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1 The Ladybug Jinx

Page 15

by Tonya Kappes

  “You did this, didn’t you?” Celia took a handful of snow and threw it up in the air, letting it fall all over her, getting caught in her hair.

  “I want you to be happy.” Sam’s eyes glowed in the presence of all the twinkling lights.

  “I know you miss home. Especially this time of the year, but you will be home in plenty of time for Christmas.”

  Celia’s heart shivered. She realized Sam wouldn’t be in Grandberry Falls to share in her joy. “I don’t know what to say.” She turned with tears in her eyes. “When I think I have you figured out, you surprise me.”

  The maid entered from the kitchen with a cartful of food.

  “Over by the television please.” Sam picked up the remote control and hit play.

  Celia stopped to watch Danny Kay and Bing Crosby open with their song and dance in their Santa costumes.

  Celia never took her eyes off the movie. It was a childhood favorite that followed her throughout her life. It was a magical night she would never forget.

  Celia’s trace broke when Sam clicked the television off.

  “Amazing, Sam.” Celia turned just as Sam yawned. “Are you tired?”

  “I am.” Sam put his arm around Celia. “I want you to be happy while you are here.”

  Celia leaned in and gingerly kissed him. She missed the softness of his lips, his smell and his tender hugs.

  “I have been waiting a long time to receive that.” Sam pulled away only to return back in her arms.

  “Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.”

  Mark Overby


  Sam had to get to the shop early. He needed to get Celia’s key and get there before Corin. He knew she had something to do with the missing sketch book. He just couldn’t put his finger on it.

  Celia must still be asleep, he assumed when he went out into the family room and her bedroom door was closed. With her kiss, he knew she was slowly letting him back into her life and he was grateful for it.

  He stopped at the paper stand on the way to the shop. Sam was happy to find their picture graced the cover as the next “it” couple, but nothing about the sketch book. He had time.

  The shop didn’t have any lights on which signaled he was the first one there. He looked in every nook and crack in there, but there was no sign of the book.

  “What are you doing here?” Sam had no idea how long Corin had been standing there.

  “I’m going to find that book.” Sam continued to pick things up and look under them.

  “I told you what I saw.” Sam didn’t like how Corin glared at him. “What is it with you lately? Ever since you came back from Hickville, you have changed. You don’t believe in me anymore.”

  “You know you’re right. I don’t believe in you anymore.” Sam had enough of her. “Thank God I went to Grandberry Falls to have humanity restored back into my soul. Go ahead and pack your personal items. I will no longer need your services for parties.”

  “Sam, you can’t do that.” Corin threatened. “I was hired by Don to take care of all your party needs. Don can be the one to fire me.”

  “Wrong.” Sam saw she was serious. “I sign his paycheck and I sign your paycheck. You are no longer on my payroll.”

  On his way back to the hotel, Sam made a phone call to Don and left a message. He called a transfer service to pick up the things Celia had been working on. He left Corin spitting nails at him. He was over her and her diva ways.

  He needed to get to Celia before she made it to the shop. The last situation he needed was Celia and Corin duking it out.

  The maid had already cleaned up from the night before. Celia’s door was still closed. Sam put his ear up to it to try and hear if anything was going on.

  He heard the shower which meant Celia was still there. He quickly ordered breakfast for her and waited at the table with a nice cup of coffee. He told the delivery service not to deliver all of her belongings from the shop until noon. It left him a few hours to get Celia out of the suite and tell her about his run in with Corin.


  “Good morning.” Celia played shy. She was still embarrassed how she acted last night. She was up all night thinking she threw herself at him like all the other girls in this town. She looked around the suite still mesmerized by the decorations. “The coffee smells great.”

  “I missed our mornings when I came back.” Sam’s words only made Celia warm and fuzzy inside. “I had no other choice but to come back and finish what I started. Is there any way we can start fresh and see where it takes us.”

  “Sam, I’m not ever going to live here. I’ll be going back to Grandberry Falls after the wrap party. If there is a party.” Celia remembered the sketch book. In the middle of the night she sketched some designs on the suite stationary and then couldn’t go back to sleep after thinking about the sketch book.

  “I know the paparazzi doesn’t have it.” When Sam said that, Celia looked over at him. He was holding up several tabloid magazines.

  “You bought all of those?” Celia took one and smiled. “Hmm. The new ‘it’ couple? I need to keep this for my grandfather. He’ll get a kick out of this.”

  “Hurry let’s get out of here. I have something to show you.”

  “Sam, I really need to get to work and start building the bases for the centerpieces.” Celia had to cut Styrofoam in order for the flowers to stay. She had tree branches that needed to be hot glued together.

  “It can wait.” Sam took her by the hand and led her straight to the elevator.

  She didn’t know where they were going, but the excitement continued to build within her. The paparazzi was still outside, where they left them last night—next to Sam’s car. The photographers keep up with them, snapping pictures at every stop light and stop sign.

  “If we are the new ‘it’ couple, let’s show them our pretty teeth.” Sam would say under his clenched smile.

  “Surprise!” Sam pulled up to the front. There was a man waiting for them so he could drive the car off.

