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1 The Ladybug Jinx

Page 13

by Tonya Kappes

  “Oh we can’t have precious Celia seeing that, can we?” Corin took a swig of her drink and put her hand up in the air for another one. “I don’t know what you see in that plain hillbilly.”

  “That’s enough, Corin.” Sam stood up and pushed his chair in. He bent down and whispered in Corin’s ear. “She has more class in her pinky than you do in your entire body. I will never be with you so you might as well get used to it. Can you please start covering up a bit more?”

  Corin looked down at her dress and tugged on the straps.

  He pulled back and smiled. He greeted everyone he walked by. It was a trick his mother taught him. “Sam, always smile and be gracious. No matter your mood.”

  “Sam, over here!” The photogs screamed all in unison. Sam did stop to pose for a few pictures and sign a couple of autographs.

  “When can we get a picture of you and Celia Briggs together?” Another one screamed.

  “Never!” Corin yelled back and put her arms through Sam.

  Before Sam could answer, his limo was there to pick them up.

  “What was that, Corin?” Sam was nauseated with her words. “I told you I’m not interested so back off.”

  “It’s for you own good.” Corin hugged the door. “You can stop at the next light.” She told the driver. Sam didn’t acknowledge her when she got out of the car. He knew Celia would see the headlines in the morning and he would be there to stop the bleeding.


  Celia was amazed at how big the venue was. She had seen it on television her whole life, but never imagined she would be putting the finishing touches on a wrap party there. Ideas began to flow in her mind. She took out her journal and started to sketch a few designs. Some large, some small, and some in between.

  She wasn’t sure, because she wasn’t good at flirting, but she’d almost put money on it—Don was watching her with hungry eyes.

  “You really are good.” He pointed to her book. “You’re going to get a ton of business from all of this.”

  She was aware he was staring at her.

  “What exactly is your role in all this?” She asked.

  Celia couldn’t get over his good looks. She was surprised he wasn’t an actor. His naturally wavy brown hair brushed against his thick brown eyebrows. You’d think his ice blue eyes would be her favorite feature, but his large dimples she could stare at all day.

  “I was an actor.” He smiled causing his dimples to deepen. “I quickly realized we are a dime a dozen and I just wanted to be around the movies. It’s a high without doing the drugs.” He put his hands in his pockets. “At twenty-three I realized I was better at PR than acting. I joined a PR firm and by twenty-eight I had my own company.”

  “How did you catch People’s Most Eligible Bachelor?” Celia was referring to Sam.

  “We went to USC together.” Don laughed. “University of Spoiled Children.”

  Celia laughed out loud. “I have never heard that.”

  Don laughed right back. For a moment, he held Celia’s gaze before she looked away.

  “You aren’t uncomfortable in Los Angeles like Corin thinks.”

  “No.” Celia continued to pretend to get lost in her drawings. She was a big girl who could take care of herself. “I am very low key and if I could blend in with the flowers, I would.”

  “Celia, I hate to tell you, but you are prettier than any actress out here.” Don’s dimples disappeared. He was serious. “And what makes you even more beautiful is that you don’t realize it. Super attractive.”

  Celia was flattered. “Thanks Don. I’ve been on a plane all day, dealt with a nasty woman named Corin, I put on this dress which isn’t me and haven’t eaten.”

  “Is that a dinner invitation, Ms. Briggs?”

  “Are you buying?”

  “No. With the money I’m paying you, you’re buying.” He took Celia by the arm and escorted her out of the venue.

  Celia knew he was a player and had to watch out for him, but it was the one and only time she would be in L.A. She was going to have the time of her life.

  “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”

  Mother Teresa


  “Where have you been?” Sam lurked out of the shadows when Celia walked in.

  “Sam! You scared the pants off me.” Celia stepped back holding her heart. “What gives you the right to come into my place and wait like a watch dog?”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Sam couldn’t believe she was mad. Did she think he was going to let her run around this big city without checking on her? “There is no way, shape or form I’m going to break my promise to your grandfather and father in keeping you safe.”

