The Resilient Earth: Science, Global Warming and the Fate of Humanity

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The Resilient Earth: Science, Global Warming and the Fate of Humanity Page 45

by Simmons, Allen

  Ice core evidence of rapid air temperature increases since 1960 in alpine areas of the Wind River Range, Wyoming, United States, David L. Naftz, et al., J. Geophysical Research, Vol. 107, No. D13, 4171, 2002.

  Stable Isotope-Based Paleoaltimetry, David B. Rowley and Carmala N. Garzione, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 35: 463-508, 2007.

  The phase relations among atmospheric CO content, temperature and global ice volume over the past 420 ka, Manfred Mudelsee, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 20, 2001, pp 583-589.

  Oldest ever ice core promises climate revelations, New Scientist, 8 September 2003:

  Ice age insight, Jay Chapman, Geotimes Web Extra, September 16, 2004:

  Orbital and Millennial Antarctic Climate Variability over the Past 800,000 Years, J. Jouzel et al, Science, 10 August 2007, Vol. 317. no. 5839, pp. 793 - 796.

  Synchroneity of Tropical and High-Latitude Atlantic Temperatures over the Last Glacial Termination, David W. Lea, et al., Science 5 September 2003, Vol. 301. no. 5638, pp. 1361 – 1364.

  A revised +10±4ºC magnitude of the abrupt change in Greenland temperature at the Younger Dryas termination using published GISP2 gas isotope data and air thermal diffusion constants, Alexi M. Grachev and Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 24, 2005, 513-519.

  The Mann Et Al. Northern Hemisphere “Hockey Stick” Climate Index: A Tail of Due Diligence, Ross McKitrick, in Shattered Consensus, P. Michaels ed., Rowman & Littelfield, 2005, pp 20-49.

  Hockey Sticks, Principal Components and Spurious Significance, S. McIntyre, R McKitrick, Geo. Research Letters, Vol 32(3), Feb 12 2005.

  About the NAS, The National Academy of Sciences, 2007:

  Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years, Report in Brief, June 2006, the National Academy of Sciences.

  plausible (adj) 1: apparently reasonable and valid [ant: implausible] 2: likely but not certain to be or become true or real. Usage: Plausible denotes that which seems reasonable, yet leaves distrust in the judgment. Source

  Ad Hoc Committee Report on the ‘Hockey Stick’ Global Climate Reconstruction, Edward J. Wegman, et al., 2006.

  Leading climatologists tell Geotimes what key earth science data they need most, Lisa M. Pinsker, Geotimes, December 2001.

  Testimony of Michael Oppenheimer before Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality Committee on Energy and Commerce U.S. House of Representatives, 7 March 2007.

  Results of Large-Scale Weather Forecast Accuracy Study of Major Internet Weather Forecast Providers, Eric Floehr, 2003,


  Richard Wesley Hamming (1915-1998) American mathematician and computer scientist, Turing Prize winner most noted for developing error correction codes.

  Warming Trends, Global Warming, Weather 2000 FAQ,

  Useless Arithmetic: why environmental scientists can't predict the future, Orrin H. Pilkey and Linda Pilkey-Jarvis, 2006, Columbia University Press, ISBN 978-0-231-13212-1, p184.

  Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, Ian Stewart, 2004, Blackwell, p. 141.

  Limitations on Predictive Modeling in Geomorphology, P.K. Haff, in The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology, C. E. Thorn and B. Rhoads, eds., John Wiley, 1996.

  Limitations on Predictive Modeling in Geomorphology, P.K. Haff, in The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology, C. E. Thorn and B. Rhoads, eds., John Wiley, 1996.

  Error analysis of system mathematical functions, Gaston H. Gonnet, ETH, Informatik, 2002, retrieved online 2007:

  The Treatment of Uncertainties in the Fourth IPCC Assessment Report, Martin R. Manning, IPCC Working Group I Technical Support Unit, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2007.

  Hectopascal (hPa), a unit used worldwide for air pressure. One hectopascal corresponds to about 0.1% of atmospheric pressure at sea level.

  Climate Simulations for 1880-2003 with GISS Model E, J. Hansen et al, 2007, in press.

  Comparison of Global Climate Change Simulations for 2 × CO2-Induced Warming, Kavita Kacholia & Ruth A. Reck,Climatic Change, Jan.1997, 53-69.

  Ground-water models cannot be validated, by Leonard F. Konikow & John D. Bredehoeft, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 15, no. 1, 1992, p. 75-83.

