The Resilient Earth: Science, Global Warming and the Fate of Humanity

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The Resilient Earth: Science, Global Warming and the Fate of Humanity Page 44

by Simmons, Allen

  Estimating the sun's radiative output during the Maunder Minimum, J. Lean, W. Livingston, A. Skumanich, and O. White, Geophys. Res. Lett. 19, 1591-1594, 1992.

  Evidence on the climate impact of solar variations, S. Baliunas and R. Jastrow, Energy, 18, 1285-1295, 1993.

  Solar total irradiance variations and the global sea surface temperature record, G.C. Reid, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 96, pp. 2835-2844, 1991.

  Dependence of global temperatures on atmospheric CO2 and solar irradiance, David J. Thomson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 8370-8377, August 1997.

  Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947) German physicist considered to be the founder of quantum theory.

  On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spectrum, Max Plank, Annalen der Physik 4: p. 553, 1901.

  Physics of Climate, J. P. Peixoto and A.H. Oort, Springer, 1992, p. 118.

  The dynamic greenhouse: Feedback processes that may influence future concentrations of atmospheric trace gases and climatic change, Daniel A. Lashof, 1989, Climatic Change, vol 14 (3): 213-242.

  Earth's Annual Global Mean Energy Budget, J. T. Kiehl and Kevin E. Trenberth, Bulletin of the American Meteorology Society, Vol. 78, No. 2, February 1997, pp 197-208.

  How Hot Can Venus Get? Mark A. Bullock and David H. Grinspoon, American Astronomical Society, Proceedings of DPS 2001, November 2001.

  Also known as the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law;

  -log10(Φt/Φ0) = -log10τi = εcb = A.

  Water Absorption Spectrum, Martin Chaplin, July 18, 2007:

  A global merged land air and sea surface temperature reconstruction based on historical observations (1880-1997), T.M. Smith and R.W. Reynolds, 2005, J. Climate, 18, 2021-2036.

  Can increasing carbon dioxide cause climate change? R.S. Lindzen, 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 94, pp. 8335–8342

  Comparison of Global Climate Change Simulations for 2 × CO2-Induced Warming, Kavita Kacholia and Ruth A. Reck,Climatic Change, January 1997, 53-69.

  The Nile River, Marie Parsons, Tour Egypt Magazine on line:

  The Nile, H. E. Hurst, 1952, 326 pp., Constable, London.

  Toussoun, J. D., 1925, Mem. Inst. Egipte 18, 366.

  Does the Nile reflect solar variability? Alexander Ruzmaikin, Joan Feynman and Yuk Yung, Proceedings Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin, V. Bothmer, ed., Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 233, 2006.

  Can solar variability influence climate? Australian Antarctic Division web site:

  Can Solar Activities Influence Extreme Weather over Continental Portugal? Stochastic Contrasts of Temperature and Precipitation with Sunspots and Cosmic Ray Intensity, P. S. Lucio, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 7, 2005.

  On The Relation Between Thunderstorm Activity And Solar Variability, V. A. Mulloyarov, et al., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003.

  Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) German physicist and discover of X-Rays. He received the first Nobel Prize in physics in 1901.

  Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) French physicist awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for physics for the discovery of radioactivity.

  Victor F. Hess,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1936, Biography:

  Unsolved Problems in Physics: Tasks for the Immediate Future in Cosmic Ray Studies, Victor F. Hess, Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1936:

  Robert Andrews Millikan (1868-1953) American physicist and Nobel laureate.

  Arthur Holly Compton (1892-1962) American physicist, inventor of X-ray crystallography and Nobel laureate for the Compton Effect.

  A selected history of expectation bias in physics, Monwhea Jeng, American Journal of Physics, July 2006, Volume 74, Issue 7, pp. 578-583.

  Heliospheric Physics and Cosmic Rays, lecture notes by Kalevi Mursula and Ilya Usoskin, Lectured in 2003 by K. Mursula, University of Oulu.

  Cosmic Rays as Electrical Particles, Arthur H. Compton, Physical Review, Rev. 50, pp. 1119 - 1130, 1936.

  Cosmic Radiation, Peter Meyer, in Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1989, pp. 159-160.

  The Anschluss (union) was the forced annexation of Austria by Hitler's Germany on 13th March 1938. National Socialist (Nazi) rule was established in Austria.

  Biographical information about VICTOR HESS in: Current Biography Yearbook 1963, ed. Ch. Moritz, The H.W. Wilson Company, New York, 1963, p. 180-182.

  Cosmic Rays, R. A. Mewaldt, Encyclopedia of Physics, Macmillan, 1996.

  Cosmic Radiation, Peter Meyer, Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1989, pp. 165.

  Cosmic Rays, R. A. Mewaldt, Encyclopedia of Physics, Macmillan, 1996.