  She still looked stunning in the dress Corin had gotten with his money. The dress he picked out even down to the shoes. He was pleased with how it turned out. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. And Don got to experience her first night here.

  “You can leave now.” She turned and went into one of the bedrooms.

  Sam stayed sitting on the couch. He wanted more of her presence. “So,” he hollered her way, “what did you think about the venue?”

  He was fine dancing around what happened between them. Small talk was better than nothing.

  Celia came out in her usual outfit making Sam smile. He loved her pajamas and tank look. Sam remembered their morning coffee dates. He had made sure he showed up early and caught her in her morning’s best. The coffee was good, but the company was great.

  “I thought it was…” Celia stopped in her tracks. “What?”

  “You look fantastic.” Sam couldn’t help himself. He was in love and he wasn’t going to hide it. “Celia, I love you.”

  “I thought the venue was perfect. I made several notes and sketches.” She ignored his comments, making him angry. He didn’t care about the wrap party. He cared for her.

  “I will show you the sketches at the meeting tomorrow.”

  “I said, I love you.” Sam stood up to face her. “I love you.”

  “You can leave now.” Celia walked towards the door expecting Sam to follow her, but he sat back down. “I told you to leave.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Sam was holding his ground. He was going to stay there as long as he needed to.

  “What’s that?” She pointed toward the duffle bag.

  “My bag.” He was staying. “I’m going to stay here. Why do you think I got you such a big suite?” Celia couldn’t go anywhere without him knowing.

  “You have got to be kidding me?” Celia laughed so hard she doubled over causing Sam to laugh as equally as hard. “You are going to be staying here for two weeks? I think not.”

  Sam stopped laughing when he saw Celia no longer found it comical.

  “Yes.” Sam figured it was time to be serious. “I am staying here. Again, there is no way I’m going to let you roam this big city when you are used to Grandberry Falls.”

  Celia was tired and wasn’t in the mood to fight with him. She was exhausted from the plane ride and she needed sleep. If she didn’t sleep, she wouldn’t be fresh in the morning.

  “Fine.” She turned and waved her hand in the air. “Have it your way. I’m too tired to argue with you.”

  Sam retreated to the other bedroom. His bed at home wasn’t this comfortable.

  “Ahh.” Sam sighed. He reached for his phone.

  “Eli.” Sam told her grandfather he would call him. “She made it.”

  “Great.” Eli sounded excited. “Was she happy to see you?”

  “I like the way you think, but no. The plan didn’t go as planned.” Sam should’ve waited until the bar to see her instead of the airport. “I showed up at the airport and tried to rescue her from the paparazzi which totally backfired on me.”

  “You have to take your time with her.”

  “You wouldn’t believe how she fits in like a puzzle piece.” Sam didn’t like the fact she did fit in. It was not a good sign
. He wanted her safe in Grandberry Falls. Pure, beautiful, natural Celia.

  “You send her home in two weeks. I mean it.” Eli hung up the phone before Sam could respond to his threat. He would go to bed and start fresh in the morning. At least she didn’t kick him out.

  “It is the edge of a petal that loves wait.”

  William Carlos Williams


  “Good morning, sunshine.” Celia covered her head with her pillow when she heard Sam chirping with a cup of coffee in hand.

  She didn’t understand why he insisted on staying. She hadn’t talked to him the past couple days. In fact she had been mean to him. She goes to the florist with her sketches, he goes to the set. She has dinner with Don and he has dinner in the room.

  “I said, good morning. Well really afternoon.”

  Celia looked over at the clock. “What?” She jumped from the bed. “How could it be noon? I was supposed to meet with the bakery chef today.”

  “I don’t like how you have been working all the time and I could tell you were tired so I turned your alarm off.” Sam sat the coffee on the bedside table.

  “You what?” Celia glared at him. “I want you out of here today or the deal is off. I swear I will go back tonight if you aren’t gone when I get back.”

