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Ladder 54: Five Firefighter Romances

Page 30

by Maren Smith

  She stared at him. How could he waltz in here and make a decision about what she was going to wear? And what’s worse he’d picked a good choice. The outfit worked well for today, and it was comfortable to boot. “I’ll think about it. When are we leaving?”

  “Twenty minutes ago. Hurry up.”

  She snatched the dress and jacket out of his hands, and huffed. Realizing her mistake too late, she handed them back with a pout on her lips.

  Troy clenched his jaw and relaxed it, as if deciding what to do with her. Crap on a stick. She didn’t have many rules, but respect ranked number one. Her little attitude showed disrespect, and they both knew it. In seconds her pajamas were stripped off her body, leaving her nude. She blinked up at him, curious, but he brought the dress down over her head, and then smoothed it over her body. The jacket followed, then each of her feet were placed in the strappy shoes and secured.

  “What about my bra and panties?”

  “You had plenty of time to get dressed by yourself, but you refused. We’re expected for dinner, so we’ve got to go.”

  “If you think I’m going to visit your parents without any undergarments on, then you’re out of your mind.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” He shook his head. “It’s funny you think you have a choice in this matter. You’re about to regret your words.” Troy spun her around and pressed her down against the bed. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  Shit. Now she was really in for it. Dakota remained still, but her thoughts raced a thousand times a minute. If he were just going to spank her, he would have done it and they would have been out the door. He did still spank, hard as a matter of fact, since they didn’t have to worry until another month or so. Troy promised to make beautiful rope knots around her body in either blue or pink to reveal the gender, but she argued about practicality. Troy countered with how much time they spent at the cabin, it would be the most creative way to share the news with their kinkier minded friends.

  Dakota blew out a breath, pissed at herself for being ridiculous this morning. Amelia would be happy to see her, despite all the bullshit. So many years flew by, and tomorrow was never guaranteed. It would be wonderful to see both her and Tom. Why had Dakota insisted on pushing Troy’s buttons? She really needed to get it through her head that he wouldn’t let anything slide this time around.

  The waiting game proved to be more than enough of a mental warmup, and soon his footsteps sounded across the hardwood floor. Instead of smacking her butt as she originally expected, he rubbed something into each of her bottom cheeks. The unknown substance concerned her. Troy landed one hard slap against each side, and whatever the hell he’d spread across her behind caused a fire to light up her nerve endings with a vengeance.

  “Ow!” she groaned into the bedspread. “It burns!”

  “Your ass if going to feel like I’ve spanked you long and hard. I applied capsaicin cream, and it will take a while to wear off. Are you going to listen now and be polite for here on?”


  “You’ve shown a bad habit of picking whatever consequence comes after the expected behavior, darling. I’ve left that clause out on purpose.”

  Dakota sniffled. This wasn’t how she wanted to start the day. Heat flared up along her backside; it would be uncomfortable to sit on. She shook her head. “I’ll listen, Sir. I’m sorry I got overwhelmed.”

  “I’m not upset at you for being overwhelmed, I responded to your tantrum. Next time, come and find me. We’ll talk it out.”


  “Go ahead and fix your dress. I don’t want you to get worked up over something simple anymore.”

  “I’ll come get you next time.” Dakota smoothed the bottom of her dress and stood to face him. Troy snapped off a pair of gloves. That wasn’t fair! He hadn’t even gotten the evil cream on his hands.

  “It’s not going to be a fun ride. You’re lucky my parents live only twenty minutes away.”

  “I’m not feeling so lucky.”

  “Relax.” Troy kissed the bridge of her nose. “My mom is making strawberry pie. No one can get upset while eating her famous dessert.”

  “You’re right. Can I please at least get a pair of panties now?” Her tone was much more respectful than before. She didn’t need to give Troy an invitation to spank harder on top of her already burning globes.

  “Not a chance, Dixie. Let’s go.”