  An astronomical unit, or AU, is the average distance from Earth to the Sun, about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers.

  Supernovae, David Branch, Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1989, pp. 733-734.

  Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, W. Kunkel and B. Madore, Las Campanas Observatory, IAU Circular 4316: 1987A; N Cen 1986.

  Supernova 1987A, David Branch, in Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1989, pp. 726-727.

  The number 106, read “ten to the sixth,” is 10 times itself six times or 1,000,000. Another way to interpret powers of ten is that 10n is a one with n zeros after it. So, 1050 would be a one followed by fifty zeros.

  Cosmic Radiation, Peter Meyer, in Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1989, pp. 163-164.

  Pierre Victor Auger (1899-1993) French physicist who worked in the fields of atomic, nuclear and cosmic ray physics. One of the founders of the European Space Agency.

  Hideki Yukawa (1907-1981) Japanese physicist who predicted a meson 200 times as heavy as an electron in 1937. The π meson, discovered in 1947, was the particle he predicted.

  Isidor Isaac Rabi (1898-1988) Nobel Prize-winning, Austrian-born, American physicist known for work on the strong nuclear force that holds atomic nuclei together.

  Variation of Cosmic Ray Flux and Global Cloud Coverage - a Missing Link in Solar-Climate Relationships, Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 59 (11) (1997) 1225-1232

  Cosmic radiation and the Weather, E. R. Ney, 1959, Nature, vol 183, pp 451-453.

  A laboratory study of the scavenging of sub-micron aerosols by charged raindrops, A.K. Barlow and J. Latham, 1983, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol 109, pp 763-770.

  Length of the Solar Cycle: An Indicator of Solar Activity Closely Associated with Climate, E. Friis-Christensen and K. Lassen, Science, 254, 698 (1991).

  Low Cloud Properties influenced by Cosmic Rays, Nigel Marsh and Henrik Svensmark, Physical Review Letter, December 4, 2000 - Volume 85, Issue 23, pp. 5004-5007.

  Galactic cosmic ray and El Niño southern oscillation trends in international satellite cloud climatology project d2 low-cloud properties, Marsh, N., H. Svensmark, J.of Geo. Research-Atmospheres, 108(D6), 2003.

  Cosmic rays blamed for global warming, Richard Gray, Sunday Telegraph, 11/02/2007.

  'No Sun link' to climate change, Richard Black, BBC News, 10 July 2007:

  New Research Adds Twist to Global Warming Debate, Steven Milloy, Fox News, 12 Oct., 2006:,2933,220341,00.html

  No Link Between Cosmic Rays and Global Warming, Fraser Cain, Wired, July 03, 2007:

  Cosmic ray link to global warming boosted, Jenny Hogan, New Scientist, August 2004:

  An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change, The Sunday Times, February 11, 2007: http://www.time

  The Chilling Stars: A new theory of climate change, Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder, Icon Books, 2007, p 61.

  N. Shaviv, blog entry on Monday, 2006-10-23 03:10:

  A Celestial driver of Phanerozoic Climate? N. Shaviv & J. Veizer, GSA Today 13, No. 7, 4, 2003.

  Period of the Sun's Orbit around the Galaxy, Stacy Leong, The Physics Factbook, 2002.

  Encyclopedia of Science Heavens 2. Robin Kerrod, MacMillian, 1997: 35.

  Galactic Habitable Zones, Leslie Mullen, Astrobiology, May 18, 2001.

  The spiral structure of the Milky Way, cosmic rays, and ice age epochs on Earth, Nir J. Shaviv, New Astronomy 8, 2003, pp 39–77.

  Star Formation & Interstellar Chemistry, Jeff Mangum, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 2002:

  The Milky Way Galaxy's Spiral Arms and Ice-Age Epochs and the Cosmic Ray Connection, Nir Shaviv, ScienceBits, 2006:

  Empirical evidence for a nonlinear effect of galactic cosmic rays on clouds. Harrison, R.G. and Stephenson, D.B. 2006. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: 10.1098/rspa.2005.1628.

  On climate response to changes in the cosmic ray flux and radiative budget, N. J. Shaviv, (2005), J. Geophys. Res., 110, A08105, doi:10.1029/2004JA010866.

  Dependence of global temperatures on atmospheric CO2 and solar irradiance, David J. Thomson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 8370-8377, August 1997.

  Of Cosmic Rays and Dangerous Days, Phil Berardelli, ScienceNOW Daily News, 1 August 2007:

  Do extragalactic cosmic rays induce cycles in fossil diversity? Mikhail V. Medvedev, Adrian L. Melott, Astro-Ph, 2007:

  Blog postings by D. L. Hoffman and N. Shaviv, 6 August 2007:

  Sentient Cutlery, J. Randi, SWIFT, 20 October, 2006.