  Sam smiled.

  Celia couldn’t believe he did that. He was trying to annoy her, but she was standing strong. He wasn’t going to knock her out of her opportunity. She was loving it.

  She didn’t say anything else to him. Quietly she got up and pulled her hair back in a full bun. She caught Sam’s image in the mirror watching her. All of her moves became sensual and elongated. Celia gave Sam a great show that would make him regret lying to her.

  She pulled her tank top off exposing her bra. The cushion rustled in the chair as Sam sat a little taller. He was drinking her in and it made her feel sexy. She liked the desire that took over his flesh, the want in his eyes.

  Celia pulled the long sleeved blue button down on and it hung below her butt. She slipped off her pajama bottoms and replaced them with the short white shorts. She stepped into her cowboy boots and without a word left the room.

  Just like the days before, the limo was waiting to take her anywhere she wanted to go.

  Celia made it just in time. The baker, who was in charge of making the desserts, was walking in the door just as she was. Celia had showed her some designs that would sit on top of the cakes and baked goods being served. They had settled on petite roses in white, peach, and light pinks. Normally Celia wouldn’t use or even pick roses. It seemed right. They worked so well with the décor of the venue and the designs of the foods.

  The caterer agreed to the sketches and they all agreed on the food. The tables were going to be fabulous. The dream of a lifetime. Celia had a lot of work to do. She buried herself in the office to start ordering the fresh flowers that needed to be delivered the day before. Celia wouldn’t take anything other than extremely fresh.

  “Ready for lunch?” Don peeked his head into the office.

  “Don.” Celia twirled around in the seat. She found herself smiling that wide goofy grin she does when joy has crept back into her life. “What a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Nice smile.” Don waved her to come. Celia found herself following behind like a puppy dog. He had taken her to some really good places. Unfortunately most of the food was vegetarian and she was a meat eater. “I’m going to take you to The Ivy.”

  She had seen pictures of the stars sitting in the fenced-in patio and now she was going to be rubbing elbows with them.

  The paparazzi must’ve lived outside the florist because every time Celia turned around they were there.

  “The Ivy,” Celia shouted to the paparazzi and pointed to Don. She squealed, “He’s taking me to The Ivy.”

  The driver pulled up to the front of the Ivy’s famous picket fence. Celia had seen pictures before, but they never showed the cozy cottage house. She looked around and noticed the paparazzi across the street. She got excited. The tabloids only put paparazzi there when a star is going to be there. It was her lucky day.

  Mmmm, she wondered, could it be John Travolta, George Pitt?

  Don walked over to help her out. The driver drove away, exposing her to the flashing cameras.

  “Celia Briggs! Over here!” One of the paparazzi yelled from across the street.

  “Smile. They must be here for you.” Don whispered in her ear.

  Celia was uncomfortable when he put his arm around her and began to pose. She tried to move away, but he moved closer.

  “Thanks guys.” Don put his hand in the air. Don’s hand was heavy on Celia’s lower back. He pushed her along towards the steps. “Let us eat, okay?”

  “Don, so good to see you.” The maître kissed cheeks with Don.

  Everyone was looking at them. She wondered if they were staring at her or Don.

  They were seated at one of the tables outside. Celia found it odd. The white table clothed outdoor furniture, fine silver and all the chairs had red and white checked pillows. Celia carefully touched everything on the table. Even the pansy center piece was an odd touch to the tables.

  “I wonder who is coming to eat?” Celia leaned across the two person table.

  “Them?” He pointed towards the paparazzi and smiled as they clicked away. Don rubbed her hand as the photogs continued to click pictures. “They’re here for you, baby.”

  She tried to smile overtop the feeling of being used by Don. The unsettled awareness began to nag at her. She couldn’t figure out if he was playing her to get in the tabloids or really sincere.