  She sent kill signals to her eyes, which badly wanted to roll at his command, but she knew that would delay them even more. With a deep sigh she twirled around. One slap bounced off her skirted bottom, and she threw a hand across it. “I’m going, I’m going!” Dakota hurried her pace but he met the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. She couldn’t help but giggle. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he growled against her ear. “Knowing you’re completely bare underneath this flimsy dress turns me on like you wouldn’t believe, sweetheart.”

  “Is that so?” She got out of his arms and spun to face him. “I guess we’re both going to have an uncomfortable ride to your parents’ house.”

  “You naughty little brat. Teasing me?” He pushed her down to her knees and undid his belt. “I think I’ll be just fine after your hot little mouth apologizes for getting me turned on.” Troy unzipped his pants and she took his cock in her mouth. She licked along his shaft, sucking him hard. She cupped one of her hands under his balls, playing with them while she worked his length in and out of her mouth. Dakota enjoyed giving him head just as much as he liked receiving it, and his head tipped back in pleasure. “You feel amazing.”

  Dakota hummed and rocked on her heels, loving how much pleasure she brought to him this way. His hand tangled in her hair and he moaned. She could stay like this all damn day. She sucked faster and stroked him up and down until he came in a glorious spurt, and she swallowed every last drop. Troy released his hold on her, and she fixed his jeans and his belt. Dakota glanced up the long line of his body and smirked. He picked her up off the floor and set her on her feet.

  “I’m sorry for teasing you, Sir. Did I make up for it?”

  “Hell, yeah.” He kissed her softly on the mouth. “Go clean up and meet me outside. No panties. I’ll check before I let you in my truck.”

  “All right!” She winked. “I’ll be right out.”

  * * *

  As promised, the ride to Troy’s parents’ house was not as comfortable as it should have been. She loved road trips of all sorts, but in this case, twenty minutes stretched on for what felt like an hour. Troy also seemed to find every bumpy back road between the houses. She shot him a look after one particularly rocky patch.

  “What’s up, buttercup? Do you need another form of encouragement before we get to our destination? There are plenty of places I can stop.”

  She didn’t like the threat, but she owed him the truth about what was on her mind. “No, Sir. I don’t need any more encouragement. I am nervous about seeing your parents after all this time. It’s really bothering me.”

  “My parents have been married for thirty-five years. They’ve experienced a lot of ups and downs in their relationship. They haven’t always seen eye to eye on every issue.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, but they always seem to be in sync.”

  “Listen, my mother stopped talking to my father for almost six months after he encouraged me to join the Marines. She didn’t want me risking my life, even on such an important mission. They’ve been through a lot together. My sister threw a lot at them in her teen years, and then threw even more shit at them during her multiple college-hopping days. If you apologize, and you’re sincere, they will forgive you. They understand mistakes and trials, Dixie.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. I just wish I hadn’t been away for so long. I shouldn’t have left in the first place, but they don’t know all the bits and pieces about my reasons for leaving or what I was going through. I never explained it to your mom, and I never apologized.”
r />   “They didn’t need to know everything to understand that it was a hard time for you. Please stop worrying.” Troy reached over and took her hand in his. “We’re taking one step at a time, and they’ll do the same.”

  “Is Tammy coming over too?” She shifted in the seat. Troy’s older sister didn’t care for her much, not before his injury and she assumed not after. Dakota skipping town probably didn’t raise any points with the overprotective sister.

  “No, Tammy is supervising a Boy Scout camping trip with the twins. They turn ten next month, and it’s their first overnight. She promised we would get together soon.” He released her hand. “She’s softened up over the past few years.”

  “I hope so,” Dakota muttered. “I do adore those boys. I can’t wait to see them. They probably don’t remember me. I worked a lot of crazy hours when they were small.”

  Crazy hours was an understatement. It would have made more sense to count the number of hours she actually spent home.

  As if reading his mind, she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’ll let past stuff go. It’s just harder than I thought it would be when I think about all the people I’ve got to apologize to.”

