Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 10

by Honor James

  Her fingers moved over her belly just at her belly button, time and time again. “Yes, Laszlo?” she asked with a smile and allowed her fingers to move over her belly and then down to the cleft of her pussy and dipping inside. “Do you see something that you like, my King?” The first time she called him that, and she was nervous with mentioning it.

  Growling at her play, he moved into the room and got rid of his jeans as he approached the bed. “Oh, darling, I see a hell of a lot I like,” he told her as he knelt on the bed and moved slowly toward her. Leaning over her, he watched her fingers moving and slowly looked up her body until his gaze met hers. “A hell of a lot,” he repeated in a deep and rough tone leaning down to kiss her.

  She let her free hand wind into his hair and kissed him back, pulling him closer as she did so. When he pulled back from her there was a moment of time before she told him, “I want this every night Laszlo, I want to be able to come home and forget every single thing that happened in the day and only have you, only think of you.”

  “You know I’m not going to argue, Desmonda,” he told her with a smile. “I’ll be here when you get home on those nights you have to work. And I’ll be here in the morning when you wake to make sure you start your day just right.” Kissing her again slowly Laz eased down to lay at her side, his hand moving to stroke over her skin.

  “It is good to be boss is what you are telling me?” she asked and covered his hand with hers. “If I am too rough, you will stop me?” she asked as she felt her body tense and shake just from him being close to her. Her memories were still on how she had hurt him in the shower, so she wanted to make sure he knew to stop her from hurting him.

  “It’s very good to be the boss,” he said with a smile biting her lip gently. “You can’t be too rough, Desmonda, I’m not human, love. You seem to forget that in my world roughness and biting is more than acceptable, it’s a turn on for a Wolf. Do your worst, you can always kiss it all better later,” he murmured with a smile at the thought.

  She grinned and turned so that she was lying facing him. Leaning in she did just as his words hinted, she nibbled and then bit his chest. Her hands stroking him roughly, her legs moving up and down his, even as his hands moved over her body, she said, “I need you to be just as rough and wild with me, Laszlo. I will tell you if it’s too much, but don’t hold back. No regrets. No what-ifs. Please?”

  “If that’s what you want,” he murmured, slipping his hand down and between her legs. Sliding two fingers deep into her pussy, he began to slowly stroke her, his thumb finding her clitoris and rubbing at it roughly. With his other hand he pulled her closer to him, bending his head to nibble at her neck.

  She whimpered as his mouth moved over her neck and his hand moved in her body. She placed one hand over his that was moving in and out of her rapidly while the other hand buried in his hair. “It’s what I want,” she whispered and turned her head to the side, allowing him full access to her neck and the love bite that marked her as being his.

  Smiling at her tone, the need and almost desperation evidently clear for him to hear as he bit her again, lightly, over the same spot he had before. “I love you, Des, and anything you want, if I can give it, it’s yours,” he promised, licking over her mark and visibly enjoying the small quakes that moved through her body.

  “I just want you, Laszlo, I just need you to be with me always and understand that I am sometimes not the best of people.” Her eyes were glazed and words simply came without her even meaning them to. “I need you, Laszlo, God please I need you.” She was arching up and off the bed, hungry for him, desperate for him.

  Rolling over her, he slid into her pussy as she arched up, sliding in easily and deeply. Lifting her hips, he began to move, not giving either of them any time to think. He needed her desperately, his self-control having slipped with every word from between her lips. “I need you, Des,” he bit out, scraping his teeth roughly over the mark.

  She let her hands stroke over his back, she squeezed his back and moved her hands down to capture his ass in her hands. Nails biting into the flesh there roughly she tugged him harder, deeper into her body. “I always need you, Laz.” She growled a sound of possession and need.

  Growling at her in return, he bit her neck gently, his tongue licking over each slowly to ease the pain. Moving his mouth down he caught a nipple and began to suckle at her soft flesh. Tugging it deeper into his mouth, he flicked his tongue back and forth over her as his hips moved in a hard and fast rhythm.

