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Ladder 54: Five Firefighter Romances

Page 42

by Maren Smith

  “If things really get too much for you, and you feel like you can’t continue, then I want you to tell me,” he continued from above her. She felt him run a hand over her pert cheeks; the thought of him seeing her this way was absolutely mortifying. Lauren knew he was going to enjoy tanning her backside, and despite her nerves, the thought was strangely reassuring.

  “If that’s the case, then you will call the word ‘red,’” he went on from above her, “and I promise to stop whatever I’m doing. Okay?”

  She shuddered over him, her chest heaving at the obvious anticipation. Somehow, she knew he was making her wait for the punishment, the idea making moisture pool at the apex of her thighs. “Yes, Sir,” she answered again. Even she could hear the lust in her voice, and how badly she needed this.

  “Let me be clear though,” he continued. “You will only use the word when you have absolutely reached your limit. This is going to hurt, Lauren. It’s supposed to, remember that…” He tugged at the waistband of her panties. “These are going to have to come off now,” he told her.

  She squirmed over him, her hands balling into fists. “My panties?” she gasped. Why did he have to remove her panties right now? If he did that she’d be completely exposed to him. The thought was degrading, and yet disturbingly erotic.

  “Yes, your panties,” he replied in that same stern tone. “You have broken my first rule within minutes of me setting it. Denying yourself food is not good, but being bratty and petulant about it is worse. You will be thoroughly punished. Naughty young ladies like you do not deserve the privilege of panties, Lauren.”

  She panted, upturned over him as he abruptly yanked the material away from her behind and down her thighs. She wriggled her hips, hoping to facilitate the fabric’s descent, but frustratingly, he paused the movement just above her knees. Oh, no! Her head spun at the absolute humiliation. Having her panties cast half down her legs was even worse than not having any at all!

  “My, my,” laughed Blake from over the top of her. “Just look at the state of those panties, young lady. They are completely drenched! You have been looking forward to this spanking, haven’t you?”

  Lauren’s body stopped writhing at once, her face flaming red at the sound of his words. Surely, this was too much? This must be the limit of her endurance. He was torturing her, and he hadn’t even spanked her once yet.

  “I asked you a question, Lauren.” Blake’s voice was unforgiving. “I expect an answer, please.”

  She swallowed down the ignominy she felt, knowing that surrendering meant just this. Giving up control to Blake… “Yes, Sir,” she replied in a rushed voice. “I have been looking forward to it.”

  A soft chortle floated over her head, and she clenched her pussy between her thighs. The power Blake had over her at this moment was as excruciating as it was scintillating.

  “I’m pleased to hear it, Lauren,” he purred. As he spoke, his hands began to explore once more. He caressed her lower back, trailing a slow line south, over the mounds of her ass and stopping just short of her sex. Lauren groaned in evident frustration, and the sound made him laugh again. “And now we begin, young lady…”

  His words were barely spoken when one of his large palms disappeared from her behind. She just had time to register the loss before it came crashing back against her vulnerable skin. The echo of the strike resonated around her head, the reality dawning upon her. It is finally happening—she was really across Blake Anderson’s knee, and he was actually spanking her! His palm felt huge, catching the whole of her right cheek, and most of her left in the process. Lauren drew in a breath at the impact. It had hurt, but the pain was superficial. It was going to be okay, she thought, she could get through this.

  The second strike was harder, but still bearable. Four further swats followed in quick succession. This time Blake clipped the middle of her bottom, just catching the edge of her wet slit. She gasped from over his thighs, her brain unable to decipher if the sensation she’d registered had been painful or pleasurable. There was a fraction of a second when she really couldn’t tell.

  As he landed the seventh strike, she heard his voice from over the sound of her racing heart. “Why are you being spanked, young lady?” He sounded so severe, the authority in his tone making her pussy clench again.

  She considered his question as the next swat fell over her. She winced at the intensity of it—this spanking was not getting any easier.

