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Tae: Talonian Warriors (A Sci-fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 11

by Celeste Raye

  Tae was still alive, though gravely injured. He went in and out of consciousness as Hesher flew. He wanted to live and fought against the pain. Eveline was waiting. He could not leave her yet. Hesher needed him as well. He could not control the laser in this condition, but it was his duty to tell the commander how to use it.

  With all Talonians accounted for, the ships rose from the Savra's world. The enemy thought they were victorious and were celebrating as they continued to send halfhearted shots toward the ships.

  Hesher shouted orders as he carried Tae below. "Bring medical equipment to the weapons area. We need to stop the flow of blood or we will lose Tae."

  "Commander, let me take him to the infirmary. He will receive better care. You should go as well. You are bleeding," one of the soldiers declared.

  "My wound was to a wing. In this form, it is only a scratch. I need Tae in order to know how to use the laser. Stop arguing and get the equipment."

  Weapons were shoved off a metal shelf so that Hesher could place Tae on it. He demanded that a soldier press hard against the chest wound to slow the bleeding. "Tae, can you hear me?" he asked.

  "Yes," Tae moaned.

  "What do I do first?"

  "Change level," Tae whispered. "Slide lever to red. Highest limit." He coughed, and blood seeped over the soldier's fingers.

  "Done," Hesher replied. "How do I aim it?"

  Tears ran down Tae's face as he fought to answer. "Sight on top. Put Savra in center where lines cross. Fire on full. Wait for green light, aim, and fire again." Tae lost consciousness as the first laser beam hit the planet. Medical equipment arrived, and he never felt them dig out the bullets.

  Savra's surface blackened. It cracked with the second beam. The third made it tremble; fire rose from its center, then it exploded. The vibration rocked the huge Talonian warship and sent the smaller ships out of control. But, the pilots were excellent and regained control within seconds. The aftershocks would be felt far into the solar system.

  Hesher prayed they did no harm to other worlds. The disturbance would bring unwanted attention to this area, risking Talonia's secrecy. For now, he would take his men home. They were triumphant, but at what cost? An entire planet was gone. Talonia's atmosphere was infected. They had lost more comrades, and Tae was near death. Why could not each species stay isolated on their own world and live contentedly? Why must they seek to destroy or control others? Where was friendship, cooperation, and trading? These were odd ideas for the commander of the military, especially one who had just obliterated an entire planet.

  Tae's blood, the bullets that had been removed, and blood-soaked cloths littered the floor of the weapons area. He ordered the attendants, "Take him out of this mess. Do whatever you must to keep him alive. Let us go home. The war with the Savra is over, but I fear other issues are arising. If I am needed, you can reach me in the command center."

  Tae was put on a lifter and taken to the infirmary. His wounds were clean and bound tightly. The bleeding had finally slowed, but he had lost so much that his chance of survival was slim. Yet, his heartbeat was strong. The bullet had missed it. Several times he awakened to moan, "Eveline."

  Chapter 15


  Eveline entered the cave she shared with Michelle, Kelan, Keshel, and Chiya to find everyone except Kelan already there. They appeared as exhausted as she was. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help with the children, Chiya. It was my turn to search for berries and wild greens in the outlying areas. Hopefully, the gardens will be declared safe from contamination soon."

  "It is not something you need to apologize for," Chiya replied. "We all have extra duties until the crisis is over. It is just that the children are restless. They miss their homes, especially their beds and playthings. The wild creatures running through the meadow while I try to teach history do not help matters. It is much more fun to follow a cute and fluffy animal than to hear stories of the Talonia founders."

  "Things should be returning to normal by tomorrow," Michelle announced. "Kelan told me the city has been cleared of debris thanks to the oldest trainees. The food supply was tested and found clean, including the garden after it was washed down with water from the falls. Repairs are being made today on the communicators and electrical systems. He suggests that each home be scrubbed by the owners before the children enter."

  "One more night in the caves? I think I can handle it. Are the waterfalls doing better? I know their energy was down substantially after the attack," Eveline asked.