  She was moving with the same urgency, the same need. Her body meeting his thrust for thrust, hands roughly petting him, nails scraping along his skin, she said, “Harder.” She was demanding, forceful, and desperate.

  Lifting her hips up, he drove into her over and over, his flesh smacking into hers with a near brutality. The whole bed was shaking under the force of his movements as he worked them into a frenzy, getting ever closer to that fateful and desirable edge of insanity.

  Her nails cut into his back deeply as her head moved back and she screamed with her release, demanding with her clenching muscles on him that he join her. “Laszlo!” She screamed a second time. Blindly she let her fingers dig into his shoulders and back, the pads of her fingers bruising with her demands.

  Grunting as he continued to thrust into her even as he could clearly feel his own orgasm coming, Laszlo slammed into her and came in a blinding flash. His fingers dug into her ass as he held her up and to him as he shook with the ferocity of his orgasm before collapsing over her with a shudder.

  She was panting and felt the darkness commanding her to succumb and so with a breath she breathed out, “Wow.” Her hands dropped from his back and legs moved from their place at his ass and she whimpered. “Think you killed me this time, so good.” Eyes closed, she felt herself drifting closer to sleep.

  Rolling to his back, he pulled the blankets up and over them all in one motion. Settling his hand on her hair lightly he stroked the soft and silky strands back. “Better not have killed you, it’s damned hard to hide a body in this day and age,” he teased, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

  She snorted and the smile played at her lips. “I have a feeling you could if you really, really had to.” One hand reached out and started to stroke his forearm lightly, her hand shaky as she did so. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” she asked softly.

  Shaking his head, he smiled. “No, love, you didn’t hurt me, promise,” he said softly. Hugging her gently, he rubbed his chin over her hair and breathed her in deeply. “Just little love scratches is all,” he told her honestly. Hell, he’d barely even noticed what she’d been doing to his back, he’d been too focused on her taste and the way her body tugged at his.

  “Good, I worry that I’m going to hurt you.” She had been hurt before and refused to ever hurt someone else in a relationship. “I do love you very much, Laszlo, but I need a nap, I will be waiting for you in our dreams.” She whispered softly as her eyes fluttered closed and she breathed in and out, waiting on him to be with her.

  Stroking her hair gently, he hugged her close and just breathed her in as he let his body relax and his heart rate slowed enough for sleep. Kissing her cheek lightly as he shifted so he could curl into her without losing the connection, he let his eyes drift shut and let sleep pull him under.

  Chapter 5

  She was sitting on a bench swing under a tree when he came into her dream. “Hello.” Her hand stretched out as she reached for him. She needed to see him, wanted to see him and touch him. “I think that this is amazing, Laszlo, being able to share every moment that I can with you.”

  Walking to her he took her hand and looked around the dream. “Is this one of your memories?” he asked her softly as he lifted her hand and, kissing her skin, breathed in her scent. Easing down on the seat at her side, he wrapped his arm around her body as she snuggled into his heat.

  “It is. I was ten, and this is the property that my father had just bought. It’s called Fritzies Retreat. I love it here
.” She leaned into him, adjusting herself so that she could place her legs over his. “I still have this place but I haven’t been there in nearly twenty years.” And that was something she hated to admit. “It is taken care of by an older couple who are paid out of the foundation’s monies.” Her fingers stroked over his hand. “I would like to come here with you sometime, Laszlo.”

  “Foundation’s monies?” he asked her softly not having heard her mention any foundation before. “I’ll go anywhere you want us to go, love, you should know that. As long as you’re there it’ll be perfect.” Pushing them back and forth on the swing slowly, he stroked her hair gently.

