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1 The Ladybug Jinx

Page 10

by Tonya Kappes

“I had to get here as fast as I could.” Sam threw his head back in laughter. He was screaming in the air. “That old clunker barely made it! Celia Marie Briggs.”

  “First off, are you drunk?” Celia hadn’t seen him drink or smell it on him. “Secondly, how do you know my middle name?”

  “Who cares? I couldn’t wait until tonight when we are alone.” Sam’s eyes glowed with excitement. He pulled her to him. The kiss sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl.

  “You are starting to scare me.” She couldn’t keep her eyes off his beautiful smile.

  “I love you Celia.” Celia watched his lips form the most perfect words to her ears. “I never thought I would love again, but I do. I love you.”

  Celia fell into Sam’s arms. His lips captured hers, more demanding this time. She took in all the emotions they were both feeling. She would remember this moment for the rest of her life.

  “I love you too.” Her eyes filled with tears of happiness. It had been such a long time since she felt emotions and it overcame her every being.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Sam wiped away her tears. “Why are you crying?”

  Celia loved the care she saw in his eyes. “Nothing. I am happy. I haven’t felt this way in a long time or if ever.” She searched between his eyes. She wanted to remember this moment forever.

  Sam turned the sign around on the door. “It’s lunch break time.”

  Celia looked at her watched, amused she said, “I already had lunch and it’s four in the afternoon.”

  “I don’t care. I want to talk to you.” She could see it was urgent. She followed him upstairs to the family room. He sat her on the couch and watched him pace back and forth like he didn’t know how to begin.

  “What?” Celia patted Charlie nervously. “You’re scaring me a little bit.”

  She sat there so lovely with her apron on and a few remnants of flower sprigs in her hair. Many times during the day, she’d run her hands through her hair and leave pieces of flowers up there.

  “I took off a year of work to take care of Bianca. When she died, I died.” Sam squatted between his legs. He took her hands in his and kissed each finger. “I threw myself back into my work for six months so I could forget about her. Everywhere I turned, everything I did in California reminded me of her.”

  Sam rubbed his hand alongside her face. She closed her eyes. He glazed his pointer finger over her lips. She could get use to his touch. In fact, she couldn’t imagine life without it.

  “When I first came to Grandberry Falls, I never intended on staying.” He could see the confusion in her eyes. “I stopped at the restaurant for a bit and saw the classified for a new delivery boy. Since I know a little about flowers and I was running, I applied and decided to stay.” He stood up and paced again. She wrung her fingers around each other in anticipation of what he was going to say.

  “Celia?” Marty hollered up the stairs. “Why’s the door say closed?”

  “Sam and I are discussing something.” She looked proudly at Sam.

  “I can see that, but you need to get downstairs and finish your orders for the day. Work now, play later.” Marty didn’t smile at Sam or Celia. Celia had closed the shop when in reality she still had a big loan to pay off. “Playing doesn’t pay the bills.”

  “We can talk after dinner.” Celia walked over to Sam and kissed his lips. She whispered in his ear, “We can talk all night.”


  As soon as Celia left the room Marty started in. “Not now Sam. Not ever.” He gritted his teeth at Sam.

  “Marty I love her.” Sam didn’t understand where Marty was coming from. He could see the anger in her father’s face.

  “Eli called when you left. I made him tell me why you were there for so long.” Marty wiped his hand over his face in despair. “I won’t let you destroy her life.”

  But it was too late. Celia ran up the stairs with the cashier check in her hand.

  “Oh my! You aren’t going to believe this.” She held it up high. “Someone loves how I am making a difference in the community and has donated two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.” She jumped up and down.

  Damn, Bart was fast.

  She ran out of the room.

  Sam smiled because he knew this was his bitter sweet moment. There was no way back now. He was going to have to follow through with the deal he made with Bart. Marty was going to make sure of it.

  “Celia isn’t going to find out who you are.” Marty poked him in him in the chest. “You will devastate her.”