  “It’s going to be fine.” Troy pulled up the long dirt driveway and parked near the porch. “Relax.”

  Dakota nodded. She got out of the truck to see Amelia sitting in a large white wicker chair. Butterflies swarmed her stomach, but she followed Troy up the stairs.

  Amelia got up to greet them, and she reached for Dakota first. “You look wonderful. I’d say you’re positively glowing.” She touched Dakota’s cheek and smiled.

  “It’s so wonderful to see you.” She hugged the older woman tight. “I’ve missed you a bunch.”

  “I’ve missed you too, honey.” Amelia released her, and then hugged and kissed Troy. “You’re late. The biscuits almost burned but I saved them. I wouldn’t want you working on your day off.” She poked her son in the ribs.

  “Not funny, Mom.” Troy shot a look over his mother’s head to Dakota, and she squirmed. “Where’s Dad? We’ve got something to tell you.”

  “Is it a baby? Are you having a baby?” Amelia pulled the two of them close to her. “Oh! Please tell me I’m going to be a grandmother!”

  “You’re going to be a grandmother,” Dakota giggled.

  “I’m so excited!” Amelia set a hand on Dakota’s belly and let out a whoop. “I’m so happy for you two.”

  “I also wanted to thank you for finding my wedding bands. It’s a long story, and I wouldn’t just toss them away.” Dakota glanced down at her former mother-in-law who was smiling at her stomach as if the baby could feel her. “I have a lot to thank you for.”

  “Hm? You’re sneaky to slip that in while I’m mentally thinking of all the cute things I can make for the baby, but you’re welcome. We have plenty of time to catch up.” Amelia poked Troy again. “Are you two getting married?”

  “One step at a time, Mom. Reversing the legal separation is easier than filing for one, but we’ll get there.”

  “I can’t wait to tell your father! He’ll be so pleased.” Amelia smiled at Dakota again. “Tom’s out in the garden picking tomatoes but he’ll be in soon. I’m sure you wanted to tell us together, but I’m sure he will forgive me.”

  “I’ve heard you baked his favorite strawberry pie, so I’m sure Tom will find it in his heart.” Dakota grinned as the three of them shared this moment. It felt so good to laugh with them again, and the tension she’d been carrying around for so long finally eased. Somehow she’d make amends for her past mistakes, but for now they all had so much to look forward to.

  The End

  Sparked by Deception


  Isabella Laase

  Chapter One

  Rushing adrenaline combined with an ominous silence as the crew of Ladder 54 approached the flames creeping out of the dark shadows. The three a.m. call had come during that window of uncertainty where night had not quite ceded to day, and the ensuing tension tied the team toward a common goal without the need for words.

  Tucked into the corner of a cookie cutter neighborhood, the job was located among almost identical dwellings identifiable only through the color of their shutters or the above-ground pools and playsets peeking from the backyards. Despite the fast response from the county fire department, the single-story home was fully engulfed in a river of cinders and orange. Smoke poured out of the opened doors and windows, and a small, frightened family huddled under a gnarly, shadowed tree.

  The entire firehouse had been dispatched on this one, and Declan Kennedy turned to see the smaller rescue vehicle, ambulance, and Walt Lassiter’s shiny red SUV pulling in behind the big truck. The deputy fire chief, Blake Anderson, was barking sharp orders before the trucks were at a complete stop. With Walt still fighting his battle against cancer, Blake was a well-respected substitute among their crew.

  A sobbing woman broke from the clustered family. “Paul’s still in there… he… my son… he was sleeping in the basement, and the steps were on fire. My husband went back for him. He’s…” Without warning, her edgy calmness gave way to unrestrained hysteria, and it took both paramedics to block her from entering the house.

  Declan cursed softly while Blake changed their strategy without missing a breath. “Get the line in the side door. Theo, get on the roof and cut the vents. Walker… you and Troy find the husband. Declan… survey the exterior and see what you can do with the basement windows until the crew gets to the kid.”