  She smiled and sighed. “The foundation was something that I set up with the monies that my parents left to me.” Her hand lightly rubbed against his thigh as she spoke. “Children’s Charities, I fund several research divisions in stem cell research and have a Children’s Hospital where any child can receive treatment, no matter the cost.” She looked up. “I never wanted their money, so when I pushed the ex off to the curb, I found how I could help and so here came the foundation.”

  Pressing a kiss to her neck he nodded. “You do good things with the money,” he told her softly. Smiling against her skin, he kept silent about what he did, as if he sensed it wasn’t a time for one-upmanship. “I’m glad you give it to the kids, I have to say,” he said with a smile. “They are the innocents, the ones that can’t defend themselves and yet they seem to be the ones that take the brunt of all the pain and hurt.”

  “Exactly.” Someone actually understood. She was so pleased that her grin was there. “And of course I would give to the children, I love kids and I figured if I couldn’t have my own children, that I could take on everyone else’s child as my own, if only for assisting in making sure they were given the medical care they needed.”

  “Well just don’t forget them when we have our own kids, love.” Like that was ever going to happen. She could sense already that he wouldn’t let it happen and he seemed to know already that she wouldn’t ever let it happen.

  “I would never forget them.” She looked at him for several long minutes before saying, “I want a large family, Laszlo, I want a lot of children with you over time and the only way that we can have all those children will be if we have hundreds of years, not just a couple that I have left of child bearing age.”

  “Oh I’m sure you’ve still got a few good years on you,” he teased with a grin. “But if you want, I’ll change you, when you’re ready, that is. We’ve got time, love, it doesn’t have to be right this moment, after all.” He didn’t add that once he did change her and she went into heat that first time she’d likely get pregnant during their coupling.

  “I know that we have time and I know that it is silly of me because I want to be changed now.” She bit her lip and smiled. “I just don’t want to have the change forced on me by someone or anyone that isn’t you.” She thought of Harker and how she had been forced into the change by a Rogue who was actually a firebug and looking to kill her. “I want to be able to be changed by my mate. By someone who will be there to take care of me in the change and not have to endure it alone.”

  Laszlo clearly understood where she was going with it. Harker’s change had nearly killed Miklos. He hadn’t been there for her in the beginning, she’d been alone through the pain that was said to rip through the body like a white hot flame and that was a mild description. “When you’re ready, we’ll do it together,” he said, softly stroking her hair. “I want to be there with you, I need to be there with you,” he murmured. “I’m still amazed that Mik actually stayed sane after what Harker had gone through. True, he killed the Rogue and got his revenge, but it was cold comfort when Mik’s mate had been over halfway through a change not of her choosing or timing.”

  “I’m ready anytime. All I need to do is take some time off.” She closed her eyes, happy that he understood why she wanted it to be the way she was asking, needed it to be like that. “Thank you, Laszlo, for understanding.” She would take an extended leave of absence from work, she had more than enough time banked and she wanted to be able to have this with Laszlo, needed to have it with him.

  “Well, when we wake up we’ll do a bit of scheduling,” he told her with a smile. “I’ll need to do some juggling if we do it sooner rather than later, but I should be able to get a week.” Kissing her cheek lightly, he nibbled along her skin to her ear slowly. “I love you, Des, we’ll do whatever is necessary to make this as easy as we can for you.”

  “After what Harker told me I don’t expect it to be easy,” she said with a smile and then reached up and kissed him. “I love you, too, Laszlo. I can take a few weeks.” Hell, her boss had been after her to take a lot more than a couple of weeks off, they wanted her to take a couple of months off, silly crazy men.

  “Having your mate with you through the transition makes it a little easier. It won’t be a cakewalk, that’s the god-honest truth,” he said softly. “But if I’m there with you I can help you get through it and you won’t have to suffer like Harker did.”

  “Even if I had to I would still want to do it, Laszlo. I want to have the forever that only you can offer me and I want it on our terms and not some lunatic’s terms, someone who feels that I am not who I should be, or what you need.” The one who had changed Harker had went on and on about her not being good enough for a Prince of their world.