  The Hydrologist, GSA Hydrology Division, June 1998, No. 48.

  Unlicensed Engineers, Part 1, Hendrick Tennekes, February 28, 2007, from Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group Weblog:

  Some fresh air in the climate debate, Hendrick Tennekes, Amsterdam De Volkskrant, March 28, 2007.

  Defining Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference: The Role of Science, the Limits of Science, Michael Oppenheimer, Risk Analysis, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2005.

  Many Colored Glass: Reflections on the Place of Life in the Universe, Freeman Dyson, University of Virgina Press, 2007:

  Gambling on tomorrow, The Economist, August 28, 2007, p 69.

  Useless Arithmetic: why environmental scientists can't predict the future, Orrin H. Pilkey and Linda Pilkey-Jarvis, 2006, Columbia University Press, ISBN 978-0-231-13212-1, p84.

  NASA Chief Questions Urgency of Global Warming, Morning Edition, May 31, 2007 :

  Head of NASA Undecided on Need to Tackle Global Warming, Steven Edwards, Wired Science, May 31, 2007, 11:32:53 AM:

  Counterpoint: Climate Change Responses, Bob Carter, Monday 11 April 2005, Radio National, Presented by Michael Duffy,

  Beyond The Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change, Naomi Oreskes, Science, 3 December 2004, Vol. 306. no. 5702, p. 1686

  Open Letter in Response to Naomi Oreskes’ Criticisms, Klaus-Martin Schulte, September 3, 2007.

  Statement of Dr. David Deming to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works. Online:

  Sun's coverage of global warming was the right thing, Paul Moore, Baltimore Sun, 11 February, 2007.


  The Press Gets It Wrong; Our report doesn't support the Kyoto treaty, Richard Lindzen, The Wall Street Journal, Monday, June 11, 2001.

  Gore says media miss climate message, The Tennessean, 28 Feb., 2007.

  Climate change treaty to come into force, Friends of the Earth International website,

  Earth Repair Foundation website:

  Climate Change, World Wildlife Fund web site:

  How to save the climate, Greenpeace International, Amsterdam.

  Greenpeace: The world’s climate being betrayed by G8 states, Greenpeace press release, 16 March 2007.

  New IPCC report shocking: Running out of time for action, Greenpeace press release, 6 April 2007.

  Nature at risk - the impacts of Global Warming, WWF web site:

  Fight Global Warming by Going Vegetarian, web site:

  Hot tempers on global warming, Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, Aug 15, 2007.

  Are 'climate criminals' committing 'terracide'? Walter E. Williams, World Net Daily, August 8, 2007

  Discover Dialogue: M
eteorologist William Gray, September 9, 2005.

  Scientists threatened for 'climate denial', Tom Harper, Sunday Telegraph, November 3, 2007,

  Death Threats for man-made-global-warming-doesn't-exist scientist, Judi McLeod, Canada Free Press, March 12, 2007,

  The Resurrection of Al Gore, Karen Breslau, Wired Magazine, May, 2006.

  Peace Man,, 12 October, 2007.

  Judge attacks nine errors in Al Gore's 'alarmist' climate change film, The Daily Mail, 11th October 2007:

  Al Gore Challenged to International TV Debate on Global Warming, E-Wire, March 19, 2007:

  Island Nation of Tuvalu Threatened By Rising Waters Caused By Global Warming, Amy Goodman, Democracy Now website, Tuesday, December 28th, 2004.

  The Asian Brown Cloud: Climate and Other Environmental Impacts, UNEP, Nairobi, 2002, p. 3.

  Meat-Eaters Aiding Global Warming? ABC News, April 19, 2006

  In Praise of Shadows: A Meditation, Joshua Sowin, September 23rd, 2006:

  Anti-People Group Pushes for Man's Extinction, Michael Y. Park, Fox News, July 29, 2001:,2933,30834,00.html

  Population Control Fanatic Advocates "Voluntary Human Extinction" as Means to "Green" the Planet, Terry Vanderheyden, Lifesite, Nov. 16, 2005.

  Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Swiss philosopher of the Enlightenment.

  Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Geneva, 1755, p 43.

  A Brief History of Cranks, Paul Laity, Cabinet Magazine, Issue 20, Winter 2005/06 :

  Rebels Against the Future: Witnessing the birth of the global anti-technology movement, Ronald Bailey, Reason Online, 28 February, 2001:

  Medieval Demographics Made Easy, S. John Ross, 1993:

  Japan's Medieval Population: Famine, Fertility, And Warfare in a Transformative Age, William Wayne Farris, University of Hawaii Press, 2006.