  “I love her Marty.” Sam spoke in a loud whisper. He peeked down the steps to make sure Celia wasn’t in hearing shot. “I want to stay here.”

  “You can’t. According to Eli, you sent her the money in exchange for going back to your old life. You are going to slip out of her life exactly the way you slithered in.” Marty glared.

  Seeing Celia’s father this way ripped out his heart. He couldn’t imagine how this will hurt Celia when she finds out.

  Sam’s mood had completely changed. He knew he was defeated and need to stick to his original plan.

  “Marty, I do love her despite what you might think of me.” Sam wanted to beg Marty to forgive him. It was too late and he could sense that. “If I would’ve known I was going to fall in love, I would’ve done things differently. As you know, people do weird things when they are grieving.”

  Sam had hit Marty below the belt. He could see Marty felt it by his expression when he got up to leave.

  Sam hated to see the joy in her eyes only to know she will be in pain. He is responsible for putting her on this roller coaster ride. He slipped back into depression realizing what he had done. It wasn’t a good place to be. He had lost either way.

  Sam would go to dinner for the last time and leave before dawn. He was good at slipping away. He would disappear. The way he figured, the paparazzi never found him, he got away, he found love and she would never know who he was.


  This can’t be happening, Celia couldn’t believe her luck. Not only has she snagged the most eligible bachelor in town, she had the answers to her financial woes. She was on cloud nine. She racked her brain on who would give her the money.

  Celia thought back to every situation. Was it the elderly women she helped with her groceries at the store? Was it the pedestrian she stopped for so they could cross? It was endless. She didn’t care. She had her money either way and the person wanted to stay anonymous which meant she didn’t have to spend the rest of her life indebted to someone. She could spend her days worrying about new directions for the shop.

  “Can you believe this?” Celia gleamed from ear to ear. She caressed the check hanging from the refrigerator. “Do you know how good it feels to have made an impression on someone like that?”

  “You’ve made that impression on me.”

  “Do you know how much I needed this?” It was hard for her to concentrate on anything other than her wonderful life. “I will be able to pay off this house and really launch into weddings.” Celia looked like a bride marching around the room with calla lilies in her arms.

  “It’s all coming true, Sam.” She leaned over the farm table and kissed his lips. “It’s all coming true.”

  “Lovers always think that other people are blind”

  Spanish Proverb


  “Wow! Steak?” Marty questioned. “Not in the crock pot either.”

  “Dad, stop.” Celia popped the cork off the champagne bottle. “This is a special day. I have the two most important men in my life and a paid off house.”

  “Congratulations, honey.” Marty tipped his glass to her. She noticed he didn’t look or hold his flute to Sam.

  “Did something happen between you two today when you were alone?” Celia’s brows narrowed. She pointed between the two. “You two forget I am good at reading people and you two look fishy.”

  Each man smiled and dismissed her concern.

  “It’s your day and we enjoy watchi
ng you.” Sam bent over to kissed her.

  She dismissed the difference between the kiss he just gave her to the long, deep ones from last night.

  “Nothing but the best for my boys.” Celia was the happiest she has ever been. She looked over at Sam thinking of all the possibilities their life had for them. There was no denying the love she felt for him.

  “So dad, how’s Kerri Ann?” Celia cut up the lettuce for the salad. She decided it was better to accept Kerri Ann than not to.

  “She’s good to me, Cee.”

  “I think you should invite her to Thanksgiving dinner.” Celia looked over to see her dad’s reaction. Sam looked up as well. “What? We will have it here this year. You, Sam, Kerri Ann and me.”

  She hoped her enthusiasm was contagious. They were bringing her down on her celebratory night.

  “I just might ask her.” Marty squeezed Celia.

  She glanced over his shoulder to look at Sam. Sam gave her a reassuring look to let her know she did the right thing. Celia happily cut up the rest of the veggies for the salad.

  “Sam, you going to be around for Thanksgiving?” Marty asked with a cautious eye.