  Already fully dressed in his bunker gear, Declan ran his hand through his short black hair before slipping on his helmet and grabbing an ax from the rig to begin his search. Large windows in the living areas were smoldering, a thick black ugliness framed by the peaceful night sky, but flames were licking at the melted vinyl siding near the garage. In the backyard, a wooden deck held a beat-up barbeque grill, folding porch furniture, and a few children’s toys, fiery cinders falling on the whole suburban picture like rain.

  The tiny casement windows revealed nothing except more smoke and flames, but they were broken from the inside, most likely from the kid’s futile attempt to escape through the too-small exit. The third window, however, provided the necessary details. The teenaged boy was huddled in the corner, surrounded by smoldering blankets that covered the cinderblock walls of his makeshift bedroom. Coughing dramatically, his distress was apparent and the burning staircase made clear the extent of their challenge. Their gaze met briefly as the boy’s unchecked terror fought to defeat Declan’s stoic resolve.

  Given the extent of the flames, the safest window for the victim was under the wooden deck, and Declan shouted an update into his radio as he maneuvered his six-foot-one frame under the tiny structure. “I’m going under the deck. I’ve got eyes on the kid, but you’ll have to cut through south of the stairs as far away from the wall as you can get.”

  Forced to keep his head low, Declan crawled on his belly through the dirt to reach the exterior wall of the house when Blake gave another update. “I don’t have a spare hose to put on the deck, Kennedy. I’ll give you five minutes before you have to get the hell out of there.”

  He motioned for the kid to move away, but for several long, lost seconds the frightened teen clawed at the fixed window before he reluctantly obeyed. The glass broke with a crash under the force of the ax, and Declan grabbed the thin t-shirt. Like he’d anticipated, however, there was no way the boy could fit through the tiny egress. “Just relax, Paul…” shouted Declan. “I’m not going to let you go. Do you hear that? They’re cutting into the floor right over there, and they’ll be through in a minute.”

  “My… mom… dad… they are…” coughed the boy, smudges of dirt and soot covering his tear-stained face.

  “Your mom is safe with the other kids… they’re fine. Just relax.”

  As he spoke, the update came through the radio. “I’ve got the father. He’s unconscious, but breathing. I’m bringing him out.”

�ve got your dad, too, Paul. Stay with me.” Even through his gear, the heat under the deck grew stronger, but that wasn’t his biggest concern. The unchecked fire in the basement crept closer and several sparks flew around the boy’s body. One ignited the t-shirt, but Declan patted it out quickly with his thick gloves.

  Heavy saws finished the makeshift entrance to the basement with a loud roar as the joists fell to the floor, but before a rescue team could appear, the basement stairs gave way to the inevitable and crashed into a fiery pile of embers just a few yards away. With a mind of its own, the flames caught the blankets on the walls to bring the inferno closer, the screaming boy struggling to kick out of his arms.

  “Relax, Paul…” He willed his voice to remain calm. “I’ve got you. This is the safest place until they get through. You don’t want to let go. The guys will be here in an instant and…”

  It was a huge relief to see two of his fellow firefighters and a two-inch line lowered to the basement floor. Troy Channing grabbed the boy when Declan heard his chief. “Get out… now… Kennedy. The deck is fully engaged.” He didn’t have to be told twice and rolled until he cleared the burning structure.

  The call came quickly. “The boy’s out. He’s good.” Freed from the fire, he took off his mask and helmet, staring at the darkened sky. Bright glimmers of stars provided a much needed focus for his racing heart, and he offered a small prayer of thanks to whatever deity might have been listening.

  With a deep breath, he returned to the front of the house where paramedics were settling the kid on a stretcher. Alert and responsive, Paul held tightly to his mother’s arms as the orange glow was defeated by the crew of Ladder 54, the small house left in ruins, but mere possessions were clearly no longer the family’s priority.


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