  Historical Estimates of World Population, U.S. Census Bureau, 2007:

  Nations skeptical of U.S. climate talks, John Heilprin, Associated Press, 26 Sept. 2007.

  Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) English philosopher, author of the famous book Leviathan.

  Al Gore Gives Policy Address at NYU on Solving the Climate Crisis, NYU website, Sept. 18, 2006:

  Flatter oceans may have caused 1920s sea rise, Catherine Brahic, news service, August 24, 2007.

  Afraid of global warming? Chill out, Neil Collins, the London Telegraph, 20 September, 2004.

  NOAA Hurricane Portal, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, 2007:

  Hurricanes And Climate Change: Assessing the Linkages Following the 2006 Season, William M. Gray, Washington Round-table On Science And Public Policy.

  Behind The Scenes: NOAA's North Atlantic Hurricane Seasonal Outlook, NOAA Magazine, May 22, 2007.

  Increase In Atmospheric Moisture Tied To Human Activities, Science Daily, September 19, 2007.

  Multiple gene evidence for expansion of extant penguins out of Antarctica due to global cooling, Allan J. Baker, et al, Proc. R. Soc. B, vol 273, 2006.

  Giant Penguins Once Roamed Peru Desert, Fossils Show, Anne Minard, National Geographic News, June 25, 2007.

  Multiple gene evidence for expansion of extant penguins out of Antarctica due to global cooling, Allan J. Baker, et al, Proc. R. Soc. B, vol 273, 2006.

  Sea change: people have affected what penguins eat, Sid Perkins, Science News, July 14, 2007.


  Sea ice affects the population dynamics of Adélie penguins in Terre Adélie, S. Jenouvrier, C. Barbraud and H. Weimerskirch, Polar Biology, 2005.

  Farmed salmon threat to Antarctic krill, New Scientist news online, 27 October, 2007.

  The Evolution of the Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus Phipps. Bjorn Kurten, Societas Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica, 1964.

  Climate myths: Polar bear numbers are increasing, Phil McKenna, New Scientist, 16 May 2007.

  Cool It, Bjørn Lomborg, 2007, Knopf, p. 6.

  Those Bad News Bears, Investor's Business Daily, 28 December, 2006.

  Natural Resources Key to Alaska Town's Future, Melissa Block. All Things Considered, September 11, 2007.

  Public Health: Expected Consequences Of Global Warming, P. Martens, American Scientist, 1999 87:534.

  Endemic malaria: an 'indoor' disease in northern Europe, Lena Huldén, Larry Huldén, and Kari Heliövaara, Malaria Journal, 2005; 4: 19.

  Malaria rising as DDT use falls, scientist says,, 22 Nov. 2000.

  Warming “not spreading malaria,” The BBC, September 21, 2000.


  A Briefing On Global Warming, The Other Side Of The Story, the National Center for Policy Analysis and Competitive Enterprise Institute, 29 Sept. 1997.

  Catastrophic Flooding and the Origin of the English Channel Valley System, S. Gupta, et al, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2004, abstract #OS23C-1336.

  Climate Change 2007: WGI: The Physical Science Basis, IPCC, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

  From the movie Men In Black: “There's always an Arquillian battle cruiser, or a Corillian death ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they Do... Not... Know about it!”

  Cool It, Bjørn Lomborg, 2007, Knopf, p. 40.

  Orson Scott Card (1951-) American science fiction writer, author of the novels Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead.

  Summary for Policy Makers, IPCC AR4, WG III, 2007.

  Ethanol Hype: Corn Can't Solve Our Problem, D. Tilman, J. Hill, The Washington Post, Sunday, March 25, 2007.

  How Biofuels Could Starve the Poor, C. Ford Runge and Benjamin Senauer, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2007.

  Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibility of a Billion-Ton Annual Supply, Perlack, R.D., et al. 2005. DOE Report #: DOE/GO-102005-2135.

  Cellulose Dreams: The search for new means and materials for making ethanol, Corinna Wu, Science News, Aug. 25, 2007; Vol. 172, No. 8 , p. 120.

  Peru's retreating glaciers stir water-supply worries, Leslie Josephs, The Associated Press, February 12, 2007.

  Geothermal, U.S. Dept. of Interior Bureau of Land Management, website:


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