  “Ouch.” Celia jerked her hand away from the knife and stuck it under the faucet. She squeezed her thumb as the water washed the blood away. “Of course he’s going to be here. Where else would you go?”

  She stuck her thumb in her mouth and looked at Sam. Why would her dad say such a thing? He likes Sam.

  “I might have to go back to California and take care of a little business.” Sam’s voice was commanding and loud. “But I hope to be here for Thanksgiving.”

  Relived, Celia turned to Marty and said, “if you do, I’m sure Dad can fill in for the deliveries.”

  “Absolutely.” Marty chimed in. “Anything for my number one girl.”

  It was silent while Celia got all the food ready.

  “Everyone must be hungry.”Celia made note of the silence which was broken by Charlie’s barking. Celia stood up to see headlights coming up the drive. She watched the elderly man get out of the car and get back in.

  Celia took a step toward the door.

  “Don’t, Cee.” Marty’s voice boomed out so she would stop.

  “Dad, it’s an old man.” She pointed out the window. “He must be lost.”

  Marty placed his hand on the door. “Let him go.”

  Celia looked back at Sam. The fear in his eyes caused her to shove her father’s hand out of the way.

  Marty turned to Sam. “This is all your fault.”

  Celia turned to both men who seemed to be at odds.

  “Your life is about to change only because he couldn’t leave well enough alone.” Marty’s fists hung at his side.

  Celia turned when she heard the shuffle of the old man’s feet. He was a handsome gentleman carrying a boutique of white tulips. He smiled when he came face to face with Celia.

  Instantly, she saw a resemblance in his eyes.

  She stood in disbelief. He may have aged, but his wonderful smile and caring eyes told his identity.

  “Grandfather? You lied to me all these years? I would expect this from Mom, but you?” Celia was disgusted.

  Her grandfather stood holding the tulips.

  “Please forgive us.” He held them out. “Forgive us all.”

  She threw herself in his arms squishing the flowers. She had nothing to forgive him for. It was her parents’ fault.

  “Are you the one who keeps ordering the white tulips?” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  He nodded. “I was hoping you would deliver them, but Sam showed up.”

  “So you knew?” Celia turned to ask Sam. “Where’s Sam?”

  She ran throughout the house calling his name. When she opened the door, the blue truck was pulling off in the distance.

  “Sam figured it out this week when he starting questioning me.” Eli was overcome with joy. “Please don’t be mad at him. He’s a good man, Cee.”

  Celia looked at her father. She noticed the last ten minutes had aged him. She didn’t know what to say to him.

  “Why did you let me believe he was dead?” Celia asked, refereeing to her grandfather.

  “Oh baby. I wanted to tell you, but your mother had other plans.” Marty stood next to her. “She was resentful that Eli had spent her childhood with his flowers. He never shared that with her and when you came along he shared it all with you.” He turned to Eli. “She took it so personal. I told her it was a grandparent thing. She wouldn’t listen.”

  “I loved your mom very much. I did as she asked and left town,” Eli admitted. “I thought she would come around, but she didn’t. When she got sick, I tried to contact her but she didn’t want to make peace. When she died, I came back.”

  Celia’s tears flowed like a river. She couldn’t believe her mother felt it was in her best interest to make her grandfather leave. Pretend he had died. Her mom saw Celia hurt and still told Celia he had died.

  “I came to all your recitals, concerts, graduations. I sat in the back.”

  Marty agreed. Celia always felt her grandfather’s presence when a milestone happened to her. She only thought it was his spirit, not his real person.

  “He does love you, Celia.” Marty wanted her to love her grandfather.

  “Sam knows?” She questioned Eli again.

  “Yes, but he has his own demons to work out.”

  Celia found his answers a little disturbing, but she wanted to focus on her grandfather. Besides, Sam would be over early for a great cup of coffee and a good morning kiss. We can talk tomorrow, she thought.