  "The deterioration stopped once Kelan deployed Earth's remedy. Over the last twenty hours, the atmosphere has begun to repair itself, including the waterfalls. The volcanoes stopped rumbling early this morning, a sure sign of progress. So far, the remedy seems to be working. The king has his doubts since Talonia's atmosphere is slightly different than Earth's. Even the red sun and the difference in distance from it could alter how well it works or if it lasts. I'm optimistic, and so is Kelan," Michelle explained.

  A distant roar stopped everyone from speaking. The sound was familiar and brought excitement to Eveline's voice, "It's the warships! They've come home. Hurry, we have to meet them!" She didn't wait for anyone else, just left them behind in the cave.

  "I hope she finds Tae safe and unharmed," Chiya admitted. "When vibrations in the atmosphere shut down the communication with the ships, I got scared. We have no idea how things turned out or how many we lost this time."

  "I know, but we may be needed. Let's go see what's happening. Keshel, leave the rocks you're playing with and take mommy's hand. Come see the ships."

  It was immediately apparent that the ships were damaged, but the hulls had not been breached. Eveline was so close to the king's warship that she had to back up as the main door opened. She was shoved aside as lifters were carried aboard for the injured. She choked on a sob at having her entrance blocked. The king took pity, reached down, lifted her onto the ramp, and allowed her to enter with him. Dozens of injured awaited aid. The worst were already near the door. Front and center was Tae. He was ghostly pale, and his bandages were stained. Eveline screamed his name and ran. Halfway there, her legs collapsed, and the king caught her, holding her close. Tae's lifter disappeared down the ramp.

  "How bad is it?" the king asked Hesher.

  "There are three wounds. The chest is the worst. He has lost too much blood, and his pulse is weak. However, there is no fever, thus no infection. The heart is untouched, so there is some hope. He goes to Daer first. Even with his injuries and bleeding profusely, he gave me instructions on how to use the laser. The Savra are extinct. Their planet is space debris."

  "I assumed as much. The aftershocks hit Talonia and knocked out communication. We should get these men in for medical care, then we can discuss how so many were injured. I will personally escort Eveline to her mate. Are you able to walk now?" he asked Eveline.

  "I will do what I must to reach Tae's side. I am sorry I was so weak. Tae deserves better than that."

  "You were in shock, and that is easily forgiven. Speed is not necessary. Daer is most certainly working on him, and therefore you cannot see him. Let us find your friends. They will bring you comfort while you wait."

  Tae's friends and family huddled together as they waited for a verdict from Daer. It was taking far more time than they expected. Eveline's shock had dissipated, and she was shivering from fear, exhaustion, and hunger. Jax and Chiya tried to force her to eat a few bites, but she adamantly refused. "It would not stay down anyway," she argued.

  Daer finally appeared, but his explanation was not as encouraging as all had hoped. "Tae's blood volume is still very low. We are giving fluids in hopes of supplementing it. His pulse is slow but steady. The leg wound was cared for properly before he reached Talonia. The one in his side required more cleansing and the ragged edges cut and sewn. It is true that the heart itself was missed by the third bullet. However, there was some tissue torn quite near it. He is bandaged and has no fever. You can go to him Eveline, but
he has not awoken since his arrival. Talk to him. Whether he can hear you, I do not know. I do not wish him to be alone and I have many to administer to."

  "I won't leave him. Care for the others. He is mine to watch over," Eveline declared. "Go home, everyone. Clean away the fallout so the children may sleep in their own beds once more. It was what Tae fought for."

  "I will stay as well," Jax replied. "He is my brother, and I owe it to him to watch out for you. You must eat and drink, or you cannot take care of him."

  "Okay, I will try for his sake. I welcome your company. Kelan, will you see his father and sisters home?"

  "We will see that our home and yours are sanitized, so neither you nor Tae has that burden to worry over," Tae's oldest sister announced. "It is time for me to step up and leave childhood behind."

  Eveline and Jax nibbled on bread and cheese. They sipped on warm tea as Eveline spoke softly to Tae. "I am so glad you're back. You did well. We don't have to fear the Savra ever again. You avenged me. I am so proud of you, but you're not done. I want you to keep fighting your way back to us. Talonia is healing and you must also. Hesher told the king how you held on even as you bled. So, hold on for me now. The mark on my wrist symbolizes our union. Yet, we both know it was not necessary. Our hearts and souls were joined under the waterfall and sanctified with its energy. Take strength from me now. All I have within me is yours. Use it well." She laid her head over his chest wound and wept. The tears soaked in along with her love and all the strength she had to give.

