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My Christmas Boyfriend

Page 8

by S J Crabb

  Liam spies his friends by the bar and drags me over to them.

  As they see us coming Edward cries out. ‘Here they come. Where were you, your drinks have gone warm?’

  Melissa looks at us and grins knowingly as Liam pulls me securely next to him and looks at me with pantie wetting, desire filled, eyes.

  ‘Sorry guys, we had business to attend to. Did we miss much?’

  Edward shakes his head. ‘Nothing better than what you've obviously been up to. Lucky sod.’

  He then punches Liam on the arm and grins at me.

  Now I feel uncomfortable. Maybe we didn't think this through.

  Cindy smiles and grabs my arm. ‘Come on, Annie, let's go and dance.’

  I smile at her gratefully and follow her onto the dance floor.

  As we let ourselves go, she shouts to be heard above the music. ‘You've caused quite a stir you know.’

  I look surprised. ‘Why, what have I done?’

  She grins. ‘It travelled around this wedding like a lit trail of gunpowder. Apparently, you and Liam are into all sorts of sex games and you have tainted his mind and trapped him in a sea of depravity.’

  I can see her looking at my flaming wrists and grin at the envy in her eyes. ‘That didn't take long for word to get out.’

  She looks at me incredulously. ‘So, it's true?’

  I just laugh and carry on dancing. I see the disapproving stares all around me. I can only wonder what people are saying, and you know what? I don't care a bit. Suddenly, I am the scarlet woman. Miss. Notorious. I am now more interesting than I have ever been in my life before. No longer, Annie Anderson, fired wannabee Accountant, with no boyfriend and soon to be no home. Now I am Annie Anderson, sex siren, talk of the town and the envy of the world, getting down and dirty with the hottest guy on the planet. God, I love the new me; if only it were true.

  Soon the rest of the guys join us and I dance with Liam like a scene from Dirty Dancing. We're both out of control and I enjoy grinding my body against his and being dipped to the floor and one time thrown in the air—yes, really!

  Now I feel free. Who cares what these people think, anyway? Tomorrow I will never see any of them ever again.

  After a while, we take a breather and I follow the others to the bar. As we get the drinks, the DJ announces the happy couple will be taking to the floor for their first dance as man and wife.

  I watch with interest as the theme from Fifty Shades comes on. Liam looks at me and winks.

  Then we watch as the couple take hold of each other and start swishing around the dance floor to the sounds of, 'Love me like you do.'

  They look so romantic and I watch with envy as they appear completely wrapped up in each other. A happier couple I have never seen, and I am mesmerised. He holds her so tenderly and gazes at her with adoration. She giggles at something he says and then he grazes her lips lightly with his.

  I can't tear my eyes away and then Liam puts his hand in mine and pulls me close to his side. I just enjoy standing with him as we observe the happy couple.

  Then the music changes and I watch in disbelief as he flings her across the room and she skids to a halt gracefully. He then rips off his jacket and the music changes to the theme from Dirty Dancing. She gets up from the floor and he does this weird dance move that looks as if he is having toilet trouble. His whole face screws up and he is gyrating madly on the dance floor. Charlotte, meanwhile, rips off her skirt like Bucks Fizz in Eurovision and starts weaving sexily towards him, beckoning him over to her like Sandy from Grease.

  I can feel the shock all around as they start dirty dancing, in front of the stunned room. Then he pushes her away again and does this strange Saturday Night Fever dance, circling her like a gladiator as she wiggles suggestively in the middle. Then, as the music builds, she runs to him like an Olympic gymnast on a floor routine. Then she sails high in the air as he catches her and holds her aloft like the proud bearer of an Olympic torch.

  I look at Liam in astonishment and then we dissolve into hysterics along with all his friends. What the hell? This is the best dance I have ever seen.

  Suddenly, the music changes into the theme tune from Pulp Fiction and to my surprise the parents take to the dance floor. Now Eric is spinning Lucy around and Charlotte's dad is dipping his daughter to the floor. Then the music changes to the Monster Munch and Eric's parents join in and they do some sort of formation dance to the sounds of the song.