  “Lauren?” His voice sounded even harsher. “I am a patient man, but you will do well not to make me wait when you’re being punished.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she panted, flinching internally as his hand made contact with her exposed bottom once more. “I am being spanked because I didn’t eat properly…” It sounded pathetic when she said it out loud, and at that moment she realized exactly what she had gotten herself into.

  Lauren had been controlling her food intake for a long time. Somehow, being able to restrict her diet helped to make her feel more in control of her life. If she had a future with this man, and Blake was going to quibble about her every meal, then it was going to be a real problem, and she was going to have a very sore bottom.

  “And I was petulant and disrespectful,” she added, bracing herself for the next strike.

  “That’s right,” he told her, landing yet another swat to her backside. “I’m not a fascist, sweetheart. I don’t need to be in charge of everything that goes into your mouth, but if you’re to be mine today, then I do expect you to eat sensible meals.”

  His palm smacked against both cheeks again.

  “Eating properly is part of taking care of yourself,” he said, his voice calmer now. “And I would like you to do that whether we’re together for only a few hours, or for a much longer time.” He paused, giving her time to think on his words, and then he landed a further three strikes all to the same part of her now probably rosy behind. “Have you got it?”

  “Yes, Blake… S-Sir,” she stuttered.

  “Good,” he replied, and with that he seemed to focus entirely on punishing the sweet little ass that she presented to him.

  Chapter Ten

  The spanking went on far longer than Lauren had imagined. In her fantasies he’d really only had to land a few strikes before she’d unravel. She’d never anticipated a scenario like this, one where he really intended to punish her—to teach her a lesson.

  She squirmed over his lap, wanting desperately to gain some composure, to show Blake that she wasn’t just a silly little girl, that she could handle this. Every swat hurt now, his palm adding yet another sting to the layers of heat he’d already planted there. As the next strike landed, she twisted, trying to roll away from his hand.

  “Oh, no, you don’t, young lady,” Blake called from over her. His left hand shifted at once, and Lauren felt it press into the small of her back. It held her with enough force to keep her still, but didn’t cause her any pain. “There’ll be no getting away from your spanking. You will lie here and take what’s coming your way, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she puffed, but somehow, she just couldn’t comply. Her body could not keep still. It wasn’t that the strikes were too harsh, but they were so insistent. Her ass yearned for relief. “Sir, please,” she begged, raising her head as best she could from its place over his left leg. “I’m sorry, I’ll eat more from now on, I promise.”

  “I know you will,” he said, his tone soothing. “I know that you’ll eat properly the whole time we’re together, or else you know what will happen, don’t you, Lauren?”

  “Yes,” she squeaked, the emotion evident in her voice.

  Blake landed one hard swat over both of her cheeks. “Yes, what?” he asked curtly.

  She jumped at that, flushing at her mistake. “Yes, Sir,” she squealed.

  “That’s better,” he replied, his large palm rubbing her smarting cheeks tenderly. “But I’m afraid your spanking is not through yet. You have ten more swats to come, Lauren, and I am going to make them

  She gasped as the realization sank in. Ten more swats? How would she ever get through this?

  “Are you ready?”

  His inquiry startled her. She’d been braced already, expecting the first of the ten.

  “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

  Lauren blinked away the tears collecting in her eyes. This was all rather more emotionally exhausting than she’d expected. She’d assumed he’d just land a few light swats over her bottom, and then fuck her hard bent over the bed. She hadn’t anticipated the weight of his expectation, or how much she’d desire to please him.

  “Lauren, do you want me to stop?” Blake pressed the weight of his hand down against her cheeks, waiting for her answer.

  The directness of his question was sudden, but she found she was absurdly grateful for the offer. Despite that though, she knew she couldn’t take him up on it. This was her first spanking, and she had to finish it. She had to know if she could handle it.

  “No, thank you, Sir,” she mumbled as she exhaled. “Please, spank me.” She couldn’t believe she’d said it, but she had, and the words were out there.