  Roger Bacon, Theophilus Witzel, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol XIII, 1912, Robert Appleton Co.:


  Isaac Newton, in a letter to Robert Hooke, dated 15 February 1676.

  Science Fair Central: Soup to Nuts Handbook, Discovery School web site:

  From the Greek gnosis (γνώσις), described as direct knowledge of the supernatural or divine. An agnostic is someone who denies the existence of such knowledge, believing all things are knowable without divine revelation.

  Marcello Truzzi (1935-2003) Danish-American Sociologist and co-founder of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP).

  Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) Russian born American author and biochemist, best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books.

  Horace Walpole (1717-1797), fourth Earl of Orford, son of Prime Minister Robert Walpole, connoisseur, antiquarian and author.

  Horace Walpole's Correspondence, Lewis, S.L., Ed.. 31 Vols., Yale University Press, New Haven, 1937.

  Serendipity and the three princes. Remer, T.G. From the Peregrinaggio of 1557. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1965.

  Claudius Ptolemaeus (ca. 90-168 AD) a Greek-Egyptian mathematician, geographer, astronomer, and astrologer in Roman Egypt.

  Sir Karl Raimund Popper (1902-1994) an Austrian and British philosopher of science.

  "7. Simplicity", Popper, Karl, 1992, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 2nd edition, London: Routledge, 121-132.

  The Fixation of Belief, Charles S. Peirce, Popular Science Monthly, vol 12, November 1877, 1-15.

  Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) American historian and philosopher of science.

  John Nance Garner (1868-1967) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and Vice President of the United States.

  Hermann Grunder, Director, Argonne National Laboratory, May 14, 2004:

  Particle Formation by Ion Nucleation in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, S.-H. Lee, et al., Science, Vol. 301, 26 September 2003.

  Can ozone depletion and global warming interact to produce rapid climate change? Dennis L. Hartmann, et al., PNAS 2000;97;1412-1417.

  Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) German physicist who invented the Fahrenheit temperature scale.

  Anders Celsius (1701-1744) Swedish Astronomer and polar explorer.

  Error estimates of Version 5.0 of MSU/AMSU bulk atmospheric temperatures, J. R. Christy, et al., J. Atmos Oceanic Tech, vol 20, pp. 613-629.

  Temperature Changes in the Bulk Atmosphere, John Christy, in Shattered Consensus, P. Michaels ed., Rowman & Littelfield, 2005, p 88.

  An improved in situ and satellite SST analysis for climate, R.W. Reynolds, et al., 2002, J. Climate, 15, 1609-1625.

  Climates & Weather Explained, Edward Linacre and Bart Geerts, Routledge, 1997, p. 17.

  Temperature Changes in the Bulk Atmosphere, John Christy, in Shattered Consensus, P. Michaels ed., Rowman & Littelfield, 2005, p 77.

  GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots, Makiko Sato, NASA GISS website:

  Impact of urbanization and land use changes on climate, E. Kalnay and M. Cai, 2003, Nature, no. 423, pp. 528-531.

  Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments - Volume 3: Terrestrial, Algal, and Siliceous Indicators, in Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, J.P. Smol, H.J. Birks, and W.M. Last editors, Springer, 2002.

  The Teeth may hold clue to vanished Viking settlements, Sally Pobojewski, The University Record, University of Michigan, October 24, 1994.

  Cosmic background reduction in the radiocarbon measurement by scintillation spectrometry at the underground laboratory of Gran Sasso, W. Plastino, et al., 2001, Radiocarbon, vol 43, pp. 157-161.

  Willard Frank Libby (1908-1980) American physical chemist and Nobel laureate.

  Extinction: how life on earth nearly ended 250 million years ago. Douglas H. Erwin, 2006, Princeton University Press, pp 79-81.

  Benthic Foraminifers, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1999:

  Harold Clayton Urey (1893-1981) American physical chemist and Nobel prize winner.

  The Greek character δ is a lower case delta (Δ). Scientists use delta as shorthand for difference or ratio. δ18O is short for “delta oxygen eighteen.”

  Global Warming, Spencer R. Weart, Harvard Univ. Press, 2003, pp 47-50.

  The hydrogen isotope 2H is also called heavy hydrogen or deuterium, hence δD.

  Precise measurement of isotope ratios with a single collector mass spectrometer, J. Schutten1, et al., Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, January, 1957, pp 388-392.

  Simulation of δ18O in precipitation by the regional circulation model REMOISO, Kristof Sturm, et al., Hydrol. Process. 19, 3425-3444 (2005).

  Circulation Variability Reflected in Ice Core and Lake Records of the Southern Tropical Andes, S. Hastenrath, D. Polzin, B. Francou, Climatic Change, Volume 64, Number 3, June 2004, pp. 361-375(15).


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