  Celia read the sign aloud, “Farmer’s Market.”

  She had heard of the flower district, but never dreamed she’d actually be going to it.

  “I have something to tell you before we walk in.” Sam took Celia by the hands.

  She became frightened at the serious look on his face.

  “What?” She wanted him to tell her he found her sketch book or he knew where it was.

  “I’m having a flower studio put in the suite for you today. I had a service box up everything you have purchased for the party and sent it to the suite. I ordered all new floral clay, wire, scissors, everything you possibly need to make this the dream you have visualized.”

  “Why not the shop?” Celia was confused.

  She was getting use to the equipment there and the rumblings around the city weren’t bothering her like it had a week ago.

  “Corin is a hag and I don’t want her to influence you, my sweet Grandberry Falls gal.”

  “Really, what happened?” Celia knew he was kind, but he was a guy.

  “She and I got into it about the sketch book and I can’t shake the feeling she’s hiding something.” Sam showed his ID at the front of the market. “I fired her.”


  “What I’m trying to say, you might want to pick up a few things here. I also bought you a membership so you could come when you please. They have wholesale crazy hours in the middle of the night too.”

  Celia took the brochure he handed her.

  She stopped dead in her tracks. She slowly inhaled. All her senses came alive like all the colors in the room facing her. Celia had dreamed of being here years ago—touching and smelling.

  She had ordered special flowers from there since it was America’s largest wholesale market. She was up front and personal with all the flowers and colors from her sketch book. She started to jot things down on some loose paper she found in her purse.

re.” Sam pulled out a new sketch book from the inside of his coat. He truly was one of a kind, she thought.

  “Thank you.” Sam still continued to amaze Celia with his thoughtfulness and manners.

  “I thought you might want to write something down while we are in here.”

  Celia began to walk around and draw the flowers she wanted to incorporate in her designs for the party. Her mood changed. Being around the flowers and Sam made her think positive, believing nothing was going to stop her from having the most beautiful centerpieces ever seen at a wrap party.


  Sam had made the right decision. He felt it in his heart when he watched Celia run from bucket to bucket grabbing flowers here and there. Holding them up in the light, feeling the stems and smelling every single petal.

  Celia was completely different than Bianca. Sam thought about Bianca and how she enjoyed having the flowers surround her at their home. Celia was like a princess surrounded by flowers. She looked as if the market was a magical place. Sam watched her walk around and talk to customers about the origins of different flower.

  Nor did she mind some of the customers stopping her and Sam for a quick picture or an autograph.

  “What?” Celia gave Sam the shy smile with her eyes.

  “You’re beautiful.” Sam couldn’t hardly help himself. He was smitten with her.

  “You’re silly. It’s not me, I blame it all on the flowers. They make everyone lovelier.” Celia continued to gingerly touch different flowers.

  “No, Celia. You’re amazing.” Sam watched her stop the worker.

  “Excuse me. Who do I talk to about getting some roses for next week?”

  Sam watched Celia engage the young man. The boy didn’t seem to hear anything she was saying. He was mesmerized by her looks. Sam has seen it over and over since she has been in L.A.

  “Did you hear me?” Celia asked the young boy.

  “Umm…Are you a movie star?” The boy leaned in not to make a scene.

  Celia chortled. “No. I am just a girl who likes to tip toe through the daisies.” She looked over at Sam and smiled.

  “Roses?” Sam questioned. “You don’t like roses.”

  “I never said that. I said everyone orders roses.” Celia corrected Sam. While she waited for the manager, she walked around picking up different shades of roses. “I think people always hear ‘roses, roses, love, love.’ Well, I don’t think people take in the full flower. When you pick a flower you should know the meaning behind it. It may not be beautiful, but the meaning is.”

  She held up a flower. “This is the Kalanchoe.”

  Sam made a face. He had to admit it was an ugly houseplant to him.

  “See. You made an awful face when in reality the meaning makes it even more beautiful.” She turned it around and held it up again. “I always suggest this when someone needs self-esteem. It means self-esteem. I always suggest the customer write the recipient a note about the meaning and why they chose that particular flower for their arrangement. It’s fine to add other beautiful flowers, but at least put in one meaningful flower to why you sent them.”

  Sam had never heard her speak from the heart about her flowers. He was glad she came with him today.

  “I also need at least five-hundred ladybug stickers.” Celia told the manager who seemed to understand her flower lingo.

  “Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.”

  Eric Fromm


  “Where are we going?” She asked.

  Sam laughed, making her laugh. She hadn’t noticed they weren’t going back to the hotel. All she could think about was all the new ideas flooding her head. This many choices in flowers have never been at her disposal and the designs are endless.

  Her eyebrows rose. “What?”

  “I need to go to my house and stack up on some new clothes. Check everything out.” Sam had never taken Celia to his house the entire week she had been there.

  “I would like to see where you live.” Excitement built up, she wondered if it was as bare as the efficiency in Grandberry Falls.

  One thing was for sure, the windy roads leading the way, was lined with huge houses. Unlike the ones you see in Grandberry Falls. They went on for miles behind huge fences and tall trees.