  “Good girl,” he soothed, the sound of his voice warming as his fingers trailed over her punished skin. “Let’s finish this.”

  His hand moved away and came crashing back. Lauren gulped at the intensity of the impact. It hurt so damn much. Yet as the second strike landed, something incredible happened. The impact seemed to resonate through her body, traveling from her backside to her soaking sex. Her clitoris pulsated as the energy connected with it, the throbbing goading her into moving her hips. The need made her resolute about two things. She could get through this, and she wanted Blake more badly now than she ever had.

  * * *

  Blake watched with interest as her body twitched over his thighs. Her hips rolled backwards, presenting her glistening seam for his attention. Paying heed to her body language, he shifted his palm, directing the next strike lower. His hand connected with the base of her cheeks, making contact with her wet lips at the same time. He watched as the impact vibrated through her pert little cheeks. Christ, what a sight she was… his cock was rock hard just looking at her. He couldn’t even imagine how good she’d feel, but if he was reading the signs accurately, then he may well have the pleasure of finding out. The guttural sound that the impact produced spoke to his desire directly, his erection throbbing painfully beneath his denim pants. It seemed as though little Lauren was beginning to enjoy her correction, or at least her body was, even if her head wasn’t yet on board.

  He delivered the remaining swats quickly, relishing the way her body writhed over him in the process. The gasps from her mouth that had been so resistant earlier had morphed into something more carnal, the whimpers becoming moans of passion. When he reached the tenth swat, he paused, and leaned his body weight forward to plant a gentle kiss on her left cheek. The flesh was hot, warming his face as it approached.

  “Your spanking is done now, Lauren,” he insisted, raising his torso back to look down at her face. Her curtain of blonde hair had fallen over it, but he could just make out the red, flushed skin of her other cheeks.

  She shifted, and he guided her body, drawing her back up onto his lap. Lauren buried her face into his shirt instinctively, her embarrassment clear as she avoided his insistent gaze.

  “Lauren,” he cooed, willing his tone to be gentle. “It’s okay. Your punishment is over.”

  She nodded furiously, but still refused to move her face from his chest.

  He sighed, smiling wryly to himself. “Lauren, look at me.” He felt the tension in her body at his command, but inch by inch, she complied, shifting on his lap until she gazed up at him. Her wide eyes were filled with tears, and her face flamed with embarrassment.

  “Thank you,” he replied, stroking the side of her face thoughtfully. “So, how was that for you, sweetheart?”

  She blanched at the question, the blood draining from her skin. “I don’t know what to say,” she admitted, blinking up at Blake.

  The innocence of her response made him smile. It had been a long time since he’d spanked anyone for the first time. “Was it what you’d hoped?” he inquired, his eyebrow arching as he posed the question.

  Lauren considered his words. “It hurt a lot more,” she conceded. “I know that sounds stupid, but it’s true.”

  “Hey,” he said, tapping the side of her cheek gently. “That sounds an awful lot like you’re putting yourself down, Lauren.”

  Her eyes widened again. “No,” she corrected herself hastily. “I don’t mean that I am stupid, just that it was a stupid assumption.”

  Blake laughed softly at her, nodding at the way she had properly articulated her feelings. “Okay,” he replied. “I told you it would hurt, and yet if I’m not mistaken,” he paused, his right hand dipping between her thighs as his left one snaked to her waist, holding her in place, “I think you were quite enjoying it toward the end?”

  Blake’s gaze was intense as he examined her face, waiting for the tell-tale signs that would tell him he was right. His fingers brushed gently against the soft hair at the apex of her thighs. It was soaked with her very obvious desire.

  “Am I right, Lauren?” he asked her again. “Remember, I need your honesty, please.”

  She shuffled against him, swallowing down her mortified embarrassment. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered into his face. “I did enjoy it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Blake pressed Lauren’s small frame against his chest, proud beyond reason that she’d managed to be honest about her desire. “Thank you for telling me the truth,” he murmured. “I’d like to reward you for that.”

