Established 1965
Insider Info Seeking both new and established writers. Will consider simultaneous submissions. Proposals returned if accompanied by SAE. Obtains new clients by queries or submissions. Commission rates of 15 per cent for domestic sales, 20 per cent for foreign sales, and 10 per cent for film sales. Does not charge a reading fee.
Considers Novels and General Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send query letter with SAE, synopsis and up to 50 sample pages.
Tips William Morris has worldwide offices and represents both entertainment talent and literary clients.
The Wylie Agency (UK) Ltd
17 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3JA
T 020 7908 5900
F 020 7908 5901
Contact President, Andrew Wylie
Established 1996
Insider Info Currently handles novels. Considers simultaneous submissions. Proposals returned if accompanied by SAE. Obtains new clients by queries or submissions. Commission rates of ten per cent for domestic sales, and between 15 and 20 per cent for foreign sales. Does not charge a reading fee.
Considers Novels and General Fiction titles.
Submission Guidelines Send query letter with SAE, or query by email. No children’s fiction considered.
Client(s) Chinua Achebe, Ken Adam, Chimamanda N Adichie, Arthur Allen, Martin Amis, Laurie Anderson, Matt Bai, Philip Bobbitt, Patricia Bosworth, Paul Collier, Ian Frazier, Al Gore, Tipper Gore, Dennis Hopper, Michael Kantor, Annie Leibovitz, Norman Mailer, Jon McGregor, Louis Menand, Miyuki Miyabe, Thom Mount, Michael O’Brien, Paul Preston, Lou Reed, Salman Rushdie, Jeffrey D Sachs, Robert Schlesinger
Tips The Wylie Agency does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Adventures in Fiction
14 Grosvenor Avenue, London, N5 2NR
T 020 7354 2598
A consultancy that works with writers at all stages in their careers, offering appraisal services for individual manuscripts, as well as a range of ongoing ‘mentoring’ programmes.
Anne Barclay Enterprises
The Old Farmhouse, Hexworthy, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6SD
T 01626 208011
Provides editorial services to both published and unpublished authors. Packages include ghost writing, editing, copyediting and assessment of manuscripts.
Chapter One Promotions
Canterbury Court, 1–3 Brixton Road, London, SW9 6DE
T 0845 456 5364
Chapter One Promotions runs annual short story, poetry and novel competitions, plus children’s story and young illustrator’s competitions. They provide creative workshops and literary events as well as a critique and proofreading service.
81 Warwick Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4BL
T 020 8642 1063
E Online form
Mainly offers tutorial courses on a wide range of subjects but also offers an author’s appraisal service, where specialists will provide various levels of critique on a manuscript. Clients may use the service as an ongoing course, or as a one off.
Milk Studios, 34 Southern Row, London, W10 5AN
T 020 8968 0777
Contact Director, Helen Corner; Managing Editor, Kathryn Robinson
Cornerstones offers a manuscript assessment and advisory service for both children’s and adult fiction. They also scout for literary agencies such as Annette Green, Conville & Walsh, LAW, United Agents and others. Authors are asked to ring or email with a query before submitting their complete manuscript.
The Cutting Edge
Archery House, 33 Archery Square, Walmer, Deal, Kent, CT14 7JA
T 01304 371721
F 01304 371416
The Cutting Edge offers many services, including manuscript assessment, editorial input, constructive criticism and creative advice, re-writing, presentation for the market, and contractual and business advice. Authors are asked to submit a hardcopy of their completed manuscript along with a cheque for the fees.
Unit 17, Percival Lane, Runcorn, Cheshire,
T 01928 796576
Book editors and literary consultants. Assessment reports from £125. Market assessment for foreign published authors. Free submission and recommendation to agents and publishers.
Fish Publishing
Durras, Bantry, Co. Cork, Republic of Ireland
Fish Publishing runs the annual Fish Short Story Prize with prizes from €300 to €3000. They also provide a full editorial consultancy service designed to provide writers with one-on-one, ongoing, constructive feedback on their work, whether it is a complete novel or a proposal package.
The Hilary Johnson Author’s Advisory Service
1 Beechwood Court, Syderstone, Norfolk,
PE31 8TR
T 01485 578954
Offers professional appraisals of authors’ novels. General writing-related advice also given. Also acts as a scout for a well-known literary agency.
Jan Henley Manuscript Appraisal Service
Published writer Jan Henley (also writing as Anna Cheska and Juliet Hall) offers a personal manuscript appraisal service, with links to a leading literary agent.
Leda Sammarco provides coaching services for writers at every stage, from the creative process all the way through to publication.
Linda Acaster
In-depth critique of fiction offered by a published novelist and short story writer, and former tutor at the Arvon Foundation and the Open College of Arts.