  Tears rolled down Jax's cheeks. His young heart was breaking. He was only a child, yet he recognized the deep abiding love Eveline had for his brother. She would have sacrificed herself if it saved him. He no longer prayed for Tae to live because his family needed him, but for Eveline's sake. He somehow knew she would die if Tae did.

  Daer found them that way. Eveline was draped over Tae and Jax was sobbing in a corner. "Go home and sleep, Jax," Daer ordered.

  "I will not leave until Tae is able to watch over Eveline once more. She belongs to my family. Father is in no shape to be head of the family, and Tae may not ever be able to bear that burden again. It is up to me, as the only other male," Jax replied.

  Daer sighed. The boy was courageous, but also stubborn. Circumstances had caused him to grow up within a matter of days. The childish grins and teasing manners were gone. His eyes were serious and held the knowledge of an adult.

  Daer gave up and brought cots in for both Jax and Eveline. He lifted Eveline and laid her on one, shoving it against the one on which Tae was sleeping. Her hand clung to Tae's even in sleep. He checked Tae's pulse. It remained slow and weak, however, he sensed a determination to survive that had not been there before.

  At sunrise, Tae and Eveline's friends returned. First came Shara, bringing a stew and soft, sweet bread made by the king's chef. As Eveline and Jax ate, she placed a hand over Tae's heart and declared, "Something stirs inside him. Do not give up, for he has not."

  Chiya brought clean clothes and forced Eveline into the shower, promising to stay with Tae. The warm caress of the energized water revived her, allowing her to feel hope.

  Returning to the infirmary, she discovered Michelle and Keshel had arrived. The little boy's tiny hand clasped Tae's limp one. His big brown eyes had a fire in their depths as his sweet baby voice announced, "Tae needs power."

  "Yes, he does," Eveline answered as she wrapped the child in her arms. His essence gave her peace. Keshel returned the hug and kissed her cheek. The fear inside her melted away.

  The king, Hesher, and Kelan were next. "I have Tae's medals," the king said. "They were to be awarded at a ceremony before the funeral pyres were lit today. I offer them to you instead. There is one for bravery and one for uncommon valor. All my soldiers will receive the first one, but the second is for his ability to remain focused despite his injuries. I am considering raising his rank as well."

  "If he lives," Eveline whispered.

  "I have faith that he will. There are forces at work on Talonia that I have never felt before," Hesher answered. "Are you coming out for the funerals?"

  "No. I will watch and pray from here. I send with you my love and condolences to the families who lost their loved ones."

  "We will see that they are received. I am sure they send well wishes to you," Kelan declared.

  True to her word, Eveline pushed open the windows in the infirmary so she could listen to the ceremony as well as see it. Jax aided her in bringing Tae's cot as near as possible. Talonia sent a warm breeze through the room, freshening the air. It ruffled Tae's dark hair and gave color to his pale cheeks.

  "Listen, Tae. Your comrades are receiving their medals. Here are yours," Eveline stated as she put them on his barely moving chest.

  Daer joined them at the window. "Shouldn't you be at the ceremony?" she inquired.

  "I still have patients, so my duties are here. Do you mind if I listen with you?"

  "Of course not. How are the other patients?"

  "Doing well," Daer replied. "I was afraid of losing one, but he has rallied. He will carry the scars of war all his life. He lost two fingers, a toe, and part of an ear to the vicious offspring of the Savra. There are horror stories I do not wish to repeat."

  In Eveline's isolation, she had not heard nor asked about the battle. "Their young fought?"

  Daer nodded. "The females too. Hesher had wanted to be compassionate and save the women and children. Once he saw the evil in all of them, he destroyed the planet."

  "I don't feel sad about it. That may be terrible of me, but I hated them," Eveline admitted.

  "It is understandable after what you went through."

  The pyres were lit, and colorful smoke filled the air. The warm breeze sent it toward the infirmary along with the chants of the citizens.

  "Energy and peace from the waterfalls are taken.

  Strength from the volcanoes must not be forsaken.