  “You’re perfect, Desmonda,” he reassured her again, moving his free hand to rest on her legs that lay over his. “You are mine and therefore absolutely magnificently perfect,” he told her with a warm smile. “You will make a marvelous Wolf, graceful and beautiful.” Of that he was clearly very sure about.

  “Thank you, Laszlo, I hope that you are right.” She had never seen Harker in her form. Miklos was very, very protective of Harker and she had even left the job she loved while she got better accustomed to being a wolf. “And yes, I am yours, Laz, and you are mine, darling.”

  “I am always right,” Laz said with a snort and a chuckle at her look that, had she not liked him, would have cut through him. “I think you should just relax, love, you’ve had a rough day of mind-blowing sex.”

  “A wonderful day of mind-blowing sex.” She grinned and looked up. “So I really think that you need to let me rest, be here with me for a very, very long while and then maybe, just maybe we will wake to do it some more.” She bit her lip and sighed. “Later when we wake up I will call in and take that LOA and you can arrange your schedule to be with me, deal?”

  “Good plan,” he told her as he shifted slightly on the bench swing. “We’ll get our time together, I promise,” he said with a smile. “We can get to know one another on our own schedule and we can just enjoy being together for a time.” He was clearly looking forward to it, something that was evidently a new sensation for him. She knew he had duty, he had obligations, but this was something that would be just for him, and something that would be enjoyable.

  “It will be the first vacation that I have had in two decades, believe it or not.” She smiled at him and stroked his thigh. “It will be good to have you all to myself with nothing else to worry about, don’t you think?”

  “I like the idea of us having some time, especially since it will be clothing optional for the whole time,” he told her with a perfectly straight face. Hell, if he could, he’d probably want to keep her naked the whole damned time. He clearly loved her skin, it was soft, smooth and with a wonderful hint of color to it that seemed to make him just want to stroke her for hours.

  “I agree, I think that for us and that time we have together clothing should be completely and totally no go.”

  “Done,” he told her. “No clothing unless we have to go out into public,” he clarified, just in case she thought he was going to be doing the naked thing if they went out dining. He obviously wasn’t quite that willing to stay naked the whole time they had together, cause that would look great on the front page of the Times.

  “Well yeah, of cours
e public nudity is out of the question but in our home, on our lands you can bet your sweet beautiful ass that I want to be naked as the day I was born.” Her hand stroked over him and she smiled. “For now I really, really would like to maybe see you naked here in our dreams, too?”

  Snorting at her, he shook his head. “After that first time, I don’t bloody well think so, woman. Telling me that I was over-endorsing myself in the dreams. My ego is healthy, but getting nailed like that over and over again is just not good for a man.”

  “How was I supposed to know?” She snickered and shook her head. “I had no idea that you really and truly were as glorious in reality as you were in the dream as you shared yourself with me.” Her hand stroked his arm even as her head lay now against his shoulder.

  “You should have a little more faith, love, especially in your mate. I don’t lie, honey. I may gloss over the truth, I may avoid the truth, but I never have and I never ever will lie. And for you, I’ll even try to stifle my instincts to protect you from the truth and just say it like it is,” he told her, which for him was obviously a huge deal.

  “Thank you for that, Laszlo, and you have to keep in mind when I met you in my dreams I didn’t know anything about you. All I had was what had happened to me so there wasn’t a lot of good there if you know what I mean?” She breathed him in and out before saying, “Are you certain that you can afford to take time off to be with me, Laszlo, for the change?”

  “Of course I can, love. I’m the controlling party of the company. If I take time off they’ll all see it as a holiday for themselves since I won’t be there riding their asses. Besides, if I have to I can take care of anything I need to from here if it comes down to it. It’s a well-run company, Des, I doubt there will be any issues. I will have to go to a couple of meetings in the next couple of days, it’s too late to push them back and since there are people flying in for them I can’t tell them to postpone at this late of a date.”


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