  “A thing long expected takes the form of the unexpected when at last it comes.”

  Mark Twain


  Celia woke up thinking last night was a dream. Lazily she threw her hands over her head and stretched. She turned over to look at Charlie curled up in his usual spot.

  “Well buddy, I guess we have more people to love us in our life.” Charlie wagged his tail. He liked having all the company into the wee hours of the night.

  Eli, Marty and Celia had stayed up getting reacquainted. They knew it was going to take awhile to get know each other. Marty had told Eli about Kerri Ann. He was happy for Marty. Celia liked watching them come to terms with their new lives. The two men had talked about Celia’s mom and how she only wanted to best for Celia. Unfortunately Celia didn’t feel her mother knew what was best for her.

  Charlie jumped down and darted down the stairs, furiously barking and scratching at the door.

  Sam! Celia knew he was here a little early to check on her. He had given her space to get to know her grandfather.

  “Charlie, it’s just Sam.” Celia threw her rob on. The smell of coffee creep up the stairs and opened her senses. Charlie continued to bark. “Charlie, stop.”

  Celia flung the door open ready for her good morning kiss, like the days before.

  Camera flash bulbs went off continuously.


  She looked and the flash blinded her. Her hand shielded her eyes.

  “Over here.”

  She turned to see who was yelling. The flashing bulbs and screaming was too much for her to take. She was confused and unable to wrap her head around what was going on .

  “How did you two meet?” The photographer yelled.

  “Is he here?” Another one screamed.

  “Is he going to be on your radio show?”

  Celia didn’t know what was going on. She slammed the door in fear. Charlie ran around, freaked out. She didn’t even dare stop him just in case these people tried to come to the door.

  “Mamie?” Celia called The Fatted Pig, it was the only number she had for him. “Can you please go get Sam and put him on the phone.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. He left this morning and hasn’t been back.” Mamie was clinking dishes around.

  Where in the world was he, she thought. He should be here by now.

  “Is my dad there?” Celia started
to panic.

  “Yes, honey, hold on.”

  “Mamie, please just tell him to get here as fast as he can.” Celia hung up the phone.

  She went back upstairs to crouch down in front of the window. Slowly she peeled back the curtain and peeped out. The fifty or so paparazzi were chanting her name and telling her to open the door. She turned the television on.

  “Actor Sam Barber has been hiding out in Grandberry Falls, Kentucky, with new love and local florist owner Celia Briggs. Ms. Briggs is the only woman who has entered his life since his fiancé Bianca died from cancer. When asked about Grandberry Falls, Sam’s agent said he was researching a role about a flower delivery boy. Well he fooled everyone by letting his hair grow, scruffy and losing some weight causing him to be unrecognizable.”

  “No! No!” Celia screamed at the television before she buried her face in her hands.

  She quickly turned it off. She didn’t want to hear any more. There was no way her Sam Reynolds was Sam Barber the actor. She clicked the television back on. All the major news channels showed a picture of him. It was his eyes that gave him away.

  All the channels talked about The Ladybug Florist and Sam being the delivery boy. They told about her past life as a lawyer and they showed Grandberry Falls.

  Celia turned the volume up. “I wasn’t sure it was him, but his voice so familiar.” The lady spoke directly into the camera. “I went down to the radio station and I could tell it was him. He was a little disheveled but it was him. He was holding hands with Celia Briggs the flower lady.” The television flashed a picture of the florist.

  “We have a correspondent on locations. Susan are you there?”

  “Yes, I am outside the florist. We have the first footage of Celia Briggs.”

  Celia covered her face when the video footage from just a few minutes ago was running across the screen. She popped up when she heard sirens coming up the driveway; her father’s car was between them getting an escort.

  “Dad!” Celia ran down the stairs with Charlie trailing behind.

  Celia ran into her father’s open arms. She went limp and melted. The police held the paparazzi at bay. Celia was confused. She didn’t understand all that was going on. She did know one thing, Sam was not coming back.


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