  Lifeforce to our world we choose to return.

  For its graces and gifts, our loved ones we burn."

  The smoke came through the window, bypassing Eveline, Daer, and Jax. The colorful ash swirled over Tae and gently settled on his prone body. His skin appeared to soak it in.

  "What's happening?" Eveline asked.

  "I do not know," Daer answered. "I have never seen such a strange phenomenon."

  Tae let out a gasp, and his body jerked. His eyes opened, though he seemed to see nothing. They were not the royal blue Eveline was used to seeing. Instead, they swirled with all the colors of the rainbow, spinning so fast it made her dizzy.

  "Do something," she demanded of Daer.

  "There is not anything I can do. Do not be frightened. I believe Talonia is gifting Tae with the strength of its fallen. He is meant to live a long life. Watch, his eyes are clearing."

  He was right. Tae's eyes were royal blue once again. They came into focus and latched on to Eveline. Slowly his hand raised and he whispered, "I felt you, my love. Without the energy in your tears, I would have left this world." His voice grew stronger. "There are voices in my head, memories of others who I fear are gone. Their power courses through my veins. My wounds are healing, rapidly. I do not understand."

  "Don't fight it. A great gift has been bestowed upon you. Let it seep into your muscles and bones. Enfold it with your heart. Talonia has found you worthy of its sacrifice. You must repay its kindness by accepting the gift and giving your undivided loyalty to it for all your life," Eveline proclaimed.

  "No one is going to believe this," Jax announced. "I need to find my father and sisters. They will rejoice."

  "Yes, Jax. Go and shout it to all who will listen. A miracle was performed today, and we have many families to thank for their sons' contribution," Daer declared.

  "What happens now?" Eveline asked.

  "We examine Tae, who I imagine will be perfectly healed. Then we let him get cleaned and dressed. I expect an influx of citizens soon. He must be ready to greet them. I will give you a moment of
peace to welcome him back. Do not take too long. As you can see, Jax has made it outside and is yelling the news."

  Daer quickly examined Tae and discovered he had been correct. Tae was healthy, and his wounds were now small scars. Why Tae had been given such a gift was beyond his understanding. Shaking his head in confusion, he left to hold off the crowd.

  Chapter 16

  The King

  "Why me?" Tae asked of the group gathered in the king's chambers. "Why was this gift of renewed life bestowed upon me? Others with higher ranks and more experience died. Why did Talonia choose me?"

  "We all have theories. Kelan, Hesher and I have discussed it at length. We believe it involves your hatred of war. Though you despise it, you willingly fought for Talonia and its citizens. You aided in the building and manufacturing of our weapons. You saved an alien stranger from the clutches of the enemy. Shara and I had premonitions of problems to come, but it was your urgent warning and prodding that spurred us into action. Without you, the nuclear weapon would most likely have found its mark. You and Eveline listened to our world and understood its plea. For that, Talonia rewarded you," the king answered. "We will call upon you again, and I know you will courageously come forward to defend us."

  "Kelan, we remain in your debt for the sojourn to Earth. It resulted in our victory over the Savra. Your weapon designs and the remedy for our atmosphere gave us the upper hand," the king continued.

  "I told you that I cannot promise the remedy will hold," Kelan repeated.

  "It is giving us time, which we will use wisely. Hesher, I am going to address your actions now. Twice you have disobeyed my orders. What should I do with you?" the king asked.

  "Whatever punishment you deem necessary, I will take without question or regret. I disobeyed, and it caused the deaths of my soldiers. I will not make the mistake of questioning your orders ever again," Hesher replied.

  "I sincerely hope you do not mean that," the king shocked him by saying. "Yes, we lost soldiers, but you did the right thing. I gave the command in anger and fear. That was the real mistake. I make mistakes just as much as anyone else. King is only a title. I am as imperfect as everyone else. You were able to look past your anger and use compassion for what you considered to be innocents at that time. Without compassion, we would be just as evil as the Savra proved to be. No one could have foreseen the use of women and children in war. Kelan's disobedience gave us the gifts of Michelle and Keshel. Tae's gave us Eveline, who has proven her connection with our planet. Yours kept us from becoming monsters. Keep questioning my orders. It is vital."


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