  Then the rest of the wedding party take to the dance floor and it's like a scene from a film. Every iPhone is trained on the spectacle, recording it for YouTube and all prosperity.

  I look at Liam and he raises his eyes. ‘You thought we were mad?’

  I laugh as he drags me onto the dance floor and we join in with the rest of them. I even see his mother and father dancing on the sidelines. Not quite so madly, but they are packing a few moves. This is all great fun and suddenly, I am enjoying myself way more than I thought I would.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Two hours later and everyone's drunk. I'm having the time of my life and I've lost count of the number of guys I’ve danced with. Cindy wasn't wrong and word spread quickly. Now every guy here wants to experience a moment with Liam's sexually depraved girlfriend and I'm in demand.

  I am now officially a goddess. I dance with guy upon guy and am revelling in my newfound popularity. Other than Liam's friends, the other girls look at me with disdain and I don't care a bit.

  After a while Liam cuts in and pulls me close as the music changes tempo. He leans down and whispers, ‘At last, I have you all to myself.’

  I smile up at him. ‘Thanks, Liam. I've had a really good time. I'm sorry about my meltdown earlier.’

  He smiles. ‘Don't mention it. Anybody would after what you've had to deal with. You must never take what people tell you to heart. Just remember you are amazing.’

  I smile at him happily and then he pulls me off the dance floor. ‘Come on, Cinderella, let's grab a nightcap.’

  As we make our way to the bar, we run into the happy couple. Charlotte smiles at us and then grins at Liam.

  ‘Hey cousin, you haven't danced with the bride yet.’

  He laughs and takes her hand. ‘You don't mind do you, Annie?’

  I laugh, shaking my head. ‘Of course not.’

  I watch as they head off and Eric turns and offers me his arm. ‘May I have the pleasure?’

  I smile at him warmly. ‘It would be all mine.’

  We take to the dance floor and he pulls me tightly against him. This is odd. I feel a little uncomfortable and try to pull back a bit but his grip is like a vice. He whispers in my ear.

  ‘You are the talk of the wedding my dear. I’ve heard things about you that has piqued my interest.’

  What?!!! I wriggle to get a little distance between us but to no avail. Then I feel just how interested he appears to be and feel faint. Ew!!

  He grinds against me and whispers. ‘Ever had a fantasy about getting it on with a groom at his wedding? I could meet you outside in five minutes. Nobody would ever know.’

  I feel sick and whisper as forcefully as I can. ‘Get away from me, you're disgusting. Your wife that you only just declared a lifetime commitment to is over there and you've only been married for five minutes.’

  He snorts. ‘She knows the score. Just because we're married it doesn't stop us from having fun.’

  I feel disgusted. This guy is everything Liam said and more. He is vile and I can't get away quickly enough.

  He says huskily. ‘Don't worry about Liam. It wouldn't be the first time we've shared the same girl.’

  Now it all slots into place and with one superhuman move I push him forcefully away and scream. ‘You're disgusting. Get away from me.’

  I register the surprise in his eyes as I let him have it.

  ‘Now I know why Liam hates you so much. It was you, wasn't it?’

  Suddenly, the room goes quiet and I see Liam rushing over shaking his head, ‘Annie, no

  I mustn't hear him or just ignore him anyway because I scream.

  ‘It was you who April cheated on Liam with, wasn't it? You're despicable; trying it on with another while your new wife is nearby.’

  There's a shocked silence all around us and Eric splutters. ‘What are you talking about, you're a madwoman?’

  Liam rushes to my side and glares at Eric angrily. ‘Leave her alone. She's right you are despicable.’

  He takes my hand to pull me away when we hear a shaky voice saying, ‘Is this true, Eric? Did you split Liam and April up?’

  I see Charlotte looking at Eric with such hurt and disappointment that I almost can't breathe.

  He crosses over to her and looks at her pleadingly.

  ‘Of course not, the girls delusional. You've heard what she's like. Just because I wouldn't give it to her, she's making these lies up about me. You know me baby bear, I love you and no other.’

  He turns to face us and says angrily. ‘Get out, you're no longer welcome here.’