  She stared up at him, wrapping her arms around him. “How, Sir?” she asked him. Her eyes scrutinized him, and in them the truth was clear. Lauren’s excitement was slowly beginning to overawe her apprehension.

  He smiled at the expression. “Jump up, and get that dress off,” he growled playfully. “Let’s show you that this kink isn’t just about pain and submission.” Blake stood as he spoke to her, unfastening the buttons of his shirt as he watched her remove the linen dress. She waited in only her small golden lacy bra, her panties still caught around her knees. Blake’s cock hardened substantially at the sight of her. She was absolutely fucking gorgeous.

  He closed the distance between them in a couple of strides, towering over Lauren as he pressed himself against her delicate frame. “I am going to pleasure you,” he told her, his voice deep and stirring. “And then once you’re completely undone, I am planning on fucking you senseless.”

  Lauren’s eyes widened at his statement, her pupils dilating as she absorbed them.

  “If you have any complaints about this plan, then I suggest you make them clear to me now, sweetheart.” Blake’s right hand rose to her chin, cupping it gently between his thumb and his index finger, and pulling it north so Lauren’s eyes met his gaze.

  She shook her head at Blake, evidently mesmerized at the power he had over her. “I have no complaints, Sir,” she mumbled, fidgeting awkwardly in front of him.

  Blake leaned down, capturing her mouth with his lips and claiming her possessively. Lauren was intoxicating, and he wanted her. He had no idea what was so compelling about the woman, aside from her obvious beauty and desire to yield, but there was something. And whatever it was, it made him harder than he had been for a very long time.

  “I have an idea about how to make this moment even spicier,” he mused, breaking the kiss as he drew away from her.

  She eyed him with lustful fascination. “Okay, Sir,” she answered, her tone breathy.

  Blake’s gaze lowered from her face, taking in the swell of her breasts and the look of her tight nipples through the small golden cups.


  “You’re gonna have to trust me a little more, Lauren,” he said, keeping his tone as even as his growing passion would allow. “Are you up for this?”

  She was nodding even before
he’d finished the sentence, and her eagerness made him smile. Lauren might be inexperienced, but he had to give her one hundred percent for effort.

  “Alright then,” he replied, throwing her a wink, which he noted made her thighs clench together. “I need to grab my bag from the hall. In the meantime, you will get naked and wait for me on the bed.” He nodded left to where the giant king-sized bed sat waiting. Lauren followed his gaze there, her breath hitching.

  “Any questions?” Blake went on, offering her a sardonic look.

  “No, Sir,” she replied, her tone emphatic.

  He chuckled, pulling her in for one hard kiss, before striding purposefully from the bedroom.

  * * *

  Lauren watched his tall frame disappear from the doorway, her head spinning with the lustful emotions his domineering presence had provoked in her. All the years she’d been getting off to the fantasy of Blake Anderson—the man who had saved her from the flames—and now he was really here. She rubbed her eyes as though she thought she’d been dreaming this last hour, tugging the straps of her bra away as she moved onto the bed to wait for him.

  When Blake returned a few moments later she was sprawled out beautifully, arranged among the large cushions. She leaned on her right arm, and her left was rubbing her backside in an unconscious action. She saw his handsome features curl into a smile, but he seemed to stifle the amusement, focusing instead on her body laid out and ready for him.

  Lauren’s gaze fell over his physique, and her eyes widened like saucers.

  Bloody hell, she thought, desire resonating through her. Just look at him!

  She sat bolt upright, her breasts bouncing lightly as her astonished eyes drank in the sight of the man in the doorway. Blake had changed from his shirt and jeans to his firefighter ensemble, or at least part of it. He was sporting the yellow pants, held up by what her British friends would call braces. They stretched up over his naked torso, accentuating the rippled abdominals and chest now on display. He was also wearing the protective jacket, but he removed it as he saw her face.


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