  She only had a week and a half left. Celia was more than willing to play the Los Angeles game with Don to aggravate Sam. After her time here, she was prepared to go home back to her life of ladybugs and flowers.

  Celia was impressed with her Ivy burger on a sesame seed bun. She especially enjoyed the thin fries with the skin still on them. She swore the Ivy plate made the burger and fries taste better.

  “Are you going to eat your veggies?” Don took his fork and stabbed a piece of broccoli. The photog’s went crazy over it. Their cameras were flashing a mile a minute.

  “Obviously you want them.” Celia smiled her pearly whites. “I am sure your vegetable soup didn’t fill you up.”

  Don watched what he ate. She handed her plate over to him.

  “You say you aren’t interested in acting, but it seems to me you are trying to keep your figure and stay in the public eye.” Celia was onto his games.

  He was definitely there to be seen and be seen with her. Don looked at her with a look of distaste. A look she had not seen him make in the past few days.

  “What?” She asked waiting to be amused by his answer.

  “You are being very ungrateful.” He gritted under his teeth.

  “Excuse me?” Celia was offended by his hateful attitude.

  “You show up here from your tiny hick town and decide you’re going to offend me when I have embraced you.” His eyes glared. Don got up and signaled the driver. “I have more important things to do.”

  Celia rode in silence back to the shop.

  “Celia, thank you for a lovely lunch.” Don looked straight ahead.

  She had bruised his ego and knew it.

  Sam stood smiling at the door of the florist. “You make someone mad?” He seemed amused at her dismay.

  “He took me to eat at The Ivy.” Celia tried to seem upbeat and happy.

  She didn’t want to be defeated by Sam. She had outwitted him for weeks in Grandberry Falls and two weeks was not going be difficult.

  “The Ivy? Were the paparazzi there?” Sam rubbed his chin.

  Celia tried to steady her expression. Sam wasn’t some dumb actor. He might have a degree, but he had common sense. “Of course they were there. They are always there.”

  “No they aren’t. Only when they know someone is coming. You know, stars’ publicists tip them off.”

  “Well.” Celia wasn’t going to tell Sam about her argument with Don. The least he knew about her while she was here, the better.

  “He’s using you, Celia.” Sam was sincere. “He is trying to get his face out there and if you don’t remember, your face has a great big price tag on it.”

  Celia ignored him. She continued back to the arranging room where she was pleasantly surprised to see her vases for the party had arrived. She was careful to take out the four post table chandelier. 1,2,3,4,5,6, good Celia counted all the dangling crystals. They were all there. It was exactly what she had drawn in her sketch.

  “Perfect.” She held it up in the light.

  “I hope you are putting more than candles on that.” Corin had a glimpse of failure in her voice that ran through Celia’s blood.

  “I don’t think you need to worry about it, do you?” Celia wasn’t going to let Corin ruin her energy. “You continue to do whatever it is Sam pays you to do over there, and I will take care of why I was hired.” Celia took her sketch book out of her purse and drew the actual chandelier.

  “The only reason you were hired is because you are sleeping with Sam.” Corin’s words hurt her like cat claws.

  “I have never slept with Sam.” Celia pointed her pencil towards her. She dreamed about it over and over, but Sam was too respectful of her. “I’m a very good floral expert.”

  Corin’s laugh was enough to make wicked witch sound pleasant. “That’s why we have couture floral shops and you have a small hick town, ‘oh I do funerals,’ florist.”

  Celia wasn’t about to respond to Corin’s ignorance. She got the job, albeit might have been because of Sam.

  “What’s going on in here?” Sam picked up one of the chandeliers and twisted it around.

  “Easy.” Celia took it gently from his man grip. “That is going to be the most beautiful center piece you have ever seen.” Celia beamed.

  Corin was out of ear shot. “Sam?”

  Sam looked over at Celia. It was a shame how things have turned out, her stomach felt empty even after eating the big burger.

  “Did you get me hired because you felt bad for using me or because I’m a good designer?” Celia wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer, she needed to know.


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