  Liam's eyes flash and he goes to speak but his mother steps in.

  Facing the two of us, she looks at me with a withering, hate filled, stare.

  ‘Eric's right. You are no longer welcome here. How dare you abuse our kind hospitality and spread vicious lies and rumours about the groom on his wedding day? You should be ashamed of yourself.’

  She turns to Liam and says angrily. ‘And as for you, I am more disappointed in you than I ever thought possible. I didn't bring you up to treat women as sex slaves. How could you, Liam? I think it's best you both pack your bags and leave. Take a long hard look at yourselves and mend your ways.’

  Liam looks around at everyone angrily. ‘Don't worry we're leaving. If anyone's disappointed, it's me. I thought I belonged to a decent, loving, family, but that isn't the case, is it? From the moment we got here you have excluded Annie and made her feel unwelcome. Just because she isn't April flaming Loveday, the girl you think is perfect for me in every way. Well, let me tell you, she's not. She is evil, manipulative and rotten inside. She cheated on me so I ended it and I'm just sorry it took longer than it should have. Annie is kind, decent and beautiful. She has more beauty in her little finger than April has in her whole body.’

  He turns to Charlotte. ‘Eric didn't cheat on you with April, Annie got it wrong.’

  I notice the triumph in Eric's eyes and look at Liam in shock. Oh no, I've done it again. I shouldn't be allowed out. How could I have ruined their wedding, without knowing the true facts?

  I go to apologise but Liam pulls me back. ‘Eric tried several times but April wasn't into cheating on me with a low life, sleaze, like Eric. No, I hate and detest you because of what you did on your stag night. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone; your secret’s safe with me.’

  He then looks around angrily and says bitterly. ‘Well, this has been fun but we must be going. Thanks for the invite, I hope you will all be very happy. Come on Annie, we're obviously not welcome here.’

  He turns to go and his mother shouts, ‘I think that's for the best. Only come back when you apologise and get some morals.’

  She looks at her husband and shouts, ‘Aren't you going to say anything, Michael?’

  He looks around him and frowns. ‘Yes, Liam, just go. Your mother's right. You shouldn't have caused such a scene. It's best for everyone if you just leave.’

  Liam looks at him angrily and his father steps forwards and whispers in his ear. Then without another word, Liam pulls me from the room.

  He doesn't stop until we are safely in the lift and then leans back heavily against the mirror and stares at me regretfully.

  ‘I'm sorry, Annie, that was awful. You didn't deserve any of that.’

  I look at him in horror. ‘No, I'm sorry Liam, me and my big mouth. I got it all wrong, didn't I? The trouble is, Eric did proposition me and I saw red. The things he said made me think he'd been the one April cheated on you with. He said it wouldn’t be the first time you had shared the same woman.’

  Liam's eyes flash, and he says angrily. ‘It wasn't April. A few years ago, I was going out with a girl called Victoria Craven. She was Charlotte's best friend, and we were all quite friendly. Then one day I found her in bed with Eric. Everything exploded and Charlotte even left Eric for a while. Then he wormed his way back into her heart and she forgave him. Not Victoria though. She was officially ostracised and banished from their social circles. I was surprised to hear she was coming tonight but that was obviously just a rumour because I never saw her.’

  The lift reaches our floor and I follow Liam to our room.

  ‘So, what did you see on his stag night?’

  As we get inside the room, Liam sinks down onto the couch and pours us both a brandy. He looks angry.

  ‘Eric wanted us to go to a club he was apparently a member of. It turned out to be a strip club. He had laid on everything possible. Lap dancers, alcohol and private strip shows. It was disgusting watching him take advantage of everything on offer. It was evident he was a regular, and he didn't seem to care what anyone thought of him. The last I saw, was him disappearing off with three girls and his best friend. It didn't take Einstein to work out what they were going to do so I left immediately. The next day he called and threatened me saying that if I told Charlotte he would say it was me and not him. Every girl would back up his story and he would cause a public scandal that would wreck my career. I kept quiet to protect myself and I hate myself more for it as a result. I didn't want to come here this weekend, you know that. Now you know why.’