  Celia followed the wrought-iron 12-foot fencing to see where it would stop, when Sam pulled in. The flashing cameras jammed up against the window caught her off guard.

  Celia jumped.

  “Sorry.” Sam reached over and took her hand making her a little more comfortable. “They get a little aggressive sometimes. Half of them are jerks and will sell their soul for the big picture.”

  The gates slowly opened and Sam pulled the car through. Celia turned around and watch the gates close, leaving the photographers behind it. Security cameras lined the long black-top driveway.

  “You left this for a room over The Fatted Pig?” Celia’s mouth dropped open at the massive colonial red brick mansion.

  “Mamie’s any day.” Sam’s car was greeted by Don.

  “Where have you been man?” Don looked over at Celia. “Hi, Celia.”

  Celia got out of the car not looking at Don. She wasn’t sure what was real in this town and what was fiction. She wanted to believe in Sam and his love for her, but she didn’t want to be one of those girls who was mesmerized by his status.

  “Celia and I went around L.A. where there was zero paparazzi, unlike you.” Sam was good at calling a spade a spade. He never held back on telling her anything in Grandberry Falls, he just didn’t tell her who he really was. Then again, she never asked him either.

  “You know what, when people come to Los Angeles they want to be treated like a movie star.”

  “Celia isn’t like that and if you listened to me, you would’ve known better.” Don didn’t respond to Sam. Sam took Celia by the hand and led her up the marble steps to his home.

  Celia stood in Sam’s great room. She’d never seen a wall of glass. Much less one with a spectacular view of Los Angeles. “I bet it’s beautiful at night.”

  Sam stood behind her. She took in the moment. It was so silent, she could hear him breathe and feel the heat radiate from his body. She pinched her fingers together to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  “You are beautiful.” Sam wrapped his arms around her. She didn’t want this moment to end. It felt good having him this close to her. She shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Sam held her closer.

  “No,” she whispered closing her eyes. She couldn’t tell him her body was reacting to the tingling sensation sent through her body starting from her toes.

  The 7,000 foot square mansion was something she only saw in magazines or tabloids. Real chandeliers sparkled, marble bathrooms, large bedrooms and a kitchen to die for.

  “Follow me.” Sam led Celia out the back door where the most beautiful garden awaited beyond the marble patio.

  “Oh, Sam. It’s wonderful.” Celia began pointing to different greenery and flowers. The water fountain gurgled in the back ground. She followed it around where it dumped into a nice size pool.

  “I know a little something about flowers.” He smiled.

  Celia ran her fingers along the tops of some of the flowers as they walked along the brick sidewalk.

  “Is that why you took my delivery job?” She was ready to find out about his time and motivation in her home.

  He didn’t look at her and she felt his hand tense around hers. She’d hit a sore spot in his soul, but she had to know his intent on coming to Grandberry Falls and stealing her heart she’s guarded all these years.

  Celia followed Sam around the hedges to an open patio in the center of the garden. The white café table was set for two. The chair scooted along the brick when Sam pulled the chair out for Celia.

  “Bianca told me to take the job.” Sam signaled for the waiter.

  She heard how some actors did drugs and she thought Sam was clean.

��Are you okay?” She questioned his odd comment about Bianca.

  He threw his head back and laughed into the air.

  “I mean, I was running from this life and since Bianca loved flowers, the ad spoke to me.” He reached across the table and laid his hands on Celia’s. “It was like Bianca put it in front of me. Being around flowers gave me comfort from good memories.”

  Sam’s personal chef put the brushcetta and their salads on the table. Celia picked up the buttery bread that looked too delicious to eat.

  “Did you plan this?” Celia waved her hands over the table.

  “Yes. I had to come back here to do some work and I told them to have lunch ready.”

  The knife screeched across the china when Sam slides the knife along the lettuce. “I don’t mind talking about Bianca with you. I’ve accepted she’s gone and I truly believe she brought us together.”

  All of this glamour and pampering was making Celia’s head cloudy. She was having a hard time being mad at Sam for misleading her and her community. Just because he’s charming doesn’t make up for the havoc he caused her heart.


  “I had taken care of Bianca when she became ill.” Sam looked out over his property. “We stayed here and never left. Her room was right up there.” He pointed to the bedroom with the only floor to ceiling windows and a view of the entire property. When she died,” his voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “When she died, I was stricken with grief and couldn’t work here. I took a role and threw myself into it.”

  He didn’t like seeing Celia’s mouth turn down and her eyes sadden.

  “When the role wrapped, I came back here and tried to work. One night I lost it, jumped in my car and didn’t turn back.”

  Sam reached over to wipe the tear off Celia’s cheek.

  “I pulled into a sleeping little town. The only light on in the city besides the street lamps was The Fatted Pig Restaurant. I walked in, took a seat and Mamie gave me the paper.”

  Celia laughed. “The ad.”

  “I asked Mamie about you and you would’ve thought I was asking about the President of the United States.” Sam was glad now Mamie took so much interest in who was inquiring about Celia.


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