  I take his hand and put my head on his shoulder. ‘I'm sorry, Liam. Now I've gone and made it a whole lot worse with your parents. They think you're some sort of sexually depraved monster and I've embarrassed you in front of your friends. I should go and let you build some bridges. You could say you threw me out in disgust or something.’

  Liam shakes his head and smiles sexily at me. ‘What and lose the best girlfriend a guy could ever wish for? I'm not mad.’

  I laugh and he pulls me against him while we sip our drinks.

  After a while something occurs to me. ‘What did your dad say to you when we left?’

  Liam laughs softly and grins. ‘He told me I was a lucky bastard.’

  Chapter Seventeen

  I am woken the next morning by a knock on the door. I open my eyes and stare at the gorgeous guy lying next to me and it all comes flooding back.

  After we had drunk the decanter dry—again, Liam and I went to bed. Just as friends though—more's the pity. We took advantage of the soft five-star bed and just fell into a deep, alcohol-fuelled, sleep.

  He's still sleeping and I get out of bed gingerly, so as not to wake him and head out to the sitting area to answer the door.

  I do hope it's not his mother.

  When I open it, I'm amazed to see a waiter who then proceeds to wheel a trolley into the room. ‘Room service madam. Where would you like it?’

  I shake my head in astonishment. ‘I didn't order this, you must be mistaken.’

  Then I hear. ‘No, I did.’

  I look around in surprise as Liam comes into the room. I watch as he hands the waiter a tip and sees him to the door.

  When he comes back he grins. ‘I ordered this yesterday. I knew I wouldn't want to face anyone before we left, so ordered breakfast in bed.’

  He winks and then heads over to the trolley. I join him and look with pleasure at the feast laid out before our eyes. Wow! There is more food here than I have ever seen.

  Liam laughs softly and hands me a plate. ‘Eat up, Annie, you could probably do with this.’

  We fill our plates with Danish pastries, croissants, and fresh fruit. I pour us both a coffee and we sit on the little couch in a companionable silence.

  This is nice, I'm enjoying our intimate breakfast for two. We've shut the world out and it's just the two of us in our own little cosy bubble.

  As we eat, Liam grins. ‘Well, last night was interesting. I have a feeling
we won't be hearing the last of it for quite some time.’

  I laugh. ‘Sorry, Liam. It's ok for me, I don't have to see any of them again. I appear to have quite a knack for burning my bridges behind me at the moment.’

  He looks interested. ‘Why, what else have you done?’

  I then proceed to tell him of my resignation email and he almost spits out his coffee.

  ‘Good on you, Annie. What I wouldn't give to send a few of those myself.’

  I grin and settle back, completely stuffed. ‘Anyway. Now we have phase two of our operation to complete. You know, you can always back out. I wouldn't blame you.’

  Liam grins. ‘What, and miss out on yet more drama, with my new sex-crazed girlfriend?’

  I laugh and shake my head. ‘Well, only if you're sure. The trouble is, all of this will seem like a happy memory after five minutes with my family.’

  Liam looks surprised. ‘Why, how bad can they be?’

  I just smile and look away. He's about to find out and nothing I say will prepare him for the ordeal ahead.

  An hour later we pack up and ship out. Liam called us a cab and after a quick exit, we leave the wedding firmly behind us.

  As we sit in the taxi, I try to steel myself for the days ahead.

  Liam sighs with relief as the driver pulls away. ‘Thank god for that. Now I can relax.’

  I smile and feel the tension creeping over me. Silently, I pray for a miracle, please let them be normal for once in their lives.

  The taxi driver looks over his shoulder. ‘Where to?’

  My heart sinks. Here we go. I say softly. ‘Um, Riverdale Avenue, Abbotsbury.’

  He nods. ‘I'll have you there within the hour. You got a number for the Satnav?’

  I swallow hard. ‘No, just a name.’

  He shouts. ‘Go on.’

  I sigh heavily. ‘Kirrin Cottage.’

  The driver laughs and Liam looks at me with astonishment. ‘You're kidding, right?’

  He laughs and I smile, thinking - I only wish I was.


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